[ITA] SQL Saturday 257 - Put databases under source controlAlessandro Alpiݺߣs for SQL Saturday 257 in Verona. How to put SQL Server databases under source control using Microsoft Visual Studio and/or Third party tools
PASS Virtual Chapter - SQL Server Continuous DeploymentAlessandro AlpiDopo aver visto come effettuare la continuous integration terminiamo il ciclo di vita del nostro database effettuandone il deploy, includendo concetti come DevOps e automazione dei processi
PASS Virtual Chapter - SQL Server Continuous IntegrationAlessandro AlpiBuild automatizzate, esecuzione di unit test, creazione di un pacchetto nuget, ecco cosa serve per essere pronti con SQL Server e la continuous integration
[ITA] SQL Saturday 264 - Put databases in ALM backgroundsAlessandro Alpiݺߣs for SQL Saturday 264 in Ancona. How to put SQL Server databases in ALM backgrounds using Microsoft SSMS IDE and Third party tools
Cwit interviewakhtarsaadThe document discusses how technology can be used to engage with and interpret history. It mentions Archana Saad Akhtar as the Programme Officer for Design and Outreach at the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in New Delhi. The Trust uses technology in exhibitions, signage, and publications to inform people about history.
#DOAW16 - DevOps@work Roma 2016 - Databases under source controlAlessandro AlpiThis document discusses putting databases under source control as part of a DevOps workflow. It begins with defining DevOps and its goals of collaboration, automation, and rapid software delivery. It then discusses using a source control manager and continuous integration practices for databases. This allows development teams to work on database code in separate environments, track changes, automate testing and deployment, and maintain different versions of the database. The document recommends tools like SQL Source Control and Visual Studio Team Services and argues that source control can help development and operations teams work together more efficiently on database changes and releases.
Directing teaching resume 2015Rosalyn Coleman WilliamsRosalyn Coleman Williams is an accomplished actor, director, and educator. She has over 30 years of experience teaching acting at prestigious institutions and coaching on film and television sets. As a director, her films have won several awards at film festivals. As an actor, she has performed on Broadway and in films with stars like Halle Berry and Tom Cruise. She runs her own production company, Red Wall Productions, with her husband and continues to teach the next generation of artists through her online programs and workshops.
Lista 5Gerson CoppesO documento apresenta um trecho da Carta da Terra, que defende a sustentabilidade ambiental e o respeito aos direitos humanos. Em seguida, discute o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e importantes conferências sobre o meio ambiente realizadas ao longo dos anos.
PASS Virtual Chapter - Unit Testing su SQL ServerAlessandro AlpiCon quanto segue andremo ad approfondire il concetto di unit test e, nella fattispecie, del testing tramite il framework free tSQLt, utilizzando t-sql e SQL Server Management Studio.
[ITA] Sql Saturday 355 in Parma - New SQL Server databases under source controlAlessandro AlpiWe are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team. We will compare also third party tools in order to understand the differences between different vendors.
Lista 2 - geografiaGerson CoppesI. O documento discute as formas de relevo da Terra resultantes das forças endógenas e exógenas e a classificação do relevo brasileiro proposta por Aziz Ab'Sáber. II. A alternativa correta é a III e IV, que afirma que a classificação foi proposta por Aroldo de Azevedo com base nos estudos de Aziz Ab'Sáber e do Projeto Radambrasil.
Educational managment task_2alexandersaa2013Fredy Alexander Saavedra discusses five trends in higher education that are important for developing quality in the 21st century university. These trends include: autonomy, democracy, quality, comprehensive education, and the emergence of the virtual university. Autonomy allows universities to improve educational processes. Democracy means providing quality education for all students and teachers. Quality education forms citizens who can participate in decision making. Comprehensive education stimulates students' emotional, social, and ethical skills. The virtual university is a challenge that requires redefining the current concept of college education.
2 67-1379416025-9. automation nad virtual.fullKier FranciscoThis document describes the automation and virtual simulation of a laboratory-based mini thermal power plant. The researchers automated the plant by replacing manually operated valves with motorized valves and adding sensors to measure parameters like liquid level, pressure, and temperature. A virtual simulation model of the entire automated system was created using LabVIEW to allow remote monitoring and control. The automation and virtual simulation improve the efficiency and operation of the mini power plant and provide an educational tool for students to learn about power plant systems.
[ENG] Sql Saturday 355 in Parma - New "SQL Server databases under source cont...Alessandro AlpiWe are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team. We will compare also third party tools in order to understand the differences between different vendors.
Oraciones simples con solucionario (ppt)CastilloAguileraEl documento contiene una serie de siglas y abreviaturas sin contexto que no proporcionan información comprensible. No es posible resumir el contenido de este documento de manera significativa en 3 oraciones o menos.
Acting In The Digital Age Workshop @UMFFRosalyn Coleman WilliamsThis is the work shop that I gave today at the Urban Media Makers Film Festival. The audition w watched is on my youtube channel. Rosalyncwilliams@gmail.com
Quick intro sul Source Control su SQL ServerAlessandro AlpiQuick slide deck in cui si parla di source control e di relazioni con il database, sfruttando il tool di RedGate.
#DOAW16 - DevOps@work Roma 2016 - Testing your databasesAlessandro AlpiIn these slides we will speak about how to unit test our programmability in SQL Server and how to move from a manual process to an automated one in order to achieve the goals of DevOps
DotNetCampus - Continuous Integration con Sql ServerAlessandro AlpiContinuous Integration con SQL Server. Come automatizzare i processi di build e di test su database SQL Server. Come includere SQL Server nei processi di Application Lifecycle Management (Database Lifecycle Management).
[Ita] Sql Saturday 462 Parma - Sql Server 2016 JSON supportAlessandro AlpiSQL Server 2016 porterà tantissime novità, tra cui, per quanto riguarda la programmabilità, il supporto al formato JSON. vedremo com'è possibile serializzare i risultati delle nostre query tramite la clausola FOR JSON, inclusa negli ultimi rilasci della piattaforma.
ݺߣ sharingalexandersaa2013ݺߣshare is a website that allows users to upload and share business and educational documents, presentations, and media. It provides teachers with an easy and engaging way to explain, develop, and evaluate academic activities by using features like uploading lecture backdrops, book reports, and sharing learning materials. As an educational tool that utilizes new technologies, ݺߣshare is important for improving the quality and reach of education.
DevOpsHeroes 2016 - Realizzare Continouous Integration con SQL Server e Visua...Alessandro AlpiIn questa serie di slide vedremo come creare i build step su Visual Studio Team Services sfruttando gli add-on forniti da Red Gate, come DLM Automation 2: Build.
Directing teaching resume 2015Rosalyn Coleman WilliamsRosalyn Coleman Williams is an accomplished actor, director, and educator. She has over 30 years of experience teaching acting at prestigious institutions and coaching on film and television sets. As a director, her films have won several awards at film festivals. As an actor, she has performed on Broadway and in films with stars like Halle Berry and Tom Cruise. She runs her own production company, Red Wall Productions, with her husband and continues to teach the next generation of artists through her online programs and workshops.
Lista 5Gerson CoppesO documento apresenta um trecho da Carta da Terra, que defende a sustentabilidade ambiental e o respeito aos direitos humanos. Em seguida, discute o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e importantes conferências sobre o meio ambiente realizadas ao longo dos anos.
PASS Virtual Chapter - Unit Testing su SQL ServerAlessandro AlpiCon quanto segue andremo ad approfondire il concetto di unit test e, nella fattispecie, del testing tramite il framework free tSQLt, utilizzando t-sql e SQL Server Management Studio.
[ITA] Sql Saturday 355 in Parma - New SQL Server databases under source controlAlessandro AlpiWe are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team. We will compare also third party tools in order to understand the differences between different vendors.
Lista 2 - geografiaGerson CoppesI. O documento discute as formas de relevo da Terra resultantes das forças endógenas e exógenas e a classificação do relevo brasileiro proposta por Aziz Ab'Sáber. II. A alternativa correta é a III e IV, que afirma que a classificação foi proposta por Aroldo de Azevedo com base nos estudos de Aziz Ab'Sáber e do Projeto Radambrasil.
Educational managment task_2alexandersaa2013Fredy Alexander Saavedra discusses five trends in higher education that are important for developing quality in the 21st century university. These trends include: autonomy, democracy, quality, comprehensive education, and the emergence of the virtual university. Autonomy allows universities to improve educational processes. Democracy means providing quality education for all students and teachers. Quality education forms citizens who can participate in decision making. Comprehensive education stimulates students' emotional, social, and ethical skills. The virtual university is a challenge that requires redefining the current concept of college education.
2 67-1379416025-9. automation nad virtual.fullKier FranciscoThis document describes the automation and virtual simulation of a laboratory-based mini thermal power plant. The researchers automated the plant by replacing manually operated valves with motorized valves and adding sensors to measure parameters like liquid level, pressure, and temperature. A virtual simulation model of the entire automated system was created using LabVIEW to allow remote monitoring and control. The automation and virtual simulation improve the efficiency and operation of the mini power plant and provide an educational tool for students to learn about power plant systems.
[ENG] Sql Saturday 355 in Parma - New "SQL Server databases under source cont...Alessandro AlpiWe are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team. We will compare also third party tools in order to understand the differences between different vendors.
Oraciones simples con solucionario (ppt)CastilloAguileraEl documento contiene una serie de siglas y abreviaturas sin contexto que no proporcionan información comprensible. No es posible resumir el contenido de este documento de manera significativa en 3 oraciones o menos.
Acting In The Digital Age Workshop @UMFFRosalyn Coleman WilliamsThis is the work shop that I gave today at the Urban Media Makers Film Festival. The audition w watched is on my youtube channel. Rosalyncwilliams@gmail.com
Quick intro sul Source Control su SQL ServerAlessandro AlpiQuick slide deck in cui si parla di source control e di relazioni con il database, sfruttando il tool di RedGate.
#DOAW16 - DevOps@work Roma 2016 - Testing your databasesAlessandro AlpiIn these slides we will speak about how to unit test our programmability in SQL Server and how to move from a manual process to an automated one in order to achieve the goals of DevOps
DotNetCampus - Continuous Integration con Sql ServerAlessandro AlpiContinuous Integration con SQL Server. Come automatizzare i processi di build e di test su database SQL Server. Come includere SQL Server nei processi di Application Lifecycle Management (Database Lifecycle Management).
[Ita] Sql Saturday 462 Parma - Sql Server 2016 JSON supportAlessandro AlpiSQL Server 2016 porterà tantissime novità, tra cui, per quanto riguarda la programmabilità, il supporto al formato JSON. vedremo com'è possibile serializzare i risultati delle nostre query tramite la clausola FOR JSON, inclusa negli ultimi rilasci della piattaforma.
ݺߣ sharingalexandersaa2013ݺߣshare is a website that allows users to upload and share business and educational documents, presentations, and media. It provides teachers with an easy and engaging way to explain, develop, and evaluate academic activities by using features like uploading lecture backdrops, book reports, and sharing learning materials. As an educational tool that utilizes new technologies, ݺߣshare is important for improving the quality and reach of education.
DevOpsHeroes 2016 - Realizzare Continouous Integration con SQL Server e Visua...Alessandro AlpiIn questa serie di slide vedremo come creare i build step su Visual Studio Team Services sfruttando gli add-on forniti da Red Gate, come DLM Automation 2: Build.
3. Šiandien beveik kiekvienas turi mobilųjį telefoną, tačiau labai mažai žino apie jo
pavojų sveikatai.
Mobilieji telefonai yra labai pavojingi sveikatai ir ypač vaikų, nes visi
mobilieji telefonai spinduliuoja elektromagnetinę radiaciją, kuri yra
kenksminga organizmui ir ypač smegenims.
4. Kai kurie gydytojai mano, kad mobiliųjų telefonų naudojimas yra
pavojingesnis nei rūkymas.
5. Telefonų žalos įrodymai.
• Švedų mokslininkų tyrimu nustatyta, kad mobiliųjų
telefonų naudojimas 40-270% padidina tikimybę
gauti smegenų vėžį, naudotojai gali susirgti vėžiu po
15, 20 ar net 30 metų.
• Britų medicinos žurnale Lancet skelbiama, kad
mobiliųjų telefonų spinduliuojamos mikrobangos
sukelia šiluminį efektą ir laikant prie ausies jos gali
pakelti smegenų temperatūrą daugiau nei 1 laipsniu.
6. Ar reikia telefono vaikams?
• Vaikų kaukolė yra plonesnė ir
smegenys vystosi labai
intensyviai, todėl mobiliųjų
telefonų skleidžiamos
elektromagnetinės bangos
lengviau prasiskverbia pro
plonesnius kaukolės kaulus ir taip
neigiamai veikia smegenų
• spalvoti žaidimai mažame
telefono ekrane ir nuolatinis
žinučių rašymas gadina vaikams akis.
7. Kaip sumažinti telefonų keliamą žalą?
• Norint išvengti galimų pavojų, reikia stengtis
mobiliaisiais telefonais naudotis kuo rečiau.
• Geriau, kad telefonas kuo mažiau liestųsi prie
kūno, todėl rekomenduojama ne tik vairuojant,
naudoti laisvų rankų įrangą (ausines su
• Nenešioti mobiliojo telefono kišenėje.
• Jei kalbate, telefono nepriglauskite prie
ausies. Kalbėdami telefonu, klausykitės tai
viena ausimi, tai kita.
• Apskritai sveikiau yra rašyti žinutes, o ne
kalbėti balsu.
• Nenaudojamą telefoną rekomenduojama
• Kai ryšis prastas, telefonu geriau nesinaudoti.