Viktorina "A邸 pa転眺stu Lietuv" skirta ikimokyklinio ir prie邸mokyklinio am転iaus vaikams. Rekomenduojama naudoti, kaip mokomj med転iag ugdymo procese arba kaip priemon 邸veni迭, rytmei迭 metu.
Klaipdos Simono Dacho progimnazija
Angl迭 kalbos pamokos 4-8 klasms
Tolerancijos pamoka. Pareng angl迭 kalbos mokytoja metodinink Vilma Bergelien, pradini迭 klasi迭 mokytoja metodinink Rasa Ulyt, socialin pedagog ar笛n Ruikien
2012 m.
PASS Virtual Chapter - SQL Server Continuous DeploymentAlessandro Alpi
Dopo aver visto come effettuare la continuous integration terminiamo il ciclo di vita del nostro database effettuandone il deploy, includendo concetti come DevOps e automazione dei processi
[ENG] Sql Saturday 355 in Parma - New "SQL Server databases under source cont...Alessandro Alpi
We are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team. We will compare also third party tools in order to understand the differences between different vendors.
PASS Virtual Chapter - Unit Testing su SQL ServerAlessandro Alpi
Con quanto segue andremo ad approfondire il concetto di unit test e, nella fattispecie, del testing tramite il framework free tSQLt, utilizzando t-sql e SQL Server Management Studio.
[ITA] Sql Saturday 355 in Parma - New SQL Server databases under source controlAlessandro Alpi
We are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team. We will compare also third party tools in order to understand the differences between different vendors.
#DOAW16 - DevOps@work Roma 2016 - Testing your databasesAlessandro Alpi
In these slides we will speak about how to unit test our programmability in SQL Server and how to move from a manual process to an automated one in order to achieve the goals of DevOps
El documento contiene una serie de siglas y abreviaturas sin contexto que no proporcionan informaci坦n comprensible. No es posible resumir el contenido de este documento de manera significativa en 3 oraciones o menos.
Fredy Alexander Saavedra discusses five trends in higher education that are important for developing quality in the 21st century university. These trends include: autonomy, democracy, quality, comprehensive education, and the emergence of the virtual university. Autonomy allows universities to improve educational processes. Democracy means providing quality education for all students and teachers. Quality education forms citizens who can participate in decision making. Comprehensive education stimulates students' emotional, social, and ethical skills. The virtual university is a challenge that requires redefining the current concept of college education.
2 67-1379416025-9. automation nad virtual.fullKier Francisco
This document describes the automation and virtual simulation of a laboratory-based mini thermal power plant. The researchers automated the plant by replacing manually operated valves with motorized valves and adding sensors to measure parameters like liquid level, pressure, and temperature. A virtual simulation model of the entire automated system was created using LabVIEW to allow remote monitoring and control. The automation and virtual simulation improve the efficiency and operation of the mini power plant and provide an educational tool for students to learn about power plant systems.
#DOAW16 - DevOps@work Roma 2016 - Databases under source controlAlessandro Alpi
This document discusses putting databases under source control as part of a DevOps workflow. It begins with defining DevOps and its goals of collaboration, automation, and rapid software delivery. It then discusses using a source control manager and continuous integration practices for databases. This allows development teams to work on database code in separate environments, track changes, automate testing and deployment, and maintain different versions of the database. The document recommends tools like SQL Source Control and Visual Studio Team Services and argues that source control can help development and operations teams work together more efficiently on database changes and releases.
O documento apresenta um trecho da Carta da Terra, que defende a sustentabilidade ambiental e o respeito aos direitos humanos. Em seguida, discute o conceito de desenvolvimento sustent叩vel e importantes confer棚ncias sobre o meio ambiente realizadas ao longo dos anos.
DotNetCampus - Continuous Integration con Sql ServerAlessandro Alpi
Continuous Integration con SQL Server. Come automatizzare i processi di build e di test su database SQL Server. Come includere SQL Server nei processi di Application Lifecycle Management (Database Lifecycle Management).
This is the work shop that I gave today at the Urban Media Makers Film Festival. The audition w watched is on my youtube channel.
22. Pasitikrink
Pasir笛pinsiu visais dideliais a邸 ir ma転ais.
Kam suskaus pilvelis, 邸onas ar galvel,
Ap転i笛rsiu a邸 visus, lig nustatysiu.
Duosiu vaist迭 ir la邸迭, lovon paguldysiu.
Gal 転inai kas a邸 esu?
23. Pasir笛pinsiu visais dideliais a邸 ir ma転ais.
Kam suskaus pilvelis, 邸onas ar galvel,
Ap転i笛rsiu a邸 visus, lig nustatysiu.
Duosiu vaist迭 ir la邸迭, lovon paguldysiu.
Gal 転inai kas a邸 esu?
34. Pasitikrink
A邸 mokau pasak pasekt,
Pa転int skaiius, pa転int gles..
Dalintis 邸iluma 邸irdies
kaip spindulliais saul.
Prasmingai i邸naudot
akimirkas tylias.
Kokia mano profesija?
35. A邸 mokau pasak pasekt,
Pa転int skaiius, pa転int
Dalintis 邸iluma 邸irdies
kaip spindulliais saul.
Prasmingai i邸naudot
akimirkas tylias.
Kokia mano