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Jasmine Bernard
9240 Cypress Waters Blvd. Apt 313, Coppell, Texas 75019  (407) 346-1532  JBernard1994@yahoo.com
Customer Service
Team Player
Strategic Thinker
Organizational Skills
Goals Oriented
Familiarity with KPIs
Staffing & Development
Training & Development
Problem Solver
54th Street Restaurant and Draft House
Server and Trainer 5/15-Present
 Oversee the other servers andsign off on their shift ensuring that all assigned duties are completed prior to
them leaving, as set forth by upper management.
 Customer Service  Taking patrons orders andensuring their needs are being met throughout the entire
 Knowledgeable on all front of the house process in the restaurant.
 Confers with management to determine training objectives. Participates in meetings, seminars and training
sessions to obtain information useful to training and development of newly hired servers.
Universe, Employee Benefits Specialist 11/13-2/15
 Providedoversight andinstruction on training delivery to new agents in alignment with Universes Training
Department protocol and standards.
 Monitored, evaluated and recorded training activities and program effectiveness.
 Handledtelephone calls from company employees assisting them in the election of their benefits for the
upcoming benefit year.
 Proficient in Employee Benefits Health, Life, Dental, Vision and Short and Long Term Disability Policies
 Establishedandmaintainedexcellent customer relationships at all levels, andact as a liaison between sales
support, membership administration, and member services in order to provide members with superior
service and solutions.
 Subject Matter Expert in various different companies Employee Benefits options.
Olympia High School Orlando, FL
General Education Diploma

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  • 1. Jasmine Bernard JASMINE BERNARD 9240 Cypress Waters Blvd. Apt 313, Coppell, Texas 75019 (407) 346-1532 JBernard1994@yahoo.com AREAS OF COMPETENCIES Customer Service Team Player Strategic Thinker Organizational Skills Goals Oriented Familiarity with KPIs Staffing & Development Training & Development Problem Solver PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 54th Street Restaurant and Draft House Server and Trainer 5/15-Present Oversee the other servers andsign off on their shift ensuring that all assigned duties are completed prior to them leaving, as set forth by upper management. Customer Service Taking patrons orders andensuring their needs are being met throughout the entire process. Knowledgeable on all front of the house process in the restaurant. Confers with management to determine training objectives. Participates in meetings, seminars and training sessions to obtain information useful to training and development of newly hired servers. Universe, Employee Benefits Specialist 11/13-2/15 Providedoversight andinstruction on training delivery to new agents in alignment with Universes Training Department protocol and standards. Monitored, evaluated and recorded training activities and program effectiveness. Handledtelephone calls from company employees assisting them in the election of their benefits for the upcoming benefit year. Proficient in Employee Benefits Health, Life, Dental, Vision and Short and Long Term Disability Policies Establishedandmaintainedexcellent customer relationships at all levels, andact as a liaison between sales support, membership administration, and member services in order to provide members with superior service and solutions. Subject Matter Expert in various different companies Employee Benefits options. EDUCATION Olympia High School Orlando, FL General Education Diploma