
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 The aim of the lesson:The aim of the lesson:
Formation of lexical skills at the English lesson.Formation of lexical skills at the English lesson.
 The main task of the lesson:The main task of the lesson:
a) Activization grammar material from the last lesson.a) Activization grammar material from the last lesson.
b) Activization all active words from unit 5.b) Activization all active words from unit 5.
c) Introducing with new active words.c) Introducing with new active words.
 The additional task of the lesson:The additional task of the lesson:
a) Developing pupils skills and habits of reading.a) Developing pupils skills and habits of reading.
b) Reading and getting information from theb) Reading and getting information from the
c) Developing skills and habits of speaking on thec) Developing skills and habits of speaking on the
theme: What do you want to be?.theme: What do you want to be?.
 The equipment of the lesson:The equipment of the lesson: interactive board.interactive board.
Active Vocabulary from the Unit 5.Active Vocabulary from the Unit 5.
 Match the pictures to the sentences:Match the pictures to the sentences:
Job description
 Well-paid Well-paid 
 Low-paid Low-paid 
 Average wages Average wages 
 Reason Reason 
 Satisfaction Satisfaction 
 Payment Payment 
 Working hours Working hours 
 Responsibility Responsibility 
 A mechanic A mechanic 
 An ambassador An ambassador 
 An interpreter An interpreter 
 A miner A miner 
 A dustman A dustman 
 A publisher A publisher 
 Hairdresser Hairdresser 
 Carpenter Carpenter 
 An accountant -An accountant -
 Exercise 5. page 144.Exercise 5. page 144.
1.1. Which job do you like most?Which job do you like most?
2.2. Why?Why?
Categories nameCategories name The job you likeThe job you like
Name the job youName the job you
like leastlike least
jobsjobs A lawyerA lawyer A teacherA teacher
reasonsreasons Why?Why? Why?Why?
Job satisfactionJob satisfaction interestinginteresting Interesting butInteresting but
paymentpayment highhigh lowlow
Working hoursWorking hours From 6 to 8 hrsFrom 6 to 8 hrs You work 24 hours atYou work 24 hours at
home: plan, checkhome: plan, check
notes, booksnotes, books
responsibilityresponsibility greatgreat greatgreat
holidayholiday goodgood goodgood
trainingtraining interestinginteresting I dont knowI dont know
Exercise 7. page 145.Exercise 7. page 145.
Well-paidWell-paid AverageAverage
Exercise 10. page 145.Exercise 10. page 145.
 Can you move your head forward aCan you move your head forward a
little and Ill tidy up the back for you.little and Ill tidy up the back for you.
She / he is a She / he is a 
 These figures suggest that you areThese figures suggest that you are
paying too much tax.paying too much tax.
She / he is a She / he is a 
 Do you want the bedroom shelvesDo you want the bedroom shelves
made of oak?made of oak?
She / he is a .She / he is a .
 If you let me have your manuscriptIf you let me have your manuscript
by the end of June Ill be able toby the end of June Ill be able to
publish it in time.publish it in time.
She / he is a .She / he is a .
 Learn by heart new active wordsLearn by heart new active words
 Exercise 11. page 146.Exercise 11. page 146.
 Exercise 12. page 146.Exercise 12. page 146.
The lesson is over. Good bye!The lesson is over. Good bye!

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勵亶从亠 亢勵亶亠仆劭 弍唏仍仄亟亠. 勹仍仆仆劭 勹仍 仄亠仆 亰仄亠
亶弍亠从 舒仆亟勹仍
亅仍亠从仂仆亳从舒 亢仆亠 亳仄仗仍 亠仆亳从舒
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亶弍亠从 舒仆亟勹仍
"劭 弍勹舒仍舒仆 弍亳仍亠損 弍亳 弍舒亶舒仆劭 亠仆舒亳亶
"劭 弍勹舒仍舒仆 弍亳仍亠損  弍亳 弍舒亶舒仆劭 亠仆舒亳亶"劭 弍勹舒仍舒仆 弍亳仍亠損  弍亳 弍舒亶舒仆劭 亠仆舒亳亶
"劭 弍勹舒仍舒仆 弍亳仍亠損 弍亳 弍舒亶舒仆劭 亠仆舒亳亶
亶弍亠从 舒仆亟勹仍
仍 弍舒 舒亰, 仄仂仍 弍仂仍仆 亟仄 勹亰
仍 弍舒  舒亰, 仄仂仍 弍仂仍仆 亟仄  勹亰仍 弍舒  舒亰, 仄仂仍 弍仂仍仆 亟仄  勹亰
仍 弍舒 舒亰, 仄仂仍 弍仂仍仆 亟仄 勹亰
亶弍亠从 舒仆亟勹仍
从 舒劭弍舒仍 舒仆亟 弍 舒劭弍舒仍 舒仆舒 舒亰舒 弍唏仍
从  舒劭弍舒仍  舒仆亟  弍  舒劭弍舒仍  舒仆舒  舒亰舒  弍唏仍从  舒劭弍舒仍  舒仆亟  弍  舒劭弍舒仍  舒仆舒  舒亰舒  弍唏仍
从 舒劭弍舒仍 舒仆亟 弍 舒劭弍舒仍 舒仆舒 舒亰舒 弍唏仍
亶弍亠从 舒仆亟勹仍

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Job description

  • 2. The aim of the lesson:The aim of the lesson: Formation of lexical skills at the English lesson.Formation of lexical skills at the English lesson. The main task of the lesson:The main task of the lesson: a) Activization grammar material from the last lesson.a) Activization grammar material from the last lesson. b) Activization all active words from unit 5.b) Activization all active words from unit 5. c) Introducing with new active words.c) Introducing with new active words. The additional task of the lesson:The additional task of the lesson: a) Developing pupils skills and habits of reading.a) Developing pupils skills and habits of reading. b) Reading and getting information from theb) Reading and getting information from the exercises.exercises. c) Developing skills and habits of speaking on thec) Developing skills and habits of speaking on the theme: What do you want to be?.theme: What do you want to be?. The equipment of the lesson:The equipment of the lesson: interactive board.interactive board.
  • 4. WARM UPWARM UP Match the pictures to the sentences:Match the pictures to the sentences:
  • 6. INTRODUCING NEW ACTIVEINTRODUCING NEW ACTIVE WORDSWORDS Well-paid Well-paid Low-paid Low-paid Average wages Average wages Reason Reason Satisfaction Satisfaction Payment Payment Working hours Working hours Responsibility Responsibility A mechanic A mechanic An ambassador An ambassador An interpreter An interpreter A miner A miner A dustman A dustman A publisher A publisher Hairdresser Hairdresser Carpenter Carpenter An accountant -An accountant -
  • 7. CLASS WORKCLASS WORK Exercise 5. page 144.Exercise 5. page 144. 1.1. Which job do you like most?Which job do you like most? 2.2. Why?Why? Categories nameCategories name The job you likeThe job you like mostmost Name the job youName the job you like leastlike least jobsjobs A lawyerA lawyer A teacherA teacher reasonsreasons Why?Why? Why?Why? Job satisfactionJob satisfaction interestinginteresting Interesting butInteresting but difficultdifficult paymentpayment highhigh lowlow Working hoursWorking hours From 6 to 8 hrsFrom 6 to 8 hrs You work 24 hours atYou work 24 hours at home: plan, checkhome: plan, check notes, booksnotes, books responsibilityresponsibility greatgreat greatgreat holidayholiday goodgood goodgood trainingtraining interestinginteresting I dont knowI dont know
  • 8. Exercise 7. page 145.Exercise 7. page 145. Well-paidWell-paid AverageAverage wageswages Low-paidLow-paid
  • 9. Exercise 10. page 145.Exercise 10. page 145. Can you move your head forward aCan you move your head forward a little and Ill tidy up the back for you.little and Ill tidy up the back for you. She / he is a She / he is a These figures suggest that you areThese figures suggest that you are paying too much tax.paying too much tax. She / he is a She / he is a Do you want the bedroom shelvesDo you want the bedroom shelves made of oak?made of oak? She / he is a .She / he is a . If you let me have your manuscriptIf you let me have your manuscript by the end of June Ill be able toby the end of June Ill be able to publish it in time.publish it in time. She / he is a .She / he is a .
  • 10. Homework.Homework. Learn by heart new active wordsLearn by heart new active words Exercise 11. page 146.Exercise 11. page 146. Exercise 12. page 146.Exercise 12. page 146.
  • 11. The lesson is over. Good bye!The lesson is over. Good bye!