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John Bibby                             jb43@york.ac.uk

Our Aim: to do for mathematics what the National Science Museum does for science

Our Method: one large iconic centre, plus a nationwide outreach network (partnering
with existing institutions)

Key Themes: active engagement, everyone is a mathematician, maths is everywhere
(science and arts; history, geography, outer and inner space)
Launch: January 2012
                and some provisional answers

What are you trying to do?
We want to change attitudes to mathematics, so
maths becomes cool and a CanDo subject, not
something that frightens. We want to improve
perceptions, confidence and skills.
How do you intend to do this?

Via a national centre and a nationwide network
of mathetariums (maths museums).

These will do for mathematics what
planetariums do for the solar system and outer
space - inspire, excite, educate and amaze,
providing everything from fun and a great day out to serious understanding and
guidance and follow-up for people at all levels of understanding.
What will this network consist of ?

     (Maybe) one big national centre
        and 5-10 regional hubs.
Where will the regional hubs be?
They will be located so that 90% of the UK
population is within 1 hours travel.
Some will be in existing institutions  museums,
science centres etc.; some will be new-builds; and
some will develop heritage buildings (unused
schools etc.) in development areas.

  We will be inviting bids from institutions
    that wish to become a regional hub.
We will be inviting bids from
  institutions that wish to
  become a regional hub.
 Please speak to me or email me if you are interested

        You can sign up for the MWUK newsletter at
Whats already out there ?

                        Moebius architecture

                          National Library of Kazakhstan
John Bibby
Birmingham ThinkTank
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
Science Museum - London
Woolly Thoughts
(mathematical knitting)
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
Mathematikum !   (Giessen)

                             Prof. Beutelspacher
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
Maths Museum at Al Quds University Palestine
John Bibby
John Bibby
John Bibby
You have 18 bottles and a 6 x 4 milkcrate.
Put an even number of bottles into every row and column.
You have 18 bottles and a 6 x 4 milkcrate.
Put an even number of bottles into every row and column.

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John Bibby

  • 1. John Bibby jb43@york.ac.uk Our Aim: to do for mathematics what the National Science Museum does for science Our Method: one large iconic centre, plus a nationwide outreach network (partnering with existing institutions) Key Themes: active engagement, everyone is a mathematician, maths is everywhere (science and arts; history, geography, outer and inner space)
  • 3. FAQs and some provisional answers What are you trying to do? We want to change attitudes to mathematics, so maths becomes cool and a CanDo subject, not something that frightens. We want to improve perceptions, confidence and skills.
  • 4. How do you intend to do this? Via a national centre and a nationwide network of mathetariums (maths museums). These will do for mathematics what planetariums do for the solar system and outer space - inspire, excite, educate and amaze, providing everything from fun and a great day out to serious understanding and guidance and follow-up for people at all levels of understanding.
  • 5. What will this network consist of ? (Maybe) one big national centre and 5-10 regional hubs.
  • 6. Where will the regional hubs be? They will be located so that 90% of the UK population is within 1 hours travel. Some will be in existing institutions museums, science centres etc.; some will be new-builds; and some will develop heritage buildings (unused schools etc.) in development areas. We will be inviting bids from institutions that wish to become a regional hub.
  • 7. We will be inviting bids from institutions that wish to become a regional hub. Please speak to me or email me if you are interested jb43@york.ac.uk You can sign up for the MWUK newsletter at MathsWorldUK.com/contact/
  • 8. Whats already out there ? Moebius architecture National Library of Kazakhstan http://www.archdaily.com/33238/national- library-in-astana-kazakhstan-big/
  • 26. Mathematikum ! (Giessen) Prof. Beutelspacher
  • 30. Maths Museum at Al Quds University Palestine
  • 34. You have 18 bottles and a 6 x 4 milkcrate. Put an even number of bottles into every row and column.
  • 35. You have 18 bottles and a 6 x 4 milkcrate. Put an even number of bottles into every row and column.