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07872 383 984
An enthusiastic, self-motivated & hard working with the ability to motivate others in teamwork. Definitely a peoples
person with great customer service skills. I am efficient and methodological with an eye for detail. Enjoy working in
fast paced environments, taking the lead or initiative. Never afraid to try new challenges. I take pride in maintaining a
smart and professional image, personal and professional.
June 2016
Credit Control
Financial Services
University of East London, Docklands Campus
Working with UELs Finace team as credit controller. I am currently taking ownership of the corporate ledger which
involves dealing with recovering and managing ledgers worth up to 10 million.Month end reporting using Excel,
Outlook and Agresso to maintain excellent customer communiaction skills including telephone conversations.
Reviewing payments, reconciling on a weekly basis & managing student queries. To ensure all students are enrolled
and have a credit agreement in place before deadlines. I work a daily task list which includes approving and
producing sales orders, invoices, credit notes and adjustments. General mailbox and administartion duties.
Succesfully working with a team of 8 memebers on a weekly rota to cover all areas of finance. Working with UEL has
given me extensive knowledge on student fees & policies which enables me to have face to face meetings with
students regarding any debt.
May 2016  June 2016
Exams Invigilator
Mulberry School for Girls & Sixth Form- Tower Hamlets
Supervising GCSE and AS level students in an exam environent. Preparation of exams, distributing exam papers
and collection. Making sure all papers are checked and accounted for by the end of each exam and general
February 2006 - February 2016
British Gas Business, Houseteads, Hyde, SK14 3QU
Position Held: Account Manager  Recovery Solutions
Successfully worked for British Gas for over 10 years voted Britains top 20 Companies to work for. High potential in
various areas. Gained full knowledge and understanding of the Energy Industry. Started with Debt Operations as a
customer service agent for domestic energy and swiftly worked my way up to British Gas Business as accounts
manager in 2013.Creating invoices, taking ownership of account management portfolio and being able to give a
breakdown of a customers account with full pricing details. Communicating with Big Corporate organisations, building
trust and rapport whilst effectively collecting debt. Promoted as Engagement Representative by my line manager for
my department. Organising Charities and Fundraising for many different organisations. Managing/organising events
on site. Success at meeting targets and goals, reaping the benefits of employee recognition.
Key Skills & Duties
 Managing accounts on a weekly basis dealing with a portfolio of up to 100 customer accounts from Business,
Domestic and corporate customers.
 Collecting debt and managing their accounts to ensue everything is up to date before recovering and negotiating
 Customer service -answering general enquiries, taking ownership and diagnostics for complex queries.
 Great Communication skills -Dealing with customer queries via emails & letters holding good writing skills.
Translating in (Bengali) on calls if needed.
 Investigating accounts by contacting 3rd
parties, landlords, and Business owners. Using various systems such as
credit safe, companies house, royal mail, exoserve and many others to resolving and completing my portfolio
with strict cash targets calculating to 贈2milliion per month.
 Complaint Handling- communicating with internal and external departments to resolving any customer complaints
and queries. Meeting OFGEM & Ombudsman compliant, Meeting 98% compliant in call quality. The ability to
diffuse a dispute and escalation.
 Delivering training modules to other team members and groups in classroom environment.
 Leading team meetings for my manager via team agenda listOpen discussions with minute taking and
constructive feedback sessions.
 Attending regular collaboration sessions collaborating on call quality (calls made and received to customers and
internal agents within the company)
 Working with existing external agencies and networking with new businesses/companies and other professionals
to enable thorough investigations have been complete.
 Use of bespoke billing systems  SAP, Agent workbench, pay ware systems, CTI toolbars, Siebel, E-forms &
spread-sheets, IT skills - MS Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint)
 Attend regular Engagement meetings delegating tasks, planning and organising office activities and a wide range
of events. Including fundraising, incentive days and boosting office Morale keeping the office updated with
regular emails and posters designed by myself.
 Reconciling accounts checking for incoming/outgoing payments.
 Achieving KPIS- smashing weekly targets and receiving recognition. Maintain great behavioural scoring-
rewarded by bonus pays.
 Full understanding of DPA, data security and company policies. (All course work & modules completed)
 Side by side training- offering help and support to new agents how to navigate on the systems. How to
communicate with customers by using negotiation tools, customer service skills, on the phone mannerisms,
negotiating, ability to pay and knowledge on all forms and databases which is used on a daily basis.
March 2008  May 2013
Inbound Debt Recovery Agent - British Gas
 Answering inbound calls.
 Negotiating and settling debt.
 Creating budgeting plans for customers and setting up payment arrangements such as direct debits, fuel direct
(deducting monies from benefits). Setting up Pre-payment meters and arranging engineer appointments.
 Updating e-forms/log daily statistics and creating reports for one-two-one meetings and regular coaching
sessions for learning and development.
 Referrals to internal and external agencies.
 Providing energy efficiency advice.
Nov 2007  March 2013
Customer Service Advisor  Outbound Debt Recovery  British Gas
 Initiating outbound calls to customers.
 Arranging payment plans (Direct Debits & instalment plans). Taking debit/credit card payments via Payware
Feb 2006  Nov 2007
Debt Recovery Solutions  Final Debt Team  British Gas
 Managing Finalised Accounts.
 Negotiating Settlements for aged debt, making judgment with handing to recovery agencies.
 Reviewing Financial Statements. (Income and Expenditure forms sent by customers).
 Authorising Credit Reference Agencies for the Removal of footprints and updating Experian reports.
 Liaising With 3rd
parties & internal agencies.
I am a very creative individual and have undertaken interior design; recent project renovating my property. Project
managing & professional photography with Nazma khatun Photography and recently completed a wedding photo
shoot which I am yet to set up my own portfolio. I like to be pro-active, organizing community events and functions
giving myself the chance to progress in different areas. I have also travelled to various countries and would like to
work overseas in the future. In my time at British Gas I took part in comic relief each year in fundraising which I
thoroughly enjoyed.
8 GCSEs all grades A-C 1998-2003
Jubeda Begum cv

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Jubeda Begum cv

  • 1. JUBEDA BEGUM 07872 383 984 Jubeda85@icloud.com LONDON E1 PERSONAL PROFILE An enthusiastic, self-motivated & hard working with the ability to motivate others in teamwork. Definitely a peoples person with great customer service skills. I am efficient and methodological with an eye for detail. Enjoy working in fast paced environments, taking the lead or initiative. Never afraid to try new challenges. I take pride in maintaining a smart and professional image, personal and professional. June 2016 Credit Control Financial Services University of East London, Docklands Campus Working with UELs Finace team as credit controller. I am currently taking ownership of the corporate ledger which involves dealing with recovering and managing ledgers worth up to 10 million.Month end reporting using Excel, Outlook and Agresso to maintain excellent customer communiaction skills including telephone conversations. Reviewing payments, reconciling on a weekly basis & managing student queries. To ensure all students are enrolled and have a credit agreement in place before deadlines. I work a daily task list which includes approving and producing sales orders, invoices, credit notes and adjustments. General mailbox and administartion duties. Succesfully working with a team of 8 memebers on a weekly rota to cover all areas of finance. Working with UEL has given me extensive knowledge on student fees & policies which enables me to have face to face meetings with students regarding any debt. May 2016 June 2016 Exams Invigilator Mulberry School for Girls & Sixth Form- Tower Hamlets Supervising GCSE and AS level students in an exam environent. Preparation of exams, distributing exam papers and collection. Making sure all papers are checked and accounted for by the end of each exam and general administration. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY February 2006 - February 2016 British Gas Business, Houseteads, Hyde, SK14 3QU Position Held: Account Manager Recovery Solutions Successfully worked for British Gas for over 10 years voted Britains top 20 Companies to work for. High potential in various areas. Gained full knowledge and understanding of the Energy Industry. Started with Debt Operations as a customer service agent for domestic energy and swiftly worked my way up to British Gas Business as accounts manager in 2013.Creating invoices, taking ownership of account management portfolio and being able to give a breakdown of a customers account with full pricing details. Communicating with Big Corporate organisations, building trust and rapport whilst effectively collecting debt. Promoted as Engagement Representative by my line manager for my department. Organising Charities and Fundraising for many different organisations. Managing/organising events on site. Success at meeting targets and goals, reaping the benefits of employee recognition. Key Skills & Duties Managing accounts on a weekly basis dealing with a portfolio of up to 100 customer accounts from Business, Domestic and corporate customers. Collecting debt and managing their accounts to ensue everything is up to date before recovering and negotiating payments. Customer service -answering general enquiries, taking ownership and diagnostics for complex queries. Great Communication skills -Dealing with customer queries via emails & letters holding good writing skills. Translating in (Bengali) on calls if needed. Investigating accounts by contacting 3rd parties, landlords, and Business owners. Using various systems such as credit safe, companies house, royal mail, exoserve and many others to resolving and completing my portfolio with strict cash targets calculating to 贈2milliion per month.
  • 2. Complaint Handling- communicating with internal and external departments to resolving any customer complaints and queries. Meeting OFGEM & Ombudsman compliant, Meeting 98% compliant in call quality. The ability to diffuse a dispute and escalation. Delivering training modules to other team members and groups in classroom environment. Leading team meetings for my manager via team agenda listOpen discussions with minute taking and constructive feedback sessions. Attending regular collaboration sessions collaborating on call quality (calls made and received to customers and internal agents within the company) Working with existing external agencies and networking with new businesses/companies and other professionals to enable thorough investigations have been complete. Use of bespoke billing systems SAP, Agent workbench, pay ware systems, CTI toolbars, Siebel, E-forms & spread-sheets, IT skills - MS Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint) Attend regular Engagement meetings delegating tasks, planning and organising office activities and a wide range of events. Including fundraising, incentive days and boosting office Morale keeping the office updated with regular emails and posters designed by myself. Reconciling accounts checking for incoming/outgoing payments. Achieving KPIS- smashing weekly targets and receiving recognition. Maintain great behavioural scoring- rewarded by bonus pays. Full understanding of DPA, data security and company policies. (All course work & modules completed) Side by side training- offering help and support to new agents how to navigate on the systems. How to communicate with customers by using negotiation tools, customer service skills, on the phone mannerisms, negotiating, ability to pay and knowledge on all forms and databases which is used on a daily basis. March 2008 May 2013 Inbound Debt Recovery Agent - British Gas Answering inbound calls. Negotiating and settling debt. Creating budgeting plans for customers and setting up payment arrangements such as direct debits, fuel direct (deducting monies from benefits). Setting up Pre-payment meters and arranging engineer appointments. Updating e-forms/log daily statistics and creating reports for one-two-one meetings and regular coaching sessions for learning and development. Referrals to internal and external agencies. Providing energy efficiency advice. Nov 2007 March 2013 Customer Service Advisor Outbound Debt Recovery British Gas Initiating outbound calls to customers. Arranging payment plans (Direct Debits & instalment plans). Taking debit/credit card payments via Payware systems. Feb 2006 Nov 2007 Debt Recovery Solutions Final Debt Team British Gas Managing Finalised Accounts. Negotiating Settlements for aged debt, making judgment with handing to recovery agencies. Reviewing Financial Statements. (Income and Expenditure forms sent by customers). Authorising Credit Reference Agencies for the Removal of footprints and updating Experian reports. Liaising With 3rd parties & internal agencies. EXTRA ACTIVITIES I am a very creative individual and have undertaken interior design; recent project renovating my property. Project managing & professional photography with Nazma khatun Photography and recently completed a wedding photo shoot which I am yet to set up my own portfolio. I like to be pro-active, organizing community events and functions giving myself the chance to progress in different areas. I have also travelled to various countries and would like to work overseas in the future. In my time at British Gas I took part in comic relief each year in fundraising which I thoroughly enjoyed. EDUCATION & TRAINING 8 GCSEs all grades A-C 1998-2003 REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST