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Kajian Rintis
Disediakan oleh:
Nur Syafiqa Binti Shafie
No. Matrik: M20141001191
Maksud & Matlamat
 Merupakan fasa terakhir tinjauan sebelum
pengumpulan data bermula.
 Matlamatnya adalah untuk mencari masalah d
alam soal selidik, termasuk soalan yang
lemah, arahan yang tidak lengkap dan item
yang sukar dijawab.
Garis Panduan
1. Tidak boleh gunakan kumpulan fokus sebenar.
2. Untuk kajian baharu, lakukan dua kali ujian rintis.
3. Jumlah responden tidak ditentukan dengan
tepat, dicadangkan sekurang-kurangnya 25
orang, lebih baik antara 50  75 orang.
 Responden mewakili sample sebenar kajian;
 Bilangan responden: Minimum 30 orang;
 Data kajian rintis digunakan untuk menentukan
kebolehpercayaan instrumen.
1. Kajian rintis hendaklah dijalankan terhadap
instrumen yang telah dibina;
2. Tujuan kajian rintis dijalankan adalah untuk:
 Menguji tempoh yang diperlukan untuk
menjawab soalselidik;
 Menyemak semua item dan arahan agar jelas;
 Menggugurkan item-item yang tidak
menghasilkan data yang diperlukan.
Contoh Soalan Responden Kajian
1. Berapa lamakah masa yang anda perlukan untuk
menjawab soalselidik?
2. Adakah arahan jelas?
3. Adakah terdapat item-item yang kabur? Jika ada,
nyatakan item mana dan kenapa?
4. Adakah terdapat mana-mana item yang anda tidak ingin
5. Pada pandangan anda, adakah terdapat topik utama yang
6. Adakah keseluruhan (layout) soalselidik jelas dan
7. Adakah komen-komen lain yang anda ingin kemukakan?
Pilot Testing
What is pilot testing?
Basically, pilot testing means finding out if your
survey, key informant interview guide
or observation form will work in the real world
by trying it out first on a few people.
Why pilot test?
The purpose is to make sure that everyone in
your sample not only understands the
questions, but understands them in the same
way. This way, too, you can see if any
questions make respondents feel uncomfortable.
Youll also be able to find out how
long it takes to complete the survey in real time.
When to pilot test?
Once you have a version your project is happy
with, but before training your data
collectors about how to administer it. (During
data collector training you will want to
conduct another type of testa field test. In that
case you are testing your team, rather
than the instrument. But that is another story)
Who to test it on?
People that represent the various subgroups within your
intended sample. Remember,
you want to make sure that everyone will understand your
data collection instrument
in the same way. So if you plan to conduct a representative
public opinion survey, you
might want to include both old and young people, well-
educated and less educated,
native English speakers and recent immigrants in your test
sample. At a minimum,
involve several people from each subgroup so their views can
be confirmed by others.
How to conduct the test?
There are a number of ways to find out how
people are understanding the data
collection instrument.
Retrospective Interview
1. Administer the survey in the same way and under similar conditions as you plan
to do for actual data collection. Record the start and end time so you can tell
how long it took to complete each survey.
2. Pay attention to instances when respondents hesitate to answer or ask for
clarification, as this may be an indication that questions or answers are too
vague, difficult to understand or have more than one meaning. Make a note of
where this occurs.
3. After the respondent finishes the survey, explain that youd now like to ask how
s/he understood each question and response choice. Go over the survey again,
and for each question, have the respondent tell you what s/he thinks is being
asked. Based on your observations, ask about instances when the person
hesitated or needed clarification. For example if they struggled with the May 2011 http://programeval.ucdavis.edu 2
question, How many adults live in your household? they might explain: I was
counting 5 adults, but I wasnt sure whether I should say 5 or 6 because I also
have an uncle staying with us occasionally and I didnt know if that counted as a
person living in my household or not. You could follow by asking about
wording that would have been clearer.
4. For questions with multiple response choices, ask if there are any other choices
that should be listed. If there is a question where a number of respondents
specified an other answer, see if what they said is a more likely response
choice than the ones you provided.
5. You might also look into the cultural sensitivity and relevance of the survey by
asking if there was anything objectionable in the survey, or if any of the
examples in the questions were not relevant or appropriate for their culture. You
might also ask if the sequence of the questions either encouraged or discouraged
their desire to continue with the survey.
6. The feedback on the instrument can be done by asking one respondent at a time
or by conducting a focus group with the participants in the pilot test. Just as with
the individual respondents, ask every member of the group to tell you in their
words what each question was asking and why some may have stumbled over
any of the questions. Together, the group can come up with possible alternatives
question or answer wording.

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Kajian rintis

  • 1. Kajian Rintis Disediakan oleh: Nur Syafiqa Binti Shafie No. Matrik: M20141001191
  • 2. Maksud & Matlamat Merupakan fasa terakhir tinjauan sebelum pengumpulan data bermula. Matlamatnya adalah untuk mencari masalah d alam soal selidik, termasuk soalan yang lemah, arahan yang tidak lengkap dan item yang sukar dijawab.
  • 3. Garis Panduan 1. Tidak boleh gunakan kumpulan fokus sebenar. 2. Untuk kajian baharu, lakukan dua kali ujian rintis. 3. Jumlah responden tidak ditentukan dengan tepat, dicadangkan sekurang-kurangnya 25 orang, lebih baik antara 50 75 orang. Responden mewakili sample sebenar kajian; Bilangan responden: Minimum 30 orang; Data kajian rintis digunakan untuk menentukan kebolehpercayaan instrumen.
  • 4. Tujuan 1. Kajian rintis hendaklah dijalankan terhadap instrumen yang telah dibina; 2. Tujuan kajian rintis dijalankan adalah untuk: Menguji tempoh yang diperlukan untuk menjawab soalselidik; Menyemak semua item dan arahan agar jelas; Menggugurkan item-item yang tidak menghasilkan data yang diperlukan.
  • 5. Contoh Soalan Responden Kajian Rintis 1. Berapa lamakah masa yang anda perlukan untuk menjawab soalselidik? 2. Adakah arahan jelas? 3. Adakah terdapat item-item yang kabur? Jika ada, nyatakan item mana dan kenapa? 4. Adakah terdapat mana-mana item yang anda tidak ingin menjawab? 5. Pada pandangan anda, adakah terdapat topik utama yang ditnggalkan? 6. Adakah keseluruhan (layout) soalselidik jelas dan menarik? 7. Adakah komen-komen lain yang anda ingin kemukakan?
  • 6. Pilot Testing What is pilot testing? Basically, pilot testing means finding out if your survey, key informant interview guide or observation form will work in the real world by trying it out first on a few people.
  • 7. Why pilot test? The purpose is to make sure that everyone in your sample not only understands the questions, but understands them in the same way. This way, too, you can see if any questions make respondents feel uncomfortable. Youll also be able to find out how long it takes to complete the survey in real time.
  • 8. When to pilot test? Once you have a version your project is happy with, but before training your data collectors about how to administer it. (During data collector training you will want to conduct another type of testa field test. In that case you are testing your team, rather than the instrument. But that is another story)
  • 9. Who to test it on? People that represent the various subgroups within your intended sample. Remember, you want to make sure that everyone will understand your data collection instrument in the same way. So if you plan to conduct a representative public opinion survey, you might want to include both old and young people, well- educated and less educated, native English speakers and recent immigrants in your test sample. At a minimum, involve several people from each subgroup so their views can be confirmed by others.
  • 10. How to conduct the test? There are a number of ways to find out how people are understanding the data collection instrument.
  • 11. Retrospective Interview 1. Administer the survey in the same way and under similar conditions as you plan to do for actual data collection. Record the start and end time so you can tell how long it took to complete each survey. 2. Pay attention to instances when respondents hesitate to answer or ask for clarification, as this may be an indication that questions or answers are too vague, difficult to understand or have more than one meaning. Make a note of where this occurs. 3. After the respondent finishes the survey, explain that youd now like to ask how s/he understood each question and response choice. Go over the survey again, and for each question, have the respondent tell you what s/he thinks is being asked. Based on your observations, ask about instances when the person hesitated or needed clarification. For example if they struggled with the May 2011 http://programeval.ucdavis.edu 2 question, How many adults live in your household? they might explain: I was counting 5 adults, but I wasnt sure whether I should say 5 or 6 because I also have an uncle staying with us occasionally and I didnt know if that counted as a person living in my household or not. You could follow by asking about wording that would have been clearer. 4. For questions with multiple response choices, ask if there are any other choices that should be listed. If there is a question where a number of respondents specified an other answer, see if what they said is a more likely response choice than the ones you provided. 5. You might also look into the cultural sensitivity and relevance of the survey by asking if there was anything objectionable in the survey, or if any of the examples in the questions were not relevant or appropriate for their culture. You might also ask if the sequence of the questions either encouraged or discouraged their desire to continue with the survey. 6. The feedback on the instrument can be done by asking one respondent at a time or by conducting a focus group with the participants in the pilot test. Just as with the individual respondents, ask every member of the group to tell you in their words what each question was asking and why some may have stumbled over any of the questions. Together, the group can come up with possible alternatives question or answer wording.