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347. 541 .1756
Seeking a position in a fast-pace medical office environment where I can utilize my ability to multi-task and
manage multiple deadlines so that I can positively impact patient and caregiver experience
2011Present Northwell Health  Lenox Hill Hospital New York, NY
Administrative Assistant to Chairman of Otolaryngology
 Responsible for scheduling and coordinating administrative meetings for Department Chairman
 Responsible for coordinating research-based activities on behalf of Departmental research team
 Assist newly on-boarded physicians with obtaining medical privileges at Lenox Hill Hospital - MEETH
and/or Hofstra Faculty Appointment at Hofstra Medical School
 Assist new clinical fellows through the credentialing and on-boarding processes
 Manage Departmental on-call schedule for over 100 doctors
 Responsible for scheduling office-based patient appointments across multi-disciplinary practice to ensure
seamless patient experience
 Secure financial authorizations for surgical and office-based clinical care through paper-based, telephonic, and
web-based health insurance approval platforms
 Maintain surgical operation report logs and medical records for departmental files
 Coordinate and submit all surgical booking documentation to secure procedural time within Operating arena
2014Present Sadie Nash New York, NY
Volunteer Mentor
 Mentored two high school-aged students (17-18 yo) to prepare for transition to university setting
 Assisted students in the college research and application process
 Reviewed and revised college application drafts and materials (i.e. student resume, personal statements)
 Completed motivational and self-development workshops, particularly focused on self-confidence,
independence, life skills, and basic learning skills
20092011 Wheaton College Norton, MA
Head Resident
 Coordinated and led various community building events such as Relay for Life resulting in donation of
$1,500 to oncology-related charities
 Led fundraising drive to support pediatric surgical program
 Adhered and enforced residency rules and regulations to ensure residential facility order, safety and code of
 Managed a budget of $3,000 to fund activities to foster team cohesion among residence members
20062010 Wheaton College Norton, MA
 Bachelor of Arts in Biology/ Psychology; Minor: Woman Studies.
Familiar in Microsoft word, Allscript, Sorian Financials and IDX.
 Proficient in Microsoft Office, Allscripts AEHR, Sorian Financials, IDX

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  • 1. KENDRA FEASTER KJFeaster@gmail.com 347. 541 .1756 OBJECTIVE Seeking a position in a fast-pace medical office environment where I can utilize my ability to multi-task and manage multiple deadlines so that I can positively impact patient and caregiver experience EXPERIENCE 2011Present Northwell Health Lenox Hill Hospital New York, NY Administrative Assistant to Chairman of Otolaryngology Responsible for scheduling and coordinating administrative meetings for Department Chairman Responsible for coordinating research-based activities on behalf of Departmental research team Assist newly on-boarded physicians with obtaining medical privileges at Lenox Hill Hospital - MEETH and/or Hofstra Faculty Appointment at Hofstra Medical School Assist new clinical fellows through the credentialing and on-boarding processes Manage Departmental on-call schedule for over 100 doctors Responsible for scheduling office-based patient appointments across multi-disciplinary practice to ensure seamless patient experience Secure financial authorizations for surgical and office-based clinical care through paper-based, telephonic, and web-based health insurance approval platforms Maintain surgical operation report logs and medical records for departmental files Coordinate and submit all surgical booking documentation to secure procedural time within Operating arena 2014Present Sadie Nash New York, NY Volunteer Mentor Mentored two high school-aged students (17-18 yo) to prepare for transition to university setting Assisted students in the college research and application process Reviewed and revised college application drafts and materials (i.e. student resume, personal statements) Completed motivational and self-development workshops, particularly focused on self-confidence, independence, life skills, and basic learning skills 20092011 Wheaton College Norton, MA Head Resident Coordinated and led various community building events such as Relay for Life resulting in donation of $1,500 to oncology-related charities Led fundraising drive to support pediatric surgical program Adhered and enforced residency rules and regulations to ensure residential facility order, safety and code of conduct Managed a budget of $3,000 to fund activities to foster team cohesion among residence members EDUCATION 20062010 Wheaton College Norton, MA Bachelor of Arts in Biology/ Psychology; Minor: Woman Studies. Familiar in Microsoft word, Allscript, Sorian Financials and IDX. SKILLS
  • 2. Proficient in Microsoft Office, Allscripts AEHR, Sorian Financials, IDX