Presentatie over social media zoals Linkedin, Twitter en Facabook, gegeven door Ron Overbeek, directeur van Statement communicatieadviesbureau voor twee groepen deelnemers van iKeur. De sessie werd in Zwolle en in 's Hertogenbosch gegeven begin 2011.
Marco and Silvia both arrive at a hotel and check in at the reception desk. Marco books a single room for three nights on the fifth floor. Silvia books a single room under the name Fidanzia. Both are given room keys and told their rooms are on the third and fifth floors respectively. Breakfast is served from 6:30-10 AM in the hotel restaurant on the ground floor.
This document provides an Italian language lesson on using the verbs "to be" (essere) and "to have" (avere). It includes examples of using these verbs to describe people's characteristics like nationality, age, marital status, profession, physical appearance and possessions. It then provides exercises to practice using the verbs by matching people to the right descriptions and answering questions about them.
The document provides a summary of an English lesson about families and family relationships. It includes:
1) A family tree showing the relationships between members of the Parker family.
2) Explanations of possessive pronouns like my, your, his etc. and how they are used to indicate possession in English.
3) Exercises involving completing sentences about family members using possessive adjectives and forming questions using wh- words.
The document provides information about taking a trip from Perugia, Italy to London, including flight schedules from Perugia to London Stansted airport on Ryanair and details about 4 hotel options in London - The Nayland, Abbey Court Hotel, Admiral Hotel, and So Paddington Hotel, noting prices and amenities like internet access, parking, and check-in/out times. It asks the reader to choose a hotel, look at a city map to see their locations near tube stations, and take notes on things they like or don't like about each hotel.
The document provides an introduction to greetings and basic conversations in English from around 1900. It includes common greetings for different times of day, ways to ask someone's name, introduce yourself, ask about nationality and age. It also lists the demonyms for countries like England, Scotland, USA and Canada. Finally, it presents some basic English grammar and vocabulary like the verb "to be" and common adjectives.
The document lists common furniture and appliances found in a house under six sections, with each section containing three items of furniture and two appliances. It also introduces common containers and packaging used to store and serve food, along with fraction and unit descriptors used to indicate amounts.
This document provides an English lesson about expressing likes and dislikes, daily routines, and the present simple tense of verbs. It includes examples of using "I like" and "I don't like" as well as questions using "Do you like." Conjugated verb forms and examples of daily activities are also presented. Students are asked to complete sentences and questions to practice these concepts.
This document provides a summary of an English lesson on introductions and describing people. It includes:
1. Dialogues for introducing yourself and asking basic questions like name, age, nationality.
2. Vocabulary for describing physical appearance like tall, thin, short, fat, hair color, eye color. It provides examples of describing different people.
3. Exercises on filling in basic personal information about yourself and others through questions and answers.
4. A review of verbs like "to be" and "to have" in the present tense and their use in English versus Italian.
5. More practice with personal descriptions, pronouns, agreement, and negative forms.
This document provides an Italian language lesson on using the verbs "to be" (essere) and "to have" (avere). It includes examples of using these verbs to describe people's characteristics like nationality, age, marital status, profession, physical appearance and possessions. It then provides exercises to practice using the verbs by matching people to the right descriptions and answering questions about them.
The document provides a summary of an English lesson about families and family relationships. It includes:
1) A family tree showing the relationships between members of the Parker family.
2) Explanations of possessive pronouns like my, your, his etc. and how they are used to indicate possession in English.
3) Exercises involving completing sentences about family members using possessive adjectives and forming questions using wh- words.
The document provides information about taking a trip from Perugia, Italy to London, including flight schedules from Perugia to London Stansted airport on Ryanair and details about 4 hotel options in London - The Nayland, Abbey Court Hotel, Admiral Hotel, and So Paddington Hotel, noting prices and amenities like internet access, parking, and check-in/out times. It asks the reader to choose a hotel, look at a city map to see their locations near tube stations, and take notes on things they like or don't like about each hotel.
The document provides an introduction to greetings and basic conversations in English from around 1900. It includes common greetings for different times of day, ways to ask someone's name, introduce yourself, ask about nationality and age. It also lists the demonyms for countries like England, Scotland, USA and Canada. Finally, it presents some basic English grammar and vocabulary like the verb "to be" and common adjectives.
The document lists common furniture and appliances found in a house under six sections, with each section containing three items of furniture and two appliances. It also introduces common containers and packaging used to store and serve food, along with fraction and unit descriptors used to indicate amounts.
This document provides an English lesson about expressing likes and dislikes, daily routines, and the present simple tense of verbs. It includes examples of using "I like" and "I don't like" as well as questions using "Do you like." Conjugated verb forms and examples of daily activities are also presented. Students are asked to complete sentences and questions to practice these concepts.
This document provides a summary of an English lesson on introductions and describing people. It includes:
1. Dialogues for introducing yourself and asking basic questions like name, age, nationality.
2. Vocabulary for describing physical appearance like tall, thin, short, fat, hair color, eye color. It provides examples of describing different people.
3. Exercises on filling in basic personal information about yourself and others through questions and answers.
4. A review of verbs like "to be" and "to have" in the present tense and their use in English versus Italian.
5. More practice with personal descriptions, pronouns, agreement, and negative forms.