This presentation introduces the topic of subject-verb agreement and some of the difficulties associated with it. It explores how singular and plural subjects require singular and plural verbs respectively. It also discusses how certain indefinite pronouns like "everyone" are always singular, and how phrases between subjects and verbs don't impact the agreement. The document provides examples of subject-verb agreements with collective nouns, fractions, and expletive constructions. It concludes by emphasizing a review of the material to avoid subject-verb agreement issues.
Mark Letcher Climate Works WECC 09 12-2013wecc2012
The document discusses business energy efficiency and carbon reduction. It addresses why reducing energy usage and carbon emissions is important, as well as how companies can achieve these goals. Rising energy prices provide an incentive for efficiency improvements. The document then outlines various strategies companies can use, such as walk-through energy audits and engaging employees. New approaches are proposed like sharing energy assets between companies to reduce costs. The overall message is that major changes are coming due to climate and energy concerns, so businesses should start implementing efficiency measures now.
Enjoy life while you can still be active. Visit places you want to see and spend time with friends and family. Do not wait until it is too late to do things you want to do or regret not doing. Also, treat yourself well as you age by eating foods you enjoy in moderation. Maintain a positive outlook about health issues, take care of any outstanding matters, and let doctors handle your physical health while focusing on your own mental well-being. Make the most of each day by smiling, laughing, and finding happiness in life as it is a journey that does not turn back.
Commercial grew its revenue by 25% in 2010 even as the overall market grew more slowly. It has invested in sustainability initiatives since 2006 to reduce its environmental impact. Some highlights include reducing electricity usage by 35%, carbon emissions by 75%, and waste by 90%. Over 40% of staff participated in the Green Ambassadors program in the first year, and the program has helped save over 500 tonnes of carbon. A survey found 96% of staff feel involved in the sustainability program and 92% are proud to share it with others. The company has also helped customers implement sustainability programs and plans to continue investing in people and systems to sustain its growth trajectory.
This document discusses B&G's current and future product roadmaps. It outlines B&G's current product offerings like the AB500 and PAO. The document then discusses the "Pegasus System Concept" which would support 8 simultaneous touch points and include features like teleconferencing, on-board processing, and wireless connectivity. It also summarizes the software for the 2012 IDCS system, including ActivInspire 1.8, ActivOffice PPT 1.2, and potential STEM apps. Finally, it mentions new features for the 2012 ActivClassroom like the "Tokeniser" for tracking inputs on ActivTables and "Concerto" for simple sharing across devices.
Climate SW - Increase your resilience to climate change - WECC 26 Feb 2014wecc2012
This document summarizes a presentation on building resilience to extreme weather and climate change. It discusses the impacts of climate change in the UK, including more frequent and intense extreme weather events. It outlines recommendations from the National Adaptation Programme to improve resilience in various sectors. It also provides information on tools and resources to help businesses increase their climate resilience, such as a Business Resilience Health Check tool and guidance from organizations like Climate UK.
This presentation introduces the topic of subject-verb agreement and some of the difficulties associated with it. It explores how singular and plural subjects require singular and plural verbs respectively. It also discusses how certain indefinite pronouns like "everyone" are always singular, and how phrases between subjects and verbs don't impact the agreement. The document provides examples of subject-verb agreements with collective nouns, fractions, and expletive constructions. It concludes by emphasizing a review of the material to avoid subject-verb agreement issues.
Mark Letcher Climate Works WECC 09 12-2013wecc2012
The document discusses business energy efficiency and carbon reduction. It addresses why reducing energy usage and carbon emissions is important, as well as how companies can achieve these goals. Rising energy prices provide an incentive for efficiency improvements. The document then outlines various strategies companies can use, such as walk-through energy audits and engaging employees. New approaches are proposed like sharing energy assets between companies to reduce costs. The overall message is that major changes are coming due to climate and energy concerns, so businesses should start implementing efficiency measures now.
Enjoy life while you can still be active. Visit places you want to see and spend time with friends and family. Do not wait until it is too late to do things you want to do or regret not doing. Also, treat yourself well as you age by eating foods you enjoy in moderation. Maintain a positive outlook about health issues, take care of any outstanding matters, and let doctors handle your physical health while focusing on your own mental well-being. Make the most of each day by smiling, laughing, and finding happiness in life as it is a journey that does not turn back.
Commercial grew its revenue by 25% in 2010 even as the overall market grew more slowly. It has invested in sustainability initiatives since 2006 to reduce its environmental impact. Some highlights include reducing electricity usage by 35%, carbon emissions by 75%, and waste by 90%. Over 40% of staff participated in the Green Ambassadors program in the first year, and the program has helped save over 500 tonnes of carbon. A survey found 96% of staff feel involved in the sustainability program and 92% are proud to share it with others. The company has also helped customers implement sustainability programs and plans to continue investing in people and systems to sustain its growth trajectory.
This document discusses B&G's current and future product roadmaps. It outlines B&G's current product offerings like the AB500 and PAO. The document then discusses the "Pegasus System Concept" which would support 8 simultaneous touch points and include features like teleconferencing, on-board processing, and wireless connectivity. It also summarizes the software for the 2012 IDCS system, including ActivInspire 1.8, ActivOffice PPT 1.2, and potential STEM apps. Finally, it mentions new features for the 2012 ActivClassroom like the "Tokeniser" for tracking inputs on ActivTables and "Concerto" for simple sharing across devices.
Climate SW - Increase your resilience to climate change - WECC 26 Feb 2014wecc2012
This document summarizes a presentation on building resilience to extreme weather and climate change. It discusses the impacts of climate change in the UK, including more frequent and intense extreme weather events. It outlines recommendations from the National Adaptation Programme to improve resilience in various sectors. It also provides information on tools and resources to help businesses increase their climate resilience, such as a Business Resilience Health Check tool and guidance from organizations like Climate UK.
1. A lobaUn relato do libro Cando petan na porta pola noite,escrito por Xabier DocampoLIA JOVE FILGUEIRAS
2. Ficha t辿cnicaT鱈tulo: A loba, adaptaci坦n do relato hom坦nimo de Xabier P. Docamporecollido en Cando petan na porta pola noite (1994).Gui坦n : L鱈a Jove Filgueiras.Fotograf鱈a: L鱈a Jove Filgueiras.Montaxe: profesora de lingua galega e alumnos de 2尊 B de ESO. Narradores (por orde de aparaci坦n): Ra炭l Rey Cancela, Paula Mella Mosquera, Enrique Nodar Carro, Abiga鱈l Pallone Cort辿s, Claudia Castelo Lorenzo, V鱈ctor Antelo Nieto, Brais Valderr叩bano Codesal, Aida Di辿guez Gonz叩lez, Iv叩n Maques Fern叩ndez. M炭sica:Fuxan os Ventos: O lobo, versi坦n musicada do poema hom坦nimo de Dar鱈o Xoh叩n Cabana.Luar na Lubre: Uah l炭a (folla do visgo)Orquestra de c叩mara de Galicia: Concerto grosso para frauta, 坦boe, clarinete e fagot.Duraci坦n: 10 minutos.
3. COMO SE COECE A HISTORIANa casa de meu av坦 da Granda do Xermar houbo de sempre parada de bestas e esta foi a raz坦n de que al坦 polos anos trinta fose meu pai varias veces 叩 parada que hab鱈a na Reborica.Nunha destas viaxes tivo co単ecemento da historia que agora quero deixar por escrito.Coma sempre meu pai cruzou o T叩mega e p炭xose en Pino. Abeirou Mato e endereitou cara a P鱈gara, e en pouco tempo estar鱈a na Santa Cruz de Parga ,e de al鱈 a Trasparga, a un paso da Reborica, de non ser que comezou a nevar.Despois de moito andar e desandar, enxergou unha luci単a non moi lonxe e cara a ela se dirixiu.Nalg炭n momento colleu cara ao norte e agora estaba en Vilargab鱈n.Cont叩ronlla a meu pai cando se perdeu do seu cami単o en verde e chegou a Vilargab鱈n en roxo.
4. ONDE SE DESENVOLVE A HISTORIAPois hoxe non se vai vostede sen que eu lla conte, que a sei ben, que o finado do meu home era do Gallado e de al鱈 mesmo era deus perdoe a Isaura.O asunto non foi en Gallado, de al鱈 era a rapaza, pero todo iso pasou non moi lonxe da Ponte de Aranga.Na Rilleira, estaba a casa do Silvestre, o mozo do que a Isaura quedou en estado e que lle dou palabra de casar con ela.Na Ponte de Aranga o Silvestre casaba con outra e al鱈 preto da igrexa apareceu a Isaura aforcada nun casti単eiro.No val de Camb叩s, preto da Serra da Loba, o Cordal de Montouto e a Cova da Serpe.
5. OS LUGARES DA HISTORIAPonte Aranga, a igrexa. A Rilleira, a casa do Silvestre. O Gallado, a casa da Isaura