The document provides a brief history of modern computing from 1946 to the present. It describes many of the key events, inventions, companies and technologies that have shaped the evolution of computing over the decades, including the development of early computers in the 1940s-50s, the rise of software and programming languages in the 1950s-60s, the advent of personal computers and operating systems in the 1970s-80s, the creation of the Internet and World Wide Web in the 1980s-90s, and the explosion of Internet usage and new technologies from the 1990s onward. The history outlines the increasingly convergent path that computing has taken to the present day.
This document provides an overview of computer hardware and systems. It defines key components like the CPU, RAM, ROM, and input/output devices. It then discusses measures of computer performance such as data amounts, transfer rates, clock speeds, and instructions per second. Finally, it outlines different types of computers and architectures like centralized, distributed, and client-server computing.
This document discusses industrial clusters through two case studies. It defines a cluster as a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses in a particular field. The semiconductor industry in Silicon Valley and the automobile industry in Detroit are provided as historical examples of successful clusters. Benefits of clusters include access to resources, information, institutions, customer needs and technology. Potential downsides are homogeneousness, monopolization and high business costs. Current issues facing clusters include lack of knowledge sharing, liquidity and government support. Solutions proposed are strong leadership, start-up support, open innovation and collaboration between government, institutions, universities and companies. Case studies of the Tsukuba Science City cluster in Japan and the Silicon Valley cluster in the US are then described.
This document provides an overview of cluster computing. It defines a cluster as a group of loosely coupled computers that work together closely to function as a single computer. Clusters improve speed and reliability over a single computer and are more cost-effective. Each node has its own operating system, memory, and sometimes file system. Programs use message passing to transfer data and execution between nodes. Clusters can provide low-cost parallel processing for applications that can be distributed. The document discusses cluster architecture, components, applications, and compares clusters to grids and cloud computing.
This document discusses computer clusters and their architecture. A cluster consists of loosely connected computers that can be viewed as a single system. It includes nodes, a network, an operating system, and cluster middleware to allow programs to run across nodes. Clusters provide benefits like data sharing, parallel processing, and task scheduling. The architecture includes a master node that manages the cluster and computing nodes that process tasks. Beowulf clusters specifically use many connected commodity computers as nodes. The document outlines some example applications and operating systems used in clusters.
Sessione tenuto presso la fiera "Punto di incontro" di Pordenone in data 03.11.2016
"Levoluzione del web. Andrea Dottor, consulente informatico,
Microsoft MVP e docente ITS, illustra il percorso di
studi dando spazio ad alcune tecnologie/framework come
AngularJS e Bootstrap, spiegando perch辿 saranno alla
base delle applicazioni del futuro."
A computer cluster is a group of tightly coupled computers that work together like a single computer (Paragraph 1). Clusters are commonly connected through fast local area networks and have evolved to support applications ranging from e-commerce to databases (Paragraph 2). A cluster uses interconnected standalone computers that cooperate to create the illusion of a single computer with parallel processing capabilities. Clusters provide benefits like reduced costs, high availability if components fail, and scalability by allowing addition of nodes (Paragraphs 3-4). The history of clusters began in the 1970s and operating systems like Linux are now commonly used (Paragraph 5). Clusters have architectures with interconnected nodes that appear as a single system to users (Paragraph 6). Clusters are categorized based on availability
The document discusses CPU architecture and microcontroller components. It describes how the CPU is divided into three main parts: the datapath, control unit, and instruction set. The datapath performs data processing, the control unit uses instructions to direct the datapath, and the instruction set is the programmer interface. It then focuses on explaining the datapath in more detail, including the arithmetic logic unit, register file, and their functions. Finally, it provides an overview of different microcontroller families that can be selected based on application requirements like I/O needs, memory, speed, and more.
This document provides an overview of quantum computing, including its history, basic concepts, applications, advantages, difficulties, and future directions. It discusses how quantum computing originated in the 1980s with the goal of building a computer that is millions of times faster than classical computers and theoretically uses no energy. The basic concepts covered include quantum mechanics, superpositioning, qubits, quantum gates, and how quantum computers could perform calculations that are intractable on classical computers, such as factoring large numbers. The document also outlines some of the challenges facing quantum computing as well as potential future advances in the field.
The document discusses the history and components of the central processing unit (CPU). It describes how the CPU originated from concepts developed in the 1940s and evolved from large mainframe computers to smaller microprocessors. The key components of the CPU are the control unit, arithmetic logic unit, and memory unit. The CPU functions by fetching instructions from memory, decoding and translating them, executing calculations and data movement, and storing results.
A server is a computer or program that manages access to centralized resources or services in a network. Servers can be hardware, like a physical computer, or software, like a database or web server program. Common types of servers include database servers, web servers, file servers, mail servers, and application servers. Servers are designed for reliability, performance and to service multiple client requests simultaneously. They provide advantages over standard PCs for improving productivity and reducing costs in business networks.
This document presents an overview of quantum computers. It begins with an introduction and brief outline, then discusses the history of quantum computing from 1982 onwards. It explains that quantum computers use quantum mechanics principles like qubits and superposition to potentially solve problems beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Some applications mentioned include cryptography, artificial intelligence, and teleportation. Challenges like decoherence and error correction are also noted. The conclusion states that if successfully built, quantum computers could revolutionize society.
Presentation for a lecture in the doctoral series at Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania, May 2009.
Aim was to show current generation the rich history of computer hardarware and that many of the recent innovations in CPU design have their origins in designs of teh 50s and 60s.
This document provides an overview of computer hardware and systems. It defines key components like the CPU, RAM, ROM, and input/output devices. It then discusses measures of computer performance such as data amounts, transfer rates, clock speeds, and instructions per second. Finally, it outlines different types of computers and architectures like centralized, distributed, and client-server computing.
This document discusses industrial clusters through two case studies. It defines a cluster as a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses in a particular field. The semiconductor industry in Silicon Valley and the automobile industry in Detroit are provided as historical examples of successful clusters. Benefits of clusters include access to resources, information, institutions, customer needs and technology. Potential downsides are homogeneousness, monopolization and high business costs. Current issues facing clusters include lack of knowledge sharing, liquidity and government support. Solutions proposed are strong leadership, start-up support, open innovation and collaboration between government, institutions, universities and companies. Case studies of the Tsukuba Science City cluster in Japan and the Silicon Valley cluster in the US are then described.
This document provides an overview of cluster computing. It defines a cluster as a group of loosely coupled computers that work together closely to function as a single computer. Clusters improve speed and reliability over a single computer and are more cost-effective. Each node has its own operating system, memory, and sometimes file system. Programs use message passing to transfer data and execution between nodes. Clusters can provide low-cost parallel processing for applications that can be distributed. The document discusses cluster architecture, components, applications, and compares clusters to grids and cloud computing.
This document discusses computer clusters and their architecture. A cluster consists of loosely connected computers that can be viewed as a single system. It includes nodes, a network, an operating system, and cluster middleware to allow programs to run across nodes. Clusters provide benefits like data sharing, parallel processing, and task scheduling. The architecture includes a master node that manages the cluster and computing nodes that process tasks. Beowulf clusters specifically use many connected commodity computers as nodes. The document outlines some example applications and operating systems used in clusters.
Sessione tenuto presso la fiera "Punto di incontro" di Pordenone in data 03.11.2016
"Levoluzione del web. Andrea Dottor, consulente informatico,
Microsoft MVP e docente ITS, illustra il percorso di
studi dando spazio ad alcune tecnologie/framework come
AngularJS e Bootstrap, spiegando perch辿 saranno alla
base delle applicazioni del futuro."
A computer cluster is a group of tightly coupled computers that work together like a single computer (Paragraph 1). Clusters are commonly connected through fast local area networks and have evolved to support applications ranging from e-commerce to databases (Paragraph 2). A cluster uses interconnected standalone computers that cooperate to create the illusion of a single computer with parallel processing capabilities. Clusters provide benefits like reduced costs, high availability if components fail, and scalability by allowing addition of nodes (Paragraphs 3-4). The history of clusters began in the 1970s and operating systems like Linux are now commonly used (Paragraph 5). Clusters have architectures with interconnected nodes that appear as a single system to users (Paragraph 6). Clusters are categorized based on availability
The document discusses CPU architecture and microcontroller components. It describes how the CPU is divided into three main parts: the datapath, control unit, and instruction set. The datapath performs data processing, the control unit uses instructions to direct the datapath, and the instruction set is the programmer interface. It then focuses on explaining the datapath in more detail, including the arithmetic logic unit, register file, and their functions. Finally, it provides an overview of different microcontroller families that can be selected based on application requirements like I/O needs, memory, speed, and more.
This document provides an overview of quantum computing, including its history, basic concepts, applications, advantages, difficulties, and future directions. It discusses how quantum computing originated in the 1980s with the goal of building a computer that is millions of times faster than classical computers and theoretically uses no energy. The basic concepts covered include quantum mechanics, superpositioning, qubits, quantum gates, and how quantum computers could perform calculations that are intractable on classical computers, such as factoring large numbers. The document also outlines some of the challenges facing quantum computing as well as potential future advances in the field.
The document discusses the history and components of the central processing unit (CPU). It describes how the CPU originated from concepts developed in the 1940s and evolved from large mainframe computers to smaller microprocessors. The key components of the CPU are the control unit, arithmetic logic unit, and memory unit. The CPU functions by fetching instructions from memory, decoding and translating them, executing calculations and data movement, and storing results.
A server is a computer or program that manages access to centralized resources or services in a network. Servers can be hardware, like a physical computer, or software, like a database or web server program. Common types of servers include database servers, web servers, file servers, mail servers, and application servers. Servers are designed for reliability, performance and to service multiple client requests simultaneously. They provide advantages over standard PCs for improving productivity and reducing costs in business networks.
This document presents an overview of quantum computers. It begins with an introduction and brief outline, then discusses the history of quantum computing from 1982 onwards. It explains that quantum computers use quantum mechanics principles like qubits and superposition to potentially solve problems beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Some applications mentioned include cryptography, artificial intelligence, and teleportation. Challenges like decoherence and error correction are also noted. The conclusion states that if successfully built, quantum computers could revolutionize society.
Presentation for a lecture in the doctoral series at Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania, May 2009.
Aim was to show current generation the rich history of computer hardarware and that many of the recent innovations in CPU design have their origins in designs of teh 50s and 60s.
Cultura digitale, la grammatica di internet tra informazione, cultura e intra...Lorenzo Fabbri
La grammatica di internet tra informazione, cultura e intrattenimento. Un po' per via della diffusione degli smartphone, un po' grazie all'incessante lavoro di standardizzazione e diffusione operato dalle multinazionali del digitale, Internet 竪 oggi sempre pi湛 popolare e gode di una legittimazione sociale senza precedenti. Il seminario 竪 dedicato a discutere alcune delle regole e dei principi culturali su cui si basa internet, nella sua attuale forma, partendo da esempi e casi di studio concreti. Analizzeremo il caso di Mymovies (il principale sito italiano di cinema) per capire cosa si nasconde dietro all'idea - sempre pi湛 comune - che il web sia lo strumento pi湛 adatto per decidere dove andare al cinema. Il caso di Radio Deejay sar occasione per capire come un editore tradizionale - in questo caso radiofonico - si ponga di fronte ai temi dello sviluppo di internet e della trasformazione digitale, in un mondo in cui la musica si ascolta su Spotify. Discuteremo infine le diverse "filosofie" o pi湛 correttamente "strategie culturali", che sono alla base della sempre pi湛 evidente guerra commerciale e tecnologica tra Apple, Google e Facebook (e tra questi e i media tradizionali.) Il seminario si 竪 tenuto all'Universit di Firenze, corso di laurea specialistica in Giornalismo e sfera pubblica, condotto da Lorenzo Fabbri (responsabile intrattenimento digitale Gruppo l'Espresso) con la partecipazione di Gianluca Guzzo (fondatore di Mymovies).
Audizione Comune - Torino Mini Maker faire 2019Davide Gomba
際際滷 di presentazione dell'esperienza Torino Mini Maker Faire alla Commissione Consiliare Smart City che si 竪 svolta il 6 Settembre 2019, congiuntamente alla III Commissione Consiliare Permanente, nella sala Orologio di Palazzo Civico di Torino
LExpo di Milano con 140 Paesi iscritti ha raggiunto il record di partecipazione della manifestazione. la prima grande esposizione ibrida che vuole connettere la realt sostenibile di natura, cultura, cibo ed energia con le ormai mature tecnologie di prossimit orientate al dialogo tra umano e il mondo Internet of Things (IoT). E lattenzione in rete verso levento segna nellultimo bimestre 2013 un +77% rispetto al bimestre precedente.
Futuro Remoto 竪 nato e cresciuto grazie al sostegno della citt, delle istituzioni, dellUniversit, della scuola, dei partner, degli sponsor e delle associazioni che lo hanno reso in assoluto il primo Festival della Scienza in Europa.
Tenutosi negli ultimi anni in piazza del Plebiscito, al centro di Napoli, il Festival della scienza e della tecnologia si conferma la pi湛 longeva manifestazione di diffusione scientifica dItalia, con un numero di visitatori che ha raggiunto nel 2017 le 250.000 persone, tra scuole, universit, famiglie,
Il nuovo format di Futuro Remoto, operazione di social innovation europea, dimostra che 竪 possibile avvicinare i cittadini alla scienza, alla cultura e allinnovazione.
La manifestazione ha nel 2019 tre poli principali: 2 poli cittadini, aree suggestive e centrali nella citt che diventano la sede ideale per seminari ed incontri e il polo di Citt della Scienza, coinvolta nel suo complesso con le aree espositive, lo spazio congressuale e gli spazi allaperto.
Un grande villaggio dove accogliere tutti i cittadini con un programma di grandi eventi, laboratori, dimostrazioni interattive, animazioni e spettacoli. Previsto anche un ciclo di Grandi Conferenze con personalit nazionali e internazionali della scienza e con protagonisti del mondo della cultura e dello spettacolo.
un ambiente fisico e virtuale ("Phyrtuale") per l'apprendimento esperienziale e la pratica dell'innovazione in tutte le sue espressioni: innovazione tecnologica, sociale e individuale. Non si producono solo oggetti, ma si imparano a modellare anche le idee per dare forma alle soluzioni.
Social & Business Networking.
Andrea Genovese Ceo & Founder 7th Floor,
Free Business Magazine in Italy.
Share your vision for the future.
Lesperienza del Museo non dovrebbe avere confini fisici o temporali, ne essere pensata come una passeggiata solitaria. Attraverso questa presentazione si scoprono gli elementi per passare:Dalla fruizione personale a quella condivisa. Dalla memoria personale dellesperienza a quella estesa.
2. Qual 竪 limpatto dellinformation technology
sulla nostra vita quotidiana?
Come siamo arrivati alla tecnologia attuale?
Quale futuro ci attende grazie ad essa?
3. A bit of [hi]story. Dalla valvola allo smartphone,
i computer che hanno fatto la storia, si terr
nel nuovo Spazio MRF, in corso Settembrini
164 a Torino, sabato 21 e domenica 22
maggio 2016
4. Linformatica 竪 una scienza che ha profondamente
cambiato le nostre abitudini ed 竪 una grande
opportunit per il nostro futuro. Bisogna
conoscerne, per嘆, il passato, per comprendere il
presente e immaginare il futuro.
5. La conoscenza porta ad una maggiore
consapevolezza e, di conseguenza, alla
comprensione dei cambiamenti che essa apporta.
Da qui si pu嘆 iniziare un viaggio nel nostro futuro.
6. Conoscere il passato, per comprendere il presente
e immaginare il futuro 竪 la via per poter vivere
attivamente il cambiamento, sia da semplici
persone, sia da aziende.
7. Vogliamo raccontare quali sono stati e quali
saranno i piccoli, grandi cambiamenti del
quotidiano dovuti alluso dellinformatica e delle
tecnologie derivate.
8. A bit of [hi]story sar una evento ricco di attivit
legate al mondo dell#educational e della
#socialinnovation. Ogni giorno conferenze,
workshop, proiezioni e laboratori per tutte le et.
9. Dai laboratori di robotica e riuso per bambini, a
quelli di programmazione. Dal corso di
alfabetizzazione informatica per anziani al
laboratorio di riparazione di computer e
smartphone per tutti coloro che necessitano di una
mano e non vogliono buttare ci嘆 che gi hanno.
10. I laboratori per bambini e ragazzi volti a formare le
loro menti, ad avvicinarli con uno sguardo critico e
attento ad un mondo che li circonda e che
prendono cos狸 com竪.
Un modo per formare il loro pensiero
11. Gli anziani sono ad alto rischio di esclusione dai
benefici della societ della conoscenza ma le nuove
tecnologie possono aprire un universo nuovo e
accessibile anche a chi non 竪 pi湛 tanto giovane.
12. Conferenze sulla storia, in particolare italiana,
legata al mondo dellinformatica ma anche
presentazioni di progetti innovativi, di startup e di
13. E quindi un insieme di proposte per tutte le et,
per tutti gli interessati, siano essi del settore, siano
essi totalmente alloscuro di quanto verr trattato.
14. Il Finding Ada Lovelace Day, giunto alla sua
quinta edizione e rivolto alle giovani generazioni
per far comprendere che il divario di genere in
ambito informatico si deve ridurre e pu嘆 essere
15. Sar loccasione per lanciare la raccolta firme per
lapertura di un museo dellinformatica reale e
visitabile; un progetto importante, quello del
Museo Internazionale dellInformatica, per il
territorio della Citt Metropolitana di Torino, che
tanto ha dato in questo ambito.
16. Da non dimenticare che A bit of [hi]story
aderisce alla Notte Europea dei Musei, tenendo
aperto fino alla mezzanotte del sabato, e alle
Settimane della Scienza, organizzate da Centro
Scienza Onlus.
17. Da non dimenticare che A bit of [hi]story
aderisce alla Notte Europea dei Musei, tenendo
aperto fino alla mezzanotte del sabato, e alle
Settimane della Scienza, organizzate da Centro
Scienza Onlus.
18. A bit of [hi]story:
52 partner
22 attivit
51 relatori
19. Il Gruppo Consoft Sistemi (,
azienda italiana leader del settore IT, DeAgostini
Scuola, importante casa editrice scolastica,
Synesthesia, web agency organizzatrice di
Droidcon Italia e Siro Elettronica sono partner
20. Aderiscono alliniziativa notevoli istituzioni museali
del territorio come il Temporary Museum di
Basic.Net con una selezione della mostra
Omaggio alla rivoluzione informatica, la
Fondazione Natale Cappellaro e All About Apple di
21. Aderiscono enti scientifici il cui ruolo 竪 di
divulgazione e di ricerca come Centro Scienza
Onlus, il CSP Innovazione nelle ICT, lIstituto
Superiore Mario Boella e il Dipartimento di
Informatica dellUniversit di Torino.
22. Enti che si occupano di riuso come Officina
Informatica Libera e RestartParty sono stati, sin da
subito, partecipi, proponendo attivit di supporto
ai visitatori dellevento.
23. A bit of [hi]story si terr presso lo Spazio MRF di
Torino Nuova Economia, il 21 maggio dalle 11:00
alle 24:00 e il 22 maggio dalle 09:00 alle 19:30.
Uno spazio particolare, che ripercorre la storia
industriale di Torino, uno spazio in continua