This document provides a summary of Ali El Rayyes' professional experience and qualifications. He has over 16 years of experience in quality management and process improvement in the FMCG/petrochemical industries. Currently he is the Senior Department Manager of Process Control, Harbour & Oil Logistics at Afia International Company in Saudi Arabia, where he leads teams and drives certification to various quality and food safety standards. He holds a PhD in Industrial Chemistry and has extensive experience in research and applying analytical techniques.
O documento apresenta três entrevistas sobre arrendamento e parceria de terras rurais. A primeira entrevista é com um arrendador que aluga pequenas por??es de sua terra de 480ha por 150kg de farinha ou arroz. A segunda entrevista é com um parceiro que dividia o gado em parceria, ficando com uma cabe?a a cada três nascidas. A terceira entrevista é com um arrendatário que paga R$40 reais por cabe?a de gado por mês para usar a terra apenas no período da estiagem.
This document contains the resume of Manish Pareek. It summarizes his educational qualifications including a BCom and MBA. It also outlines his professional experience working in marketing, accounts, and credit roles for various companies in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and India over the past 15+ years. His core strengths include marketing analysis, strategic planning, relationship building, and experience with MS Office applications. References are also provided.
Este documento promueve un taller de storytelling que se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México. El taller utilizará el método de dise?o de pensamiento para ayudar a los participantes a desarrollar historias efectivas para su audiencia. Los participantes aprenderán nuevas habilidades de comunicación y tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a otras personas interesadas en temas similares. Los entrenadores están certificados en storytelling y dise?o de pensamiento.
Pinterest is a visual discovery engine where users can bookmark and share images, videos and other content on virtual pinboards. It has experienced explosive user growth since its launch in 2010. The average Pinterest user is a 35 year old college educated woman who spends over 80 minutes per month on the site. Nonprofits can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest due to its engaged audience that closely matches nonprofit donors. Nonprofits should create boards around their mission and services to engage supporters and drive traffic to their website and online fundraising efforts.
Mathcad is engineering calculation software used by over 250,000 professionals. It allows users to perform calculations, document their work, and share designs efficiently. New features in Mathcad 14 include improved support for multiple languages, enhanced symbolic solving capabilities, differential equation solving, and plotting tools. These enhancements help users be more productive and improve the quality, clarity, and reuse of intellectual property in engineering designs.
The document discusses coronary artery anomalies seen on CT angiography. It describes anomalies of origin such as multiple coronary ostia, a single coronary ostium, and anomalous location of the ostium. Anomalies of course include an interarterial course, which carries a high risk of sudden cardiac death, or retroaortic, prepulmonic, and transseptal courses. Rare anomalies include inverted coronary arteries, origin from the non-coronary sinus or pulmonary artery. Coronary CT angiography can accurately depict the anomalous vessel origin and course.
This document outlines a training overview for a Microsoft Excel extended introduction course. The course consists of 6 classes covering topics like terminology, navigation, formatting, functions, macros, importing data, and charts. Each class is scheduled for a different date and includes the topics that will be covered, such as formatting, sorting, filtering, and different types of functions like date, logical, and statistical functions.
Engenharia de software aplicada ao software educacional: desafios, problemas ...sergiocrespo
O documento discute desafios, problemas e tendências da engenharia de software aplicada ao desenvolvimento de software educacional. Aborda modelos de processos, a defini??o de software educacional, aspectos pedagógicos, temas trabalhados e desafios como a interdisciplinaridade.
AfroTech is a leading provider of security, e-money, e-medicine, and tracking solutions in Sudan. It was founded in 2007 and has expanded to provide innovative IT solutions to meet clients' unique business and technical needs through quality technology services. AfroTech delivers complex, integrated solutions to corporate, military, and government clients using cutting-edge technologies.
The document summarizes coronary artery anatomy. It describes the origins and branches of the right coronary artery and left coronary artery. The right coronary artery typically arises from the right coronary sinus and supplies the right ventricle. The left main coronary artery bifurcates into the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery. It also discusses common anatomical variations such as anomalous origins, fistulas, and intrinsic abnormalities like stenosis.
The document outlines three keys to achieving sustainability in information governance programs:
1. Having a single authoritative source for all evidence-based records and information to ensure trust in the information.
2. Managing only one copy of each record to simplify retention, disposition, and transparency.
3. Applying the "first point of contact" principle where the person first receiving information is accountable for filing and managing it to build trust in the process over time.
The document discusses using finite element analysis to model the aortic root and understand how diastolic expansion affects coronary anomalies. It presents an idealized 3D parametric model of the aortic root created in Abaqus, including the ventriculoaortic junction, valsalva sinuses, tubular ascending aorta, and placement of the coronary arteries. Variations of the model are discussed to better represent individual patients, such as varying the coronary connection point or root shape. The analysis aims to explain the full biomechanics of how root expansion during diastole can restrict blood flow in coronary anomalies.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang Indeks SPBE Kota Palangka Raya tahun 2021. Kota ini mendapat predikat "Kurang" pada tahun 2019 dengan skor 1,75. Pada tahun 2021 penilaian masih berlangsung. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penilaian antara lain belum adanya peta rencana dan arsitektur SPBE serta belum terpenuhinya domain manajemen. Layanan SPBE seperti aplikasi keuangan dan pengaduan masyarakat sudah ber
Buku ini memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai Kota Palangka Raya, mulai dari visi dan misi, lambang daerah, sejarah pembentukan kota dan pemerintahannya, serta potensi-potensi ekonomi dan pariwisata di Kota Palangka Raya.
Statistik Palangka Raya 2015 memberikan informasi mengenai geografi, iklim, pemerintahan, penduduk, sosial, ekonomi, dan statistik lainnya di Kota Palangka Raya. Buku ini berisi data tahun 2014 dan 2015 tentang luas wilayah, jumlah penduduk, organisasi pemerintahan, sektor pertanian, industri, perdagangan, dan lainnya.
Este documento promueve un taller de storytelling que se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de México. El taller utilizará el método de dise?o de pensamiento para ayudar a los participantes a desarrollar historias efectivas para su audiencia. Los participantes aprenderán nuevas habilidades de comunicación y tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a otras personas interesadas en temas similares. Los entrenadores están certificados en storytelling y dise?o de pensamiento.
Pinterest is a visual discovery engine where users can bookmark and share images, videos and other content on virtual pinboards. It has experienced explosive user growth since its launch in 2010. The average Pinterest user is a 35 year old college educated woman who spends over 80 minutes per month on the site. Nonprofits can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest due to its engaged audience that closely matches nonprofit donors. Nonprofits should create boards around their mission and services to engage supporters and drive traffic to their website and online fundraising efforts.
Mathcad is engineering calculation software used by over 250,000 professionals. It allows users to perform calculations, document their work, and share designs efficiently. New features in Mathcad 14 include improved support for multiple languages, enhanced symbolic solving capabilities, differential equation solving, and plotting tools. These enhancements help users be more productive and improve the quality, clarity, and reuse of intellectual property in engineering designs.
The document discusses coronary artery anomalies seen on CT angiography. It describes anomalies of origin such as multiple coronary ostia, a single coronary ostium, and anomalous location of the ostium. Anomalies of course include an interarterial course, which carries a high risk of sudden cardiac death, or retroaortic, prepulmonic, and transseptal courses. Rare anomalies include inverted coronary arteries, origin from the non-coronary sinus or pulmonary artery. Coronary CT angiography can accurately depict the anomalous vessel origin and course.
This document outlines a training overview for a Microsoft Excel extended introduction course. The course consists of 6 classes covering topics like terminology, navigation, formatting, functions, macros, importing data, and charts. Each class is scheduled for a different date and includes the topics that will be covered, such as formatting, sorting, filtering, and different types of functions like date, logical, and statistical functions.
Engenharia de software aplicada ao software educacional: desafios, problemas ...sergiocrespo
O documento discute desafios, problemas e tendências da engenharia de software aplicada ao desenvolvimento de software educacional. Aborda modelos de processos, a defini??o de software educacional, aspectos pedagógicos, temas trabalhados e desafios como a interdisciplinaridade.
AfroTech is a leading provider of security, e-money, e-medicine, and tracking solutions in Sudan. It was founded in 2007 and has expanded to provide innovative IT solutions to meet clients' unique business and technical needs through quality technology services. AfroTech delivers complex, integrated solutions to corporate, military, and government clients using cutting-edge technologies.
The document summarizes coronary artery anatomy. It describes the origins and branches of the right coronary artery and left coronary artery. The right coronary artery typically arises from the right coronary sinus and supplies the right ventricle. The left main coronary artery bifurcates into the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery. It also discusses common anatomical variations such as anomalous origins, fistulas, and intrinsic abnormalities like stenosis.
The document outlines three keys to achieving sustainability in information governance programs:
1. Having a single authoritative source for all evidence-based records and information to ensure trust in the information.
2. Managing only one copy of each record to simplify retention, disposition, and transparency.
3. Applying the "first point of contact" principle where the person first receiving information is accountable for filing and managing it to build trust in the process over time.
The document discusses using finite element analysis to model the aortic root and understand how diastolic expansion affects coronary anomalies. It presents an idealized 3D parametric model of the aortic root created in Abaqus, including the ventriculoaortic junction, valsalva sinuses, tubular ascending aorta, and placement of the coronary arteries. Variations of the model are discussed to better represent individual patients, such as varying the coronary connection point or root shape. The analysis aims to explain the full biomechanics of how root expansion during diastole can restrict blood flow in coronary anomalies.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang Indeks SPBE Kota Palangka Raya tahun 2021. Kota ini mendapat predikat "Kurang" pada tahun 2019 dengan skor 1,75. Pada tahun 2021 penilaian masih berlangsung. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penilaian antara lain belum adanya peta rencana dan arsitektur SPBE serta belum terpenuhinya domain manajemen. Layanan SPBE seperti aplikasi keuangan dan pengaduan masyarakat sudah ber
Buku ini memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai Kota Palangka Raya, mulai dari visi dan misi, lambang daerah, sejarah pembentukan kota dan pemerintahannya, serta potensi-potensi ekonomi dan pariwisata di Kota Palangka Raya.
Statistik Palangka Raya 2015 memberikan informasi mengenai geografi, iklim, pemerintahan, penduduk, sosial, ekonomi, dan statistik lainnya di Kota Palangka Raya. Buku ini berisi data tahun 2014 dan 2015 tentang luas wilayah, jumlah penduduk, organisasi pemerintahan, sektor pertanian, industri, perdagangan, dan lainnya.
1. Peraturan ini menetapkan Rencana Kerja Pembangunan Daerah Perubahan Kota Palangka Raya Tahun 2013 yang meliputi evaluasi hasil RKPD sampai dengan triwulan II dan rancangan program serta kegiatan prioritas daerah.
2. RKPD Perubahan menjadi acuan penyusunan perubahan KUA dan PPAS Tahun 2013 serta pedoman operasional SKPD dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan pembangunan tahun 2013.
3. RKPD dap
Dokumen tersebut memuat rencana strategi, arah kebijakan, dan program pembangunan Kota Palangka Raya untuk mewujudkan visi menjadi kota pendidikan, jasa, dan pariwisata yang berkualitas dan berwawasan lingkungan. Beberapa sasaran strategisnya adalah mewujudkan pemerintahan yang bersih dan akuntabel, mengembangkan kelembagaan kesejahteraan sosial, meningkatkan kerjasama daerah, serta meningkatkan kual
Dokumen tersebut membahas rencana program prioritas pembangunan daerah Kota Palangka Raya beserta indikasi kebutuhan pendanaannya untuk periode 2014-2018. Program prioritas tersebut antara lain peningkatan kapasitas lembaga perwakilan rakyat dengan sasaran meningkatkan jumlah peraturan daerah yang dihasilkan setiap tahunnya.
Renstra Dinas Bina Marga dan Sumber Daya Air Kota Palangka RayaMellianae Merkusi
Dokumen tersebut merupakan bagian dari rencana strategis, arah, dan kebijakan Kota Palangkaraya untuk mencapai visi dan misi ketiga yang berfokus pada pemerataan sarana dan prasarana publik berkualitas berdasarkan tata kelola sumber daya alam yang berkelanjutan. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan berbagai sasaran, strategi, arah kebijakan, indikator kinerja, dan program yang akan dijalankan oleh berbagai SK
Renstra Badan Komunikasi, Informatika, Perpustakaan dan Arsip Kota Palangka RayaMellianae Merkusi
Dokumen tersebut membahas strategi dan kebijakan Kota Palangkaraya dalam mewujudkan visi dan misi pembangunannya. Terdapat tabel yang menunjukkan sasaran, strategi, arah, dan kebijakan pembangunan di bidang pendidikan, kearsipan, dan perpustakaan. Dokumen ini juga menetapkan indikator kinerja untuk mengukur pencapaian program prioritas di bidang tersebut.
Renstra Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kota Palangka RayaMellianae Merkusi
BAB VI dan VII membahas strategi dan kebijakan Kota Palangkaraya untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang berbudaya, harmonis dan damai melalui peningkatan keamanan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan pengembangan kemitraan. BAB VIII menjelaskan program prioritas untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut beserta indikator dan anggarannya. BAB IX menetapkan indikator kinerja untuk mengukur capaian program.
Dokumen tersebut membahas strategi dan kebijakan pemerintahan Kota Palangkaraya dalam mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih. Beberapa program prioritas yang disebutkan adalah program pembinaan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pengelolaan keuangan, peningkatan pengawasan internal, dan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia aparatur. Dokumen ini juga menetapkan indikator kinerja untuk mengukur pencapaian program tersebut
Renstra Dinas Koperasi, Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Palangka RayaMellianae Merkusi
Dokumen tersebut membahas strategi dan kebijakan pembangunan Kota Palangkaraya di beberapa bidang, termasuk pariwisata, ekonomi, lingkungan hidup, tata kelola pemerintahan, dan sosial budaya. Beberapa tujuan strategis yang disebutkan adalah meningkatkan daya saing UKM dan koperasi, memperluas sarana prasarana untuk mendukung perekonomian, serta melestarikan lingkungan alam dan budaya daerah.
Dokumen tersebut membahas strategi dan kebijakan pemerintahan Kota Palangkaraya dalam mewujudkan tata kelola yang baik dan bersih, meliputi peningkatan peran pemerintah kecamatan dan kelurahan sebagai ujung tombak pemerintahan, serta program dan indikator kinerja yang mendukung hal tersebut.