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David Scurlock
Learning and Development Leader
   Working knowledge and experience in the design,
    development and implementation of learning

   Experience providing strategic alignment
    and direction supported with execution.

   Experience managing, motivating teams.

   Pragmatic understanding and experience within
    business environments.

   Visionary; Passionate; Servant Leader
   Competitive advantage
    ◦   Increase Customer Satisfaction
    ◦   Grow revenues
    ◦   Drive Standards of Excellence
    ◦   Drive The Dynamic Organization
Leadership        Associate         Customer          Business
Effectiveness     Satisfaction      Satisfaction        Results

Learning/Development and Performance improvement programs
should support the Dynamic Organization
   Immediacy

   Intimacy

   Integrated approach
    ◦   Synchronous
    ◦   Asynchronously
    ◦   Problem-solving
    ◦   Collaboration
    ◦   Assessment
   Comprehensive-total solutions that address specific
    needs and skill gaps identified as part of the
    assessment process.

   Organized-training structured based on adult learning
    theory and sound instructional design.

   Relevant-based on contemporary best practices and
    practical real world concepts and programs.

   Experiential-training sessions that include exercises,
    role-plays, and activities that challenge and draw on the
    experience of the participants.
Better……….… Cheaper………..….Faster

Performance   Overall      Time to
               Costs        Proficiency
   Sub-par productivity

   Mistakes

   Dissatisfied customers

   Time getting help from others

   Manager’s time reviewing and correcting

   Attrition
   Define proficiency

   Get Baseline

   Harvest expert knowledge

   Select the best method of delivery

   Measure results in terms of time to
Harvest Knowledge

                     Store Knowledge

                   Transfer Knowledge

Initial Learning                             Ongoing Learning

          Increasing Expertise/Proficiency                  Results
   Methodology for accelerating the
    development of proficient performance

   Reduce time to proficiency
   Learn By Doing
    ◦ simulations
    ◦ cases
    ◦ real plays

   Teachable Moments
    ◦   key information is available at decision point
    ◦   individuals are motivated to learn
    ◦   remember the information
    ◦   can immediately apply it to the job
   Systematic set of experiences
    ◦ Simple to complex
    ◦ Building process

   Integrate knowledge and skills

   Educational networking
    ◦   community of learners
    ◦   enables discussion and reflection
    ◦   motivates through peer interaction
    ◦   builds relationships
Present Principles    Self-directed e-learning
   Strategies & Skills

   Link Knowledge to        web based

Knowledge Application       Training

                           • Applications
   Daily Disciplines       • Success Action Plans

                           • On-going coaching
                             and Support
Curriculum                 Technical                      Delivery                     Support

     These elements work together to provide the success factors in the development, design and
     implementation of learning solutions.
   Bloom’s Taxonomy                       ADDIE Process
    ◦   Knowledge                           ◦   Analyze
    ◦   Comprehension                       ◦   Design
    ◦   Application                         ◦   Develop
    ◦   Analysis                            ◦   Implement
    ◦   Synthesis                           ◦   Evaluate
    ◦   Evaluation

    Gagne’ Nine Events of Instruction
    ARCS Model for Motivation
Synchronous Learning Process
                                    Interactive/ Socialization

                                          White Paper
                                                                                      Rapid Simulation
                     Exercises                                                         Development
                                 Word                                   Games

                                          Instructor-Led                              Rapid Authoring Tools
                                                                  20%     60%
                    Practice                                        Simulations/
                                                                    Problem Solving
                                  PowerPoint               .PDF


                                        Content Knowledge
*based on IBM learning model
Instructor-Led ---------------
                      750 hours to create simulation-based e-learning
                                                                                               Online, Self-Paced

                                Hours of development
                                per finished hour of instruction
                                On-line, E-learning
                                                                          $ Return on Investment
                                                                                                                     Impact of rapid
                                                                                                                     shorter breakeven
                                                                         Break even point
$$ Development Cost

                                                                         10 months

                                                Hours of development
                                                per finished hour of instruction
                                                                                                                         Example Only

                                                                                   $$ Reoccurring cost, over time
   LMS
    ◦ Learning Management System
   KMS
    ◦ Knowledge Management System
   LCM
    ◦ Learning Content Management System
   Virtual Environment
    ◦ Learning Experience

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Leading A Learning And Development Team In Today’S Environment

  • 1. David Scurlock Learning and Development Leader
  • 2. Working knowledge and experience in the design, development and implementation of learning solutions.  Experience providing strategic alignment and direction supported with execution.  Experience managing, motivating teams.  Pragmatic understanding and experience within business environments.  Visionary; Passionate; Servant Leader
  • 3. Competitive advantage ◦ Increase Customer Satisfaction ◦ Grow revenues ◦ Drive Standards of Excellence ◦ Drive The Dynamic Organization
  • 4. Leadership Associate Customer Business Effectiveness Satisfaction Satisfaction Results Learning/Development and Performance improvement programs should support the Dynamic Organization
  • 5. Immediacy  Intimacy  Integrated approach ◦ Synchronous ◦ Asynchronously ◦ Problem-solving ◦ Collaboration ◦ Assessment
  • 6. Comprehensive-total solutions that address specific needs and skill gaps identified as part of the assessment process.  Organized-training structured based on adult learning theory and sound instructional design.  Relevant-based on contemporary best practices and practical real world concepts and programs.  Experiential-training sessions that include exercises, role-plays, and activities that challenge and draw on the experience of the participants.
  • 8. Sub-par productivity  Mistakes  Dissatisfied customers  Time getting help from others  Manager’s time reviewing and correcting  Attrition
  • 9. Define proficiency  Get Baseline  Harvest expert knowledge  Select the best method of delivery  Measure results in terms of time to proficiency
  • 10. Harvest Knowledge Store Knowledge Transfer Knowledge Initial Learning Ongoing Learning Desired Increasing Expertise/Proficiency Results
  • 11. Methodology for accelerating the development of proficient performance  Reduce time to proficiency
  • 12. Learn By Doing ◦ simulations ◦ cases ◦ real plays  Teachable Moments ◦ key information is available at decision point ◦ individuals are motivated to learn ◦ remember the information ◦ can immediately apply it to the job
  • 13. Systematic set of experiences ◦ Simple to complex ◦ Building process  Integrate knowledge and skills  Educational networking ◦ community of learners ◦ enables discussion and reflection ◦ motivates through peer interaction ◦ builds relationships
  • 14. Present Principles Self-directed e-learning Strategies & Skills •Instructor-led Link Knowledge to web based Business •Classroom Knowledge Application Training • Applications Workshops Daily Disciplines • Success Action Plans • On-going coaching and Support Success
  • 15. Curriculum Technical Delivery Support Platform These elements work together to provide the success factors in the development, design and implementation of learning solutions.
  • 16. Bloom’s Taxonomy  ADDIE Process ◦ Knowledge ◦ Analyze ◦ Comprehension ◦ Design ◦ Application ◦ Develop ◦ Analysis ◦ Implement ◦ Synthesis ◦ Evaluate ◦ Evaluation Gagne’ Nine Events of Instruction ARCS Model for Motivation Constructivism
  • 17. Synchronous Learning Process Interactive/ Socialization White Paper Rapid Simulation Exercises Development Word Games Instructor-Led Rapid Authoring Tools 20% 60% 20% Scenario-based Practice Simulations/ Problem Solving PowerPoint .PDF Classroom Content Knowledge *based on IBM learning model
  • 18. Instructor-Led --------------- 750 hours to create simulation-based e-learning Online, Self-Paced 221:1 Hours of development per finished hour of instruction On-line, E-learning $ Return on Investment Impact of rapid development. shorter breakeven Break even point $$ Development Cost 10 months 34:1 Hours of development per finished hour of instruction Instructor-Led Example Only $$ Reoccurring cost, over time
  • 19. LMS ◦ Learning Management System  KMS ◦ Knowledge Management System  LCM ◦ Learning Content Management System  Virtual Environment ◦ Learning Experience

Editor's Notes

  • #2: In today’s changing and demanding business environment how a learning and development team functions and addresses business needs has changed as well.
  • #4: Learning/development and performance improvement should support achieving the overall business objectives.
  • #6: The overall learning objectives must be taken into account when determining the best solution to meet the demands of business today.
  • #8: Business runners are looking for better performance, accomplished with less expense and expect a faster time to proficiency.
  • #9: There are real cost associated with slow proficiency. By reducing the time to proficiency will result minimizing these cost.
  • #10: These are steps that can be followed to reduce the time to proficiency
  • #11: Here is the process and cycle associated with knowledge transfer in a way that helps to rapidly achieve expertise and proficiency.
  • #15: The performance centered learning process is the best approach to achieve real gains in proficiency. A variety blended solutions is used to deliver and support the process.
  • #17: Two well established approaches to instructional design.
  • #18: Based on a model development by IBM a model should be established for what a “blended solution’ should look like.
  • #19: Return on investment will vary depending the development cost and over what time that cost will reoccur overtime. On-line/technology based training can have a higher initial development cost but a lower reoccurring cost over time. Using rapid development tools and process can lower deve
  • #20: These are additional tools that would be part of a comprehensive learning and development solution.