Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang cita-cita, perbandingan bisnis biasa dengan bisnis asuransi di Generali, profil perusahaan Generali, skema kompensasi dan bonus, serta peluang bisnis asuransi di Generali.
Presentation sport and movement congres Barcelona move 2013 laatst walter dew...Walter Dewancker
The document proposes a new degree program called "Sports and Movement" that would train students in health coaching and leisure management. It aims to address issues in Europe like youth unemployment, aging populations, obesity, and failing education through entrepreneurial health and movement coaches. The innovative program would integrate 5 core roles - coach, trainer, communicator, entrepreneur, innovator - and use action learning. Students would gain concrete experience through in-company training, small business projects, and designing leisure activities. The ultimate goal is to produce graduates ready for careers in health coaching, leisure management, sports industries and more.
The document provides information about the Applied Health and Lifestyle Sciences international semester program being offered in autumn 2016 at HOWEST University of Applied Sciences. The 30 ECTS program consists of 5 obligatory modules totaling 18 ECTS and allows students to choose additional modules from one of two options to reach the full 30 ECTS. The program aims to develop professionals who can help people maintain a healthy work-life balance and lifestyle behaviors. It emphasizes theoretical learning, experiential learning, and team projects.
Lesson 5 trends & ondernemen trends en slot trendwatching enWalter Dewancker
This document discusses strategies for reducing traffic congestion in Belgium such as providing incentives for biking like bike bonuses and free public transportation passes for those who give up their cars. It also talks about increasing taxes on car ownership and investing more in bike infrastructure. The document provides several links to websites about mobility initiatives in the city of Ghent that encourage biking and walking as alternatives to car transportation.
Dokumen tersebut membahas teori-teori asal mulanya negara, meliputi teori teokrasi yang menyatakan negara berasal dari kekuasaan Tuhan, teori perjanjian yang menyatakan negara terbentuk dari perjanjian manusia untuk melindungi diri, teori kekuasaan biologis yang menyamakan negara dengan organisme hidup, dan teori sosiologis yang mendekati asal mulanya negara dari perspektif sosiologi.
The Living Lab is a testing ground for sports and movement innovation located at the Sports Innovation Campus in Bruges. It brings together experts from different programs at Howest university to collaborate with companies and organizations on projects. The Living Lab aims to promote innovation, research, low-threshold community sports, and prevention through an interactive space and partnerships. It offers assets like accommodations, technology testing, and access to a community of users to support projects in areas like game development, product design, behavioral research, and more.
This document discusses several trends related to consumer behavior, leisure activities, and health and fitness. It notes that single females have more flexibility in their recreation choices. It also mentions trends of people desiring authentic human experiences and focusing on their neighborhoods. Additionally, it discusses demands for work-life balance and expectations that everything needs to change quickly, including new sports and activities being developed.
The lesson introduces the topic and has students envision their future in the labor market of sport, health, and movement. It discusses essential qualities of professionals in this field, including being enterprising and self-directed. Students are tasked with making a mind map of their future vision. The document provides tips for recognizing enterprising behavior and discusses replacing "I wish" with "I will". It emphasizes developing an entrepreneurial spirit to influence one's environment. The final objective is to create professionals with knowledge and eagerness to introduce new projects to the health and movement labor market.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang gugatan di PTUN, mulai dari pengertian gugatan, perbedaan gugatan perdata dan PTUN, syarat formal surat gugatan (persona standi in judicio, posita, petitum), dan dampak penolakan gugatan.
Using Java & Genetic Algorithms to Beat the MarketMatthew Ring
The document discusses using genetic algorithms and Java to develop trading algorithms that can find repeating patterns in market data and time the market. It describes collecting market data, generating trading signals from the data, defining possible trading decisions, using genetic algorithms to evolve candidate trading strategies by simulating trades and scoring strategies based on profits, and testing the best evolved strategies on out-of-sample market data. The results showed average profits of 3% per trade for the generated trading models.
Pers Indonesia memainkan peran penting dalam perjuangan bangsa Indonesia. Pers memiliki peraturan berupa UU Pers dan UU KUHP yang mengatur hukuman bagi pelanggaran. Masyarakat dapat menuntut pers secara hukum jika merasa dirugikan, dengan tuduhan seperti pencemaran nama baik, fitnah, atau penghinaan. Wartawan, redaktur, penerbit dan pencetak semua dapat dijerat pidana jika terbukti terlibat pelanggaran.
This document discusses developing learning programs and stimulating creativity to promote economic growth. It mentions that 80% of people think creativity is key to success, while 25% feel they can be highly creative. Various trends in areas like technology, society, and economics need to be followed. Ideas around upcycling waste, jugaad innovation, and using minimal resources are presented. Sports technology, interactive walls, Xbox Kinect, and other tools are proposed for applications like fitness centers and assisted living. Convincing others of new ideas requires power of persuasion. Checklists for content and format of presentations are provided.
Dokumen tersebut membahas teori-teori asal mulanya negara, meliputi teori teokrasi yang menyatakan negara berasal dari kekuasaan Tuhan, teori perjanjian yang menyatakan negara terbentuk dari perjanjian manusia untuk melindungi diri, teori kekuasaan biologis yang menyamakan negara dengan organisme hidup, dan teori sosiologis yang mendekati asal mulanya negara dari perspektif sosiologi.
The Living Lab is a testing ground for sports and movement innovation located at the Sports Innovation Campus in Bruges. It brings together experts from different programs at Howest university to collaborate with companies and organizations on projects. The Living Lab aims to promote innovation, research, low-threshold community sports, and prevention through an interactive space and partnerships. It offers assets like accommodations, technology testing, and access to a community of users to support projects in areas like game development, product design, behavioral research, and more.
This document discusses several trends related to consumer behavior, leisure activities, and health and fitness. It notes that single females have more flexibility in their recreation choices. It also mentions trends of people desiring authentic human experiences and focusing on their neighborhoods. Additionally, it discusses demands for work-life balance and expectations that everything needs to change quickly, including new sports and activities being developed.
The lesson introduces the topic and has students envision their future in the labor market of sport, health, and movement. It discusses essential qualities of professionals in this field, including being enterprising and self-directed. Students are tasked with making a mind map of their future vision. The document provides tips for recognizing enterprising behavior and discusses replacing "I wish" with "I will". It emphasizes developing an entrepreneurial spirit to influence one's environment. The final objective is to create professionals with knowledge and eagerness to introduce new projects to the health and movement labor market.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang gugatan di PTUN, mulai dari pengertian gugatan, perbedaan gugatan perdata dan PTUN, syarat formal surat gugatan (persona standi in judicio, posita, petitum), dan dampak penolakan gugatan.
Using Java & Genetic Algorithms to Beat the MarketMatthew Ring
The document discusses using genetic algorithms and Java to develop trading algorithms that can find repeating patterns in market data and time the market. It describes collecting market data, generating trading signals from the data, defining possible trading decisions, using genetic algorithms to evolve candidate trading strategies by simulating trades and scoring strategies based on profits, and testing the best evolved strategies on out-of-sample market data. The results showed average profits of 3% per trade for the generated trading models.
Pers Indonesia memainkan peran penting dalam perjuangan bangsa Indonesia. Pers memiliki peraturan berupa UU Pers dan UU KUHP yang mengatur hukuman bagi pelanggaran. Masyarakat dapat menuntut pers secara hukum jika merasa dirugikan, dengan tuduhan seperti pencemaran nama baik, fitnah, atau penghinaan. Wartawan, redaktur, penerbit dan pencetak semua dapat dijerat pidana jika terbukti terlibat pelanggaran.
This document discusses developing learning programs and stimulating creativity to promote economic growth. It mentions that 80% of people think creativity is key to success, while 25% feel they can be highly creative. Various trends in areas like technology, society, and economics need to be followed. Ideas around upcycling waste, jugaad innovation, and using minimal resources are presented. Sports technology, interactive walls, Xbox Kinect, and other tools are proposed for applications like fitness centers and assisted living. Convincing others of new ideas requires power of persuasion. Checklists for content and format of presentations are provided.
30. Technologie
Is het de prijs
Nadelen ifv
Is het
Voordelen ifv
Is het een
hype of trend?
van de
Passend bij
82. Content Checklist
1. Numbers, numbers, numbers
2. Talk about money
3. Be credible
4. Call to action
5. Show your unfair competitive advantage
6. Why do you need investment
7. How will you measure success?
8. Try to prove that it works
9. Find metaphors or reference points
10. Does it scratch your own itch?
83. Format Checklist
1. Concise (veel info in paar woorden)
2. Clear
3. Powerfull
4. Visual
5. Story
6. Targeted
7. Hook
105. Mensen willen terug naar de basis en verlangen
naar menselijkheid, naar slow living, authenticiteit
en meer aandacht voor de buurt. De geschiedenis
gebruiken zij daarbij als inspiratie.
Ze hebben liever kwaliteit dan kwantiteit: liever een
paar goede echte vrienden dan massas virtuele
vrienden op Facebook. Aandacht voor elkaar en voor
de omgeving en tijd zijn de bijbehorende nieuwe
waarden. Deze trend groeit gestaag door.
116. ME-TIME MEER BEWEGEN (vnl. interne motivatie)
financieel: extra fietsvergoeding
Hoge bureaus zonder stoelen