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Michael W. Lewis
14807 Killarney Lane
Smithville, MO 64089
Cell- 816-797-5221
Work Experience
Service Center Manager, Kansas City, KS April 2012  June 2016
 Oversee the day to day operation of the 4th
largest service center in the Con-Way Freight
 Manage and supervise over 300 employees at the Kansas City facility.
 Manage to LEAN Principles as a Bronze Certified location at Kansas City, KS
 Work directly with our HR department to resolve personnel issues that may arise.
Service Center Manager, Wichita, KS October 2007  April 2012
Freight Operations Manager, Kansas City, KS September 2005  October 2007
Account Executive, Kansas City, KS January 2003  September 2005
 To over see the growth, and maintain the revenue for the 200 plus accounts in my area.
 To resolve any logistical issues or transportation issues for accounts in my area.
Manager of Safety, Kansas City, KS December 1998  January 2003
 Oversee 20 service centers ensuring they are OSHA, EPA, DOT, and DNR compliant.
 Investigate serious accidents, managing and resolving the accident scene within a
fiscally responsible budget and timely manner.
 Facilitate various training programs and hoc training for terminal managers, supervisors, and
 Develop training programs with peers in the Safety Department with the objective of
advancing compliance.
 Coordinate the organization of the annual company driving championship.
 Oversee Con-way drivers training, development, and practice in preparation for the
State and National Trucking Driving Championship.
Con-Way Freight, Muncie, IN
Driver Sales Representative April 1986  December 1998
 Deliver and pick up freight, dock work, sales calls
Mississinewa High School graduate
Other Training
OSHA Compliance
EPA Compliance Management
Hazardous Materials Trainer
Safety and Hazardous Material Transportation
Accident Investigation Michigan State University
Heavy Truck Crash Investigation CMSU
Michigan Center for Decision Driving
Qualified Triples Trainer in US and Canada
OSHA Forklift Train-The-Trainer Program
Completed Power Point, Word, and Access classes
Personal Accomplishments
Undefeated 5 time Indiana Twins Driving Champion - best finish 9th
at the 1998 NTDC
10 consecutive years safe driving award, Jan. 1997
Nominated for Americas Road Team 1997
Nominated for Driver of the Year in Indiana 1997
References: Available upon request.

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LewisMike Resume

  • 1. Michael W. Lewis 14807 Killarney Lane Smithville, MO 64089 Cell- 816-797-5221 lewis.michael1977@gmail.com Work Experience Service Center Manager, Kansas City, KS April 2012 June 2016 Oversee the day to day operation of the 4th largest service center in the Con-Way Freight network. Manage and supervise over 300 employees at the Kansas City facility. Manage to LEAN Principles as a Bronze Certified location at Kansas City, KS Work directly with our HR department to resolve personnel issues that may arise. Service Center Manager, Wichita, KS October 2007 April 2012 Freight Operations Manager, Kansas City, KS September 2005 October 2007 Account Executive, Kansas City, KS January 2003 September 2005 To over see the growth, and maintain the revenue for the 200 plus accounts in my area. To resolve any logistical issues or transportation issues for accounts in my area. Manager of Safety, Kansas City, KS December 1998 January 2003 Oversee 20 service centers ensuring they are OSHA, EPA, DOT, and DNR compliant. Investigate serious accidents, managing and resolving the accident scene within a fiscally responsible budget and timely manner. Facilitate various training programs and hoc training for terminal managers, supervisors, and drivers. Develop training programs with peers in the Safety Department with the objective of advancing compliance. Coordinate the organization of the annual company driving championship. Oversee Con-way drivers training, development, and practice in preparation for the State and National Trucking Driving Championship. Con-Way Freight, Muncie, IN Driver Sales Representative April 1986 December 1998 Deliver and pick up freight, dock work, sales calls Education Mississinewa High School graduate Other Training OSHA Compliance EPA Compliance Management Hazardous Materials Trainer Safety and Hazardous Material Transportation
  • 2. Accident Investigation Michigan State University Heavy Truck Crash Investigation CMSU Michigan Center for Decision Driving Qualified Triples Trainer in US and Canada OSHA Forklift Train-The-Trainer Program Completed Power Point, Word, and Access classes Personal Accomplishments Undefeated 5 time Indiana Twins Driving Champion - best finish 9th at the 1998 NTDC 10 consecutive years safe driving award, Jan. 1997 Nominated for Americas Road Team 1997 Nominated for Driver of the Year in Indiana 1997 References: Available upon request.