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The Art of Social Selling
LinkedIn Breakfast: Generating more opportunities with LinkedIn Sales Navigator
LinkedIn: Worlds Largest Professional Network
+2 New members per second
50% Access via mobile devices
24 Languages
180m+ members
Europe, Middle East, Africa
116m+ members
Asia Pacific
68m+ members
1M +
through professional news
and knowledge
with your
professional world
and build your
For members
An All Too Familiar Experience
Sales Customer
Whats the outcome?
How effective is your sales team today?
of B2B sales professionals wont
hit quota this year
Sirius Decisions
How effective is your sales team today?
7.5 209
Keller Research Centre
Sources: *Forrester, Buyer Behavior Helps B2B Marketers Guide the Buyers Journey, October 2012; **Zero Moment of Truth Study, Google
Acquiring customers today is challenging
Access to more information, buyers self informed and 90% through the buying journey
of B2B Buyers use social media to
research purchasing decisions
B2B buyers expect
new or different
insights from sales
Building sales relationships has changed
content consumed
before ready to
Top 3 challenges facing sales
Ability to build trust with a
customer or prospect quickly
Providing value to the buyer from
the first engagement
Personalise interactions based
on previous engagements
Target Understand Act
Social Selling Tactics
≒ Receive daily lead recommendations
≒ Use advanced search to identify prospects
≒ Get alerts that signal intent to buy
≒ Analyze profile and social activity data
≒ Connect via warm introductions and InMail
≒ Deliver relevant content at the right timeAct
LinkedIn Sales Navigator
LinkedIn Breakfast: Generating more opportunities with LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Matt Tindale
More likely to engage
through warm introduction
LinkedIn Breakfast: Generating more opportunities with LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Salespeople using
social selling tactics
outperform their peers
Aberdeen Research
Sales Navigator users are generating 1.7x the number
of opportunities & revenue
1.7xMore opportunities &
revenue on average
Enterprise &
Partner Group
Corporate Group
Public Sector
Opportunities Revenues
Thank You

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LinkedIn Breakfast: Generating more opportunities with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  • 1. The Art of Social Selling
  • 3. LinkedIn: Worlds Largest Professional Network 5M+ INDONESIA 3M+ PHILIPPINES 2M+ MALAYSIA 1M+ SINGAPORE 1M+ SAUDI ARABIA 21M+ BRAZIL 124M+ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 12M+ CANADA 34M+ INDIA 7M+ AUSTRALIA 1M+ NEW ZEALAND 4M+ SOUTH AFRICA 2M+ UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 18M+ UNITED KINGDOM 9M+ FRANCE 7M+ ITALY 2M+ BELGIUM 1M+ DENMARK 4M+ TURKEY 5M+ NETHERLANDS 2M+ SWEDEN 6M+ SPAIN 16M+ CHINA 414M+ Members Worldwide +2 New members per second 50% Access via mobile devices 24 Languages 1M+ HONG KONG 1M+ JAPAN 1M+ S. KOREA 850k+ VIETNAM Americas 180m+ members Europe, Middle East, Africa 116m+ members Asia Pacific 68m+ members 1M + THAILAND 5M+ RUSSIA 8M+ MEXICO 4M+ ARGENTINA
  • 4. STAY INFORMED through professional news and knowledge CONNECT with your professional world GET HIRED and build your career For members
  • 6. An All Too Familiar Experience
  • 13. How effective is your sales team today? 56% of B2B sales professionals wont hit quota this year Sirius Decisions
  • 14. How effective is your sales team today? 7.5 209 1 HOUR S CALLS QUALIFIED APPOINTMENT Keller Research Centre =
  • 15. Sources: *Forrester, Buyer Behavior Helps B2B Marketers Guide the Buyers Journey, October 2012; **Zero Moment of Truth Study, Google Acquiring customers today is challenging Access to more information, buyers self informed and 90% through the buying journey
  • 16. 75% of B2B Buyers use social media to research purchasing decisions
  • 17. B2B buyers expect new or different insights from sales professionals Building sales relationships has changed 95% content consumed before ready to engage
  • 18. LinkedIn Top 3 challenges facing sales today 64% 56% 51% Ability to build trust with a customer or prospect quickly Providing value to the buyer from the first engagement Personalise interactions based on previous engagements
  • 19. Target Understand Act Social Selling Tactics
  • 20. Target ≒ Receive daily lead recommendations ≒ Use advanced search to identify prospects ≒ Get alerts that signal intent to buy ≒ Analyze profile and social activity data ≒ Connect via warm introductions and InMail ≒ Deliver relevant content at the right timeAct Understand LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • 23. More likely to engage through warm introduction 5X
  • 25. 72.6% Salespeople using social selling tactics outperform their peers Aberdeen Research
  • 26. 26
  • 27. Sales Navigator users are generating 1.7x the number of opportunities & revenue 1.7xMore opportunities & revenue on average 1.9x 2.3x 3.0x Enterprise & Partner Group Corporate Group Public Sector 1.5x 1.2x 5.0x $ Opportunities Revenues