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Simple commands in Linux:
1. Is  Displays information about files in the current directory.
Syntax of `ls` command in Linux
ls [option] [file/directory]
2. pwd  Displays the current working directory.
3. mkdir  Creates a directory.
mkdir [options...] [directories ...]
Options available in mkdir
1) help:
It displays help-related information and exits.
mkdir --help
2) version:
It displays the version number, some information regarding the license and exits.
mkdir version
A flag which enables the command to create parent directories as necessary. If the
directories exist, no error is specified.
mkdir -p [directories]
4) -m:
This option is used to set the file modes, i.e. permissions, etc. for the created
directories. The syntax of the mode is the same as the chmod command.
mkdir -m a=rwx [directories]
4. cd  To navigate between different folders.
cd [directory_name]
Here, replace [directory_name] with the desired directory you want to move in.
For Example:
If we want to move to a subdirectory name Documents
cd Documents
5. rmdir  Removes empty directories from the directory lists.
Syntax- rmdir <directory>
6. cp  Moves files from one directory to another.
cp [OPTION] Source Destination
cp [OPTION] Source Directory
cp [OPTION] Source-1 Source-2 Source-3 Source-n Directory
$ ls
$ cp a.txt b.txt
$ ls
a.txt b.txt
7. mv  Rename and Replace the files
mv [options(s)] [source_file_name(s)] [Destination_file_name]
8. rm  Delete files
rm [OPTION]... FILE...
Removing one file at a time
$ rm a.txt
$ ls
b.txt c.txt d.txt e.txt
Removing more than one file at a time
$ rm b.txt c.txt
$ ls
d.txt e.txt
9. touch  Create empty files
touch file_name
10. cat  Display file contents on terminal
cat file_name
11. echo- Echo is a command used for displaying lines of text or string which are
passed as arguments on the command line
echo [string]
echo "MCA Class 1st"
12. clear  Clear terminal
1.ls Command with different argument
ls is a Linux shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories.
It provides valuable information about files, directories, and their attributes.
Syntax of `ls` command in Linux
ls [option] [file/directory]
Commonly Used Options in `ls` command in Linux
Options Description
known as a long format that displays detailed information about files and
-a Represent all files Include hidden files and directories in the listing.
Sort files and directories by their last modification time, displaying the
most recently modified ones first.
known as reverse order which is used to reverse the default order of
-S Sort files and directories by their sizes, listing the largest ones first.
-R List files and directories recursively, including subdirectories.
known as inode which displays the index number (inode) of each file and
Options Description
known as group which displays the group ownership of files and
directories instead of the owner.
-h Print file sizes in human-readable format (e.g., 1K, 234M, 2G).
-d List directories themselves, rather than their contents.
2. File contained in home directory
There are multiple ways to access and return to the home directory. Some commands are very
helpful for the directories such as cd, pwd, mkdir, pwd, ls, and rmdir.
Here, we can explore our home directory.
Generally, our terminal opens with the user's particular directory. To change directory to
home directory, execute the cd command as follows:
1.cd /home
The above command will change the directory to home. To list the home directory,
execute the ls command as follows:
We can get back to our home directory by executing the cd command without any
argument. It will back to our home directory from any directory we are working on.
Execute it as follows:
2. pwd
To display the current working directory, execute the pwd command as follows:
3. mkdir
To create a directory under a directory, execute the mkdir command as follows:
mkdir <directory name>
3. Move the file from one directory to another
The mv command moves files and directories from one directory to another, or renames
a file or directory. If you move a file or directory to a new directory, it retains the base file
name. When you move a file .
mv [options(s)] [source_file_name(s)] [Destination_file_name]
4. The command to sort the directory to listing by the size
To sort files by size, use the option -S with the ls command. Mind it, it's capital S for
sorting. That's good but you can make it better by adding the -h option. This option
makes the output of the ls command displays the file size in human readable formats.
The -S option of the ls command sorts the files by size.
5. To print the current working directory
Print Current DirectoryTo know your current directory, you can use
the pwd command which stands for Print Working Directory.
Syntax of `pwd` command in Linux
This command doesnt have any arguments or options, but it can accept flags for
specific behavior.
Flags For Specific behavior in `pwd` command in Linux.
 The -L flag resolves symbolic links and prints the path of the target directory.
 The default behavior of the shell built-in pwd is equivalent to using pwd -L.
 Mention the -P flag, which displays the actual path without resolving symbolic
 The default behavior of the binary /bin/pwd is the same as using pwd -P

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  • 1. Simple commands in Linux: 1. Is Displays information about files in the current directory. Syntax of `ls` command in Linux ls [option] [file/directory] 2. pwd Displays the current working directory. pwd [OPTIONS] 3. mkdir Creates a directory. Syntax: mkdir [options...] [directories ...] Options available in mkdir 1) help: It displays help-related information and exits. Syntax: mkdir --help 2) version: It displays the version number, some information regarding the license and exits. Syntax: mkdir version 3)-p: A flag which enables the command to create parent directories as necessary. If the directories exist, no error is specified. Syntax: mkdir -p [directories]
  • 2. 4) -m: This option is used to set the file modes, i.e. permissions, etc. for the created directories. The syntax of the mode is the same as the chmod command. Syntax: mkdir -m a=rwx [directories] 4. cd To navigate between different folders. Syntax: cd [directory_name] Here, replace [directory_name] with the desired directory you want to move in. For Example: If we want to move to a subdirectory name Documents cd Documents 5. rmdir Removes empty directories from the directory lists. Syntax- rmdir <directory> 6. cp Moves files from one directory to another. Syntax: cp [OPTION] Source Destination cp [OPTION] Source Directory cp [OPTION] Source-1 Source-2 Source-3 Source-n Directory Example: $ ls a.txt $ cp a.txt b.txt $ ls a.txt b.txt
  • 3. 7. mv Rename and Replace the files Syntax: mv [options(s)] [source_file_name(s)] [Destination_file_name] 8. rm Delete files Syntax: rm [OPTION]... FILE... Ex: Removing one file at a time $ rm a.txt $ ls b.txt c.txt d.txt e.txt Removing more than one file at a time $ rm b.txt c.txt $ ls d.txt e.txt 9. touch Create empty files Syntax: touch file_name 10. cat Display file contents on terminal Syntax: cat file_name 11. echo- Echo is a command used for displaying lines of text or string which are passed as arguments on the command line Syntax: echo [string] Example: echo "MCA Class 1st"
  • 4. 12. clear Clear terminal Syntax: reset Practicals 1.ls Command with different argument ls is a Linux shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories. It provides valuable information about files, directories, and their attributes. Syntax of `ls` command in Linux ls [option] [file/directory] Commonly Used Options in `ls` command in Linux Options Description -l known as a long format that displays detailed information about files and directories. -a Represent all files Include hidden files and directories in the listing. -t Sort files and directories by their last modification time, displaying the most recently modified ones first. -r known as reverse order which is used to reverse the default order of listing. -S Sort files and directories by their sizes, listing the largest ones first. -R List files and directories recursively, including subdirectories. -i known as inode which displays the index number (inode) of each file and directory.
  • 5. Options Description -g known as group which displays the group ownership of files and directories instead of the owner. -h Print file sizes in human-readable format (e.g., 1K, 234M, 2G). -d List directories themselves, rather than their contents. 2. File contained in home directory There are multiple ways to access and return to the home directory. Some commands are very helpful for the directories such as cd, pwd, mkdir, pwd, ls, and rmdir. Here, we can explore our home directory. Generally, our terminal opens with the user's particular directory. To change directory to home directory, execute the cd command as follows: 1.cd /home The above command will change the directory to home. To list the home directory, execute the ls command as follows: ls We can get back to our home directory by executing the cd command without any argument. It will back to our home directory from any directory we are working on. Execute it as follows: cd 2. pwd To display the current working directory, execute the pwd command as follows: pwd
  • 6. 3. mkdir To create a directory under a directory, execute the mkdir command as follows: mkdir <directory name> 3. Move the file from one directory to another The mv command moves files and directories from one directory to another, or renames a file or directory. If you move a file or directory to a new directory, it retains the base file name. When you move a file . Syntax: mv [options(s)] [source_file_name(s)] [Destination_file_name] 4. The command to sort the directory to listing by the size To sort files by size, use the option -S with the ls command. Mind it, it's capital S for sorting. That's good but you can make it better by adding the -h option. This option makes the output of the ls command displays the file size in human readable formats. The -S option of the ls command sorts the files by size. 5. To print the current working directory Print Current DirectoryTo know your current directory, you can use the pwd command which stands for Print Working Directory. Syntax of `pwd` command in Linux pwd [OPTIONS] This command doesnt have any arguments or options, but it can accept flags for specific behavior.
  • 7. Flags For Specific behavior in `pwd` command in Linux. The -L flag resolves symbolic links and prints the path of the target directory. The default behavior of the shell built-in pwd is equivalent to using pwd -L. Mention the -P flag, which displays the actual path without resolving symbolic links. The default behavior of the binary /bin/pwd is the same as using pwd -P