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Photographer and Videomaker
Advertising and Integrated Marketing CommunicationsAgent
D.O.B.: 13/08/ 1967
P.O.B.: Genoa, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Home/ResidentialAddress: Piazza ScuolePie,7 16123Genoa GE Italy
Mobile Phone no.: +39 3476237255
e-mail: info@loewyadv.it; margheritaloewy@gmail.com
Websites: www.loewyadv.it
- Classical School-Leaving Certificate(Diploma), Lyceum Andrea D'Oria -
Genoa 1985
- TOEFL Certificate, University ofBerkeley, California USA1986
- Diploma as an InterpreterandTranslator (German,English):
School for Interpreters and Translators (S.S.I.T.), Milan 1986-1988
- UniversityDegreein Modern Languages (German,English), I.U.L.M., Milan
- Specialisation inTechnical Translation,GoetheInstitut -Milan1990
- Scholarshipat Siemens AG Amberg, Automation 1990
- Foreign Correspondent and Fashion Modelfor Guy Laroche, 1990
- My own advertising companyloewy adv (www.loewyadv.it) -head
office in Genoa,2002
- Professional basein Milan, 2004
- Copywriter at OFG (www.ofg.it/main.swf), 2004-2005
- Photographer,Press Officer Manager, PR, Advertising andIntegrated
Marketing Communications Agent
for B. Morone Srl (www.bmorone.it), 2006-2011
- Set-up of adhub (www.ad-hub.com), a joint ventureoffree-lance
professionals and companies
working in theadvertising sector,headoffices in Rome,Milanand Genoa
- 2008
- Joint Venturewith CelewebSA(http://celeweb.eu/it/index.html),
specialisedon new media ITdevices,
and GruppoOrbis (http://www.gruppoorbis.it/), focused on editing and
market researches 2010
- Business Developmentand CorporateMatchmaking in joint venturewith
Morgan InternationalSrl -cuttica.com 2011-2012
- Business Developmenton my own 2013
ITALIAN Mother tongue
ENGLISH Excellent command, oraland written
GERMAN Excellent command, oraland written
FRENCH Satisfactory command,oral ewritten
SPANISH Scholastic command, oral.
- captureonepro7
- photoshop cs6
- indesign cs6
- acrobat x 1.1
- microsoft office201114.2.5
- qtvr authoring studio
Big Format:
- Sinar Artec+Rodenstock Lenses
Small Format:
Nikon D700 +Nikkor Lenses
I am a photographer and goal-oriented advertising and integrated
marketing communications project manager witha 23-yearodd experience
in both public andprivatefields boasting clients as municipalities,
shipyards, cruising companies, law firms, logistics companies, publishing
groups, luxury anddesign brands.
[1980s -1990s]
My school education wasin humanistic subjects. In 1990, whilestillat
university, asascholarship holderat the SiemensAG Amberg
(automation sector), I worked asa TECHNICAL TRANSLATOR. I also
worked asa NEGOTIATIONS INTERPRETER and carried out anumberof
Author: Andrea Parodi
Editor: Microart's Editions SpA
Author: James &Patricia Cyriax
Editor: Butterworths & Heinemann, London >Piccin Nuova
Libraria S.p.a.,Padua
Author: Rubem A. Alves
Editor: SCMPress London >Quiqajon
Immediately after graduating I movedcloser intothe world offashion as
In 1997 I went intotheediting officeofthe Nuovo Melangolo/EINAUDI
Author: Arno Borst
Co-translator: Enrico Ganni
Editor: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach > Il nuovo melangolo -
Author: Prof. GillianRose
Editor: Elena L旦wenthal
Publisher: Blackwell (OxfordUK -CambridgeUSA) >ECIG -
Author: Schalom Ben Chorin
Cotranslator: Gabriele Lustig
Publisher: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tubingen >Il nuovo
[Around 2000]
REPORTAGES (MERIDIANI)working side by side with thephotographer
Michele Rossi (www.ioweb.it)and by myself.
Photographic Coverage: Daily Newspaperofthe Il SalonedelMobile -
Editions: 1999 -2000-2001-2002 - 2003 - 2004-2005
PhotoreportageCoverage: BAYERN
Client: MERIDIANI (EditorialeDOMUS -Milan)
Photographic coverage: Christmas in a PhsychiatricHospital andrelevant
book Natalein Manicomio, Introductionby FaustoPetrella
Photographic CoverageMALTA
Client: PORTORIA Publ. Group >Panama Editore SpA (Il
Giornaledella Vela Barchea Motore)
PhotoreportageCoverage: PICCOLEANTILLE CARAIBI
Client: PANAMA Publ Group, Milano (Il Giornaledella Vela 
Barche a Motore)
PhotoreportageCoverage: LALAGUNAVENETA
Client: PANAMAEditore Milano (Il Giornaledella Vela 
Barche a Motore)
Publishers: - Nuova Era, Italy
- Cantus, Spain
- Astarte, Italy
During these yearsI worked asa PHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTOEDITOR and
ARTBUYER for several Italian advertising agencies(e.g ICR Network,
Geggi Tagliafico Italia) and for Genoalocal Municipality and Provincein
the field of touristicpromotion(UE, G8 Summit).
At that time, whileagenerational change wastaking placefrom
analogical to digital, started my experience as photographer and
GRAPHIC DESIGNER togetherwith thephotographer MattiaMorgavi in
the fieldsof fashion, architecture, industry, food and advertising.
Client: Shiatsu-Do ItalianAcademy
Poster Design
Client: SPINNAKER retail
Brochure Design
Client: Genoa Municipality,SummitG8 2001
Folder Design
Client: UE  LIGURIA(Object 2)
Advertising Campaign
Brochure Design
The acquired expertise from these apparently heterogeneous
experiencesencouraged meto set up MY OWN ADVERTISING COMPANY
IN 2002, loewy adv (www.loewyadv.it)with itshead office inGenoa.
My initial commissionswereproofofmy wise career move.
Client: GALBANI -ICR Network 
Brochure Design
Client: MDA LAW FIRMS -mda.it -studiodeandre.it
Logo Design
Client: TORNADO Shipyard
Brochure Design-Advertising Campaign -Modern Art
Catalogue Graphic Designand Photography
Client: GENOVA MUNICIPALITY, Genova EuropeanCapital of
Culture 2004
ExhibitionRUBENS AGE - seerelevantSKiR
Still Life Paintings Photo-Reproduction
Client: CUENDET - www.cuendet.it
InternationalPress Advertising Campaign
Bill PosterCampaign
Mailing Leaflets
Retail Marketing
Press Office
Collective, CargoTheatre Passionand Revolution
Personal,Cargo Theatre-Female Nude Figures
Fabrizio Boggiano Archive
Civic Museum Masone: VII International Exhibition -Whiteand Black
Personal Art Gallery Joyce& Co.
2003 WorldYear ofDisability andWater
Personal Ducal PalaceGenoa
White and Black: Disability andWater
Personal -PalaDonBoscoGenoa -CIP Athens 2004Paralympic Games
[From 2004]
From the year 2004 loewy adv opened aBASEIN MILAN.
Client: WHAG -www.teammosaico.biz
Software Manual Graphic Design
Client: PANORAMA Periodical-PhotographicCoverage
Client: PANAMAEDITORE Il Giornaledella Vela
Photographic Coverage: X-YACHTS GOLDCUP 2004
Client: PANORAMA periodical
Photographic CoverageGENOA: CapitalofCulture
Client: PANAMAEDITORE Il Giornaledella Vela
Photographic CoverageParaplegicOlympics, Athens
2004 (sailing)
Client: Studio Gap &Associates Athens 2004: Urban
Regenerationofa Metropolis 
Photographic Coverage2004Athens Paralympics
Client: CIO - ICP -CIP (Italian Paralympics Committee)
Client: TORNADO Shipyard
Press Campaign
Client: ADMIRAL -AZIMUT Shipyard
Brochure Design
Client: CAIRONI (metal small artifacts) -caironi.it
Client: MERINI (textiles) -merinisnc.it
Client: D2U_designto users -www.d2u.it
Client: RCCL (Royal Caribbean CruiseLine) -www.rccl.it
Sales Campaign
Along with my agency commitments, from 2005to 2006I worked asa
COPYWRITER for the OFG agency (www.ofg.it/main.swf)in thefieldof
mass marketing dealing mainly with cinemaand automobileindustry.
Client: OFG Milano, adagency -www.ofg.it
Client: COS CON ITALY - www.cosco.com
Brochure Design
Photographic CoverageMICROMEGA Shortfilms by
Matteo Minetto
Client: ROSS LOVEGROVE, Salone del Mobile,Milan
Photographic Coverage
Client: GRAN VIA Publishing Group -www.gran-via.it
Client: PLANETCARGO Srl Milano -www.planetcargo.it
Brochure and Logo Design
Still Life and Advertising Photography
Client: LAPELUCCAOnlus www.istitutolapelucca.org
Architecturaland SociologicalPhotographic Coverage
[2006 -2011]
While still carrying on my own business, I worked asaPHOTOGRAPHER,
(www.bmorone.it)in the field ofdesignand luxury goods dealing with
brand namessuch asBaccarat, Herend SA, Pott, Mono,R. Haviland & C.
Parlon, Zanetto, Hering Berlin,Giovanardi.
In 2008 I promoted and set up ADHUB (www.ad-hub.com), ajoint
venture offree-lance professionals and companies working in the
advertising sector, head officesin Rome, Milan and Genoa.
Client: ZANETTO Argenti S.n.c. - http://www.zanetto.com/
Product StillLifePhotographic Coverage
Visual advertising
Client: Hungarian PorcelainManufacture HEREND S.A. -
Event s Organisation:
Forma and Decoration.Herend: Tradition Meets
[2010 -2011]
In 2010 loewy adv stipulatedanother joint venturewith Celeweb SA
(http://celeweb.eu/it/index.html), specialised on new mediaITdevices,
and Gruppo Orbis(http://www.gruppoorbis.it/), focused on editing and
market researches.
Client: PiscineCastiglione A&TEUROPESPA -
Brochure Design
Client: GOG Giovine Orchestra Genovese -www.gog.it
Logo Designfor theGOG 100th Anniversary
[End 2011 to Present Day]
End 2011 I started an activity ofBusinessDevelopment and Corporate
Matchmaking in joint venture with Morgan International Srl -
cuttica.com. Presently Im on my own.
Field: medicaland pharmaceutical(genetic engineering )Patents,
Energy (Biofuels and Biomasses),World Trade, Facilities,Oil
and Derivatives, Architectureand Engineering,Art, Luxury Fittings and
Design, Naval andMaritime, Commodities
Photographic and Video worksare now mainly focusedon architecture
and still life.
Client: PiscineCastiglione A&TEUROPESPA -
Client: Gaia e Gino -gaiagino.com
Still Life Photography
Client: MORETTI -http://www.morettiluce.com/
Still Life Photography
[April May 2015]
Spring 2015 advertising photographic campaign
Client: David ChiossoneOnlus
Margherita Loewy 48 years old, Single
no smoker
Italian Nationality
Address Piazza Scuole Pie, 7/9C -16123 Genoa (GE) Italy
Tel # +39 010 2469569
Mob # +39 347 6237255
email margheritaloewy@gmail.com
website www.loewyadv.it
Seafarer ExperiencedSailor, CadetDeck Officer
Maritime Titles/Licences RYA MCA YachtmasterOffshore Gibraltar (Tidal).
Registered Seafarer by Genoa Coast Guard.
Italian SteeringLicence nr 100182, issued by Genoas Coast Guard in 1987
IMO Professional Courses Fire Prevention basicand advanced  PSSR  Survivaland Rescue  Elementary First Aid  First Aid IMO,
ISPS Code, VHF SRC, RYA COC, RadarArpa, RYA MCA Certificate of Competence
Education/Work Experience Graduated in Modern Languages, Diploma as Interpreter and Translator. Photographer
Diving SSI Open Water Dive
SpokenLanguages Italian (mother tongue), German and English (very good), French (fairly good), Spanish (basics)
Requested Contract Any
Personal Notes
Broad maritime and sailing expertise . Navigation experience in the Mediterranean, Gibraltar Strait, Caribbeans, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
both in tidal and not tidal seas, as skipper and first mate, taking partin regattas, boattransfers, cruises.
Strong, enduring and self-controltempered. Discreet, reliable, tough, resolute and friendly.
Can relate positively with any kind of person and psychology, work in a teamor alone.
Respectfulof others competence and authority.
Loves sea, Nature and sport, practiced even professionally.
September, 21-26 2015
Cannes, Panerai Regattas
UNIT: SY Marjatta, Bermudian Yawl1943, 17,90 m
YACHTOWNER: Giovanni Broggi
ROLE: Skipper (runners/levers)
September, 3-8 2015
Transfer Circolo Canottieri Ichnusa, Cagliari  Porto Lotti, La Spezia - 300 M odd
UNIT: SY Shambala, Felci 52 , class Irc
YACHTOWNER: Paolo Bordogna, CVC Instructor
ROLE: Skipper
August, 22-27 2015
Sailing in the Ligurian Sea: Genoa YCI - Golfo dei Poeti (SP) - 175 M odd
UNIT: SY "Sha湛la", Jeanneau Sun Legend 41. Project: Doug Peterson
YACHTOWNER: Carlo Calissano ,YCI Genova
ROLE: Skipper
August, 7-22 2015
Sailing along Costa Azzurra: Genoa AirportMarina  Porquerolles - 500 odd M (tidal)
UNIT: SY "Venere" Beneteau Oceanis Clipper 42.3
YACHTOWNER: Simone Wacket
ROLE: Skipper
July, 23-31 2015
Sailing in the Ligurian and North Tirrenian Sea: Genoa-Tuscany-Genoa  175 M odd
UNIT: SY "Sha湛la", Jeanneau Sun Legend 41. Project: Doug Peterson
YACHTOWNER: Carlo Calissano,YCI Genova
ROLE: Skipper
May, 29  July, 13 2015
Tranfer Piripolis Uruguay  Trinidad Caribbeans
Yacht Repair and Maintenance: electric, idraulic and mechanicalsystems, standingand running riggings
UNIT: SY Adriatica: steelsloop, 27 m
YACHTOWNER: Paolo Roversi & Shareholders
ROLE: Skipper
March-April 2015
French Polynesia (Marquises, Tuamotu, Society Islands) - 600 odd M (tidal)
UNIT: SY Annka, LOA: 60 ft. Shipyard: Garcia
YACHTOWNER: Mr Alberto Musazzi
ROLE: Second Skipper
March 2015
Gibraltar  Ceuta (Morocco)  Yachtmaster Prep
UNIT: Jeanneau, Sun Odissey 40.3 ft, Meander K
ROLE: Skipper
October 2014  September 2015
Ligurian Sea, Mediterranenan - 175 odd M
UNIT: Jeanneau, Sun Legend 41, Shaula - YCI Genoa Italy. Project: DougPeterson
YACHTOWNER: Mr Carlo Calissano
ROLE: Skipper
June-September 2014
Cala Calera, Argentario  Tirrenian Sea: Tuscany > Sardinia > Costiera Amalfitana > Eolian Islands - 600 odd M
UNIT: Cruiser Racer, Farr 85ft Roma (3 Times World Champion, Maxi)
PROJECT: Farr - ICUN Shipyard Rome
YACHTOWNER: Mr Filippo Faruffini
ROLE: Deckhand, Stewar dess and Cook
April-May 2014
Baja California - Mexico - 500 odd M (tidal)
UNIT: S/V, Best Explor er, Cutter in steel with drop keel
Classification Certificate: 100A1
Lbp 15,17 m - Loa 17,00 m
Breath 4,34 m - Draft 1,40/2,90 m
Engine: Sol辿 Diesel 95 CV
PROJECT: Giorgetti & Magrini - CND Shipyard Milan
YACHTOWNERS: Giovanni Acquarone - Nicoletta Martini
http://www.nordovestitalia.org/ http://www.bestexpeditions.net/
ROLE: Second Skipper
7-15 October 2014
Aegean > Ionian Sea - 500 odd M
Transfer from Marmaris (Turkey) to Pylos (Peloponnesus), via Simi-Mezanos-Diros
UNIT: S/V "Annka", Garcia Shipyard, Loa 60 ft
YACHTOWNER: Mr Alberto Musazzi
ROLE: Second Skipper
June, 12 2013  October, 1 2013
Centre and Mid Tyrrhenian > Ionian Sea (to and fro) - 1250 odd M (tidal)
Rosignano S. > Capraia > Elba > Ischia > Lipari (Eolian Islands) > Messina Strait > Ionian Greece > Calabria > Capri > Ischia > Ventotene
> Ponza > Argentario > Giglio > Rosignano S.
UNIT: S/V Solaris Zero: Barbabl湛, Loa: 20 mt
Project: Doug Peterson
YACHTOWNERS: Mr Riccardo, Roberto and Andrea Bartolozzi
ROLE: Second Skipper and Cook
2013 - 2012 - 2011 March - May
Intercircoli Championship GE
see http://www.intercircoli.it/joomla/index.php
UNIT: Timms, Grand Soleil 42
YACHTOWNER: Nino Pecorari
ROLE: Deckhand
July  August2012
Corse and Sardinia Circumnavigation - 500 odd M
UNIT: Barca Giada, Janneau Sun Charm 39 ft
YACHTOWNER: Riccardo Caruso
ROLE: Second Skipper
8-16 June 2012
Giraglia Rolex Cup
UNIT: Foxy Lady X YACHT 372, winner of the 2011 Edition
YACHTOWNER: Armando Gambaro
ROLE: Deckhand
September 2011
Lion Gulf (France-Spain): Canet en Roussilon > Sant Feliu de Guixols (to and fro) - 400 odd M
UNIT: Elan 42 ft
YACHTOWNER: Massimo Sorrentino, CVC Coach
ROLE: Deckhand
8-10 April 2011
Cetaceans Regatta
UNIT: Martinez see http://www.flashvela.it/barche/
Project Finot , mod Finot 51, Shipyard Barberis
YACHTOWNER: Flash Vela Sanremo
ROLE: Deckhand
September 2005
Dubrovnic-Venice - 250 odd M (tidal)
UNIT: S/Y Sciarrelli Italia, 14 m
YACHTOWNER: Giorgio De Felix, CVC Coach
ROLE: Deckhand
April 2003
Caribbean, Guadaloupe > Antigua > Barbuda (to and fro) - 800 odd M
UNIT: S/Y Benetau 43.4
ROLE: Deckhand
Emerald Coast (Sardinia) - Maddalena Archipelago
UNIT: S/Y 42 ft
ROLE: Deckhand
Turkey Antalya > Marmaris (One Way)  300 odd M
UNIT: S/Y 42 ft
ROLE: Deckhand
Greece, Cyclades (from Athens) - 300 odd M
UNIT: S/Y First 42
ROLE: Deckhand
Greece, Cyclades (from Athens) - 300 odd M
UNIT: S/Y 39 ft
ROLE: Deckhand
Winter Championship Tigullio Gulf (Portofino)
UNIT: Class A
ROLE: Deckhand
Porto Venere > Corse (France) via Tuscany Archipelago, (to and fr o) - 250 odd M
UNIT: S/Y First 31.7
YACHTOWNER: David Clark, US, Saclant (NATO)
ROLE: Deckhand

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MargheritaLoewy_CV photosailing_2015_eng

  • 1. MARGHERITA LOEWY PROFESSIONAL FEATURES Photographer and Videomaker Advertising and Integrated Marketing CommunicationsAgent D.O.B.: 13/08/ 1967 P.O.B.: Genoa, Italy Nationality: Italian Home/ResidentialAddress: Piazza ScuolePie,7 16123Genoa GE Italy Mobile Phone no.: +39 3476237255 e-mail: info@loewyadv.it; margheritaloewy@gmail.com Websites: www.loewyadv.it EDUCATIONAL HISTORY - Classical School-Leaving Certificate(Diploma), Lyceum Andrea D'Oria - Genoa 1985 - TOEFL Certificate, University ofBerkeley, California USA1986 - Diploma as an InterpreterandTranslator (German,English): School for Interpreters and Translators (S.S.I.T.), Milan 1986-1988 - UniversityDegreein Modern Languages (German,English), I.U.L.M., Milan 1989-1990 - Specialisation inTechnical Translation,GoetheInstitut -Milan1990 - Scholarshipat Siemens AG Amberg, Automation 1990 - Foreign Correspondent and Fashion Modelfor Guy Laroche, 1990 - My own advertising companyloewy adv (www.loewyadv.it) -head office in Genoa,2002 - Professional basein Milan, 2004 - Copywriter at OFG (www.ofg.it/main.swf), 2004-2005 - Photographer,Press Officer Manager, PR, Advertising andIntegrated Marketing Communications Agent for B. Morone Srl (www.bmorone.it), 2006-2011 - Set-up of adhub (www.ad-hub.com), a joint ventureoffree-lance professionals and companies working in theadvertising sector,headoffices in Rome,Milanand Genoa - 2008 - Joint Venturewith CelewebSA(http://celeweb.eu/it/index.html), specialisedon new media ITdevices, and GruppoOrbis (http://www.gruppoorbis.it/), focused on editing and market researches 2010 - Business Developmentand CorporateMatchmaking in joint venturewith Morgan InternationalSrl -cuttica.com 2011-2012 - Business Developmenton my own 2013 LANGUAGES ITALIAN Mother tongue ENGLISH Excellent command, oraland written GERMAN Excellent command, oraland written FRENCH Satisfactory command,oral ewritten SPANISH Scholastic command, oral. COMPUTER SKILLS - captureonepro7 - photoshop cs6 - indesign cs6 - acrobat x 1.1 - microsoft office201114.2.5 - qtvr authoring studio PERSONAL PHOTO KIT Big Format: - Sinar Artec+Rodenstock Lenses Small Format: Nikon D700 +Nikkor Lenses WORK HISTORY I am a photographer and goal-oriented advertising and integrated marketing communications project manager witha 23-yearodd experience in both public andprivatefields boasting clients as municipalities, shipyards, cruising companies, law firms, logistics companies, publishing groups, luxury anddesign brands. [1980s -1990s] My school education wasin humanistic subjects. In 1990, whilestillat university, asascholarship holderat the SiemensAG Amberg (automation sector), I worked asa TECHNICAL TRANSLATOR. I also worked asa NEGOTIATIONS INTERPRETER and carried out anumberof translations. CERTIFIED LEGAL TRANSLATIONS BOOK TRANSLATIONS "LIGURIAAZIG ZAG"(Tour Guide) Author: Andrea Parodi Editor: Microart's Editions SpA "ILLUSTRATED MANUAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC MEDICINE -II Edition." Author: James &Patricia Cyriax Editor: Butterworths & Heinemann, London >Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.a.,Padua "THE POET, THEWARRIOR, THEPROPHET" >PAROLEDAMANGIARE Author: Rubem A. Alves Editor: SCMPress London >Quiqajon http://www.monasterodibose.it Immediately after graduating I movedcloser intothe world offashion as a FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT and FASHION MODEL for Guy Laroche. In 1997 I went intotheediting officeofthe Nuovo Melangolo/EINAUDI as an EDITOR and TRANSLATOR. OTHER TRANSLATIONS: "COMPUTUS" Author: Arno Borst Co-translator: Enrico Ganni Editor: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach > Il nuovo melangolo - Genoa "JUDAISMand MODERNITY PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS" >GIUDAISMO E MODERNITA Author: Prof. GillianRose Editor: Elena L旦wenthal Publisher: Blackwell (OxfordUK -CambridgeUSA) >ECIG - Genoa "JDISCHER GLAUBE" >LAFEDEEBRAICA Author: Schalom Ben Chorin Cotranslator: Gabriele Lustig Publisher: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tubingen >Il nuovo melangolo [Around 2000] Asa self-taught PHOTOGRAPHER, I produced STILL-LIFE WORKS AND REPORTAGES (MERIDIANI)working side by side with thephotographer Michele Rossi (www.ioweb.it)and by myself. Photographic Coverage: Daily Newspaperofthe Il SalonedelMobile - Milan Client: ABITARE SEGESTA SpA Editions: 1999 -2000-2001-2002 - 2003 - 2004-2005 PhotoreportageCoverage: BAYERN Client: MERIDIANI (EditorialeDOMUS -Milan)
  • 2. Photographic coverage: Christmas in a PhsychiatricHospital andrelevant book Natalein Manicomio, Introductionby FaustoPetrella Client: VENERDI DI REPUBBLICA Photographic CoverageMALTA Client: PORTORIA Publ. Group >Panama Editore SpA (Il Giornaledella Vela Barchea Motore) PhotoreportageCoverage: PICCOLEANTILLE CARAIBI Client: PANAMA Publ Group, Milano (Il Giornaledella Vela Barche a Motore) PhotoreportageCoverage: LALAGUNAVENETA Client: PANAMAEditore Milano (Il Giornaledella Vela Barche a Motore) CLASSICAL MUSIC CD COVERS Publishers: - Nuova Era, Italy - Cantus, Spain - Astarte, Italy During these yearsI worked asa PHOTOGRAPHER, PHOTOEDITOR and ARTBUYER for several Italian advertising agencies(e.g ICR Network, Geggi Tagliafico Italia) and for Genoalocal Municipality and Provincein the field of touristicpromotion(UE, G8 Summit). At that time, whileagenerational change wastaking placefrom analogical to digital, started my experience as photographer and GRAPHIC DESIGNER togetherwith thephotographer MattiaMorgavi in the fieldsof fashion, architecture, industry, food and advertising. Client: Shiatsu-Do ItalianAcademy Poster Design Client: SPINNAKER retail Brochure Design Client: Genoa Municipality,SummitG8 2001 Folder Design Client: UE LIGURIA(Object 2) Advertising Campaign Client: GENOA FILMCOMMISSION Brochure Design [2002-3] The acquired expertise from these apparently heterogeneous experiencesencouraged meto set up MY OWN ADVERTISING COMPANY IN 2002, loewy adv (www.loewyadv.it)with itshead office inGenoa. My initial commissionswereproofofmy wise career move. Client: GALBANI -ICR Network http://www.icrnetwork.com/ Brochure Design Client: MDA LAW FIRMS -mda.it -studiodeandre.it Logo Design Brochure Client: TORNADO Shipyard Brochure Design-Advertising Campaign -Modern Art Catalogue Graphic Designand Photography Client: GENOVA MUNICIPALITY, Genova EuropeanCapital of Culture 2004 ExhibitionRUBENS AGE - seerelevantSKiR catalogue Still Life Paintings Photo-Reproduction Client: CUENDET - www.cuendet.it InternationalPress Advertising Campaign Bill PosterCampaign Catalogue Mailing Leaflets Retail Marketing Press Office [2002-2004] PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITIONS Collective, CargoTheatre Passionand Revolution Personal,Cargo Theatre-Female Nude Figures Fabrizio Boggiano Archive Civic Museum Masone: VII International Exhibition -Whiteand Black Personal Art Gallery Joyce& Co. 2003 WorldYear ofDisability andWater Personal Ducal PalaceGenoa White and Black: Disability andWater Personal -PalaDonBoscoGenoa -CIP Athens 2004Paralympic Games [From 2004] From the year 2004 loewy adv opened aBASEIN MILAN. Client: WHAG -www.teammosaico.biz Software Manual Graphic Design Client: PANORAMA Periodical-PhotographicCoverage Client: PANAMAEDITORE Il Giornaledella Vela Photographic Coverage: X-YACHTS GOLDCUP 2004 Client: PANORAMA periodical Photographic CoverageGENOA: CapitalofCulture 2004 Client: PANAMAEDITORE Il Giornaledella Vela Photographic CoverageParaplegicOlympics, Athens 2004 (sailing) Client: Studio Gap &Associates Athens 2004: Urban Regenerationofa Metropolis PhotoreportageCoverage Photographic Coverage2004Athens Paralympics Games Client: CIO - ICP -CIP (Italian Paralympics Committee) Client: TORNADO Shipyard Press Campaign Client: ADMIRAL -AZIMUT Shipyard Brochure Design Client: CAIRONI (metal small artifacts) -caironi.it Still-life Client: MERINI (textiles) -merinisnc.it Still-life Client: D2U_designto users -www.d2u.it ArchitecturePhotography Client: RCCL (Royal Caribbean CruiseLine) -www.rccl.it
  • 3. Sales Campaign [2005-2006] Along with my agency commitments, from 2005to 2006I worked asa COPYWRITER for the OFG agency (www.ofg.it/main.swf)in thefieldof mass marketing dealing mainly with cinemaand automobileindustry. Client: OFG Milano, adagency -www.ofg.it Client: COS CON ITALY - www.cosco.com Brochure Design Client: PROVINCEofMILAN Photographic CoverageMICROMEGA Shortfilms by Matteo Minetto Client: ROSS LOVEGROVE, Salone del Mobile,Milan Photographic Coverage Client: IMMOBILIARE EUROPEA Architecturalphotography Client: GRAN VIA Publishing Group -www.gran-via.it Graphics Client: PLANETCARGO Srl Milano -www.planetcargo.it Brochure and Logo Design Client: BACCARAT, HEREND, ZANETTO, R. HAVILAND & C. PARLON, ROYAL LIMOGES Still Life and Advertising Photography Client: LAPELUCCAOnlus www.istitutolapelucca.org Architecturaland SociologicalPhotographic Coverage [2006 -2011] While still carrying on my own business, I worked asaPHOTOGRAPHER, PRESS OFFICER MANAGER, PR-, ADVERTISING-AND INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS AGENT for B. MoroneSrl (www.bmorone.it)in the field ofdesignand luxury goods dealing with brand namessuch asBaccarat, Herend SA, Pott, Mono,R. Haviland & C. Parlon, Zanetto, Hering Berlin,Giovanardi. In 2008 I promoted and set up ADHUB (www.ad-hub.com), ajoint venture offree-lance professionals and companies working in the advertising sector, head officesin Rome, Milan and Genoa. Client: ZANETTO Argenti S.n.c. - http://www.zanetto.com/ Product StillLifePhotographic Coverage Visual advertising Retail Client: Hungarian PorcelainManufacture HEREND S.A. - www.herend.com Event s Organisation: Forma and Decoration.Herend: Tradition Meets Modernity RHevolution [2010 -2011] In 2010 loewy adv stipulatedanother joint venturewith Celeweb SA (http://celeweb.eu/it/index.html), specialised on new mediaITdevices, and Gruppo Orbis(http://www.gruppoorbis.it/), focused on editing and market researches. Client: PiscineCastiglione A&TEUROPESPA - piscinecastiglione.it-myrthapools.com Brochure Design Client: GOG Giovine Orchestra Genovese -www.gog.it Logo Designfor theGOG 100th Anniversary [End 2011 to Present Day] End 2011 I started an activity ofBusinessDevelopment and Corporate Matchmaking in joint venture with Morgan International Srl - cuttica.com. Presently Im on my own. Field: medicaland pharmaceutical(genetic engineering )Patents, Energy (Biofuels and Biomasses),World Trade, Facilities,Oil and Derivatives, Architectureand Engineering,Art, Luxury Fittings and Design, Naval andMaritime, Commodities Photographic and Video worksare now mainly focusedon architecture and still life. Client: PiscineCastiglione A&TEUROPESPA - piscinecastiglione.it-myrthapools.com ArchitecturePhotography Client: Gaia e Gino -gaiagino.com Still Life Photography Client: MORETTI -http://www.morettiluce.com/ Still Life Photography [April May 2015] Spring 2015 advertising photographic campaign Client: David ChiossoneOnlus http://www.chiossone.it/
  • 4. Margherita Loewy 48 years old, Single no smoker Italian Nationality Address Piazza Scuole Pie, 7/9C -16123 Genoa (GE) Italy Tel # +39 010 2469569 Mob # +39 347 6237255 email margheritaloewy@gmail.com website www.loewyadv.it Seafarer ExperiencedSailor, CadetDeck Officer Maritime Titles/Licences RYA MCA YachtmasterOffshore Gibraltar (Tidal). Registered Seafarer by Genoa Coast Guard. Italian SteeringLicence nr 100182, issued by Genoas Coast Guard in 1987 IMO Professional Courses Fire Prevention basicand advanced PSSR Survivaland Rescue Elementary First Aid First Aid IMO, ISPS Code, VHF SRC, RYA COC, RadarArpa, RYA MCA Certificate of Competence Education/Work Experience Graduated in Modern Languages, Diploma as Interpreter and Translator. Photographer Diving SSI Open Water Dive SpokenLanguages Italian (mother tongue), German and English (very good), French (fairly good), Spanish (basics) Requested Contract Any Personal Notes Broad maritime and sailing expertise . Navigation experience in the Mediterranean, Gibraltar Strait, Caribbeans, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans both in tidal and not tidal seas, as skipper and first mate, taking partin regattas, boattransfers, cruises. Strong, enduring and self-controltempered. Discreet, reliable, tough, resolute and friendly. Can relate positively with any kind of person and psychology, work in a teamor alone. Respectfulof others competence and authority. Loves sea, Nature and sport, practiced even professionally.
  • 5. SAILING EXPERIENCE September, 21-26 2015 Cannes, Panerai Regattas UNIT: SY Marjatta, Bermudian Yawl1943, 17,90 m YACHTOWNER: Giovanni Broggi ROLE: Skipper (runners/levers) September, 3-8 2015 Transfer Circolo Canottieri Ichnusa, Cagliari Porto Lotti, La Spezia - 300 M odd UNIT: SY Shambala, Felci 52 , class Irc YACHTOWNER: Paolo Bordogna, CVC Instructor ROLE: Skipper August, 22-27 2015 Sailing in the Ligurian Sea: Genoa YCI - Golfo dei Poeti (SP) - 175 M odd UNIT: SY "Sha湛la", Jeanneau Sun Legend 41. Project: Doug Peterson YACHTOWNER: Carlo Calissano ,YCI Genova ROLE: Skipper August, 7-22 2015 Sailing along Costa Azzurra: Genoa AirportMarina Porquerolles - 500 odd M (tidal) UNIT: SY "Venere" Beneteau Oceanis Clipper 42.3 YACHTOWNER: Simone Wacket ROLE: Skipper July, 23-31 2015 Sailing in the Ligurian and North Tirrenian Sea: Genoa-Tuscany-Genoa 175 M odd UNIT: SY "Sha湛la", Jeanneau Sun Legend 41. Project: Doug Peterson YACHTOWNER: Carlo Calissano,YCI Genova ROLE: Skipper May, 29 July, 13 2015 Tranfer Piripolis Uruguay Trinidad Caribbeans Yacht Repair and Maintenance: electric, idraulic and mechanicalsystems, standingand running riggings UNIT: SY Adriatica: steelsloop, 27 m YACHTOWNER: Paolo Roversi & Shareholders ROLE: Skipper March-April 2015 French Polynesia (Marquises, Tuamotu, Society Islands) - 600 odd M (tidal) UNIT: SY Annka, LOA: 60 ft. Shipyard: Garcia YACHTOWNER: Mr Alberto Musazzi ROLE: Second Skipper March 2015 Gibraltar Ceuta (Morocco) Yachtmaster Prep UNIT: Jeanneau, Sun Odissey 40.3 ft, Meander K YACHTOWNER: Jeff Nunn ROLE: Skipper October 2014 September 2015 Ligurian Sea, Mediterranenan - 175 odd M UNIT: Jeanneau, Sun Legend 41, Shaula - YCI Genoa Italy. Project: DougPeterson YACHTOWNER: Mr Carlo Calissano ROLE: Skipper
  • 6. June-September 2014 Cala Calera, Argentario Tirrenian Sea: Tuscany > Sardinia > Costiera Amalfitana > Eolian Islands - 600 odd M UNIT: Cruiser Racer, Farr 85ft Roma (3 Times World Champion, Maxi) PROJECT: Farr - ICUN Shipyard Rome YACHTOWNER: Mr Filippo Faruffini ROLE: Deckhand, Stewar dess and Cook April-May 2014 Baja California - Mexico - 500 odd M (tidal) UNIT: S/V, Best Explor er, Cutter in steel with drop keel Classification Certificate: 100A1 Lbp 15,17 m - Loa 17,00 m Breath 4,34 m - Draft 1,40/2,90 m Engine: Sol辿 Diesel 95 CV PROJECT: Giorgetti & Magrini - CND Shipyard Milan YACHTOWNERS: Giovanni Acquarone - Nicoletta Martini http://www.nordovestitalia.org/ http://www.bestexpeditions.net/ ROLE: Second Skipper 7-15 October 2014 Aegean > Ionian Sea - 500 odd M Transfer from Marmaris (Turkey) to Pylos (Peloponnesus), via Simi-Mezanos-Diros UNIT: S/V "Annka", Garcia Shipyard, Loa 60 ft YACHTOWNER: Mr Alberto Musazzi ROLE: Second Skipper June, 12 2013 October, 1 2013 Centre and Mid Tyrrhenian > Ionian Sea (to and fro) - 1250 odd M (tidal) Rosignano S. > Capraia > Elba > Ischia > Lipari (Eolian Islands) > Messina Strait > Ionian Greece > Calabria > Capri > Ischia > Ventotene > Ponza > Argentario > Giglio > Rosignano S. UNIT: S/V Solaris Zero: Barbabl湛, Loa: 20 mt Project: Doug Peterson YACHTOWNERS: Mr Riccardo, Roberto and Andrea Bartolozzi ROLE: Second Skipper and Cook 2013 - 2012 - 2011 March - May Intercircoli Championship GE see http://www.intercircoli.it/joomla/index.php UNIT: Timms, Grand Soleil 42 YACHTOWNER: Nino Pecorari ROLE: Deckhand July August2012 Corse and Sardinia Circumnavigation - 500 odd M UNIT: Barca Giada, Janneau Sun Charm 39 ft YACHTOWNER: Riccardo Caruso ROLE: Second Skipper 8-16 June 2012 Giraglia Rolex Cup UNIT: Foxy Lady X YACHT 372, winner of the 2011 Edition YACHTOWNER: Armando Gambaro ROLE: Deckhand
  • 7. September 2011 Lion Gulf (France-Spain): Canet en Roussilon > Sant Feliu de Guixols (to and fro) - 400 odd M UNIT: Elan 42 ft YACHTOWNER: Massimo Sorrentino, CVC Coach ROLE: Deckhand 8-10 April 2011 Cetaceans Regatta UNIT: Martinez see http://www.flashvela.it/barche/ Project Finot , mod Finot 51, Shipyard Barberis YACHTOWNER: Flash Vela Sanremo ROLE: Deckhand September 2005 Dubrovnic-Venice - 250 odd M (tidal) UNIT: S/Y Sciarrelli Italia, 14 m YACHTOWNER: Giorgio De Felix, CVC Coach ROLE: Deckhand April 2003 Caribbean, Guadaloupe > Antigua > Barbuda (to and fro) - 800 odd M UNIT: S/Y Benetau 43.4 YACHTOWNER: Charter ROLE: Deckhand 2001 Emerald Coast (Sardinia) - Maddalena Archipelago UNIT: S/Y 42 ft YACHTOWNER: Charter ROLE: Deckhand August1997 Turkey Antalya > Marmaris (One Way) 300 odd M UNIT: S/Y 42 ft YACHTOWNER: Charter ROLE: Deckhand August1994 Greece, Cyclades (from Athens) - 300 odd M UNIT: S/Y First 42 YACHTOWNER: Charter ROLE: Deckhand August1992 Greece, Cyclades (from Athens) - 300 odd M UNIT: S/Y 39 ft YACHTOWNER: Charter ROLE: Deckhand
  • 8. 90s Winter Championship Tigullio Gulf (Portofino) UNIT: Class A ROLE: Deckhand 1989 Porto Venere > Corse (France) via Tuscany Archipelago, (to and fr o) - 250 odd M UNIT: S/Y First 31.7 YACHTOWNER: David Clark, US, Saclant (NATO) ROLE: Deckhand