Martin is an 11-year-old boy who lives in the small village of Castejon Sos. He enjoys skiing and football, with his favorite hobby being cycling. While he doesn't like basketball, his favorite season is summer because there is no school.
SACSA HangoutBrandyn JordanThe UCA CSPA ALUMNI & FRIENDS SOCIAL is inviting alumni and friends to an event at The Cazbah in Greenville, SC on November 1st at 7pm. The event will be held at 16 W McBee Avenue. For more details, email
Christmas House Walk 2018 PresentationPHWC1938Remember and enjoy these memories from the Palos Heights Woman's Club's 2018 Christmas House Walk at Palos Country Club.
Announcements- Monday November 13, 2017Ken StaynerSenior boys basketball tryouts are taking place after school today. A job fair will be held on Thursday during lunch with available positions at Blue Mountain. Workshops on OSAP, university applications, and college applications will take place in guidance during lunch this month.
Amcrkmmrwood1970At Ashbridge School there are three main sections - Early Years for ages 3 months to 11 years old, with several classes in each age group. Students form close friendships and are like a family. The school offers various sports and music activities, including performances. Animals kept on site include chickens, goats, and bunnies. Older students go on trips, such as a recent year 6 trip to London involving the Houses of Parliament and British Museum. Year 5/6 students visit Lakeside every two years for outdoor activities like crawling through tunnels. Students also learn outdoor skills in the school forests like fire lighting and using tools.
Living On With MemoriesFaustina CatheyThis document is announcing a memorial event to remember Antoine "Albert" Williams who was murdered on January 1, 2010 at the age of 22. The event, hosted by Cynthia Whitehurst and family, will include remembering Albert at TK House on June 18, 2010 and at Club 125 on June 19, 2010. On June 20, there will be a Sunday dinner at Big Mama's House to continue remembering Albert, who is dearly loved and missed.
Ann july 29Miriam RobesonThe document announces several administrative meetings and events happening at a church during the week of July 29, 2012, including a church board meeting on July 29, elders meeting on August 5, a need for school supply donations, tickets available for a high school play, food distribution at a nearby church, tickets available for a chicken bash on August 15, and upcoming events like a golf outing on August 25 and a picnic in the park on August 19.
Announcements- Wednesday Nov 15, 2017Ken StaynerThe summary is:
1) Boys basketball practice is after school today and girls junior volleyball tryouts are tomorrow and next Wednesday.
2) There will be a job fair during lunch on Thursday for positions at Blue Mountain, bring your resume.
3) A photo booth is available for $1 per polaroid and the cafeteria is having a Movember photo contest as well as offering moustache cookies and cinnamon buns with milk for special prices this month.
Smith family in a nutshellkrysmith_12The Smith family lives and breathes sports throughout the year. In the fall, they attend Peyton's football games every Sunday. In the winter, both the brother and sister play basketball which leaves little downtime. The summer is dedicated to basketball camps and the father plays slow pitch softball. Spring is the slowest time as they spend more time outdoors together. While sports dominate 6 days a week, they find time to reconnect as a family which is their top priority.
Apr 4Ken StaynerThe document describes two food specials available - a $5 chicken quesadilla with rice or fries and a $6 BBQ rib sandwich with fries, both coming with a drink. It also advertises several school events and programs happening this week - wearing pink on Wednesday, after school math help on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a guidance website update due Monday, an outdoors club meeting on Wednesday, and cancellation of a trip to see Mamma Mia in May. Finally, it invites students to discuss local environmental concerns at a meeting this Wednesday at lunch.
TuesdayKen StaynerThe document contains announcements for a high school on Tuesday, November 20th including junior boys basketball tryouts, a drama festival meeting, DEAR period, volunteer opportunities, rugby and volleyball tryouts, nurse practitioner visit, cafe specials, and library and basketball tryouts.
November 20th, 2012 announcementsKen StaynerThe document contains announcements for a high school on Tuesday, November 20th including junior boys basketball tryouts, a drama festival meeting, DEAR period, volunteer opportunities, rugby and volleyball tryouts, nurse practitioner visit, cafe specials, and library and basketball tryouts.
ݺߣs for July 8, 2012Community United Methodist Church Oakdale CAThe document provides a prayer update from July 8th, 2012. It lists several prayer concerns including people who are ill or have undergone surgery. It also mentions prayers for those affected by wildfires in Colorado and continued prayers for several individuals. The document outlines upcoming events at the church including a men's bible study, a joint church service, a BBQ potluck and car show, and a campout weekend.
Abakah Terry and Teddy: changes in Italian traditions and celebrationspavpilFestivities like Easter and Christmas were warmly celebrated in the author's mother's family in the 1960s-1970s, with Christmas Eve spent at the grandmother's house and Christmas Day spent at home with extended family and relatives. Birthdays were also given great importance, with special events organized for each person. While the author's grandparents have since passed away, the family still celebrates holidays according to tradition, though in smaller groups now given the larger size of the extended family.
Group 3, A day in the life ofRachael GoodsirScotland is part of the United Kingdom. Some key facts about Scotland are that the national plant is the thistle, the national dish is haggis, neaps and tatties, the capital city is Edinburgh, and the currency is the British pound. Home life in Scotland involves living in flats or houses, with some having gardens and others not. Heating is needed in the winter and some areas can be overcrowded. The closest city to Bonnybridge, where the group lives, is Stirling. Their school is called Antonine Primary and is located on Broomhill Road. It has a head teacher named Mrs. Vint and is getting an extension.
Smith family in a nutshellkrysmith_12The Smith family is very active in sports throughout the year. In the fall, they focus on football as the family attends Peyton's games every Sunday. In the winter, both the author and their brother play basketball which leaves little downtime. In the summer, their lives revolve around basketball and the author's father also plays slow pitch softball. The spring is their slowest time as a family to reconnect outdoors since sports seasons have ended. Sports occupies six days a week for the family, but they make family time a priority.
12 novKen StaynerThe $5 special at the cafeteria today includes a choice of noodles or rice with veggies and meatballs or chicken, and a drink. Free oatmeal is offered every morning from 7:30-9:30. Students interested in origami can make animals at the library during lunch on Monday. A meeting for the Sears Drama Festival is today at lunch in room 661. The junior girls basketball team won their championship and has another game next Tuesday. The YMCA is offering a lifeguard certification program starting in January. After school math help is available on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 by registering with specific teachers. Junior girls volleyball tryouts are next Thursday after school. Various university and college
Announcements, 6/16/13CLADSMThe document announces a summer series at Life Now starting on July 10th on Wednesday nights. It provides information about an upcoming child training tips session on June 26th and awards night. Items left at the location after June 16th will be donated. It also provides links to podcasts and information about scholarships and summer camp rates.
5 novKen StaynerThe $5 special at a restaurant offers noodles or rice with veggies and meatballs or grilled chicken, with a drink. The library will have a computer take-apart and rebuild event on Monday at lunch. On Saturday, November 7, the Stayner Heritage Society will have a breakfast with a guest speaker about Stayner's veterans. Potential grad forms are available in guidance for those who missed yesterday's grade 12 assembly.
Christmas traditionsKonstantina BozonelouIn Ireland, Christmas traditions begin in early December. Advent calendars are used and towns are decorated with lights. The Christmas season officially begins on December 8th. People attend mass on Christmas Eve or morning. Santa visits on Christmas Eve and families have Christmas dinner together, including foods like turkey, ham and Christmas cake. Traditions continue after December 25th, such as the Wren's Day parade and Epiphany celebrations on January 6th.
Apr 4Ken StaynerThe document contains announcements about various school events and activities, including $5 and $6 lunch specials, an after school math support program running for 2 more weeks, guidance website updates, an outdoors club meeting, cancellation of a school trip, and a discussion at lunch about local environmental concerns.
Tates Creek Christian Church Herald for July 11, 2017David EversoleThe document provides information about upcoming events at Tates Creek Christian Church including a Better With Age Club meeting on July 20th, a Middle School Blitz Week from July 24-28 with various activities, a Women's Fall Event on September 22nd with author Donna VanLiere, and a need for volunteers in the Elementary area. It also lists new members who have joined, provides prayer requests, and shares statistics from Sunday July 9th including Sunday School and worship attendance.
Christmas in England by Ángel DurántezMariana MoralesChristmas is celebrated in England with various traditions including Christmas crackers, which were invented in the 1840s by a London confectioner, and Boxing Day on December 26th. Some Christmas colors that originated from winter symbols are green from holly, ivy and mistletoe, gold representing the sun's warmth, and blue associated with Mary. The evergreen fir tree has long been used in winter festivals and to celebrate Christmas.
30 octKen Stayner1) There are several announcements about upcoming events at the school including a free lunch special, tryouts for the ski team, important sports team meetings, and university/college presentations.
2) Volunteers are needed for Remembrance Day, raking leaves at a church, and playing piano at a church service.
3) Reminders about safe practices like not texting and driving, dangers of drug use, and sexting.
The Four Seasons Of MichiganlipkasThis document discusses the four seasons - winter, spring, summer, and fall. It provides details about the typical weather patterns, temperature ranges, and activities associated with each season. It also includes background information about the author and links to additional resources about seasonal facts.
IUVENTA Presentations - Free TimePatrikKTThe document discusses the hobbies and interests of teenagers in Slovakia, including sports like skiing, hiking, running, and taking photos. It mentions favorite fitness models, nearby ski resorts, enjoying winter sports and the landscape, relaxing with friends at cottages, and the benefits of different activities like experiencing nature, adventure, health, happiness, relaxation, and recording travel memories. The document concludes by thanking the reader for their attention.
A3 Flyer with QR v2Adam HodgkinsThe 11th annual Weald St. George's 10k and Fun Run will take place on September 4, 2016 in Sevenoaks, Kent. The race through beautiful countryside has raised over £46,000 for local and overseas charities as well as Weald Community Primary School. Runners can register online at or by post using forms from local shops.
Visible Voice: researching community health in KyrgyzstanVincent O'BrienTraditionally nomadic, many people in rural Kyrgyzstan remain dependent on herding and seasonal migrations to mountain pastures. The village of Tolok lies at 2,600m altitude in the Kochgor Valley near Lake Son Kul, home to about 800 people in a dry, cold, and windy climate where few crops can grow. Children play an important role in village life, collecting water, caring for animals and younger children. Each household requires 40 liters of water daily, which must be carried from pumps to homes. Mutual support is important in remote mountain communities, but increasing competition for pasture following privatization is challenging. Diets consist mainly of dairy, tea, and bread, with meat reserved for special
Apr 4Ken StaynerThe document describes two food specials available - a $5 chicken quesadilla with rice or fries and a $6 BBQ rib sandwich with fries, both coming with a drink. It also advertises several school events and programs happening this week - wearing pink on Wednesday, after school math help on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a guidance website update due Monday, an outdoors club meeting on Wednesday, and cancellation of a trip to see Mamma Mia in May. Finally, it invites students to discuss local environmental concerns at a meeting this Wednesday at lunch.
TuesdayKen StaynerThe document contains announcements for a high school on Tuesday, November 20th including junior boys basketball tryouts, a drama festival meeting, DEAR period, volunteer opportunities, rugby and volleyball tryouts, nurse practitioner visit, cafe specials, and library and basketball tryouts.
November 20th, 2012 announcementsKen StaynerThe document contains announcements for a high school on Tuesday, November 20th including junior boys basketball tryouts, a drama festival meeting, DEAR period, volunteer opportunities, rugby and volleyball tryouts, nurse practitioner visit, cafe specials, and library and basketball tryouts.
ݺߣs for July 8, 2012Community United Methodist Church Oakdale CAThe document provides a prayer update from July 8th, 2012. It lists several prayer concerns including people who are ill or have undergone surgery. It also mentions prayers for those affected by wildfires in Colorado and continued prayers for several individuals. The document outlines upcoming events at the church including a men's bible study, a joint church service, a BBQ potluck and car show, and a campout weekend.
Abakah Terry and Teddy: changes in Italian traditions and celebrationspavpilFestivities like Easter and Christmas were warmly celebrated in the author's mother's family in the 1960s-1970s, with Christmas Eve spent at the grandmother's house and Christmas Day spent at home with extended family and relatives. Birthdays were also given great importance, with special events organized for each person. While the author's grandparents have since passed away, the family still celebrates holidays according to tradition, though in smaller groups now given the larger size of the extended family.
Group 3, A day in the life ofRachael GoodsirScotland is part of the United Kingdom. Some key facts about Scotland are that the national plant is the thistle, the national dish is haggis, neaps and tatties, the capital city is Edinburgh, and the currency is the British pound. Home life in Scotland involves living in flats or houses, with some having gardens and others not. Heating is needed in the winter and some areas can be overcrowded. The closest city to Bonnybridge, where the group lives, is Stirling. Their school is called Antonine Primary and is located on Broomhill Road. It has a head teacher named Mrs. Vint and is getting an extension.
Smith family in a nutshellkrysmith_12The Smith family is very active in sports throughout the year. In the fall, they focus on football as the family attends Peyton's games every Sunday. In the winter, both the author and their brother play basketball which leaves little downtime. In the summer, their lives revolve around basketball and the author's father also plays slow pitch softball. The spring is their slowest time as a family to reconnect outdoors since sports seasons have ended. Sports occupies six days a week for the family, but they make family time a priority.
12 novKen StaynerThe $5 special at the cafeteria today includes a choice of noodles or rice with veggies and meatballs or chicken, and a drink. Free oatmeal is offered every morning from 7:30-9:30. Students interested in origami can make animals at the library during lunch on Monday. A meeting for the Sears Drama Festival is today at lunch in room 661. The junior girls basketball team won their championship and has another game next Tuesday. The YMCA is offering a lifeguard certification program starting in January. After school math help is available on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00 by registering with specific teachers. Junior girls volleyball tryouts are next Thursday after school. Various university and college
Announcements, 6/16/13CLADSMThe document announces a summer series at Life Now starting on July 10th on Wednesday nights. It provides information about an upcoming child training tips session on June 26th and awards night. Items left at the location after June 16th will be donated. It also provides links to podcasts and information about scholarships and summer camp rates.
5 novKen StaynerThe $5 special at a restaurant offers noodles or rice with veggies and meatballs or grilled chicken, with a drink. The library will have a computer take-apart and rebuild event on Monday at lunch. On Saturday, November 7, the Stayner Heritage Society will have a breakfast with a guest speaker about Stayner's veterans. Potential grad forms are available in guidance for those who missed yesterday's grade 12 assembly.
Christmas traditionsKonstantina BozonelouIn Ireland, Christmas traditions begin in early December. Advent calendars are used and towns are decorated with lights. The Christmas season officially begins on December 8th. People attend mass on Christmas Eve or morning. Santa visits on Christmas Eve and families have Christmas dinner together, including foods like turkey, ham and Christmas cake. Traditions continue after December 25th, such as the Wren's Day parade and Epiphany celebrations on January 6th.
Apr 4Ken StaynerThe document contains announcements about various school events and activities, including $5 and $6 lunch specials, an after school math support program running for 2 more weeks, guidance website updates, an outdoors club meeting, cancellation of a school trip, and a discussion at lunch about local environmental concerns.
Tates Creek Christian Church Herald for July 11, 2017David EversoleThe document provides information about upcoming events at Tates Creek Christian Church including a Better With Age Club meeting on July 20th, a Middle School Blitz Week from July 24-28 with various activities, a Women's Fall Event on September 22nd with author Donna VanLiere, and a need for volunteers in the Elementary area. It also lists new members who have joined, provides prayer requests, and shares statistics from Sunday July 9th including Sunday School and worship attendance.
Christmas in England by Ángel DurántezMariana MoralesChristmas is celebrated in England with various traditions including Christmas crackers, which were invented in the 1840s by a London confectioner, and Boxing Day on December 26th. Some Christmas colors that originated from winter symbols are green from holly, ivy and mistletoe, gold representing the sun's warmth, and blue associated with Mary. The evergreen fir tree has long been used in winter festivals and to celebrate Christmas.
30 octKen Stayner1) There are several announcements about upcoming events at the school including a free lunch special, tryouts for the ski team, important sports team meetings, and university/college presentations.
2) Volunteers are needed for Remembrance Day, raking leaves at a church, and playing piano at a church service.
3) Reminders about safe practices like not texting and driving, dangers of drug use, and sexting.
The Four Seasons Of MichiganlipkasThis document discusses the four seasons - winter, spring, summer, and fall. It provides details about the typical weather patterns, temperature ranges, and activities associated with each season. It also includes background information about the author and links to additional resources about seasonal facts.
IUVENTA Presentations - Free TimePatrikKTThe document discusses the hobbies and interests of teenagers in Slovakia, including sports like skiing, hiking, running, and taking photos. It mentions favorite fitness models, nearby ski resorts, enjoying winter sports and the landscape, relaxing with friends at cottages, and the benefits of different activities like experiencing nature, adventure, health, happiness, relaxation, and recording travel memories. The document concludes by thanking the reader for their attention.
A3 Flyer with QR v2Adam HodgkinsThe 11th annual Weald St. George's 10k and Fun Run will take place on September 4, 2016 in Sevenoaks, Kent. The race through beautiful countryside has raised over £46,000 for local and overseas charities as well as Weald Community Primary School. Runners can register online at or by post using forms from local shops.
Visible Voice: researching community health in KyrgyzstanVincent O'BrienTraditionally nomadic, many people in rural Kyrgyzstan remain dependent on herding and seasonal migrations to mountain pastures. The village of Tolok lies at 2,600m altitude in the Kochgor Valley near Lake Son Kul, home to about 800 people in a dry, cold, and windy climate where few crops can grow. Children play an important role in village life, collecting water, caring for animals and younger children. Each household requires 40 liters of water daily, which must be carried from pumps to homes. Mutual support is important in remote mountain communities, but increasing competition for pasture following privatization is challenging. Diets consist mainly of dairy, tea, and bread, with meat reserved for special
All about me. By RaúljavivelaRaúl introduces himself and says he lives in the small village of Castejon de Sos. He enjoys football but dislikes basketball, and his favorite animal is the wolf while his favorite season is summer which he likes for going to the swimming pool.
My presentation. By AitanajavivelaAitana is an 11-year-old girl who lives in the small village of Benasque in Spain. She introduces herself, sharing that she loves animals but does not like football. Her favorite season is summer as she enjoys swimming, and her favorite color is blue while her favorite subject is art. She has one sister and one brother, and her best friend is Ayelen.
All about me my presentation. By AlmajavivelaAlma is an 11-year-old girl who lives in Eriste. She enjoys playing basketball and making music, especially playing guitar and singing. Her favorite seasons are summer, which she likes for swimming, and winter, which she enjoys for skiing.
Hello my name is EdijavivelaEDI lives in Benasque and enjoys playing football in his free time. While he doesn't like surfing, EDI's favorite season is summer because that's when he goes to the pool with his friends.
Slidsharemapaz91ݺߣShare es una plataforma gratuita donde los usuarios pueden subir presentaciones en formato PowerPoint u OpenOffice para compartirlas en línea. Las presentaciones se almacenan en formato flash para verlas en línea sin necesidad de adjuntar archivos pesados. ݺߣShare permite crear comunidades alrededor de las presentaciones y difundir el conocimiento de manera sencilla.
Almas Enamoradas-No início do namoro, os parceiros se apaixonam e sonham com um futuro feliz juntos. Entretanto, quando se casam e começam a conviver diariamente, muitas vezes descobrem que não se conheciam realmente e passam a enfrentar tempestades no casamento. Isso faz com que alguns cônjuges busquem satisfação em outros braços, na esperança de encontrar a felicidade que não tiveram no casamento.
Muralha De Castelo Branco... 1AlbicastrenseA muralha de Castelo Branco foi (re)descoberta no verão de 2009, quando arqueólogos realizaram escavações que revelaram parte da antiga estrutura defensiva da cidade, datada do século XIII.
Mi NaturalezaCristián C.El documento se repite la palabra "CRIMACO" veintidós veces, lo que indica que se centra en ese término particular o concepto.
Գٲçãguest7af7d2As cinco coisas que deixam a pessoa feliz são: 1) fazer os outros felizes, 2) ter boa companhia, 3) cuidar da saúde, 4) valorizar a família, 5) gostar de viajar.
A história da internetLulu15A Internet surgiu nos anos 1960 como uma rede militar dos EUA chamada ARPANET para compartilhar informações entre bases militares. Nos anos 1970, universidades começaram a usar a rede e seu uso se expandiu. Em 1989, Tim Berners-Lee criou a World Wide Web no CERN, permitindo a navegação entre documentos através de hiperlinks e popularizando a Internet.
All about me. By DiegojavivelaDiego Plaza Sahún is a 10-year-old boy born on June 9th in Reus, Spain. He lives in Villanova with his parents and brother. Diego has short fair hair, brown eyes, and is of medium size. He enjoys playing football, skiing, and other sports in his free time.
All about me.By ArijavivelaAriadna is an 11-year-old girl who likes the color blue and tuna but dislikes Russian salad. She enjoys playing football and basketball but not volleyball, and also likes hiking, skiing, and swimming.
Presentacion proyectojavivelaEste documento presenta la palabra "mamihlapinatapai", una palabra intraducible del idioma Yagán hablado en Tierra del Fuego que describe una mirada compartida entre dos personas donde cada una espera que la otra inicie una acción que ambas desean pero ninguna se anima a empezar. El documento explica que los lenguajes tienen palabras únicas para hábitos y prácticas culturales y que aprenderán nuevas palabras intraducibles cada mes para expandir su vocabulario.
4th of julyjavivelaThe video provides a brief 3 minute summary of world history from the beginning of human civilization to present day. It touches on the major historical events, discoveries, and developments that have shaped societies across continents over thousands of years at a high level. Viewers are given a snapshot of the progression of human progress and growth throughout the ages in a short, digestible format.
Charla sobre rapaces (primaria)javivelaPresentación sobre las rapaces, con especial hincapié en el quebrantahuesos. By Manuel Grasa Francés.
Charla sobre rapaces (infantil)javivelaEl documento describe las características y hábitos del quebrantahuesos, un ave rapaz que se alimenta principalmente de huesos. El quebrantahuesos tiene barba, antifaz y plumas, y se ha adaptado a comer los restos de otros animales como huesos y pellejos. Anida en grutas o cornisas protegidas donde la hembra pone uno o dos huevos que eclosionan después de 55 días de incubación.
ThanksgivingjavivelaThis Thanksgiving menu includes turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, roasted sweet potato casserole, green beans, Brussels sprouts, and creamed onions for sides. Pumpkin pie is listed for dessert, and a link is provided about preparing a fried turkey as an alternative to roasted turkey.
Hello!javivelaBelén Bergua is an 11-year-old girl who lives in the small village of Benasque in Spain. She enjoys spending time with friends, watching television, and skiing during winter which is her favorite season. Her hobbies include skiing and she likes chocolate.
Hello, my name is Xavi...javivelaA 10-year-old boy named Xavi lives in a small village called Sesué and enjoys playing football and skiing, with his favorite hobby being cross country skiing. He also likes going to the swimming pool with his friends.
Hello. By OrioljavivelaOriol is a 10-year old boy who enjoys playing football and basketball as well as spending time with his cat and dog. He dislikes climbing and hates bad people, with his favorite hobby being dash ball and favorite season being autumn which he likes for the colors of the forest.
Lucía´s presentationjavivelaLucia is a 9-year-old girl who likes lasagna but dislikes beans. Her favorite hobbies include longboarding and playing with Lego Star Wars. Her favorite season is winter.
My presentation. By MariajavivelaMaria is a 10-year-old girl from Castejón de Sos who presented to her 5th grade class. She enjoys playing basketball and running, loves skiing, and doesn't like going to the cinema. Her favorite season is autumn because it is when her birthday occurs.
Silvia´s presentationjavivelaSilvia lives in Benasque and enjoys swimming but dislikes surfing. Her favorite hobby is playing basketball and her favorite season is summer when she can go to the pool.
Pablo´s presentationjavivelaPablo is an 11-year-old boy who lives in Benasque, Spain. He enjoys skiing and rugby but does not like basketball, and his favorite season is winter.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita AnandThis ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Managing expiration dates of products in odooCeline GeorgeOdoo allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy. By using Odoo's expiration date management, companies can minimize waste, optimize stock rotation, and maintain high standards of product quality. The system allows users to set expiration dates at both the product and batch levels, providing flexibility and accuracy.
Essentials of a Good PMO, presented by Aalok SonawalaAssociation for Project Management APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APM’s Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APM’s PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMO’s within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine GeorgeIn this slide we’ll discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we’ll discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.