Facialnervearuncs92The Facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve that controls muscles of facial expression and conveys taste sensations from the tongue. It emerges from the brainstem between the pons and medulla. In the first three months of development, the facial nerve establishes its course through the facial canal and branching pattern. It has both motor and sensory functions and can be damaged, causing conditions like Bell's palsy or injuries during procedures near the parotid gland or temporomandibular joint.
Curso ecologia avanzadaaOseas ObregónEl documento explica los conceptos clave del ordenamiento territorial, incluyendo territorio, ordenamiento y ordenamiento territorial. Define el ordenamiento territorial como la planeación estratégica de las actividades humanas para el desarrollo sostenible de acuerdo a las condiciones del territorio. Explica que el objetivo principal del ordenamiento territorial es contribuir al desarrollo sostenible a través de la participación de los actores, el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales y la planificación equilibrada del territorio.
La tecnologiacherly fernandezLa tecnología se refiere al conjunto de conocimientos técnicos y científicos que permiten diseñar bienes y servicios para satisfacer las necesidades humanas y adaptarse al medio ambiente. A lo largo de la historia, la tecnología se ha utilizado para satisfacer necesidades básicas como alimentación y vivienda, así como para obtener placer y estatus social. La tecnología moderna aporta grandes beneficios, pero también plantea desafíos como la distracción en el aula y el aumento del fraude.
quiz-whats-your-leadership-styleRina LarobinaDiplomat leadership styles value interpersonal harmony and keeping groups together. They are typically kind, social, and focus on resolving conflicts peacefully. Working for Diplomat leaders is often more fun and social compared to other styles, as Diplomats emphasize putting employees in positions to succeed using their strengths rather than challenges.
BPS DCP SIGOPAC Good Practice Guidance in Demonstrating Quality and Outcomes ...Alex KingThis report outlines a rigorous, multidimensional framework for evaluating quality and outcomes in psycho-oncology services, which can be flexibly adapted to local needs and priorities.
It aims to challenge psycho-oncology services to develop and standardise procedures that address the clinical and operational aspects of quality, while maintaining a firm focus on the experiential.
The proposed framework focuses on six key domains of service quality:
- Is this service safe?
- Is this service equitable, while also focused on those most in need?
- Is this service timely and responsive?
- Is this service respectful, collaborative and patient-centred?
- Is this service offering effective interventions?
- Is this service contributing to efficient multidisciplinary care?
To address these domains, psycho-oncology services need to draw on multiple, convergent sources of data, including key performance indicators, activity levels, patient self-report measures, feedback from professional colleagues, etc.
Why Curation is a Core Competency for L&D ProfessionalsDavid KellyThese slides were used in support of a talk I delivered fpr the ATD Research Triangle Area Chapter in November 2015.
If you're interested in bringing this talk/workshop into your event or organization, please contact me at LnDDave@gmail.com.
Keyframe-based Video Summarization DesignerUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunyahttps://imatge.upc.edu/web/publications/keyframe-based-video-summarization-designer
This Final Degree Work extends two previous projects and consists in carrying out an improvement of the video keyframe extraction module from one of them called Designer Master, by integrating the algorithms that were developed in the other, Object Maps.
Firstly the proposed solution is explained, which consists in a shot detection method, where the input video is sampled uniformly and afterwards, cumulative pixel-to-pixel difference is applied and a classifier decides which frames are keyframes or not.
Last, to validate our approach we conducted a user study in which both applications were compared. Users were asked to complete a survey regarding to different summaries created by means of the original application and with the one developed in this project. The results obtained were analyzed and they showed that the improvement done in the keyframes extraction module improves slightly the application performance and the quality of the generated summaries.
Facial nerveSrinivas KinjarapuThis document discusses the anatomy and function of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). It begins by describing the supranuclear and infranuclear pathways of the facial nerve from the brain to the muscles of facial expression. It then discusses the facial nucleus and branches of the facial nerve. The document outlines the muscles innervated by branches of the facial nerve and clinical examination of the facial nerve's motor, sensory and secretory functions. Finally, it describes various disorders of facial nerve function including Bell's palsy, central facial palsy, and other causes of peripheral facial paralysis.
Animal behaviors jmpettis10Animal behavior can be innate, social, or learned. Innate behaviors are instincts, like a kitten's instinct to chase moving objects. Social behaviors include aggression over resources, territoriality to protect resources for mating and raising young, and communication through sounds, smells, and visual displays. Learned behaviors develop through experience using processes like habituation, classical conditioning, and trial and error learning.
Introduction to Computer ArchitectureAnkush SrivastavaThe document provides an introduction to computer architecture. It discusses binary numbers and the bit and byte units used to measure digital information. It describes the major components of a computer system, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory, hard drives, and input/output components. The CPU functions are explained, including fetching and executing instructions through a cycle and using registers, caches, and memory in a hierarchy. Direct access memory like RAM is faster than sequential access storage like hard disks.
Clinical Programs in the Department of Supportive Care - Psychosocial OncologyGlobal Institute GIPPECThis presentation was given to the students in Summer Research Program at the Department of Supportive Care at the University Health Network.
The_First_Reactor.pdfChristina HanssonThe document summarizes the events of December 2, 1942, when Enrico Fermi and a team of scientists at the University of Chicago achieved the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. Key points:
- Fermi led a team that constructed a crude pile of black bricks and wooden timbers in a squash court under Stagg Field.
- At 3:25 pm on December 2, 1942, the control rod was withdrawn, initiating the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.
- This successful experiment confirmed that a nuclear chain reaction was possible and provided a proof of concept for future nuclear reactor research during World War II and afterward.
PukebergChristina HanssonHaiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by providing a link to do so. It aims to inspire the reader to try out Haiku Deck's unique presentation style.
Riskanalys dieselhantering Christina HanssonRisk analysis of diesel fuel handling
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La tecnologiacherly fernandezLa tecnología se refiere al conjunto de conocimientos técnicos y científicos que permiten diseñar bienes y servicios para satisfacer las necesidades humanas y adaptarse al medio ambiente. A lo largo de la historia, la tecnología se ha utilizado para satisfacer necesidades básicas como alimentación y vivienda, así como para obtener placer y estatus social. La tecnología moderna aporta grandes beneficios, pero también plantea desafíos como la distracción en el aula y el aumento del fraude.
quiz-whats-your-leadership-styleRina LarobinaDiplomat leadership styles value interpersonal harmony and keeping groups together. They are typically kind, social, and focus on resolving conflicts peacefully. Working for Diplomat leaders is often more fun and social compared to other styles, as Diplomats emphasize putting employees in positions to succeed using their strengths rather than challenges.
BPS DCP SIGOPAC Good Practice Guidance in Demonstrating Quality and Outcomes ...Alex KingThis report outlines a rigorous, multidimensional framework for evaluating quality and outcomes in psycho-oncology services, which can be flexibly adapted to local needs and priorities.
It aims to challenge psycho-oncology services to develop and standardise procedures that address the clinical and operational aspects of quality, while maintaining a firm focus on the experiential.
The proposed framework focuses on six key domains of service quality:
- Is this service safe?
- Is this service equitable, while also focused on those most in need?
- Is this service timely and responsive?
- Is this service respectful, collaborative and patient-centred?
- Is this service offering effective interventions?
- Is this service contributing to efficient multidisciplinary care?
To address these domains, psycho-oncology services need to draw on multiple, convergent sources of data, including key performance indicators, activity levels, patient self-report measures, feedback from professional colleagues, etc.
Why Curation is a Core Competency for L&D ProfessionalsDavid KellyThese slides were used in support of a talk I delivered fpr the ATD Research Triangle Area Chapter in November 2015.
If you're interested in bringing this talk/workshop into your event or organization, please contact me at LnDDave@gmail.com.
Keyframe-based Video Summarization DesignerUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunyahttps://imatge.upc.edu/web/publications/keyframe-based-video-summarization-designer
This Final Degree Work extends two previous projects and consists in carrying out an improvement of the video keyframe extraction module from one of them called Designer Master, by integrating the algorithms that were developed in the other, Object Maps.
Firstly the proposed solution is explained, which consists in a shot detection method, where the input video is sampled uniformly and afterwards, cumulative pixel-to-pixel difference is applied and a classifier decides which frames are keyframes or not.
Last, to validate our approach we conducted a user study in which both applications were compared. Users were asked to complete a survey regarding to different summaries created by means of the original application and with the one developed in this project. The results obtained were analyzed and they showed that the improvement done in the keyframes extraction module improves slightly the application performance and the quality of the generated summaries.
Facial nerveSrinivas KinjarapuThis document discusses the anatomy and function of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). It begins by describing the supranuclear and infranuclear pathways of the facial nerve from the brain to the muscles of facial expression. It then discusses the facial nucleus and branches of the facial nerve. The document outlines the muscles innervated by branches of the facial nerve and clinical examination of the facial nerve's motor, sensory and secretory functions. Finally, it describes various disorders of facial nerve function including Bell's palsy, central facial palsy, and other causes of peripheral facial paralysis.
Animal behaviors jmpettis10Animal behavior can be innate, social, or learned. Innate behaviors are instincts, like a kitten's instinct to chase moving objects. Social behaviors include aggression over resources, territoriality to protect resources for mating and raising young, and communication through sounds, smells, and visual displays. Learned behaviors develop through experience using processes like habituation, classical conditioning, and trial and error learning.
Introduction to Computer ArchitectureAnkush SrivastavaThe document provides an introduction to computer architecture. It discusses binary numbers and the bit and byte units used to measure digital information. It describes the major components of a computer system, including the central processing unit (CPU), memory, hard drives, and input/output components. The CPU functions are explained, including fetching and executing instructions through a cycle and using registers, caches, and memory in a hierarchy. Direct access memory like RAM is faster than sequential access storage like hard disks.
Clinical Programs in the Department of Supportive Care - Psychosocial OncologyGlobal Institute GIPPECThis presentation was given to the students in Summer Research Program at the Department of Supportive Care at the University Health Network.
The_First_Reactor.pdfChristina HanssonThe document summarizes the events of December 2, 1942, when Enrico Fermi and a team of scientists at the University of Chicago achieved the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. Key points:
- Fermi led a team that constructed a crude pile of black bricks and wooden timbers in a squash court under Stagg Field.
- At 3:25 pm on December 2, 1942, the control rod was withdrawn, initiating the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.
- This successful experiment confirmed that a nuclear chain reaction was possible and provided a proof of concept for future nuclear reactor research during World War II and afterward.
PukebergChristina HanssonHaiku Deck is a presentation platform that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by providing a link to do so. It aims to inspire the reader to try out Haiku Deck's unique presentation style.
Occupational safety and healthChristina HanssonOccupational safety and health has its origins in the Medieval era, when physicians first described diseases affecting miners and other workers exposed to dust. Throughout history, various occupations like chimney sweeping led to increased cancer risks due to exposures. Today we have more knowledge about protecting workers, though not all hazards can be prevented. Managers must consider facilities, processes, and risks like physical, chemical, and ergonomic hazards. Developing standard procedures and notifying workers of updates is important to minimize risks. A safety manager's role includes understanding risk categories like chemicals, noise, dust and machinery issues common to their industry. Management bears responsibility for employee safety and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Environmental managementChristina HanssonThis document discusses environmental management and sustainability efforts in business. It outlines several key things to consider for a successful environmental management system, including total commitment from company management, dedicated individuals in designated positions, and a management system tailored to the company's needs. The document then provides details on setting up an environmental management system, including collecting data on resource usage, waste production, transportation emissions, and other metrics. Analyzing these figures can provide insights into production and opportunities for cost savings through reduced resource consumption and risk mitigation.
Assembly layouts and inherent flexibility of the d cellChristina HanssonExample of my ideas to increase flexibility and decrease downtime. Comparison with the D-cell published by FWRC.
Problem-finding MatrixChristina HanssonThe document discusses various issues an organization may face and areas a consultant could help address. Key issues include:
1) Staffing costs being too high or staff not efficiently using their time.
2) Revenue generated per unit of time being too low.
3) High costs of chemicals, supplies, products, transportation and inefficient processes.
4) The organization lacking the right type, size, competencies or distribution of staff, machines, and management of quality, the environment, and facilities to operate profitably.
The Zlatan Example Christina HanssonAnalogy between requirements for a pro soccer player and a company - what is important in quality and production management??
Metallothionein norrgårdsföredrag 011026Christina HanssonLecture about a large family of proteins that can bind metals and protect against oxidative stress damage on our cells.
1. Massa Matematik (Åk 6)
Var och hur används matematiken på
ett massabruk?
- Vi tittar på VOLYMER: På bruket,
hemma och på laboratoriet
Jag tackar Södra Cell Mönsterås för att de gav mig idén
till en del av dessa matematikresonemang!
Christina Hansson 2014
2. Massabruket fungerar inte utan en
Massa Matematik!
• Vad sker på massabruket
• Hur använder de matematik? 1. VOLYMER:
• Volymer som anges vid cisterner (tankar) och
andra enheter, vad har det för betydelse??
• Kan du beräkna volymen av en mesaugn??
• Om någon har en oljetank hemma, hur stor är
den i m3?
3. Sulfatmassaprocessen (ett sätt att
framställa pappersmassa, vilken senare
kan bli papper)
Träflis och lut
Kokning i
och rester
Pappersmassan är den viktigaste produkten.
Resterna går dock också att använda till mycket…
4. I resterna (lösningar) finns sådant som
tvättats ur trädet, exempelvis:
• trädets fetter som har bildat en tvålaktig
• Det finns också lignin, trädets eget lim,
som kan avskiljas.
• Det finns också metalljoner (metallatomer
som saknar en eller flera elektroner). Dessa
har trädet tagit upp från marken under sin
5. Volymer
• Massabruket måste ha en otrolig mängd
rörledningar, samt olika cisterner(tankar),
förutom de stora ”kokarna” där träfliset kokar
i lut.
• Exempel på cisterner följer.
• Hur är de märkta?
• Fundera över varför volymerna är viktiga!
Varför måste man veta måtten, hur har de
nytta av det?
6. Denna cistern tar emot vätska efter ett
stort filter. Det är alltså en väldigt stor
mängd filtrat!
7. Denna cistern tar emot såpa, dvs
trädets fetter som här är i en tvålaktig
10. Kan du beräkna mesaugnens volym?
• Mesaugnen är en roterande cylinderformad
ugn som torkar ett pulver av kalciumkarbonat.
Det pulvret kommer från många träds
kalcium- och karbonatjoner!!!
• Måtten är:
• Diameter: 3,8 m
• Längd: 111 m
• Hur beräknar du volymen???
11. Så här maffig är mesaugnen. Dess
längd är som en fotbollsplan!!
Det strålar ut mycket värme från den. Man
kan gå runt men inte nudda den.
Temperaturen går upp till c:a 1000C !!
12. Storlek och volym hos Rubiks kub?
Hur många småkuber innehåller
kuben? Hur gör du för att beräkna
Hur stor volym har den stora
kuben? Hur gör du för att
beräkna det?
Kan du nu beräkna hur stor
volym varje liten kub har??
Hur gör du?? Stämmer det??
13. Kan du mäta och beräkna måttets volym?
Hur gör du? Stämmer det?
14. Kan du mäta och beräkna bägarens
Hur gör du??
Stämmer det??
15. Rubiks kub
• 5,5 cm bredd
• 5,5 cm höjd
• 5,5 cm djup
• Volym = (5,5x5,5x5,5) cm3 = (5,5)3 cm3 =
• = 166,375 cm3
• 3x3x3 småkuber = 27 st
• Volym per liten kub = 166,375/27 cm3 = 6,2 cm3
• Mått liten kub: (1,8x1,8x1,8) cm3 = 5,8 cm3
• Men kubikroten ur 6,2 är 5,83!! Något fel i
ögonmåttet, lillkuben har sidan 5,83 cm!
16. Decilitermåttet
• Diameter: C:a 6,7 cm Radie = 6,7/2 cm = 3,35 cm
• Area: 𝜋𝑟2 = 𝜋x(3,35)2 cm2 = 35,3 cm2
• Höjd: h = c:a 3,5 cm
• Volym = 35,3x3,5 cm3 = 123,4 cm3
• Vi ser nu att höjden dock inte går rakt, alltså
ändrar sig diametern gradvis från botten till topp,
den verkliga volymen blir mindre.
17. Bägaren
• Diameter: C:a 4 cm Radie = 2 cm
• Area = 𝜋𝑟2 = 𝜋x22 cm2 = 12,6 cm2
• Höjd = c:a 5,9 cm
• Volym = 12,6x5,9 cm3 = 74,1 cm3
• Återigen större volym än vad som anges (50 ml).
• Höjd till 30 cm3 = 2,8 cm
• Delvolym: 12,6x2,8 cm3 = 35,2 cm3
• ”Ganska nära 30”.
• Man skall alltid använda mätstreck för att få en mer
exakt volym!