This document summarizes an educational project carried out by students and teachers in an early childhood education program during the second and third trimesters of the 2014-2015 school year. The project involved experiments growing legumes and observing their growth over time. Students planted beans, lentils, and chickpeas and made weekly observations of their development as they sprouted and produced leaves and roots. The goal was to teach students about what plants need to grow and about the plant life cycle.
This document contains tables showing the multiplication tables from 1 to 10 in Catalan. Each table lists the multiplication facts for a single number multiplied by the integers from 0 to 10. The tables are presented side by side from 1 to 10 to aid in memorizing the multiplication facts through repeated exposure.
This document summarizes an educational project carried out by students and teachers in an early childhood education program during the second and third trimesters of the 2014-2015 school year. The project involved experiments growing legumes and observing their growth over time. Students planted beans, lentils, and chickpeas and made weekly observations of their development as they sprouted and produced leaves and roots. The goal was to teach students about what plants need to grow and about the plant life cycle.
This document contains tables showing the multiplication tables from 1 to 10 in Catalan. Each table lists the multiplication facts for a single number multiplied by the integers from 0 to 10. The tables are presented side by side from 1 to 10 to aid in memorizing the multiplication facts through repeated exposure.
Exercicis per practicar problemes de canvi amb suma i resta.
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El documento presenta una serie de ejercicios de matemáticas sobre sistemas de numeración, donde se pide rodear una decena y escribir cuántas unidades hay en cada caso. Se muestra la cantidad de 10 unidades y 1 decena varias veces.
Calendari del curs escolar 2015-16. Aquestes graelles mensuals són de gran utilitat per marcar les sortides, les reunions i altres activitats escolars.
Los meses del año de enero a junio para rellenar las casillas con los niños ya ayudarles a anticipar las actividades que se harán durante el mes, los dÃas festivos, etc.