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Andrew David McMurray
2918 East Avalon Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85016 admcmurray.01@gmail.com 419.953.8682
Core Competencies
Architecture Design and Space Planning Hand Drafting, Sketching, Model Building Full Scope Project Management
Digital Design and Fabrication Print, Board, Brochure, and Logo Graphics Bid Process and Project Award
Parametric Modeling Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Construction/Contractor Management
User Experience Design and Wireframing Sustainability focus within Architecture Lean Six Sigma White Belt (LSS White)
Strengths Finder 2.0
 Futurist, Challenge others to consider ideas they might not have thought of on their own
 Strategic, Automatically pinpoint trends, notice problems, or identify opportunities many people overlook
 Learner, Driven by curiosity to ask lots of questions and attentively listen to the responses
 Achiever, Harbor a deep-seated desire to have a good influence on the planet and its people
 Context, Strive to understand the what, when, who, where, how, and why of events
Professional Experience
PING (Karsten Manufacturing Corp Subsidiary)  Phoenix, AZ Jul 2016  Present
Senior Facilities Planner
 Senior facilities planner of a premier golf equipment manufacturer for both office and manufacturing facilities
 Lead facilities space & construction projects including design, construction, and project management
 Lead internal facilities teams and external contractors through construction of projects
 Manage budgets, timelines, and vendors on facilities design projects
 Accomplishment  Redesign of factory buildings including club assembly, shipping, and storage to move club assembly from two
factory buildings into one to reduce overhead, consolidate shipping, and incorporate straight line assembly
BRG (Building Resource Group)  Mountain View, CA Dec 2015  May 2016
Space Planner @ Google
 Google Space Planner representing core Google business units of Search, Research/Machine Intelligence, and Applications
Product and Infrastructure
 Developed migration and move plans, occupancy plans, and furniture reconfiguration plans, and developed space allocation
plans to meet short and long term headcount growth, and adapt to business reorganizations to inform master plan initiatives
in a highly adaptive and changing environment that is Google
 Lead all parts of furniture reconfigurations, moves, and tenant improvement projects with internal vendors and customers, lead
client meetings with executive admins to align to business needs, growth, and plan department building relocations
 Provide complex and detailed design layouts of new and existing office space and furniture as needed for move and tenant
improvement projects, including research of new programming requirements in order to develop project scope, schedule, and
budget on office reconfigurations, move, tenant improvement, and laboratory projects
 Created occupancy and headcount reports of confirmed and projected growth for future projects, and portfolio utilization
 Accomplishment  Relocation of Research/Machine Intelligence to and FDOB of 1875/1965 Charleston, Mountain View, CA
BRR Architecture Inc.  San Francisco, CA Mar 2015  Sept 2015
Architectural Designer (Intern Architect)
 Walmart remodel CA, OR, and HI projects from initial building scope & design development through permitting & bid including
code comment and RFI responses
 Coordination with engineering consultants the remodel program including ADA and CBC 2013 improvements, commercial
grocery refrigeration installation, planning submissions, code comment responses, and RFI responses
 Design of exterior branding packages for both municipal and Walmart approval by implementing remodel program on
commercial exteriors ensuring approval by local planning departments
Walmart Corporate Dec 2011  Feb 2015
Project Manager II  Space Planning and Office Design  San Bruno, CA
Office design of new Walmart eCommerce offices in San Bruno and Sunnyvale, CA
 Furniture design and value engineering of ancillary furniture for Walmart eCommerce offices
 Accomplishment  Elimination of approx. $1,000,000 in project cost through extensive research of vendor data, along with
design and functional requirements. Result was a creative, lower cost alternative to compete with Silicon Valley tech company
offices on a Walmart Everyday Low Cost budget
 Office space planning including moves, adds, changes (MACs) and change management
 Accomplishment  Walmart eCommerce Executive Row Remodel Project, construction of executive row offices at eCommerce
flagship office. Managed separate General Contractor for construction portion, and outside vendor for Glass Wall System office
- Used research and design skills to present multiple designs to secure executive approval from CEO, Walmart Commerce
- Lead key stakeholders on focused biweekly project construction meetings, identified project Architect for creation of
construction documents, lead General Contractor bid process for a savings of $150,000 for a project cost of $500,000
- Supervised project construction, final punch list walkthroughs, and final inspections
CAD Specialist  New Store Design, Store Layout - Bentonville, AR
Promotion to eCommerce Headquarters in San Bruno, CA, Project Manager II Position
 Production of prototypical and non-prototypical New Store designs, with full scope project management
 Subject Matter Expert and Lead for Electrical & life safety, New Store Design team
 Category Management: Store specific floorplans for 5,000+ Supercenters with JDA software
 Special Projects team lead  Cat. Management, ensure team planogram layouts match seasonal assortment and corp. strategy
 Beta/Pilot Tester for Retail Oriented CAD (ROC), a custom AutoCAD plug-in created by Walmart Store Layout
 Accomplishment  Creation and implementation of Sustainable Plot/Print Queue process
Maintenance, Bakery, and Deli Associate  Walmart Store, Chesapeake, VA
Promotion to Corporate Headquarters in Arkansas, CAD Specialist Position
Hometown Cable Coldwater, OH 2009  2011
Installer  Project Lead
 Project lead on over 500 Residential and Commercial communications installations
 Completion of large scale municipal fiber installation for Clyde and Green Springs, Ohio
 Accomplishment  Creation and implementation of company recycling process, strategy
Homan and Stucke Const. Co. New Bremen, OH 2006  2009
Construction Intern
 Industrial, Residential, Commercial, and Municipal concrete construction, Flatwork and Foundation, including industrial machine
line foundation with heavy industrial construction for large scale expansion projects
 Accomplishments  Industrial Machine Line Installation, Precision Strip, Inc., Bowling Green, Kentucky as well as a Major
Expansion for worlds largest yogurt manufacturing plant, Dannon Yogurt factory Minster, OH
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Ball State University 2010, Focus  Sustainability, Digital Design and Fabrication
 Adobe Creative Suite; Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator,
Flash, Dreamweaver
 CAD/CAFM  AutoCAD, Revit, Arris, Accendo, Wireframing 
Balsamiq, Justinmind etc.
 3D Modeling  Rhino 3D, Grasshopper, V-Ray, Maya,
3dsMax, SketchUp
 JDA Software
 Microsoft Office; MS Project, Advanced Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, Outlook, SharePoint

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  • 1. 1 Andrew David McMurray 2918 East Avalon Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85016 admcmurray.01@gmail.com 419.953.8682 Core Competencies Architecture Design and Space Planning Hand Drafting, Sketching, Model Building Full Scope Project Management Digital Design and Fabrication Print, Board, Brochure, and Logo Graphics Bid Process and Project Award Parametric Modeling Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) Construction/Contractor Management User Experience Design and Wireframing Sustainability focus within Architecture Lean Six Sigma White Belt (LSS White) Strengths Finder 2.0 Futurist, Challenge others to consider ideas they might not have thought of on their own Strategic, Automatically pinpoint trends, notice problems, or identify opportunities many people overlook Learner, Driven by curiosity to ask lots of questions and attentively listen to the responses Achiever, Harbor a deep-seated desire to have a good influence on the planet and its people Context, Strive to understand the what, when, who, where, how, and why of events Professional Experience PING (Karsten Manufacturing Corp Subsidiary) Phoenix, AZ Jul 2016 Present Senior Facilities Planner Senior facilities planner of a premier golf equipment manufacturer for both office and manufacturing facilities Lead facilities space & construction projects including design, construction, and project management Lead internal facilities teams and external contractors through construction of projects Manage budgets, timelines, and vendors on facilities design projects Accomplishment Redesign of factory buildings including club assembly, shipping, and storage to move club assembly from two factory buildings into one to reduce overhead, consolidate shipping, and incorporate straight line assembly BRG (Building Resource Group) Mountain View, CA Dec 2015 May 2016 Space Planner @ Google Google Space Planner representing core Google business units of Search, Research/Machine Intelligence, and Applications Product and Infrastructure Developed migration and move plans, occupancy plans, and furniture reconfiguration plans, and developed space allocation plans to meet short and long term headcount growth, and adapt to business reorganizations to inform master plan initiatives in a highly adaptive and changing environment that is Google Lead all parts of furniture reconfigurations, moves, and tenant improvement projects with internal vendors and customers, lead client meetings with executive admins to align to business needs, growth, and plan department building relocations Provide complex and detailed design layouts of new and existing office space and furniture as needed for move and tenant improvement projects, including research of new programming requirements in order to develop project scope, schedule, and budget on office reconfigurations, move, tenant improvement, and laboratory projects Created occupancy and headcount reports of confirmed and projected growth for future projects, and portfolio utilization Accomplishment Relocation of Research/Machine Intelligence to and FDOB of 1875/1965 Charleston, Mountain View, CA BRR Architecture Inc. San Francisco, CA Mar 2015 Sept 2015 Architectural Designer (Intern Architect) Walmart remodel CA, OR, and HI projects from initial building scope & design development through permitting & bid including code comment and RFI responses Coordination with engineering consultants the remodel program including ADA and CBC 2013 improvements, commercial grocery refrigeration installation, planning submissions, code comment responses, and RFI responses Design of exterior branding packages for both municipal and Walmart approval by implementing remodel program on commercial exteriors ensuring approval by local planning departments
  • 2. 2 Walmart Corporate Dec 2011 Feb 2015 Project Manager II Space Planning and Office Design San Bruno, CA Office design of new Walmart eCommerce offices in San Bruno and Sunnyvale, CA Furniture design and value engineering of ancillary furniture for Walmart eCommerce offices Accomplishment Elimination of approx. $1,000,000 in project cost through extensive research of vendor data, along with design and functional requirements. Result was a creative, lower cost alternative to compete with Silicon Valley tech company offices on a Walmart Everyday Low Cost budget Office space planning including moves, adds, changes (MACs) and change management Accomplishment Walmart eCommerce Executive Row Remodel Project, construction of executive row offices at eCommerce flagship office. Managed separate General Contractor for construction portion, and outside vendor for Glass Wall System office construction. - Used research and design skills to present multiple designs to secure executive approval from CEO, Walmart Commerce - Lead key stakeholders on focused biweekly project construction meetings, identified project Architect for creation of construction documents, lead General Contractor bid process for a savings of $150,000 for a project cost of $500,000 - Supervised project construction, final punch list walkthroughs, and final inspections CAD Specialist New Store Design, Store Layout - Bentonville, AR Promotion to eCommerce Headquarters in San Bruno, CA, Project Manager II Position Production of prototypical and non-prototypical New Store designs, with full scope project management Subject Matter Expert and Lead for Electrical & life safety, New Store Design team Category Management: Store specific floorplans for 5,000+ Supercenters with JDA software Special Projects team lead Cat. Management, ensure team planogram layouts match seasonal assortment and corp. strategy Beta/Pilot Tester for Retail Oriented CAD (ROC), a custom AutoCAD plug-in created by Walmart Store Layout Accomplishment Creation and implementation of Sustainable Plot/Print Queue process Maintenance, Bakery, and Deli Associate Walmart Store, Chesapeake, VA Promotion to Corporate Headquarters in Arkansas, CAD Specialist Position Hometown Cable Coldwater, OH 2009 2011 Installer Project Lead Project lead on over 500 Residential and Commercial communications installations Completion of large scale municipal fiber installation for Clyde and Green Springs, Ohio Accomplishment Creation and implementation of company recycling process, strategy Homan and Stucke Const. Co. New Bremen, OH 2006 2009 Construction Intern Industrial, Residential, Commercial, and Municipal concrete construction, Flatwork and Foundation, including industrial machine line foundation with heavy industrial construction for large scale expansion projects Accomplishments Industrial Machine Line Installation, Precision Strip, Inc., Bowling Green, Kentucky as well as a Major Expansion for worlds largest yogurt manufacturing plant, Dannon Yogurt factory Minster, OH Education Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Ball State University 2010, Focus Sustainability, Digital Design and Fabrication Software Adobe Creative Suite; Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver CAD/CAFM AutoCAD, Revit, Arris, Accendo, Wireframing Balsamiq, Justinmind etc. 3D Modeling Rhino 3D, Grasshopper, V-Ray, Maya, 3dsMax, SketchUp JDA Software Microsoft Office; MS Project, Advanced Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, SharePoint