The document appears to be a log of content posted by various users on a platform. It includes content posted by users with names like Alexandre Dulaunoy, greyloch, Csizmadia Tamás, Mesq, sparktography, scragz, Clover_1, Lake Effects Photography, Steve Rhode and kaymobile. There are repetitions of some user names, suggesting they contributed multiple times. The document also includes some numerical data lists.
The only one big thing every programmer should knowTakuto Wada
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Exercise is also credited with boosting brain health and improving cognitive function as we age.
魅せる! How to fascinate audiences by your Lightning TalkHiromu Shioya
1) The document provides tips for giving an effective lightning talk to fascinate audiences.
2) It recommends keeping the talk simple, using minimal but impactful slides, and focusing on conveying one clear message in the short time allotted.
3) The document includes various links to additional resources on delivering lightning talks.
The document appears to be a log of content posted by various users on a platform. It includes content posted by users with names like Alexandre Dulaunoy, greyloch, Csizmadia Tamás, Mesq, sparktography, scragz, Clover_1, Lake Effects Photography, Steve Rhode and kaymobile. There are repetitions of some user names, suggesting they contributed multiple times. The document also includes some numerical data lists.
The only one big thing every programmer should knowTakuto Wada
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Exercise is also credited with boosting brain health and improving cognitive function as we age.
魅せる! How to fascinate audiences by your Lightning TalkHiromu Shioya
1) The document provides tips for giving an effective lightning talk to fascinate audiences.
2) It recommends keeping the talk simple, using minimal but impactful slides, and focusing on conveying one clear message in the short time allotted.
3) The document includes various links to additional resources on delivering lightning talks.
July Tech Fest 2019で「人生100年時代の学び方」というタイトルでお話をさせていただきました。正直言って、「学び方」をお話するというよりも、大学院に入学するまでの自分史を語っただけになってしまいました。今年はいまどきの大学院生の学び方を自分を題材にお話します。仕事を辞めて専業学生になった元エンジニアの日々の失敗の記録を赤裸々にお話します。コロナ時代に生き抜くヒントを得たい人、大学で学びなおしたい人向け。
Thesis introduction "RECIPE : Converting Concurrent DRAM Indexes to Persisten...Hiro Yoshioka
下記の論文紹介です。Thesis introduction:
Se Kwon Lee, Jayashree Mohan, Sanidhya Kashyap, Taesoo Kim, and Vijay Chidambaram. 2019. Recipe: converting concurrent DRAM indexes to persistent-memory indexes. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 462–477. DOI:
This document discusses the history of programming languages and operating systems. It mentions that COBOL was first developed in 1959 as a business-oriented language. Grace Murray Hopper contributed to the development of COBOL. Digital Equipment Corporation originally developed the VAX line of computers that used the VAX/VMS operating system. The document also briefly outlines the history and importance of open-source software, configuration management, and tools like makefiles in software development.
Internet Week 2015での講演資料です。
Oracle vs Google API著作権裁判をヒントにウェブサービスを提供する立場からAPIのあり方について論点をまとめてみました。
Rakuten is hiring engineers and hackers. The document discusses Rakuten's mission to empower engineers and build a hacker-centric culture. It provides information on technical meetings and code reading parties organized by Rakuten and the Yokohama Linux Users Group to learn new technologies and meet experts.
Project based learning (PBL) course developed by AIIT (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology).
The goal of the PBL is to develop a basic competence of modern technique which are indispensable to run by SCRUM agile software development.
34. Socialization
Tacit/暗黙知 Tacit
Explicit/形式知 Explicit
Challenge of a Global Knowledge-Creating Organization
???共同化(Socialization) This process focuses tacit to tacit.
???表出化(Externalization) This process focuses tacit to explicit. knowledge.
???連結化(Combination) Knowledge transforms from explicit to explicit.
???内面化(Internalization) Tacit knowledge is created using explicit knowledge and shared across the organization.
Knowledge needs to move from “Tacit to Explicit” and “Explicit to
Tacit” (Nonaka, Takeuchi)
This is especially hard for Global Companies!