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Michelle Courville
Address: 313 Cody Road, San Dimas, CA
Mobile: (909) 354 - 0444
Email: michelle.courville@ymail.com
OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position with a long term growth potential where I can utilize my years of experience in the
medical field. Im a dedicated and outgoing professional. Motivated by challenges and knowledge. Im dedicated,
energetic and consider myself an asset to any company.
 Creative, self-directed, and results-driven with demonstrated success for prioritizing, managing and directing
multiple projects within demanding and deadline driven environments.
 Intelligent and articulate with excellent communication and interpersonal skill; skilled at winning trust, confidence,
and cooperation of co-workers, building internal and external relationships, and establishing credibility with
customers; able to grasp concepts, to learn and apply job related principles.
 Resourceful and versatile; able to adapt quickly to changes in conditions and circumstances, and handle
confidential matters with tact and discretion.
 Proficient with QuickBooks; Microsoft Office Word and Excel
!Dan Courville Trucking, San Dimas, CA
Vice President & Accountant 2013  Present
Manage budgets and process accounts payable and receivable. Responsible for processing employee timesheets and
payroll. Serve as a liaison between suppliers, clients and staff, which requires addressing heavy volume of phone calls
and inquiries. Conduct research, review business proposals, project bids, process emails, and distribute mail. Prepare
correspondence on behalf of business owner including preparing customer invoice documentation. Organize meetings
and conferences including planned events. Coordinate approval of employee business travel (150+ employees)
including tracking spending on corporate credit cards. Sales and marketing to new and continuing clients, B2B and
phone sales.
Bonita Unified School District, San Dimas, CA
Health Aide 2014 - Present
Assist the school nurse in caring for the health needs of students. Provide clerical assistance at assigned sites
including maintaining and updating health records and accident reports on appropriate health records as directed by
school nurse. Screen students for injuries and complaints of illness. Notify guardian if student is ill or hurt. Audit and
track new pupils' immunization records to determine compliance with immunization laws. Schedule appointments and
assist with the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program. Responsible for answering telephone and keeping track
of messages. Order and maintain office supplies. Render minor first aid to students and transport students home as
necessary. Assist the school nurse with dental, vision, hearing, growth measurement, scoliosis and team screening.
Dispense physician authorized medication to pupils under the direction of the principal or the school nurse.
Bobbi Pins Salon, Glendora, CA
Office Manager 2012 - 2015
Provided back-office administrative support for sole proprietorship. Responsible for payroll process to ensure bills and
invoices were paid systematically. Responsible for salon inventory including the purchase of materials, inventory
control, shipping/receiving and store functions. Responded to customer inquiries via telephone. Sales and marketing to
new and continuing clients, B2B and phone sales.
WF Construction, La Verne, CA
Office Assistant 2006 - 2012
Provided back-office administrative support for sole proprietorship. Revised payroll process system to ensure bills and
invoices were paid systematically. Responded to customer inquiries via telephone. Processed mail.
 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. BA Psychology (2010).
 Received Cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification (2014).

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Michelle Courville Resume 0715-10

  • 1. Michelle Courville Address: 313 Cody Road, San Dimas, CA Mobile: (909) 354 - 0444 Email: michelle.courville@ymail.com ! OBJECTIVE: To obtain a position with a long term growth potential where I can utilize my years of experience in the medical field. Im a dedicated and outgoing professional. Motivated by challenges and knowledge. Im dedicated, energetic and consider myself an asset to any company. STRENGTHS AND CAPABILITIES: Creative, self-directed, and results-driven with demonstrated success for prioritizing, managing and directing multiple projects within demanding and deadline driven environments. Intelligent and articulate with excellent communication and interpersonal skill; skilled at winning trust, confidence, and cooperation of co-workers, building internal and external relationships, and establishing credibility with customers; able to grasp concepts, to learn and apply job related principles. Resourceful and versatile; able to adapt quickly to changes in conditions and circumstances, and handle confidential matters with tact and discretion. Proficient with QuickBooks; Microsoft Office Word and Excel !WORK HISTORY: !Dan Courville Trucking, San Dimas, CA Vice President & Accountant 2013 Present Manage budgets and process accounts payable and receivable. Responsible for processing employee timesheets and payroll. Serve as a liaison between suppliers, clients and staff, which requires addressing heavy volume of phone calls and inquiries. Conduct research, review business proposals, project bids, process emails, and distribute mail. Prepare correspondence on behalf of business owner including preparing customer invoice documentation. Organize meetings and conferences including planned events. Coordinate approval of employee business travel (150+ employees) including tracking spending on corporate credit cards. Sales and marketing to new and continuing clients, B2B and phone sales. Bonita Unified School District, San Dimas, CA Health Aide 2014 - Present Assist the school nurse in caring for the health needs of students. Provide clerical assistance at assigned sites including maintaining and updating health records and accident reports on appropriate health records as directed by school nurse. Screen students for injuries and complaints of illness. Notify guardian if student is ill or hurt. Audit and track new pupils' immunization records to determine compliance with immunization laws. Schedule appointments and assist with the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program. Responsible for answering telephone and keeping track of messages. Order and maintain office supplies. Render minor first aid to students and transport students home as necessary. Assist the school nurse with dental, vision, hearing, growth measurement, scoliosis and team screening. Dispense physician authorized medication to pupils under the direction of the principal or the school nurse. Bobbi Pins Salon, Glendora, CA Office Manager 2012 - 2015 Provided back-office administrative support for sole proprietorship. Responsible for payroll process to ensure bills and invoices were paid systematically. Responsible for salon inventory including the purchase of materials, inventory control, shipping/receiving and store functions. Responded to customer inquiries via telephone. Sales and marketing to new and continuing clients, B2B and phone sales. WF Construction, La Verne, CA Office Assistant 2006 - 2012 Provided back-office administrative support for sole proprietorship. Revised payroll process system to ensure bills and invoices were paid systematically. Responded to customer inquiries via telephone. Processed mail. EDUCATION: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. BA Psychology (2010). Received Cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification (2014).