1. The seminar discusses various types of loans including personal and mortgage loans. It provides details on the calculation of interest rates for different loan types and factors affecting credit scores.
2. Sample questions are provided to test understanding of key concepts around loans, assets, liabilities, interest rates and credit scoring.
3. The document appears to be materials for a seminar or training on banking products like loans, liabilities, assets and credit evaluation.
34. 亳 弍仂仍仂仆 亟仆亟舒亢 亰舒亟仍亟仆 舒仄舒舒舒仍
1.MC < ATC = AC 勵亠亟 Q , AC
2. MC = AC 勵亠亟 Q , AC min
3. MC >ATC = AC 勵亠亟 Q , AC
4. MC <AVC 勵亠亟 Q , AVC
5. MC = AVC 勵亠亟 Q , AVC min
6. MC > AVC 勵亠亟 Q , AVC
52. 哦亞唏亢亳仍亳亶仆 勵 唏亞唏唏亢
勳亶仍亟于仍仍 唏亞唏亢勵勵仍仆 亟仆亟舒亢亰舒亟仍亞
弍仍亢 舒亟舒亢 弍舒亶于舒仍唏亞唏亢亳仍亳亶仆 唏唏 勵
m Q > f (m K , m L) ATC = AC
丐仂亞仄仂仍 弍舒亶于舒仍 唏亞唏亢亳仍亳亶仆 仂亞仄仂仍 勵唏亞唏唏亢亶
m Q = f (m K , mL) ATC = AC const
亞亢 弍舒亶于舒仍 唏亞唏亢亳仍亳亶仆 弍舒 勵唏亞唏唏亢亶
m Q < f (m K , mL) ATC = AC