2. Outline
1. English as the World Language
2. Mindset for…
Reading, Writing, Presentation
3. Make full use of new tools!
3. 英語は第??語話者が圧倒的に多いのが特徴!
World?s top languages by number of speakers (Ethnologue 18th
ed., 2015)
No. Language 1st (native) 1st + 2nd
1 Chinese 中文 900 M 1310 M
2 English 339 M 942 M
3 Spanish Espa?ol 472 M 570 M
4 Arabic ?????????????????????????????? 295 M 385 M
5 Hindi ??M?? 260 M 380 M
14 Japanese 日本語 130 M 130 M
4. Braj Kachru’s “Three Circle of English”
Majority of the English speakers
are NOT native speakers
5. * Not to scale
2004–13: Kyoto U
Plasma Engineering, Aero/Astronautics
1993–97: Elementary
School in South Carolina
GaN interface
My experience on
English as a Second Language
Darwinek cba
6. This talk will cover…
? Mindset
? Tools
? Hints
? This talk will NOT cover…
? English expressions
? Grammar lessons
8. “The plasma medium is complicated in that the
charged particles are both affected by external
electric and magnetic fields and contribute to
them. The resulting self-consistent system is
nonlinear and very difficult to analyze.
Furthermore, the interparticle collisions, although
also electromagnetic in character, occur on space
and time scales that are usually much shorter than
those of the applied fields or the fields due to the
average motion of the particles.”
? 専??語
? 複雑な構?
9. 論?英語だからといって
“The etch rates were measured using quartz crystal
Thin films were deposited by conventional vapor deposition
All experiments were conducted at room temperature.
The experiments reported in this paper involve
the use of XeF2, F2, and Cl2.”
10. The density of information conveyed
The etch rates were measured using quartz
crystal microbalances.
[T]he interparticle collisions, although also*
electromagnetic in character, occur on space and
time scales that are usually much shorter than
those of the applied fields or the fields due to the
average motion of the particles.
* この also はこの前の?を受けてのもの
15. The plasma medium is complicated in that the charged particles are both affected by
external electric and magnetic fields and contribute to them.
The interparticle collisions, although also electromagnetic in character,
occur on space and time scales that are usually much shorter than those of
the applied fields or the fields due to the average motion of the particles.
Interparticle collisions are also electromagnetic in character.
They occur on space and time scales that are usually much shorter than
(the space/time scales of) the electromagnetic fields applied (externally) or
(the space/time scales of) the electromagnetic fields due to the average motion of
the particles.
are also
Collision (τ, λ)
Previous sentence
Applied field (τ, λ)
Field by particle motion (τ, λ)
17. Most of our writings are papers & patents.
Don?t worry about the rhetoric.
? 論?や特許などにはこなれた英語はなじまない。
? 簡単な構?の組み合わせで書けるはず。
? 書けないポイントが現れたら、論理の?躍を疑う。
? 科学?書は基本的な論理の積み重ねのはず
? 英?法の厳密性が良い?向に働く。
? 主語の省略が不可であること
? ?較の対象は?致していないといけないこと
(例: Comparing A of B to that of C… )
? など
18. 段落 vs. Paragraph
? 英語の paragraph は、?本語の「段落」よりも
Fact A Fact B
Topic Sentence
Main idea
Fact C Logic(A,B,C)
19. ?本語の「段落」になれた?徒たちに
英語の “paragraph” を意識させるための
1. A paragraph is a completely different unit of organization from danraku.
2. The topic sentence makes an assertion and
supporting sentences explain or prove that assertion in detail.
3. All of the sentences in a paragraph discuss the same idea.
If the writer wants to discuss a new idea, start a new paragraph.
4. Make an outline with a topic sentence and main supporting sentences before
starting to write a draft. This will help the writer to keep coherence and unity.
5. Emphasize the aim of English essay writing is to effectively convey
information to readers rather than to move readers' feelings.
“Effective writing instruction: From Japanese danraku to English paragraphs”
Proc. 3rd Ann. JALT Pan-SIG Conf. (2004) http://jalt.org/pansig/2004/HTML/KimKon.htm
23. Results
1 2 3 4
Series3 ? Fact A
? Observation B
? Observation C
Main message
of this slide
わかりにくくても、main message が何かを考えながら聞こう
24. 英語の質疑応答
? プレゼン本体は練習できるが、質疑応答はできない
? 質問を聞き取れずに、かみ合わない会話になる
? 想定される表現を覚えておく
? 便利な表現をストックしておく
? 遠慮せず聞き返す
? 質問を噛み砕いてもらう
? 同僚などと練習
? 科学英語の聞き取りに慣れておく
“I didn’t quite follow…”
“What is the key reason for…?”
“Sorry, but what is your question?”
“Could you rephrase it simpler?”
26. Dictionary
英語は英語で! 英?の構造を?につける
? おすすめ英英辞典 Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary
Oxford Dict.
study: The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an
academic subject, especially by means of books
study: If you study, you spend time learning about a particular subject or
fruition: If something comes to fruition, it starts to succeed and produce
the results that were intended or hoped for.
45. In conclusion
? Scientific English has a clear logical structure. Remembering this
will help you read quicker, write more effective papers, and
structure better presentations.
? Make full use of new tools to improve your English. These include
specialized dictionaries, grammar correction services, and speech
recognition interfaces.
? Always maximize your exposure to English.
Try to find a method that’s fun for you.
46. Credits / Copyright
Title Author Source License
Flag-map of South Carolina Darwinek Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA
Research Arturo Donate flickr CC BY
Textbook.JPG Ali Moore English Wikipedia CC BY-SA
Power of Words Antonio Litterio Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA
Apollo: The Alignment Optical Telescope
Bill Hammack & Wyatt
EngineerGuy.com CC BY-ND
What will be the next big scientific breakthrough? Eric Haseltine TED CC BY-NC-ND
Word Cloud Zygomatic wordclouds.com PD
Plasma polymerization Wikipedia editors English Wikipedia CC BY-SA