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My Search for the Right
By: Misti Reynolds
Search for
the right
Section One:
High School: the years leading
me to college
In this section, I will give you an inside look on my final year in high school
and what lead me to choosing college.
My Path of Life
It is now time to say goodbye
To the life of being a kid
The life without any worries
With relying on my family
It is time to start my future
To take the path of life
To become what I want to be
Time to rely on me and only me
Visiting different colleges
Spending hours on applications
Writing essay after essay
Then waiting for a response
Trying to figure out what I want to be
Which college is best for me?
Also discovering who I am
And the life I want for me
Leaving high school with mixed
Walking across the stage to a new life
I hope that I am ready for this
Ready to start my own life
Goodbye high school
Goodbye to my old friends
College here I come!
Now all I have to do is pick one!
+Mistis Recipe for Success
One meeting a month with guidance
(I wanted to do this to be sure I was on the
right track)
Four years of challenging high school
One semester (1/2 a year) of cadet teaching
at West View
One to two hours of homework every night
One to two additional hours of studying for
(Study days vary among tests scheduled
in a week)
Five days a week of classes
One day to walk across the stage
*You must work hard and give 110%
when it comes to your school education*
Mistis graduation/open house
Every yesterday is a memory of
Every tomorrow is a vision of hopes
Delana & Jasen Ulmer, and Robert
Sr. & Christina Reynolds
are proud to announce
the graduation of their daughter
Misti Reynolds from
Muncie Central High School
You are cordially invited to share
in their happiness
at her open house on May 20, 2010
at 2:00pm
at 8500 W. Cornbread
Rd.Yorktown, Indiana
Mistis graduation will be
June 1, 2010 at 7:00pm
At Emens Auditorium on
Ball State campus
We hope that you will come
And show your support
And how proud you are
Of our wonderful daughter
And this special once in a lifetime
If You Believe
Your diploma means a future without boundaries,
a world that's full of energy and fun.
So as you reach for all life has to offer,
Remember that you're second to no one.
Pursue your goals, yet keep your loved ones close,
As you utilize your talent and ambition.
Let your friends and family give you their support,
And you'll master every challenging transition.
And always, Misti, know you can achieve
The things you really want, if you believe.
By Joanna Fuch
Section two:
The Search Begins
This section deals with my search for the right college for me. I gives details
about some of the struggles I went through in order to be sure that I choose
the right college. Choosing the right college for you can sometimes be
difficult and challenging and indeed for me, it did take a lot of time and
consideration before I made my decision.
Mistis College Search: Dos and
Mistis College Search: Dos and
Donts (Continued)
1. Ball State University
2. International Business College
3. Butler
4. Purdue
7. University of Florida
 First check to see if they have the program(s) youre looking
 Do a little background research on the school
 Is the school size too big/too small for you?
 Is the location of the school good?
 Will the classroom size be to big/to small for you?
 Fill out application either online or in print
 Be sure to fill out the application as thoroughly as you
 Be sure to check for application deadlines
 Give yourself plenty of time to write essays for the
applications and for them to be submitted.
 Before submitting your application/essays, be sure they are
completely filled out and accurate
 You may want to go over them a few times
 Have others like your parents look over the essays and
applications as well
 Send in your applications and essays
 Make sure they look neat and are easy to read
 Wait to hear back from the college in which you applied
 While waiting for their response, be sure to continue
looking into other colleges
 Continue to also fill out applications
 NEVER send just one application in because you might
not get into that school
Rules for
for College
Advice for those searching for
the right college for themselves
Even if you are not completely sure just what you want to go to college for, you should still apply to
colleges you are interested in. You can still go to college and at least get your core classes out of the
way. Taking core classes will take up most of your first two years anyway so why wait when you can
get those out of the way. They also have career counselors at most colleges that you could met with
to help guide you to what you want to become. In addition, do not let others stop you from being what
you want to be and going where you want to go. My mom told me many times that she did not think I
could be a teacher. She told me she did not think I had the patience to deal with students who acted
up and when I told her, I wanted to do special education her doubts grew more. Due to all this lack of
support from my mom, I almost went to a completely different school and picked a completely
different career. To be honest, I was never interested until I got college visits at school in a career.
One thing I have learned though is to follow your heart and dreams. I realize I never would have
been happy if I went to that other school and did a different major because it was not where my heart
was. Do not let others influence your decisions. It is time to start thinking about you and putting
yourself first. You have to do things for you not anybody else. Otherwise, if you go through this whole
process trying to please everyone else you will end up being defeated. Look into different colleges.
Take different college visit. Have a list of questions to ask. Take advantage of any opportunity in
which you can explore the colleges. Apply to multiple colleges. Never only apply to one college. You
may have your heart set on going to one certain college but there is always the chance that you will
not get into that particular college. It is much better to have multiple college options than to have
none at all. Be true to whom you are and what the desires of your heart are. College is a big deal. It
is the next step in a better future. It is not something to be taking lightly. I assure you if you listen to
your heart and follow your heart though you will make the right decision for your future.
Misti D. Reynolds
The Final Decision
Mistis end to her college search
Colleges I was
accepted to
Ball State
International Business College
+ To Whom It May Concern:
Ever since I was a little girl, I have
always wanted to be a teacher when I
grew up. Being a teacher and making a
difference in other students lives is my
passion. I want to be a difference maker
and a teacher. The only place that I can
go to become that person is here at Ball
State. The teaching program here at
BSU is what I need to shape myself into
the educator that I want to be. Being
accepted into Ball State would mean the
chance of a lifetime for me. It would
mean that I have the chance to fulfill my
dreams. Please help me to fulfill my
dreams and become the person I want to
be. I cannot do it without your school and
the instructors at your wonderful
Misti D. Reynolds
Dear Diary,
As you know, I have been struggling with the
decision on what college is best for me. I have been
accepted into various colleges. I have looked into
different majors. I have checked out and thought
about the financial part of college. Luckily, I have
finally made my decision. I made this decision based
on a number of things. First, I had to listen to my
heart. I knew that more than anything I wanted to be
a teacher did. Going to school for anything other than
teaching, I would have not been miserable. In
addition, because I am paying for college on my own,
I did take into account the financial aspect of it. This
college is not only best financially for me but also for
my major. Ball State is the college that I choose to go
to. Not only is the college best for me financially but I
feel also as if it is the best choice for my future. I
want to be a special education and an elementary
school teacher. When I looked into the other
programs that other schools offered, I was
disappointed. No other school that I looked into
provided a teaching program that suited what I want
to do for my future. Then I looked closer to Ball State.
Ball State was founded on teaching. It is the best
teaching college in Indiana. To make matters even
better, Ball State offers the dual degree. I can go to
Ball State and receive a dual degree. When I
graduate from Ball State, I will have a degree as an
elementary teacher as well as a degree as a special
education teacher. I felt this is the school I belong at.
This is the school God wants me to go to. This is the
best school for my future and me.
Genres that were 顎壊艶糸
Misti Reynolds Multigenre
Essay Assignment
Mr. Hartmans 11:00am class
English 103
My Future is looking very bright

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Misti reynolds multigenre

  • 1. + My Search for the Right College By: Misti Reynolds Mistis Search for the right college
  • 2. + Section One: High School: the years leading me to college In this section, I will give you an inside look on my final year in high school and what lead me to choosing college.
  • 3. + My Path of Life It is now time to say goodbye To the life of being a kid The life without any worries With relying on my family It is time to start my future To take the path of life To become what I want to be Time to rely on me and only me Visiting different colleges Spending hours on applications Writing essay after essay Then waiting for a response Trying to figure out what I want to be Which college is best for me? Also discovering who I am And the life I want for me Leaving high school with mixed feelings Walking across the stage to a new life I hope that I am ready for this Ready to start my own life Goodbye high school Goodbye to my old friends College here I come! Now all I have to do is pick one!
  • 4. +Mistis Recipe for Success One meeting a month with guidance counselor (I wanted to do this to be sure I was on the right track) Four years of challenging high school classes One semester (1/2 a year) of cadet teaching at West View One to two hours of homework every night One to two additional hours of studying for tests (Study days vary among tests scheduled in a week) Five days a week of classes One day to walk across the stage *You must work hard and give 110% when it comes to your school education*
  • 5. + Mistis graduation/open house invitation Every yesterday is a memory of dreams; Every tomorrow is a vision of hopes Delana & Jasen Ulmer, and Robert Sr. & Christina Reynolds are proud to announce the graduation of their daughter Misti Reynolds from Muncie Central High School You are cordially invited to share in their happiness at her open house on May 20, 2010 at 2:00pm at 8500 W. Cornbread Rd.Yorktown, Indiana Mistis graduation will be June 1, 2010 at 7:00pm At Emens Auditorium on Ball State campus We hope that you will come And show your support And how proud you are Of our wonderful daughter And this special once in a lifetime moment
  • 6. + If You Believe Your diploma means a future without boundaries, a world that's full of energy and fun. So as you reach for all life has to offer, Remember that you're second to no one. Pursue your goals, yet keep your loved ones close, As you utilize your talent and ambition. Let your friends and family give you their support, And you'll master every challenging transition. And always, Misti, know you can achieve The things you really want, if you believe. By Joanna Fuch
  • 7. + Section two: The Search Begins This section deals with my search for the right college for me. I gives details about some of the struggles I went through in order to be sure that I choose the right college. Choosing the right college for you can sometimes be difficult and challenging and indeed for me, it did take a lot of time and consideration before I made my decision.
  • 10. + Mistis College Choices 1. Ball State University 2. International Business College 3. Butler 4. Purdue 5. IPFW 6. IUPUI 7. University of Florida
  • 11. + First check to see if they have the program(s) youre looking for Do a little background research on the school Is the school size too big/too small for you? Is the location of the school good? Will the classroom size be to big/to small for you? Fill out application either online or in print Be sure to fill out the application as thoroughly as you can Be sure to check for application deadlines Give yourself plenty of time to write essays for the applications and for them to be submitted. Before submitting your application/essays, be sure they are completely filled out and accurate You may want to go over them a few times Have others like your parents look over the essays and applications as well Send in your applications and essays Make sure they look neat and are easy to read Wait to hear back from the college in which you applied While waiting for their response, be sure to continue looking into other colleges Continue to also fill out applications NEVER send just one application in because you might not get into that school Rules for Searching and Applying for College
  • 12. + Advice for those searching for the right college for themselves Even if you are not completely sure just what you want to go to college for, you should still apply to colleges you are interested in. You can still go to college and at least get your core classes out of the way. Taking core classes will take up most of your first two years anyway so why wait when you can get those out of the way. They also have career counselors at most colleges that you could met with to help guide you to what you want to become. In addition, do not let others stop you from being what you want to be and going where you want to go. My mom told me many times that she did not think I could be a teacher. She told me she did not think I had the patience to deal with students who acted up and when I told her, I wanted to do special education her doubts grew more. Due to all this lack of support from my mom, I almost went to a completely different school and picked a completely different career. To be honest, I was never interested until I got college visits at school in a career. One thing I have learned though is to follow your heart and dreams. I realize I never would have been happy if I went to that other school and did a different major because it was not where my heart was. Do not let others influence your decisions. It is time to start thinking about you and putting yourself first. You have to do things for you not anybody else. Otherwise, if you go through this whole process trying to please everyone else you will end up being defeated. Look into different colleges. Take different college visit. Have a list of questions to ask. Take advantage of any opportunity in which you can explore the colleges. Apply to multiple colleges. Never only apply to one college. You may have your heart set on going to one certain college but there is always the chance that you will not get into that particular college. It is much better to have multiple college options than to have none at all. Be true to whom you are and what the desires of your heart are. College is a big deal. It is the next step in a better future. It is not something to be taking lightly. I assure you if you listen to your heart and follow your heart though you will make the right decision for your future. Sincerely, Misti D. Reynolds
  • 13. + The Final Decision Mistis end to her college search Section three
  • 14. + Colleges I was accepted to Ball State IPFW International Business College IUPUI Purdue
  • 15. + To Whom It May Concern: Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Being a teacher and making a difference in other students lives is my passion. I want to be a difference maker and a teacher. The only place that I can go to become that person is here at Ball State. The teaching program here at BSU is what I need to shape myself into the educator that I want to be. Being accepted into Ball State would mean the chance of a lifetime for me. It would mean that I have the chance to fulfill my dreams. Please help me to fulfill my dreams and become the person I want to be. I cannot do it without your school and the instructors at your wonderful university. Sincerely. Misti D. Reynolds
  • 16. + THE BIG DECISION Dear Diary, As you know, I have been struggling with the decision on what college is best for me. I have been accepted into various colleges. I have looked into different majors. I have checked out and thought about the financial part of college. Luckily, I have finally made my decision. I made this decision based on a number of things. First, I had to listen to my heart. I knew that more than anything I wanted to be a teacher did. Going to school for anything other than teaching, I would have not been miserable. In addition, because I am paying for college on my own, I did take into account the financial aspect of it. This college is not only best financially for me but also for my major. Ball State is the college that I choose to go to. Not only is the college best for me financially but I feel also as if it is the best choice for my future. I want to be a special education and an elementary school teacher. When I looked into the other programs that other schools offered, I was disappointed. No other school that I looked into provided a teaching program that suited what I want to do for my future. Then I looked closer to Ball State. Ball State was founded on teaching. It is the best teaching college in Indiana. To make matters even better, Ball State offers the dual degree. I can go to Ball State and receive a dual degree. When I graduate from Ball State, I will have a degree as an elementary teacher as well as a degree as a special education teacher. I felt this is the school I belong at. This is the school God wants me to go to. This is the best school for my future and me.
  • 17. + Genres that were 顎壊艶糸
  • 18. + Misti Reynolds Multigenre Essay Assignment Mr. Hartmans 11:00am class English 103 My Future is looking very bright

Editor's Notes

  • #2: This multigenre essay is dealing with one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make in my life. It is related to my search for the college for me. It gives information from the colleges and careers I was deciding between, applying to colleges, to my final decision and what lead me to choose Ball State as my college. My essay is divided into 3 different sections. Section one is high school: the years leading to college. Section two is entitles: the search begins. Finally, section three will be called: the final decision.
  • #4: This was a poem I wrote about leaving high school and getting ready to choose college and start my new path to life. I truly shows all the mixed feelings I was feeling. The excitement to graduate but the scared and nervousness of heading to college and choosing the path of life to take on my own. I think this poem that I wrote represents how most graduates feel.
  • #5: I entitled this recipe as my recipe for success. These ingredients where the ingredients of my senior year of high school. It was what I did to make sure I made excellent grades, stayed up on all my work, and graduated so that I could attend college.
  • #6: Together, my mom, Delana Ulmer, and I sat down to create my open house and graduation invitations. My family is a big family so we decided to just include graduation and open house invites all in one to save money. Together, this is the inside of my invitation that my mom and I came up with. After we wrote this part, we showed it to my dad, step-mom, and my step-dad to get their stamp of approval on it. We then had made the invitations and mailed them away to my family.
  • #7: This poem was one I found online written by Joanna Fuch. The only thing I did to the poem was add my name where it indicated. This poem talks about getting your diploma and never giving up on your goals. She says that you can achieve anything you believe. I believe anyone who is graduating needs to hear these powerful words.
  • #9: When coming across my search for the right college, I discovered something in the process that one should and must do when searching and applying for colleges and well as things one should not do when searching and applying for colleges. I made a list of things I learned and entitled it my dos and donts of college searching. This gives a list on the Dos that I created.
  • #10: This is a continuation of the previous slide. This is the list of donts that I came up with when I was applying and searching for colleges.
  • #11: This is the list of colleges that I knew I loved and wanted to go to. I ended up applying to most of all the seven but there were some I did not apply to because I did not think I could afford to go to that college.
  • #12: This is a set of rules that I came up with and created myself. They are the rules for when you are searching and applying for college. They are the things that I felt should be paid attention to and addressed most carefully. Some of the rules are steps that some may over look. I feel as though if someone applying or searching for college followed these rules they would not miss the important steps of this big, life changing process.
  • #13: I thought it would be a great idea to include some advice that I wish I would have received when I first started my college search. The advice I give are things I wish people would have told me and things that I learned on my own. The purpose or goal of writing this was to reach out to those who are unsure or overwhelmed by trying to find the right college. This advice column is to give them a sense of relief and knowledge that everything will work out and be alright if they follow and listen to their heart.
  • #15: As clearly stated, this is a list of the five colleges that I was accepted into. Once being accepted into these colleges, I knew it was time for me to make my final decision. I had to choose a college.
  • #16: This is an example of the simple version of my college essay that I wrote to Ball State. It is not the exact words I used or my exact essay. I just used this as an example of writing a college essay.
  • #17: This was the diary entry that I wrote when I first decided that one hundred percent without a doubt, Ball State was the right college for me. I am very pleased with my decision and have yet to regret choosing Ball State and teaching over my other college and career options.