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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration – MBA
BK ID 1810
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Question. 1. What are the different E-Marketing Techniques ?
Answer: The internet has radically transformed how we build and promote businesses: We have
access to far more resources and far more potential than ever before. So, why do so many
entrepreneursendupneglectingthese fruitful opportunitiesbyforgoingmarketing,ordelayingitas
an unnecessary expenditure?
Question. 2. What are the fears and phobias of online customers?
How to handle safety and security concerns of online customers?
Answer: There are two MAIN factors that will help you achieve success in e-commerce –
understandingwhoyourcustomersare andsolvingtheirproblemsbeforetheyarise.It’sthe onlyway
your site will achieve the best conversions every time.
That’s why marketers pay so much attention to persona research. Understand the different online
shopper personas, and you know what motivates them
Question. 3. Explain the following concepts
a) Social media Marketing
Answer: Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social
actions.Forinstance,Twitterisasocial site designedtoletpeople share shortmessagesor“updates”
photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.
How Are Search & Social Media Marketing Related?
b) Pay per click advertisements
Answer: Pay-per-click(PPC),alsoknownascost per click(CPC),isan internetadvertisingmodelused
to direct traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher (typically a website owner or a
network of websites) when the ad is clicked.
Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines (such as Google AdWords and
Microsoft Bing Ads). With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to
theirtargetmarket.In contrast,contentsitescommonlycharge afixedprice perclickratherthanuse
a bidding system. PPC "display" advertisements,
Question. 4. Explain about 2P+2C+3S formula of E – Marketing.
Answer: Functions of E-marketing are representedby 2P+2C+3S formula (Personalization, privacy,
customer service, community, site, security, and sales promotion). These functions form the
framework of an e-marketing strategy. Discuss this formula with a diagrammatic representation.
2P+2C+3S formula in e-marketing: E-marketing is unique as it has a series of specific, relational
functions that can be represented by the 2P+2C+3S
Question. 5. Explain the following Concepts
a) Merchandising techniques
Answer:Merchandisingisthe arrangementof productsinaphysical oronline storetomaximizesales.
The objective of merchandisingis to close the sale after advertising campaignsbring customersinto
the store.Goodmerchandisingfreesuptime,makesthe sellingprocesssimpler,enhancesthe buying
experience for consumers and drives sales growth.
Basic Techniques
b) Online seminar techniques
Answer: Accomplishing exquisite anterior restorative results is a combination of preparation,
technique andmaterialsselection.Thiscoursewill presentanapproachtoplanmarginplacementand
tooth reduction to accomplish the planned tooth position, contour and color of the new restoration
as well as assuring functional success. It is challenging to select from one of the many choices of
esthetic restorative materials that are available.
Question. 6. What are the legal and ethical issues involved in E-CRM
Answer: Approximately 100 countries now enjoy Internet access, and a recent survey reportedthat
there are approximately20millionInternethostsworldwide.The numberof Internetusersiscurrently
estimated to be in the region of 100 million people.
The exponential growth of the Internet and online activity raise a number of new regulatory issues
and legal questions. How does copyright apply to digital content? How can national laws apply to
activities in cyberspace? Can privacy and data
Dear students get fully solved assignments
Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :
“ help.mbaassignments@gmail.com ”
Call us at : 08263069601
(Prefer mailing. Call in emergency )

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Mk0017 – e marketing

  • 1. Dear students get fully solved assignments Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id : “ help.mbaassignments@gmail.com ” or Call us at : 08263069601 (Prefer mailing. Call in emergency ) ASSIGNMENT DRIVE SUMMER 2017 PROGRAM Master of Business Administration – MBA SEMESTER IV SUBJECT CODE & NAME MK0017 – E-MARKETING BK ID 1810 CREDITS 4 MARKS 60 Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme. Question. 1. What are the different E-Marketing Techniques ? Answer: The internet has radically transformed how we build and promote businesses: We have access to far more resources and far more potential than ever before. So, why do so many entrepreneursendupneglectingthese fruitful opportunitiesbyforgoingmarketing,ordelayingitas an unnecessary expenditure? Question. 2. What are the fears and phobias of online customers? How to handle safety and security concerns of online customers? Answer: There are two MAIN factors that will help you achieve success in e-commerce – understandingwhoyourcustomersare andsolvingtheirproblemsbeforetheyarise.It’sthe onlyway your site will achieve the best conversions every time. That’s why marketers pay so much attention to persona research. Understand the different online shopper personas, and you know what motivates them Question. 3. Explain the following concepts
  • 2. a) Social media Marketing Answer: Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide radically different social actions.Forinstance,Twitterisasocial site designedtoletpeople share shortmessagesor“updates” withothers.Facebook,incontrastisafull-blownsocialnetworkingsitethatallowsforsharingupdates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities. How Are Search & Social Media Marketing Related? b) Pay per click advertisements Answer: Pay-per-click(PPC),alsoknownascost per click(CPC),isan internetadvertisingmodelused to direct traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher (typically a website owner or a network of websites) when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines (such as Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing Ads). With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to theirtargetmarket.In contrast,contentsitescommonlycharge afixedprice perclickratherthanuse a bidding system. PPC "display" advertisements, Question. 4. Explain about 2P+2C+3S formula of E – Marketing. Answer: Functions of E-marketing are representedby 2P+2C+3S formula (Personalization, privacy, customer service, community, site, security, and sales promotion). These functions form the framework of an e-marketing strategy. Discuss this formula with a diagrammatic representation. 2P+2C+3S formula in e-marketing: E-marketing is unique as it has a series of specific, relational functions that can be represented by the 2P+2C+3S Question. 5. Explain the following Concepts a) Merchandising techniques Answer:Merchandisingisthe arrangementof productsinaphysical oronline storetomaximizesales. The objective of merchandisingis to close the sale after advertising campaignsbring customersinto the store.Goodmerchandisingfreesuptime,makesthe sellingprocesssimpler,enhancesthe buying experience for consumers and drives sales growth. Basic Techniques b) Online seminar techniques
  • 3. Answer: Accomplishing exquisite anterior restorative results is a combination of preparation, technique andmaterialsselection.Thiscoursewill presentanapproachtoplanmarginplacementand tooth reduction to accomplish the planned tooth position, contour and color of the new restoration as well as assuring functional success. It is challenging to select from one of the many choices of esthetic restorative materials that are available. Question. 6. What are the legal and ethical issues involved in E-CRM ? Answer: Approximately 100 countries now enjoy Internet access, and a recent survey reportedthat there are approximately20millionInternethostsworldwide.The numberof Internetusersiscurrently estimated to be in the region of 100 million people. The exponential growth of the Internet and online activity raise a number of new regulatory issues and legal questions. How does copyright apply to digital content? How can national laws apply to activities in cyberspace? Can privacy and data Dear students get fully solved assignments Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id : “ help.mbaassignments@gmail.com ” or Call us at : 08263069601 (Prefer mailing. Call in emergency )