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Dealing with Legal Matters
What is LAW?
Lets Acknowledge Wisdom
Sources of Law in Pakistan
The Constitution
The Legislature
The Judiciary
The Executive
The Constitution
Approved in1973
Consisted of 280 Articles, 6 Schedules
Salient Features:
Fundamental Rights  The Basic Purpose
Legislature  The Law Making Process
Judiciary  The Protector (Rule of Law)
Executive  The Government
Fundamental Rights
Rights to Life, Property, Education, Fair trial,
Information, Non-discrimination, Association,
Movement, Trade, Business, Profession etc.
Protection of Fundamental Rights?
The Legislature
 Parliamentary System
The National Assembly
The Senate
The Provincial Assemblies
The Judiciary
 The Supreme Court
 The High Courts
The Executive
 Administrative Law
 Delegated Legislation
 Administrative Tribunals / Courts
The Executive (Service Laws)
Service laws for WAPDAs Employees
WAPDA Rules / Civil Servants Act,1973
Services Tribunal Act, 1973
Master-Servant Rule for Companies Employees
Civil Procedure Code, 1908 / Civil Courts
Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts
The Executive (Labour Laws)
For Wapda: NIRC
The Industrial Relations Act, 2012
For Companies: Labour Courts / Tribunals
Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010
Sindh Industrial Relations Act, 2010
KP Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2010
Balochistan Industrial Relations Act, 2010
The Executive (Labour Laws)
Common Laws for WAPDA / Companies
 The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923
 The Industrial & Commercial (Standing
Orders) Ordinance, 1968
 The Factories Act, 1934
The Constitution and WAPDA
 Council of Common Interest (CCI)
Articles 153-154:
 Consisting of PM, CMs and 3 Members from Fed.
 Appointed by the President
 Answerable to Parliament
 Mandated to formulate & regulate policies in
relation to the matters e.g. Oil, gas, electricity,
ports etc. And to supervise & exercise control over
institutions like WAPDA etc.
The Constitution and WAPDA
 Water Supply Disputes: Article-155
 To be resolved by filing complaint in CCI
 A Commission shall be constituted by the
 Final decision by CCI.
The Constitution and WAPDA
 Hydro Electric / Thermal Power
Stations / Grid Stations: Article-157
 The Federal Government may construct so,
with prior consultation of the concerned
Provincial Government
 Disputes be referred to CCI for Resolution
The Constitution and WAPDA
 Net Hydel Profits: Article-161
 The Net-Profits, earned by the Federal Government
or any Undertaking established or administered by
the Federal Government, from the bulk generation
of power
shall be paid to the province in which the hydro-
electric station is situated.
 The Rate of Net-Profit shall be determined by CCI.
Legal Framework
Legislative History of WAPDA /
 Electricity Act, 1910: the law relating to the Supply and Use
of Electrical Energy.
 WAPDA Act, 1958: to provide for the Unified and Co-
ordinated Development of Water and Power Resources of
 Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of
Electric Power Act, 1997: to provide for the Regulation of
Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power.
Legislative History of WAPDA /
Amendment in WAPDA Act in 1994:
To Privatise or otherwise Restructure any
Operation of the Authority except the Hydel
Generating Power Stations.
Legislative History of WAPDA /
 Incorporation of PEPCO: To Manage the Process of
Corporatization and Preparation for Privatization of New Power
Sector Corporate Entities.
MOU signed between WAPDA and PEPCO in 1999
Incorporation of DISCOs: To Supply, Distribute and Sell Power
QESCO): 1997-98 TESCO:2004 SEPCO: 2010
Legislative History of WAPDA /
Incorporation of NTDCL: 1998
To Operate & Maintain 220 KV and 500 KV Grid
Stations and Transmission Lines / Network by
Taking over from WAPDA
(Market Operations given to CPPA-G in 2015)
Legislative History of WAPDA /
Ministry of Water Resources: WAPDA
Ministry of Energy: DISCOs / GENCOs /
(RULES OF BUSINESS 1973 AMENDED on 13.09.2017)
Legal Framework of WAPDA
WAPDA Act, 1958
Legal Status
The Authority
Hiring powers
Rule making powers
Legal Framework of WAPDA
WAPDA - Legal Status:
Statutory Corporation  An Authority
Acquire, hold and dispose off property
Perpetual Succession (Legal Person)
Sue and Can be Sued by the said name
Legal Framework of WAPDA
The Authority: Appointed by the Federal Govt.
 Chairman  5-Years term
 3-Members  3-Years term
 Member (Power)
 Member (Water)
 Member (Finance)
Legal Framework of WAPDA
Hiring powers:
Section 17 of WAPDA Act, 1958
(The Authority may from time to time
employ such officers and servants, or
appoint such experts or consultants as it
may consider necessary for the
performance of its functions, on such
terms and conditions as it may deem fit.)
Legal Framework of WAPDA
Rule making powers:
Section 18 of WAPDA Act, 1958
(The Authority shall prescribe the
procedure for appointment and terms
& conditions of service of its officers
and servants, and shall be competent
to take disciplinary action against the
said officers and servants.)
Legal Framework of
Public Sector Companies
 means a company, whether public or private, which is
directly or indirectly controlled, beneficially owned by
the Government
 Created / Incorporated under Company law
 Regulated by Security Exchange Commission of
Pakistan (SECP)
 Through Public Sector Companies (Corporate
Governance) Rules, 2013
Legal Framework of
Managed by Board of Directors through
Memorandum of Association 
External Management
Articles of Association 
Internal Management
E & D Rules
Employees Management
Dealing with Legal Issues /
Dealing with Legal Issues
Nature of Legal Issues / Management
Solutions / Guidelines:
a. Service / Employment Matters
b. Labour Matters
c. Contractual Matters
d. Land Acquisition Matters
e. Criminal Matters
f. Administrative Matters
Dealing with Legal Issues
A.Service / Employment Matters:
Issues Solutions / Guidelines
Appointment / Pay / Allowances Strict adherence to Rules
Transfer / Posting / Leaves No personal / egoistic approach
Promotion As and when due
Disciplinary Actions No personal concessions
Pension As soon as possible
Dealing with Legal Issues
B. Labour Matters:
Issues Solutions/Guidelines
Trade Unions / CBA Sharing in management
Industrial Disputes - Individual Active in-house redressal mechanism
Industrial Disputes - Collective Pro-Active Conciliatory approach
Judicial Forums Labour Courts / NIRC
Strike Pro-Active Conciliatory approach
Lock-Out Avoid Egoistic approach
Dealing with Legal Issues
C. Contractual Matters:
Issues Solutions/Guidelines
Execution of Contracts By Authorised persons only
Implementation Strict adherence to Clauses
Contractual Disputes Pro-Active Conciliatory Approach
Dispute Resolution Mechanism Avoid litigation at first instance
Amicable Settlement - Arbitration Initiate with in due time
Dealing with Legal Issues
D. Land Acquisition Matters:
Issues Solutions/Guidelines
Ordinary Acquisition Try to speed up the process
Emergency Acquisition Try to be vigilant
Rates determination Through Negotiations / DCO
Market-rate and Compensation All add-ons in the actual rate
Dealing with Legal Issues
E. Criminal Matters:
Federal Investigation Agency
National Accountability Bureau
Courts of Magistrates / Sessions
Strict adherence to relevant laws
Dont run-away! Face the proceedings
Dealing with Legal Issues
F. Administrative Matters:
Issues Solutions/Guidelines
Lease / Rent Timely action is MUST
Taxation matters Vigilant follow-up required
Revenue Records Continuous updation required
Surety Bonds
Properly Stamped / Verification by
the Judge with name
Dealing with Litigation
Duties of Dealing Officer:
1.Analyse nature of the case
2.Liaison with the Law Officer, if any.
3.Referring the case to Law Division /
Legal Cell for engagement of Lawyer
4.Liaison with the engaged lawyer
Dealing with Litigation
5.Preparation of factual comments and
timely submission to the lawyer
6.Proper follow-up of the case
7.Feed back to the Law Division / Legal Cell
8.Timely collection of certified copies of the
Dealing with Litigation
9. Timely sending the decision to Law Division /
Legal Cell for opinion
10. Follow up your case in Law Division / Legal Cell
11. Preparation to challenge the decision,
to implement the Judgment
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  • 2. What is LAW? Lets Acknowledge Wisdom
  • 3. Sources of Law in Pakistan The Constitution The Legislature The Judiciary The Executive
  • 4. The Constitution Approved in1973 Consisted of 280 Articles, 6 Schedules Salient Features: Fundamental Rights The Basic Purpose Legislature The Law Making Process Judiciary The Protector (Rule of Law) Executive The Government
  • 5. Fundamental Rights Rights to Life, Property, Education, Fair trial, Information, Non-discrimination, Association, Movement, Trade, Business, Profession etc. Protection of Fundamental Rights?
  • 6. The Legislature Parliamentary System Majlis-i-Shoora The National Assembly The Senate The Provincial Assemblies
  • 7. The Judiciary The Supreme Court The High Courts
  • 8. The Executive Administrative Law OR Delegated Legislation Administrative Tribunals / Courts
  • 9. The Executive (Service Laws) Service laws for WAPDAs Employees WAPDA Rules / Civil Servants Act,1973 Services Tribunal Act, 1973 Master-Servant Rule for Companies Employees Civil Procedure Code, 1908 / Civil Courts Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts
  • 10. The Executive (Labour Laws) For Wapda: NIRC The Industrial Relations Act, 2012 For Companies: Labour Courts / Tribunals Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010 Sindh Industrial Relations Act, 2010 KP Industrial Relations Ordinance, 2010 Balochistan Industrial Relations Act, 2010
  • 11. The Executive (Labour Laws) Common Laws for WAPDA / Companies The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 The Industrial & Commercial (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968 The Factories Act, 1934
  • 12. The Constitution and WAPDA Council of Common Interest (CCI) Articles 153-154: Consisting of PM, CMs and 3 Members from Fed. Govt. Appointed by the President Answerable to Parliament Mandated to formulate & regulate policies in relation to the matters e.g. Oil, gas, electricity, ports etc. And to supervise & exercise control over institutions like WAPDA etc.
  • 13. The Constitution and WAPDA Water Supply Disputes: Article-155 To be resolved by filing complaint in CCI A Commission shall be constituted by the President Final decision by CCI.
  • 14. The Constitution and WAPDA Hydro Electric / Thermal Power Stations / Grid Stations: Article-157 The Federal Government may construct so, with prior consultation of the concerned Provincial Government Disputes be referred to CCI for Resolution
  • 15. The Constitution and WAPDA Net Hydel Profits: Article-161 The Net-Profits, earned by the Federal Government or any Undertaking established or administered by the Federal Government, from the bulk generation of power shall be paid to the province in which the hydro- electric station is situated. The Rate of Net-Profit shall be determined by CCI.
  • 16. Legal Framework WAPDA DISCOs GENCOs NTDC
  • 17. Legislative History of WAPDA / DISCOs/GENCOs/NTDC Electricity Act, 1910: the law relating to the Supply and Use of Electrical Energy. WAPDA Act, 1958: to provide for the Unified and Co- ordinated Development of Water and Power Resources of Pakistan Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997: to provide for the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power.
  • 18. Legislative History of WAPDA / DISCOs/GENCOs/NTDC Amendment in WAPDA Act in 1994: To Privatise or otherwise Restructure any Operation of the Authority except the Hydel Generating Power Stations.
  • 19. Legislative History of WAPDA / DISCOs/GENCOs/NTDC Incorporation of PEPCO: To Manage the Process of Corporatization and Preparation for Privatization of New Power Sector Corporate Entities. MOU signed between WAPDA and PEPCO in 1999 Incorporation of DISCOs: To Supply, Distribute and Sell Power (LESCO/ FESCO / IESCO / HESCO/ GEPCO/ PESCO/ MEPCO / QESCO): 1997-98 TESCO:2004 SEPCO: 2010
  • 20. Legislative History of WAPDA / DISCOs / GENCOs / NTDC Incorporation of NTDCL: 1998 To Operate & Maintain 220 KV and 500 KV Grid Stations and Transmission Lines / Network by Taking over from WAPDA (Market Operations given to CPPA-G in 2015)
  • 21. Legislative History of WAPDA / DISCOs / GENCOs / NTDC PARTING OF WAYS Ministry of Water Resources: WAPDA Ministry of Energy: DISCOs / GENCOs / NTDC / CPPA-G (RULES OF BUSINESS 1973 AMENDED on 13.09.2017)
  • 22. Legal Framework of WAPDA WAPDA Act, 1958 Legal Status The Authority Hiring powers Rule making powers
  • 23. Legal Framework of WAPDA WAPDA - Legal Status: Statutory Corporation An Authority Acquire, hold and dispose off property Perpetual Succession (Legal Person) Sue and Can be Sued by the said name
  • 24. Legal Framework of WAPDA The Authority: Appointed by the Federal Govt. Chairman 5-Years term 3-Members 3-Years term Member (Power) Member (Water) Member (Finance)
  • 25. Legal Framework of WAPDA Hiring powers: Section 17 of WAPDA Act, 1958 (The Authority may from time to time employ such officers and servants, or appoint such experts or consultants as it may consider necessary for the performance of its functions, on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit.)
  • 26. Legal Framework of WAPDA Rule making powers: Section 18 of WAPDA Act, 1958 (The Authority shall prescribe the procedure for appointment and terms & conditions of service of its officers and servants, and shall be competent to take disciplinary action against the said officers and servants.)
  • 27. Legal Framework of DISCOs/GENCOs/NTDC Public Sector Companies means a company, whether public or private, which is directly or indirectly controlled, beneficially owned by the Government Created / Incorporated under Company law Regulated by Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) Through Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules, 2013
  • 28. Legal Framework of DISCOs/GENCOs/NTDC Managed by Board of Directors through Memorandum of Association External Management Articles of Association Internal Management E & D Rules Employees Management
  • 29. Dealing with Legal Issues / Litigation
  • 30. Dealing with Legal Issues Nature of Legal Issues / Management Solutions / Guidelines: a. Service / Employment Matters b. Labour Matters c. Contractual Matters d. Land Acquisition Matters e. Criminal Matters f. Administrative Matters
  • 31. Dealing with Legal Issues A.Service / Employment Matters: Issues Solutions / Guidelines Appointment / Pay / Allowances Strict adherence to Rules Transfer / Posting / Leaves No personal / egoistic approach Promotion As and when due Disciplinary Actions No personal concessions Pension As soon as possible
  • 32. Dealing with Legal Issues B. Labour Matters: Issues Solutions/Guidelines Trade Unions / CBA Sharing in management Industrial Disputes - Individual Active in-house redressal mechanism Industrial Disputes - Collective Pro-Active Conciliatory approach Judicial Forums Labour Courts / NIRC Strike Pro-Active Conciliatory approach Lock-Out Avoid Egoistic approach
  • 33. Dealing with Legal Issues C. Contractual Matters: Issues Solutions/Guidelines Execution of Contracts By Authorised persons only Implementation Strict adherence to Clauses Contractual Disputes Pro-Active Conciliatory Approach Dispute Resolution Mechanism Avoid litigation at first instance Amicable Settlement - Arbitration Initiate with in due time
  • 34. Dealing with Legal Issues D. Land Acquisition Matters: Issues Solutions/Guidelines Ordinary Acquisition Try to speed up the process Emergency Acquisition Try to be vigilant Rates determination Through Negotiations / DCO Market-rate and Compensation All add-ons in the actual rate
  • 35. Dealing with Legal Issues E. Criminal Matters: Federal Investigation Agency National Accountability Bureau Courts of Magistrates / Sessions Strict adherence to relevant laws Dont run-away! Face the proceedings
  • 36. Dealing with Legal Issues F. Administrative Matters: Issues Solutions/Guidelines Lease / Rent Timely action is MUST Taxation matters Vigilant follow-up required Revenue Records Continuous updation required Affidavits/Undertakings/ Surety Bonds Properly Stamped / Verification by the Judge with name
  • 37. Dealing with Litigation Duties of Dealing Officer: 1.Analyse nature of the case 2.Liaison with the Law Officer, if any. 3.Referring the case to Law Division / Legal Cell for engagement of Lawyer 4.Liaison with the engaged lawyer
  • 38. Dealing with Litigation 5.Preparation of factual comments and timely submission to the lawyer 6.Proper follow-up of the case 7.Feed back to the Law Division / Legal Cell 8.Timely collection of certified copies of the Judgment Contd..
  • 39. Dealing with Litigation 9. Timely sending the decision to Law Division / Legal Cell for opinion 10. Follow up your case in Law Division / Legal Cell 11. Preparation to challenge the decision, OR to implement the Judgment