Pres3tlenonAtoms are made up of electrons that orbit around a small, positively charged nucleus. J.J. Thomson discovered that electrons come from atoms and are much smaller than atoms. Rutherford found that atoms are mostly empty space by shooting radioactive particles at atoms and observing some bounce off, indicating a small, dense nucleus. Bohr incorporated Rutherford's nuclear model and proposed that electrons can only orbit in certain fixed distances from the nucleus, known as orbitals.
Applied Chapter 3.3 : Electron ConfigurationChris FoltzThe document discusses electron configuration and the quantum models of the atom. It compares the Rutherford, Bohr, and quantum models. It explains the four quantum numbers - principal, angular momentum, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers. It describes how light emission spectra provide information about an atom's energy levels. Rules for writing electron configurations are given, including the Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, and Hund's rule. Orbital notation, electron configuration notation, and noble gas notation are defined. Examples are provided of writing the electron configuration for atoms with specific atomic numbers.
Contributions of j.j thomas, ernst rutherford and neil bohr in the field of c...Meeran BandayThe document discusses the historical development of atomic models from Thomson's plum pudding model to Rutherford's nuclear model to Bohr's planetary model. It describes key experiments and contributions from Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr that led to advances in understanding the structure of the atom, including Thomson discovering the electron, Rutherford showing the nucleus, and Bohr incorporating quantum theory. The models progressed from electrons distributed in a positive cloud to orbiting a dense nucleus to orbiting in discrete shells.
Ch3.12.atomic.structuren_bean1973The document outlines learning objectives that cover topics including the electrical properties of atoms, experiments that led to the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity, distinguishing between alpha, beta and gamma radiation, describing the nuclear model of the atom and its parts, writing electron configurations, and explaining how splitting and combining of hydrogen and oxygen relates to energy. The objectives will help students explain atomic structure and properties using concepts from electricity, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics.
4structureoftheatomRajan PvThe document discusses the structure of atoms. It explains that atoms contain protons, neutrons and electrons. The atomic model has evolved over time from Thomson's "plum pudding" model to Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus at the center of the atom, to Bohr's model of electrons in discrete orbits. It further discusses the distribution of electrons in different shells, an element's valency which is determined by its outer shell electrons, atomic and mass numbers, isotopes and isobars.
Infrastructure is Dead - Pepijn PalmansHousingcenterInfrastructure is dead. Or how we need to focus on data in stead of the underlying platform. Pepijn Palmans - Managing Director of Housingcenter - at HP Discover in Barcelona, about the need for smart networking as enabler of services inside the data center.
Media Homework Article Analysis Molly DickersonThe document discusses conventions used in teen pop magazines, including using bright colors, lots of photographs, Q&A interview formats, sans serif fonts for body text and serif fonts for headings. It also discusses specific design elements like pull quotes, headlines, categories and webpage links. The goal is to engage teenage readers by keeping pages visually appealing with minimal text and easy to understand interview formats.
Pres3tlenonAtoms are made up of electrons that orbit around a small, positively charged nucleus. J.J. Thomson discovered that electrons come from atoms and are much smaller than atoms. Rutherford found that atoms are mostly empty space by shooting radioactive particles at atoms and observing some bounce off, indicating a small, dense nucleus. Bohr incorporated Rutherford's nuclear model and proposed that electrons can only orbit in certain fixed distances from the nucleus, known as orbitals.
Applied Chapter 3.3 : Electron ConfigurationChris FoltzThe document discusses electron configuration and the quantum models of the atom. It compares the Rutherford, Bohr, and quantum models. It explains the four quantum numbers - principal, angular momentum, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers. It describes how light emission spectra provide information about an atom's energy levels. Rules for writing electron configurations are given, including the Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, and Hund's rule. Orbital notation, electron configuration notation, and noble gas notation are defined. Examples are provided of writing the electron configuration for atoms with specific atomic numbers.
Contributions of j.j thomas, ernst rutherford and neil bohr in the field of c...Meeran BandayThe document discusses the historical development of atomic models from Thomson's plum pudding model to Rutherford's nuclear model to Bohr's planetary model. It describes key experiments and contributions from Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr that led to advances in understanding the structure of the atom, including Thomson discovering the electron, Rutherford showing the nucleus, and Bohr incorporating quantum theory. The models progressed from electrons distributed in a positive cloud to orbiting a dense nucleus to orbiting in discrete shells.
Ch3.12.atomic.structuren_bean1973The document outlines learning objectives that cover topics including the electrical properties of atoms, experiments that led to the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity, distinguishing between alpha, beta and gamma radiation, describing the nuclear model of the atom and its parts, writing electron configurations, and explaining how splitting and combining of hydrogen and oxygen relates to energy. The objectives will help students explain atomic structure and properties using concepts from electricity, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics.
4structureoftheatomRajan PvThe document discusses the structure of atoms. It explains that atoms contain protons, neutrons and electrons. The atomic model has evolved over time from Thomson's "plum pudding" model to Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus at the center of the atom, to Bohr's model of electrons in discrete orbits. It further discusses the distribution of electrons in different shells, an element's valency which is determined by its outer shell electrons, atomic and mass numbers, isotopes and isobars.
Infrastructure is Dead - Pepijn PalmansHousingcenterInfrastructure is dead. Or how we need to focus on data in stead of the underlying platform. Pepijn Palmans - Managing Director of Housingcenter - at HP Discover in Barcelona, about the need for smart networking as enabler of services inside the data center.
Media Homework Article Analysis Molly DickersonThe document discusses conventions used in teen pop magazines, including using bright colors, lots of photographs, Q&A interview formats, sans serif fonts for body text and serif fonts for headings. It also discusses specific design elements like pull quotes, headlines, categories and webpage links. The goal is to engage teenage readers by keeping pages visually appealing with minimal text and easy to understand interview formats.
DINTO An Ontology for Drug-Drug InteractionsGrupo HULATThis document describes DINTO, an ontology for representing drug-drug interaction (DDI) information. It summarizes that DINTO systematically organizes all DDI related information, differs from other drug ontologies by representing pharmacological aspects of drugs and DDIs, and represents both pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic mechanisms. The current version of DINTO was created manually and represents general pharmacological principles of DDIs, while future versions will also automatically represent specific DDIs between drug pairs through integration with other ontologies. An example use case demonstrates how DINTO represents a pharmacokinetic DDI between cyclosporine and rosuvastatin.
Perfluorocyclohexenyl aryl ether polymers via polycondensationBabloo Sharma, Ph.D.Perfluorocyclohexenyl Aryl Ether Polymers via Polycondensation of Decafluorocyclohexene with Bisphenols
An introduction to htmlkashifareedThe document explains that HTML is the markup language used to define web pages. It describes some basic HTML tags like <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1>, and <p> that are used to define the structure and content of an HTML document. It also provides a simple example of an HTML page using these tags, and explains that HTML documents are composed of nested tags that describe different types of content.
Untitled Presentationu2014231768Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visually engaging slideshows.
Personal Injury ClaimParamount LawyersYou have the freedom of choice to select whomever you wish to pursue your personal injury claim. Select an injury lawyer that suits your needs and meets your requirement. There are many Compensation Packages that can be offered to you. Know what you want and need. If you require a replacement vehicle then appoint a lawyer who can provide you with this service.
Compensation claim nswParamount LawyersParamount Lawyers is a compensation law firm offering services to the community with years of experience in all types of claims law.
Detecting Drugs and Adverse Events from Spanish Health Social Media StreamsGrupo HULATAuthors: Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Ricardo Revert, Paloma Martínez
Louhi 2014 (The Fifth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis). Gothenburg, Sweden (April 27, 2014) (
Abstract: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that does drug and adverse event detection from Spanish posts collected from a health social media. First, we created a gold-standard corpus annotated with drugs and adverse events from social media. Then, Textalytics, a multilingual text analysis engine, was applied to identify drugs and possible adverse events. Overall recall and precision were 0.80 and 0.87 for drugs, and 0.56 and 0.85 for adverse events.
Sulfonated perfluorocyclopentenyl polymers and uses thereofBabloo Sharma, Ph.D.An aspect of the invention is directed to a polymer comprising a sulfonated
perfluorocyclopentyl compound. Another aspect of the invention is directed to a sulfonated
copolymer comprising one or more sulfonated polymers. A further aspect of the invention is
directed to membranes prepared from the polymers of the claimed invention.
Ultra low dielectric, self-cleansing and highly oleophobic POSS-PFCP aryl eth...Babloo Sharma, Ph.D.Ultra low dielectric constant (k 1⁄4 1.53) materials with self-cleansing properties were synthesized via incorporation of fluorodecyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (FD-POSS) into recently synthesized perfluorocyclopentenyl (PFCP) aryl ether polymers. Incorporation of fluorine rich, high free volume, and low surface energy POSS into a semifluorinated PFCP polymer matrix at various weight percentages resulted in a dramatic drop in dielectric constant, as well as a significant increase in hydrophobicity and oleophobicity of the system. These ultra-low dielectric self-cleansing materials (qtilt 1⁄4 38) were fabricated into electrospun mats from a solvent blend of fluorinated FD-POSS with PFCP polymers.
2. Introdueix la idea de la discontinuïtat de la
matèria, és a dir, aquesta és la primera teoria
científica que considera que la matèria està
dividida en àtoms (deixant a part a precursors de
l'Antiguitat com Demòcrit i Leucip, les afirmacions
no es recolzaven en cap experiment rigorós ).
Els postulats bàsics d'aquesta teoria atòmica
1. La matèria està dividida en unes partícules
indivisibles i inalterables, que s'anomenen àtoms.
2. Tots els àtoms d'un mateix element són idèntics
entre si (presenten igual massa i iguals
3. Els àtoms de diferents elements tenen diferent
massa i diferents propietats.
4. Els compostos es formen quan els àtoms
s'uneixen entre si, en una relació constant i
6. He tret l’informació i les fotografies
on.aspx, imatges google