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DBT Training MODULE 1, DAY 1
Time Mins Content Materials
9.30 10 Mindfulness
9.40 20 Introduction, Rules, Housekeeping, hopes and
10.00 30 TEACH 1 Summary of course inc evidence base TEACH 1 SLIDES
10.30 15 Break
10.45 30 TEACH 1 continued
11.15 15 CONSULT GROUPS. Set rules, DBT Adherence,
think about participation: read & sign consult
group therapist agreements
Therapist Consult Group
11.30 10 Feedback
11.40 10 Read case study, therapist reactions? Julie Case study
11.50 10 Feed back
12.00 30 TEACH 2Recognising BPD TEACH 2
12.30 15 Discuss case study: BPD features?
12.45 15 Feed back
1.00 45 Lunch
1.45 10 Mindfulness
1.55 30 TEACH 3 Commitment Tasks; Commitment
Strategies, Commitment Goals/Values, target
2.25 10 MODEL Commitment: Introducing bio-social
theory and DBT to client.
2.35 5 Feed back
2.40 15 THREES: introduce bio-social theory to client
2.55 10 Feed back
3.05 10 MODEL: building commitment using commitment
3.15 5 Feed back
3.20 15 Coffee Break
3.35 10 THREES: build commitment using commitment
3.45 5 Feed back
3.50 10 MODEL: identifyinglife goals, target behaviours
4.00 5 Feed back
4.05 15 CONSULT GROUP: set life goals and target
behaviours for client
Julie DBT Casebook
4.20 15 Feedback
4.35 10 Give diaries for homework and complete day 1
Evaluation 1
4.45 10 Closing exercise
4.55 5 Volunteer for Mindfulness Tues pm, Volunteer for
skills group
5.00 HOMEWORK: complete diary
DBT Training MODULE 1, DAY2
Time Duration Content
9.30 10 Mindfulness
9.40 10 Review Homework (diaries)
9.50 30 TEACH 4  Acceptance Skills, Validation
10.20 10 MODEL Validation
10.30 10 Feed back
10.40 15 THREES: Role Play: Use validation skills with
10.55 10 Feed back
11.05 15 COFFEE
11.20 20 TEACH 5a Mindfulness
11.40 30 TEACH 5 Behaviour Theory
12.10 15 Threes: think of examples of pos, neg, pun in
own/clients life
12.25 10 Feed back
12.35 25 TEACH 6 Contingency Management
1.00 45 LUNCH
1.45 10 Mindfulness
1.55 35 SKILLS GROUPS how to Skills manual
2.30 15 TEACH 7 Problem Solving
2.45 20 MODEL: chain analysis, solution analysis,
3.05 10 feedback
3.15 15 COFFEE
3.30 Threes: chain analyse, solution analyse,
4.00 TEACH 8 Exposure
4.20 Model exposure
4.35 Feed back
4.50 5 Volunteer for Mindfulness Wednesday pm.
Give homework and complete evaluation Day
Evaluation 2
4.55 5 Closing exercise
5.00 HOMEWORK: Do something mindfully.
DBT Training MODULE 1, DAY 3
Time Mins Content
9.30 10 Mindfulness
9.40 10 Review Homework: Validation, Diaries, chain
9.50 40 TEACH 9 and 10 dialectical and stylistic
strategies: MODEL
10.30 20 Pairs: practice dialectical and stylistic strategies
10.50 10 Feed back
11.00 15 BREAK
11.15 20 Teach 11suicide strategies
11.35 20 Role play: suicidal strategies
11.55 10 Feedback
12.05 30 Role play: chain analysis, problem solving,
trouble shooting
12.35 25 Feed back
1.00 45 LUNCH
1.45 10 Mindfulness
1.55 30 Skills Group: MODEL
2.25 15 Feedback
2.40 20 Consult groups: discuss use of skills groups in
your setting
3.00 15 BREAK
3.15 15 Feed back
3.30 15 TEACH 12 Termination
3.45 20 TEACH 13 Homework
4.05 15 Consult groups: DBT approaches to homework:
strategies, action plans
4.20 15 Feed back
4.35 10 Closing exercise EvaluationsP
art 1

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Module 1 3 day dbt timetable 7 8 and 14 april 2014

  • 1. DBT Training MODULE 1, DAY 1 Time Mins Content Materials 9.30 10 Mindfulness 9.40 20 Introduction, Rules, Housekeeping, hopes and fears. 10.00 30 TEACH 1 Summary of course inc evidence base TEACH 1 SLIDES 10.30 15 Break 10.45 30 TEACH 1 continued 11.15 15 CONSULT GROUPS. Set rules, DBT Adherence, think about participation: read & sign consult group therapist agreements Therapist Consult Group Agreement 11.30 10 Feedback 11.40 10 Read case study, therapist reactions? Julie Case study 11.50 10 Feed back 12.00 30 TEACH 2Recognising BPD TEACH 2 12.30 15 Discuss case study: BPD features? 12.45 15 Feed back 1.00 45 Lunch 1.45 10 Mindfulness 1.55 30 TEACH 3 Commitment Tasks; Commitment Strategies, Commitment Goals/Values, target behaviours TEACH 3 2.25 10 MODEL Commitment: Introducing bio-social theory and DBT to client. 2.35 5 Feed back 2.40 15 THREES: introduce bio-social theory to client 2.55 10 Feed back 3.05 10 MODEL: building commitment using commitment strategies 3.15 5 Feed back 3.20 15 Coffee Break 3.35 10 THREES: build commitment using commitment strategies 3.45 5 Feed back 3.50 10 MODEL: identifyinglife goals, target behaviours 4.00 5 Feed back 4.05 15 CONSULT GROUP: set life goals and target behaviours for client Julie DBT Casebook 4.20 15 Feedback 4.35 10 Give diaries for homework and complete day 1 evaluation Diaries Evaluation 1 4.45 10 Closing exercise 4.55 5 Volunteer for Mindfulness Tues pm, Volunteer for skills group 5.00 HOMEWORK: complete diary
  • 2. DBT Training MODULE 1, DAY2 Time Duration Content 9.30 10 Mindfulness 9.40 10 Review Homework (diaries) 9.50 30 TEACH 4 Acceptance Skills, Validation 10.20 10 MODEL Validation 10.30 10 Feed back 10.40 15 THREES: Role Play: Use validation skills with client 10.55 10 Feed back 11.05 15 COFFEE 11.20 20 TEACH 5a Mindfulness 11.40 30 TEACH 5 Behaviour Theory 12.10 15 Threes: think of examples of pos, neg, pun in own/clients life 12.25 10 Feed back 12.35 25 TEACH 6 Contingency Management 1.00 45 LUNCH 1.45 10 Mindfulness 1.55 35 SKILLS GROUPS how to Skills manual 2.30 15 TEACH 7 Problem Solving 2.45 20 MODEL: chain analysis, solution analysis, troubleshooting 3.05 10 feedback 3.15 15 COFFEE 3.30 Threes: chain analyse, solution analyse, troubleshoot 3.15 4.00 TEACH 8 Exposure 4.20 Model exposure 4.35 Feed back 4.50 5 Volunteer for Mindfulness Wednesday pm. Give homework and complete evaluation Day 2. Evaluation 2 4.55 5 Closing exercise 5.00 HOMEWORK: Do something mindfully.
  • 3. DBT Training MODULE 1, DAY 3 Time Mins Content 9.30 10 Mindfulness 9.40 10 Review Homework: Validation, Diaries, chain analysis 9.50 40 TEACH 9 and 10 dialectical and stylistic strategies: MODEL 10.30 20 Pairs: practice dialectical and stylistic strategies 10.50 10 Feed back 11.00 15 BREAK 11.15 20 Teach 11suicide strategies 11.35 20 Role play: suicidal strategies 11.55 10 Feedback 12.05 30 Role play: chain analysis, problem solving, trouble shooting 12.35 25 Feed back 1.00 45 LUNCH 1.45 10 Mindfulness 1.55 30 Skills Group: MODEL 2.25 15 Feedback 2.40 20 Consult groups: discuss use of skills groups in your setting 3.00 15 BREAK 3.15 15 Feed back 3.30 15 TEACH 12 Termination 3.45 20 TEACH 13 Homework 4.05 15 Consult groups: DBT approaches to homework: strategies, action plans 4.20 15 Feed back 4.35 10 Closing exercise EvaluationsP art 1