In the last year, we've gone from millions of pieces of data to billions of pieces of data. I will speak on a solution for scaling up and about the challenges presented. Also covered will be the future of data at Qihoo 360 with MongoDB.
Qihoo 360 is a Chinese cybersecurity company founded in 2005 that provides antivirus and internet security software. It has strong growth since going public in 2011 with a total value of $23.32 billion. Qihoo 360 has expanded from PC security into mobile security, search engines, and other products and services. It maintains a large user base of over 465 million monthly active PC users and 408 million mobile users through primarily offering free antivirus software and expanding with that large, verified user base.
The document summarizes a student project to create an electronic sign-up board for office hours. It will allow GSIs and students to manage office hour queues across devices using HTML5. Screenshots and architecture are presented, along with features like user login, queue management, and location-based search. Milestones include initial design, UI design, implementation, and testing by March 23. Competitors include Google Spreadsheets and Qminder. The goal is to improve mobility and immediate updating over traditional whiteboards for office hour management.
Qihoo 360 is China's leading antivirus and security software company with nearly 380 million active users. While Qihoo initially made money through selling security software, it now generates about 75% of its revenue from advertisements on its free browser. Qihoo sees opportunities to further monetize its large user base through mobile security, cloud services, and games. However, Qihoo faces competition from other large Chinese tech companies like Baidu and Tencent that are looking to grow their presence in the security software market.
Most likely your competitor(s) has already advertised on (好搜, the fastest growing search engine in China, with 300 million daily searches, 30% market share. Combined with the No.1 browser (360 browser) with 70.8% market share; No.1 portal (360导航) with 690 million average daily clicks. Qihoo is the by the far the fastest growing Internet leaders among others.
Este documento presenta una descripción de una persona. Detalla su apariencia física como cabello negro ondulado, ojos cafés oscuros y contextura delgada. También menciona sus amigos y familiares cercanos, así como sus gustos como la rosa, el perro, la manzana y el pollo asado con espaguetis. Finalmente, indica que es una persona feliz, responsable y que le gusta bailar, chatear y pasear.
El informe analiza el déficit acumulado de Sociedad Deportivo Quito entre 2008 y 2014. Se estima que el déficit total es de aproximadamente USD $19.5 millones, principalmente debido a gastos excesivos en sueldos y primas para jugadores entre 2010 y 2012. Para superar la crisis, el club debe aprender a gestionarse con un presupuesto limitado y generar nuevos ingresos a través de proyectos inmobiliarios.
Christobel Mattingley nació en Australia y se convirtió en una autora exitosa de más de treinta libros para ni?os después de estudiar en la universidad y ayudar a emigrantes europeos. Su libro "Asmir no quiere pistolas" narra la historia de un ni?o musulmán, Asmir, que vive en Sarajevo durante el inicio de la guerra en Bosnia en 1992 y los primeros bombardeos de la ciudad, mientras que su familia abandona el país pero él sue?a con reunirse con su padre.
El documento resume la historia de la comunicación desde sus orígenes hace millones de a?os hasta la actualidad. Los primeros humanos se comunicaban de forma primitiva a través de gru?idos, gestos y sonidos. Con el tiempo, desarrollaron herramientas y empezaron a vivir en grupos, usando la comunicación oral. Finalmente, crearon formas de registrar el lenguaje a través de la escritura, que ha evolucionado desde líneas y pictogramas hasta los alfabetos modernos.
Barcelona, 20 de junio de 2015
CEL day. Encuentro de partners, workers y colaboradores de CEL Working ( red de personas emprendedoras de lo social, cultural, tecnología y educación
Qihoo 360 is a Chinese cybersecurity company founded in 2005 that provides antivirus and internet security software. It has strong growth since going public in 2011 with a total value of $23.32 billion. Qihoo 360 has expanded from PC security into mobile security, search engines, and other products and services. It maintains a large user base of over 465 million monthly active PC users and 408 million mobile users through primarily offering free antivirus software and expanding with that large, verified user base.
The document summarizes a student project to create an electronic sign-up board for office hours. It will allow GSIs and students to manage office hour queues across devices using HTML5. Screenshots and architecture are presented, along with features like user login, queue management, and location-based search. Milestones include initial design, UI design, implementation, and testing by March 23. Competitors include Google Spreadsheets and Qminder. The goal is to improve mobility and immediate updating over traditional whiteboards for office hour management.
Qihoo 360 is China's leading antivirus and security software company with nearly 380 million active users. While Qihoo initially made money through selling security software, it now generates about 75% of its revenue from advertisements on its free browser. Qihoo sees opportunities to further monetize its large user base through mobile security, cloud services, and games. However, Qihoo faces competition from other large Chinese tech companies like Baidu and Tencent that are looking to grow their presence in the security software market.
Most likely your competitor(s) has already advertised on (好搜, the fastest growing search engine in China, with 300 million daily searches, 30% market share. Combined with the No.1 browser (360 browser) with 70.8% market share; No.1 portal (360导航) with 690 million average daily clicks. Qihoo is the by the far the fastest growing Internet leaders among others.
Este documento presenta una descripción de una persona. Detalla su apariencia física como cabello negro ondulado, ojos cafés oscuros y contextura delgada. También menciona sus amigos y familiares cercanos, así como sus gustos como la rosa, el perro, la manzana y el pollo asado con espaguetis. Finalmente, indica que es una persona feliz, responsable y que le gusta bailar, chatear y pasear.
El informe analiza el déficit acumulado de Sociedad Deportivo Quito entre 2008 y 2014. Se estima que el déficit total es de aproximadamente USD $19.5 millones, principalmente debido a gastos excesivos en sueldos y primas para jugadores entre 2010 y 2012. Para superar la crisis, el club debe aprender a gestionarse con un presupuesto limitado y generar nuevos ingresos a través de proyectos inmobiliarios.
Christobel Mattingley nació en Australia y se convirtió en una autora exitosa de más de treinta libros para ni?os después de estudiar en la universidad y ayudar a emigrantes europeos. Su libro "Asmir no quiere pistolas" narra la historia de un ni?o musulmán, Asmir, que vive en Sarajevo durante el inicio de la guerra en Bosnia en 1992 y los primeros bombardeos de la ciudad, mientras que su familia abandona el país pero él sue?a con reunirse con su padre.
El documento resume la historia de la comunicación desde sus orígenes hace millones de a?os hasta la actualidad. Los primeros humanos se comunicaban de forma primitiva a través de gru?idos, gestos y sonidos. Con el tiempo, desarrollaron herramientas y empezaron a vivir en grupos, usando la comunicación oral. Finalmente, crearon formas de registrar el lenguaje a través de la escritura, que ha evolucionado desde líneas y pictogramas hasta los alfabetos modernos.
Barcelona, 20 de junio de 2015
CEL day. Encuentro de partners, workers y colaboradores de CEL Working ( red de personas emprendedoras de lo social, cultural, tecnología y educación
Equacions de Maxwell, Producció d'ones electromagnètiques, ?ndex de refracció, La llum en un dielèctric; Càrregues en repòs, càrregues a velocitat constant, càrregues accelerades. ESpectre electromagnètic, infraroig, UVA, microones, Prendre el Sol, El forn microones. Radiació del cos negre una altre vegada. Determinació experimental de la velocitat de la llum. Polarització de la llum. La llum natural. Efecte Doppler relativista. Interacció de la llum amb la matèria. Però, què ès la llum?
The document describes an upcoming summit hosted by the Avoca Quality Consortium in 2013. The Consortium brings together quality, outsourcing, and operational professionals from pharmaceutical, biotech, and clinical research organizations to develop best practices for proactive quality management in outsourced clinical trials. The summit will feature sessions on finding the right balance between timelines, costs, and quality in clinical trials, and will include discussions on effective oversight, risk assessment, risk management, and culture in ensuring quality. Industry leaders will also discuss key imperatives for quality moving forward.
FEC is an ISO 9001 certified company that provides world class filter testing equipment including a Kelvin Double Bridge. The Kelvin Double Bridge is used to accurately measure very low resistance of items like shunts, wires, and transformers. It is manufactured using state-of-the-art infrastructure to meet quality standards. The bridge offers corrosion resistance, ease of use, accurate results, and low maintenance. It comes with accessories like a galvanometer, DC source, current meter, and brass clamp.
Technopreneurship and the Early Stage Ecosystem in China in 2013Chris Evdemon
20 slides about everything you should know on the state of the Chinese internet, the start-up community and resources available to entrepreneurs in China in 2013.
This document provides information about an impulse test rig for testing filters. The test rig has digitally controlled temperature indicators and pressure gauges. It allows for preset pulses with adjustable buttons and programmable timers. The rig automatically tests filters after a desired number of pulses are set. The rig is made of stainless steel, M.S. pipe, and G.I. pipe with a powder coat. It has changeable thread adapters to test different filters and safely encloses the filter area with transparent sheeting. The test simulates engine lubrication system pressure pulsation to prove filters' mechanical integrity and determine housing material and construction pressure impulse ratings.
How do we manage more than one thousand of Pegasus clusters - backend partacelyc1112009
A presentation in Apache Pegasus meetup in 2021 from Wang Dan.
Know more about Pegasus,
Mesos-based Data Infrastructure @ DoubanZhong Bo Tian
How to build an elastic and efficient platform to support various Big Data and Machine Learning tasks is a challenge for a lot of corporations. In this presentation, Zhongbo Tian will give an overview of the Mesos-based core infrastructure of Douban, and demonstrate how to integrate the platform with state-of-art Big Data/ML technologies.
1. Comment: the UGC system
2. Pages/Channels that use the comment system
3. The architecture
4. The APIs and Entries
5. MongoDB and ObjectId
6. Comments "Gailou"
7. Indexes of the big tables