W3C Recent Activities 2014 Q4 : 2014 is the year for Web 25th / W3C 20th Anniversary. We will have a big symposium and gala party on October 29th(wed) at Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. Everybody can join us. See (http://www.w3.org/20/).
Web of Things, Web Payment, and Web Annotation are the most popular topics.
W3C's recent activities as of June 2014. Topics of Web & TV, Web & Automotive, Payment, Advertising, Web RTC (Real Time Communications), Social, Web Cryptography, and Web of Things (WoT).
This document provides information for a Painting I course offered at Tennessee State University during the Fall 2012 semester. It outlines the course description, objectives, requirements, policies, materials, and grading criteria. The course is designed to teach introductory painting skills and techniques over the semester through various painting projects and assignments. Students will learn proper use of painting tools and materials, techniques, terminology, and gain a basic understanding of painting historically and critically. Regular attendance, completed assignments, and participation in critiques are expected for a passing grade.
This document provides an overview of the gifted education plan for Chatham County Schools for 2010-2013. The major goals of the plan are to ensure equitable identification of gifted students, collaboration between teachers, and communication with parents. Students may be identified and served through various academic components including nurturing, screening, and placement options. Services include in-class grouping, cluster grouping, acceleration, honors/AP courses, and "PLUS Time" for remediation or acceleration. Communication with parents is emphasized through conferences, progress reports, and multilingual documents and websites.
El modelo de caja CSS describe cómo se representan los elementos en forma de cajas rectangulares. Está compuesto de márgenes, bordes, relleno y contenido, que permiten controlar el espacio entre elementos y su dise?o visual.
This document provides an overview of the gifted education plan for Chatham County Schools for 2010-2013. The major goals of the plan are to ensure equitable identification of gifted students, collaboration between AIG and regular education teachers, and communication with parents in their native language. Students may be identified and served through various options including in-class grouping, cluster grouping, grade acceleration, honors/AP courses, and "PLUS Time" for remediation or acceleration.
This document presents a case study on Editura Mix S.R.L., a publishing house located in Bra?ov, Romania. It discusses the current state of book reading and the Romanian book market. It also profiles typical Romanian readers and non-readers. The publishing house is analyzed through a SWOT analysis and marketing research that examined customers' opinions. Key findings include that over half of Romanians do not read, book consumer needs are diversifying, and competition is increasing in the book publishing industry. Recommendations include improving the organization structure, promoting to non-consumers, introducing an online payment system, and redesigning the distribution system to reduce fees.
Este documento describe el análisis genómico de cepas de Listeria monocytogenes involucradas en un brote multiestatal de listeriosis asociado con melón cantaloupe en Estados Unidos. Los resultados mostraron que el brote involucró múltiples cepas y serotipos (1/2a y 1/2b). El análisis de electroforesis de campo pulsante y hibridación distinguió cuatro patrones de combinación genética entre las cepas. El análisis de microarreglos permitió comparar el contenido genético de las cep
This document discusses personal branding and how to build an effective personal brand. It defines personal branding as how people explain you to others in the first 2 minutes based on everything you do. Building an authentic personal brand involves reflecting on who you are, describing yourself through keywords and your target audience, and publishing and updating your brand online through platforms like LinkedIn, Issuu and 狠狠撸share. The document provides tips on creating compelling content and profiles to distinguish your personal brand and help you reach your goals.
Transactions are exchanges of goods or services for money that affect a business's financial position by creating income, expenditures, assets, or liabilities. There are two types of transactions: cash transactions, where payment is made immediately, and credit transactions, where payment is made at a future date, such as goods purchased or sold on credit. A transaction is measured in monetary terms and includes the everyday purchases and sales that occur in a business.
This document provides an overview of the gifted education plan for Chatham County Schools for 2010-2013. The major goals of the plan are to ensure equitable identification of gifted students, collaboration between AIG and regular education teachers, and communication with parents in their native language. Students may be identified and served through various options including in-class grouping, cluster grouping, grade acceleration, honors/AP courses, and "PLUS Time" for remediation or acceleration.
This document provides information about upcoming elections for leadership positions at AIESEC VUB, including the timing, process, and requirements. The Leadership Committee Project (LCP) elections will take place on March 6th with a deadline of March 17th. Candidates must fill out a booklet with general, functional, and AIESEC-specific knowledge and include two endorsement letters, a CV, and motivational letter. Candidates will give a 10-minute presentation and answer questions from a selection panel. The Executive Board (EB) elections will follow on April 3rd. Only full AIESEC members who meet attendance and participation requirements can vote.
This document outlines the replanning process for an organization called LCM I. It discusses expectations for members, including respecting structure, being proactive, and thinking outside the box. Members will participate in a Think Tank to generate new ideas and will take on projects through different tracks such as alumni day, business development, and support for larger events. The schedule for leadership committee meetings and elections is also provided along with dates for various side activities throughout the semester.
The document discusses opportunities to improve retail sales performance for consumer packaged goods companies. It notes that while companies closely track key performance indicators like volume, market share and profit, few have the same focus on retail activities. Specifically, it says most companies do not have clear key performance indicators or accountability for detailed retail store performance reporting. The document advocates treating retail like a business by establishing performance expectations, accountability, and ensuring the right resources are allocated to drive the highest return on retail investment.
The document discusses various support services that can assist sales efforts and deliver results for a company, including sales operations, pricing policies, retail execution, analysis and evaluation, and waste controls. It describes how properly coordinating and implementing activities like sales operations, sales promotion administration, retail execution, and supply chain management can optimize results by optimizing resources. Poor coordination of these activities could negatively impact profits.
This document provides an overview of support services that can optimize sales results for a company. It discusses key areas like sales operations, sales promotion, retail execution, and supply chain management. Effective coordination and implementation in these areas is important to avoid unnecessary costs to the profit and loss statement. The document also outlines the speaker's experience providing retail growth strategies and sales execution plans for Ehrmann USA and Unilever to help launch new products and expand into new markets.
This document discusses improving retail sales opportunities by better managing retail activities. It notes that retail is an important part of business plans but receives less focus than other areas like marketing and supply chain. Specifically, it recommends setting clear performance expectations for retail representatives, ensuring the right stores receive coverage, inspecting compliance at stores, and improving on-shelf availability which is critical for key products. Managing retail more like a business by establishing accountability and measuring performance is emphasized.
El documento presenta un reporte de estudiantes sobre los animales exóticos y las amenazas a su supervivencia como la caza y el contrabando. También discute las leyes mexicanas que buscan proteger el medio ambiente y la vida silvestre, pero que aun así enfrentan muchos delitos contra el medio ambiente. El reporte concluye aprendiendo sobre cómo usar PowerPoint para realizar presentaciones.
The document discusses social networking sites and their pros and cons. It defines social networking sites as web services that allow users to create profiles, connect with other users, and view their connections. The most used social network is Facebook. Benefits include keeping in contact with friends and family, making new connections, and advertising. Risks include physical ailments, decreased productivity, cyberbullying, hacking, identity theft, and privacy issues. The document recommends using social networks safely by sharing minimal private details, adjusting privacy settings, avoiding strangers, and getting parental supervision for children. Both opportunities and risks exist, so social networks need to be used carefully.
This document discusses personal branding and how to build an effective personal brand. It defines personal branding as how people explain you to others in the first 2 minutes based on everything you do. Building an authentic personal brand involves reflecting on who you are, describing yourself through keywords and your target audience, and publishing and updating your brand online through platforms like LinkedIn, Issuu and 狠狠撸share. The document provides tips on creating compelling content and profiles to distinguish your personal brand and help you reach your goals.
Transactions are exchanges of goods or services for money that affect a business's financial position by creating income, expenditures, assets, or liabilities. There are two types of transactions: cash transactions, where payment is made immediately, and credit transactions, where payment is made at a future date, such as goods purchased or sold on credit. A transaction is measured in monetary terms and includes the everyday purchases and sales that occur in a business.
This document provides an overview of the gifted education plan for Chatham County Schools for 2010-2013. The major goals of the plan are to ensure equitable identification of gifted students, collaboration between AIG and regular education teachers, and communication with parents in their native language. Students may be identified and served through various options including in-class grouping, cluster grouping, grade acceleration, honors/AP courses, and "PLUS Time" for remediation or acceleration.
This document provides information about upcoming elections for leadership positions at AIESEC VUB, including the timing, process, and requirements. The Leadership Committee Project (LCP) elections will take place on March 6th with a deadline of March 17th. Candidates must fill out a booklet with general, functional, and AIESEC-specific knowledge and include two endorsement letters, a CV, and motivational letter. Candidates will give a 10-minute presentation and answer questions from a selection panel. The Executive Board (EB) elections will follow on April 3rd. Only full AIESEC members who meet attendance and participation requirements can vote.
This document outlines the replanning process for an organization called LCM I. It discusses expectations for members, including respecting structure, being proactive, and thinking outside the box. Members will participate in a Think Tank to generate new ideas and will take on projects through different tracks such as alumni day, business development, and support for larger events. The schedule for leadership committee meetings and elections is also provided along with dates for various side activities throughout the semester.
The document discusses opportunities to improve retail sales performance for consumer packaged goods companies. It notes that while companies closely track key performance indicators like volume, market share and profit, few have the same focus on retail activities. Specifically, it says most companies do not have clear key performance indicators or accountability for detailed retail store performance reporting. The document advocates treating retail like a business by establishing performance expectations, accountability, and ensuring the right resources are allocated to drive the highest return on retail investment.
The document discusses various support services that can assist sales efforts and deliver results for a company, including sales operations, pricing policies, retail execution, analysis and evaluation, and waste controls. It describes how properly coordinating and implementing activities like sales operations, sales promotion administration, retail execution, and supply chain management can optimize results by optimizing resources. Poor coordination of these activities could negatively impact profits.
This document provides an overview of support services that can optimize sales results for a company. It discusses key areas like sales operations, sales promotion, retail execution, and supply chain management. Effective coordination and implementation in these areas is important to avoid unnecessary costs to the profit and loss statement. The document also outlines the speaker's experience providing retail growth strategies and sales execution plans for Ehrmann USA and Unilever to help launch new products and expand into new markets.
This document discusses improving retail sales opportunities by better managing retail activities. It notes that retail is an important part of business plans but receives less focus than other areas like marketing and supply chain. Specifically, it recommends setting clear performance expectations for retail representatives, ensuring the right stores receive coverage, inspecting compliance at stores, and improving on-shelf availability which is critical for key products. Managing retail more like a business by establishing accountability and measuring performance is emphasized.
El documento presenta un reporte de estudiantes sobre los animales exóticos y las amenazas a su supervivencia como la caza y el contrabando. También discute las leyes mexicanas que buscan proteger el medio ambiente y la vida silvestre, pero que aun así enfrentan muchos delitos contra el medio ambiente. El reporte concluye aprendiendo sobre cómo usar PowerPoint para realizar presentaciones.
The document discusses social networking sites and their pros and cons. It defines social networking sites as web services that allow users to create profiles, connect with other users, and view their connections. The most used social network is Facebook. Benefits include keeping in contact with friends and family, making new connections, and advertising. Risks include physical ailments, decreased productivity, cyberbullying, hacking, identity theft, and privacy issues. The document recommends using social networks safely by sharing minimal private details, adjusting privacy settings, avoiding strangers, and getting parental supervision for children. Both opportunities and risks exist, so social networks need to be used carefully.
1. W3C Recent Activities
Sam Sugimoto <sam@w3.org>
W3C Asia Business Development Lead
Project Associate Professor, Keio University
2. W3C
? Leading the Web to its Full Potential
? Directed by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee since 1994
? Standards: HTML5, Web APIs, XML, Web Services, RDF,
VoiceXML, ...
? “One Web”: Desktop, Mobile, TV, Automotive, …
? Consortium with 382 members
? Hosts: MIT, ERCIM, KEIO, & BEIHANG (70 staff)
10/27 – 10/31/2014
Santa Clara Marriott
2700 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Main Telephone: +1 408 988 1500
Reservations by Telephone: +1 800 228 9290
6. 10/27-28
Audio Working Group*
CSS Working Group
CSV Working Group
Education and Outreach Working Group*
Efficient XML Interchange Working Group*
Geolocation Working Group
Indie UI Working Group*
Multimodal Interaction (MMI) Working Group*
Near Field Communications (Tuesday only) Working Group*
Social Web Working Group
TAG (Monday and Friday)*
Timed Text Working Group*
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group*
Web and TV Interest Group (Monday only)
Web Annotations WG (Tuesday only)
Web Applications Working Group
Web Application Security Working Group
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Monday only) Working Group
Web Performance Working Group (Tuesday only)
XML Query Working Group
7. 10/30-31
Authoring Tools Working Group*
Browser Testing and Tools (BTT) Working Group
Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group
Digital Publishing Interest Group
HTML Working Group
Internationalization (I18N) Working Group*
Patents and Standards Interest Group
Privacy Interest Group (Friday only)
Protocols and Formats Working Group
SVG Working Group
System Applications Working Group
TAG (Monday and Friday)*
Web Cryptography (Thursday only)
Web Real-Time Communications Working Group
XML Processing Model Working Group
8. 10/29
Plenary Day
- ブレイクアウトセッション(以下抜粋)
* Next Steps for Web of Things
* Web API for Healthcare Sensors
* Web and Web Standards Ecosystem in 2024
* Trust and Permissions in the OWP など
W3C 20th Anniversary Symposium
Gala Dinner (starting at 7:30pm)
9. INK Domain
~Information and Knowledge~
をより具現化する為に、Open Web Platformを形作っている
1. Data Activity
2. Digital Publishing Activity
3. Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity
10. New & Coming…
? RDF Data Shapes WG (review: 9/22)
? 環境(バンキングやヘルスケア)によっては特定のデータ
? 異なるベンダーが保守を行う異なるソフトの統合を考える
? Semantic WebにおけるRDFデータ検証?インターフェイス
? Joint W3C/OGC WG Spatial Data on the Web
? Geospatial Data on the Web WG
11. Use Case Requested! ?CSV on the Web
?Data on the Web BP
?RDF data Shapes
?Spatial Data on the Web
12. HTML5 Roadmap
Specification FPWD LC CR PR Rec
HTML5 N/A 2011 Q2 2012 Q4 2014 Q4 2014 Q4
HTML 5.1 2012 Q4 2014 Q3 2015 Q1 2016 Q4 2016 Q4
First Public Working Draft
Last Call Working Draft
Candidate Recommendation
Proposed Recommendation
13. Recent F2F Meeting
? Automotive & Web Platform BG: Face-to-
Face Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden (5/22-
?Access, ADIT, Bosch, Continental, Elektrobit, Fiat, GM,
Honda/JARI, Intel, Jaguar Land Rover, KDDI, LG, Livio,
Neusoft, OBIGO, OpenCar, PSA
?Vehicle Infromation API (Draft)
?Vehicle Data Interface
14. F2F Meeting NOW!
? Automotive & Web Platform BG: Face-to-
Face Meeting in Detroit, USA (10/9-
?GM, Ford, Toyota/JARI, Mazda, Intel, Jaguar Land
Rover, KDDI, LG, OBIGO, OpenCar, QNX
15. Recent Workshops
? Web & TV Convergence: The Fourth W3C
Web and TV Workshop in Munich (3/12-
?Hybrid TV, Second Screen, Social Television
?NHK, Nippon TV, TV Asahi, TBS, Fuji TV, ARD,
Bayerischer Rundfunk, BBC, Czech Television
France Télévisions, MDR, NDR, NPO, RAI, RTV
WDR, Panasonic, Toshiba, LG, Sony, Samsung … 127
participants with waiting list
?Presentation and Position Papers:
17. Second Screen (Demo)
? HTML Slidy remote demo:
? Experimental Chromium build and the initial video demo:
? requestShowMedia.js prollyfill and the <video> sharing demo:
? Phone-control Racing Game (uses WebGL and WebSockets):
18. Recent Workshop
? W3C Workshop on Web Cryptography Next
Steps, 10-11 Sep. 2014, Mountain View, CA
? 従業員が個人のデバイスを会社に持ち込むケースが増えるなかでさらにIoT
? OWPにおける安全な認証とは?
? 多重化認証とWebアプリケーション
? トークンとWeb Cryptography APIの統合
? eIDスキームとWebアプリケーション
? 金融機関や政府機関でのユースケースと認証システムの改善
? 他のAPIを含めたセキュリティ解析
20. Payment
?ブラウザ上のWeb Paymentを使った、オープン?ペイメン
?Web Payment Interest Group (Charter Review:10/10迄)
?NFC Working Group (http://www.w3.org/2012/nfc/)
21. Recent Workshops
? W3C Workshop on Web Payments: How do
you want to pay? :24-25 March 2014, Paris
?Harris Interactive: 68% of consumers try to make
purchase on a mobile device
?2/3 of those gave up a purchase because of issues
with the payment platform
?A single payment solution is NG – need to decouple
payment requests and payment providers, with a
trusted intermediary functioning as a virtual wallet
?Presentation and Position Papers:
22. Web Annotation
? Web Annotation WG
- すべてのWeb環境に関連
- コメント、脚注、付箋、画像内の注目点、動画や音声記録内
- 現在共通のアプローチはなくそれぞれのアプリケーションで
- 4/2/2014にサンフランシスコにてワークショップを開催
23. Web of Things
? Web of Thing Workshop :6月@ベルリン
? レポート: http://w3.org/2014/02/wot/report.html
? デバイスがタグ、センサー、アクチュエーターとして機能
? 今後:ユースケース調査、成功事例調査、スケーラブル
? IoTはデバイスレイヤーvs. WoTはアプリケーションL
? IoTレイヤーのSDOと協力して作業を進める
24. Medical
? Device API Working Group
- Web API for Health Care Sensors
- Ambient Light
- Battery
- Network Service Discovery
- Media Capture
- TPACにてBreakoutセッション