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PermanentAddress: Dhand KhaterBandiPostoffice
Chamyaly Teh &DisttAbbottabad.
Ph #. (KSA) 00966576247132
E mail: parvaz.zaman@yahoo.com
Gmail: muhammadpervaiz77@gmail.com
Seeking a challenging laundry supervisor in a growing organization having
Participative ManagementStyle and offering opportunities for growth,diversified
exposureto further Excel the professionalskills and environmentto motivate the
individual for a long-term career.Ihave vastexperiencein the relevantfield from
Pakistan &SaudiArabia since 1995 till nowdays.(19years)
FathersName MuhammadZaman
Dateof Birth 18 April 1977
Marital Status Married
N.I.C # 13101-0857271-3
Passport# A7874044
Domicile Abbottabad
Religion Islam
Nationality Pakistani
 Degree/Certificate year Board
 D. Com 1994 B.I.S.E Abbottabad
 Matriculation 1992 B.I.S.E Abbottabad
Computer skills:-
 Basic knowledge of computer Software &Hard ware.Basic knowledgeof Microsoft
Excel Microsoftword and internet,Skype,face Book,LinkedIn.
Work Experience.
 Working in Royal commission Hospital in Jubal SaudiArabia as a laundry
Supervisor (with SRACO companysince date 9/2/2014to till now.
It is a big hospital in Saudi Arabia in Jubal 350bedscapacity ofthis hospital. and
also have a six clinic in Jubal allcity.
We have a big laundry every day we are washingmaximum 10 ton linen and
uniform ofdoctor and nurses andpatientlinen .we have all automatic equipment
of laundry.28 person is working with me.
 I am Manageoverall dailyoperationsof the Laundry Department.
 Inspects Laundry, Dry Cleaning andpresswork on a dailybasis, to ensure
optimum Qualityof work, promptpick-up andon timedeliveryof linen.
 Coordinateswithenvironmental ServicesDirector, and nursing Director
ensure that there is an adequatesupply of linen and uniformsavailableat
all times.
 Monitors washformulasand use of washingchemicalsin order to
 Whiteness/brightnessof linen and to ensure linen isreturned to user
departmentsfree of stainsand unpleasantodors.
 Develops and implementsstandard operatingprocedures, as well as
production and qualitystandards.
 Checks constantly all laundryand drycleaning equipment, to ensure that
machinesare kept clean, properly maintained andin efficientoperating
 Prepare and delegatedailytasksto Laundry attendants.
 Inspect the linen room and uniform room to ensure cleanlinessand
complianceto the LeadingQualityAssurancestandardsof the Hospital.
 Maintain Laundrydepartment, ensuringthe highest standardsof
cleanliness are met. Manageand control all operation equipment.
 ImplementInfection control policy procedure as per (OSHA)standard.
 Conduct trainingHealthcare and safety infection control and fair fighting
 Dailyproduction by pieces and by kilogram summeryand
Monthly linen and uniformsinventory.
 Must makesure all the machinesare runningsmoothly.
 Employeesare doing their jobs properly and that customers are satisfied.
 Ensures that every resident or patienthas an adequatesupplyof linens
and towels.
 Staff Scheduling.
 Maintains an adequate stock ofchemical for the laundry
 Worked in Pullman Zamzam grandsuitMakkahKSA(Accor)Hotelas a laundry
supervisor from 29/8/2009 to 28/8/2013.
 Ensures consistent workflow to minimize peaks and valleys in production.
 Check on production methods and procedures,issue necessary orders to
shortcomings and take inventory and control supplies.
 Provide training to laundry employees and give regularly feedback about
 Ensure thatlaundry employees are knowledgeableabouthotels servicesand
 Prepare duty ro. Hotel Capacity ofGuestRooms is 1315 and 3 Big
Restaurants with the 3000 GuestSitting ArrangementHaving one ofthe
biggestLaundryin Makkah whichis every day 1100kg washing. There was
mane power 75 people workedunder me.Implementand fallowup Hotelsafety
instruction.Analyzed departmentbudgetto identify budgetneeds and
 Responsible for the proper handling ofguestand houselaundry and
establish standards and procedures to ascertainquality ofwork performed.
 Regularly analyze procedures in order to elaborate on ways for
improvement and institute safety measures.
 Followup with engineeringdepartmenton preventive maintenance andrepair
 Ensures thatall the laundry equipment,machinery and premises are being
maintained well.
 Ensuring and maintaining the productivity levelofemployees.
 Providing services thatare beyondfor customer satisfaction,steer, and fill
in monthly attendance record.
 Investigate complaints and take corrective measures.
Personallysupervisesthespottingand washingofall stained linen.
Responsibleforcommunication with Housekeeper,Room serviceManager,&RestaurantManager Follow
up BanquetManagerdailyspecials,weekly&monthlyrequirements .
Staff Recruitment,Training,Evaluation,Vacationsplan Social Activity.
Responsibleformonthend inventory.
 Worked in Serena Hotel Islamabad(TPS)Pakistan as a Laundry supervisor from
01/12/2005 to 26/8/2009.
Hotel capacity ofguestRoom is 600 and 4 Big Restaurants and banquetHall for
fungus ion.Supervises the day today operation ofthe laundryand Dry cleaning
 Ensure atall times thatthe laundryplantis keptin a clean and orderly fashion.
 Checks quality ofproposed laundryand dry cleaningwork to ensureoptimum
quality ofwork.
 Ensure that washing formulas thatare setby the laundrymanager are followed
 Ensure thatHotel linen anduniformis processedefficiently and thatthere is an
adequatesupply ofclean linen.
 Make necessarymaintenance order for laundry department.
 Maintains an adequate stockofchemical for the laundry.
 Provides daily production figure to the laundry manager.
 Maintain daily logbook for laundry.
 Prepares all laundryand valetguestcharges and sends them to the frontoffice
 Handlesguestcomplains if any.
 Executing daily job to the staff.
 Making duty roster for the staff.
 Train newand existing staff.
 Assistlaundrymanager in administrativejob required.
 Worked in Serena Hotel Islamabad(Pakistan)as a Laundry man/laundry shop
Attendantfrom 18/4/2002to 31/11/2005.
 Offer bestservices for the guestby controlling quality service.
 Successfully launchedthe Laundryshopopening.
 - Handle VIP & governmentGuestin shop.
 Ensure training for staffaccordingto Brand standards.
 Responsibleto run the guestdry cleaning section smoothly.
 - Ensure guestsatisfaction.
 Worked in Pearl ContinentalHotel Rawalpindi (PSL) (PAKISTAN) as a Laundry
Man/Laundry Shop Attendantfrom 2/7/1995 to 16/4/2002.
 Coordinates washer man the items which needto be Dry-cleaned andmarked
 Marks all the guests laundry and Dry-cleanthem.
 Checking each bundleseparatelycounts the item and lists them on the appropriate
 Inform supervisor or laundry manager in case ofany discrepanciesbetween guest
linen counts.
 Checks item for any kind ofdiscoloration,torn laundry or missing button etc during
marking ofthe laundry.
 Separates items which are to be dry cleanedfrom those which need washing
 Followwritten requestfrom the guests and actaccordingly
 Maintains a stock ofall materials needed while markingand packing
 Responsible for compliance with hotels safety and hygiene policy
 Perform related dutiesand specialprojectas assigned
 Handlesall incoming and outgoingcalls.
 Ensure all the equipments used are being takencare properly.
 Two AwardsfortheAssociatesoftheMonth
 Fiveyear completeAward fromSerenaHotel Islamabad.
 AccoreTrainingSupervisordissection maker.
References can be provided upon request

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  • 1. MUHAMMAD PERVAIZ ZAMAN PermanentAddress: Dhand KhaterBandiPostoffice Chamyaly Teh &DisttAbbottabad. Ph #. (KSA) 00966576247132 E mail: parvaz.zaman@yahoo.com Gmail: muhammadpervaiz77@gmail.com OBJECTIVES Seeking a challenging laundry supervisor in a growing organization having Participative ManagementStyle and offering opportunities for growth,diversified exposureto further Excel the professionalskills and environmentto motivate the individual for a long-term career.Ihave vastexperiencein the relevantfield from Pakistan &SaudiArabia since 1995 till nowdays.(19years) PERSONAL INFORMATION FathersName MuhammadZaman Dateof Birth 18 April 1977 Marital Status Married N.I.C # 13101-0857271-3 Passport# A7874044 Domicile Abbottabad Religion Islam Nationality Pakistani ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION Degree/Certificate year Board D. Com 1994 B.I.S.E Abbottabad Matriculation 1992 B.I.S.E Abbottabad
  • 2. Computer skills:- Basic knowledge of computer Software &Hard ware.Basic knowledgeof Microsoft Excel Microsoftword and internet,Skype,face Book,LinkedIn. Work Experience. Working in Royal commission Hospital in Jubal SaudiArabia as a laundry Supervisor (with SRACO companysince date 9/2/2014to till now. It is a big hospital in Saudi Arabia in Jubal 350bedscapacity ofthis hospital. and also have a six clinic in Jubal allcity. We have a big laundry every day we are washingmaximum 10 ton linen and uniform ofdoctor and nurses andpatientlinen .we have all automatic equipment of laundry.28 person is working with me. I am Manageoverall dailyoperationsof the Laundry Department. Inspects Laundry, Dry Cleaning andpresswork on a dailybasis, to ensure optimum Qualityof work, promptpick-up andon timedeliveryof linen. Coordinateswithenvironmental ServicesDirector, and nursing Director ensure that there is an adequatesupply of linen and uniformsavailableat all times. Monitors washformulasand use of washingchemicalsin order to maintain. Whiteness/brightnessof linen and to ensure linen isreturned to user departmentsfree of stainsand unpleasantodors. Develops and implementsstandard operatingprocedures, as well as production and qualitystandards. Checks constantly all laundryand drycleaning equipment, to ensure that machinesare kept clean, properly maintained andin efficientoperating condition. Prepare and delegatedailytasksto Laundry attendants. Inspect the linen room and uniform room to ensure cleanlinessand complianceto the LeadingQualityAssurancestandardsof the Hospital. Maintain Laundrydepartment, ensuringthe highest standardsof cleanliness are met. Manageand control all operation equipment.
  • 3. ImplementInfection control policy procedure as per (OSHA)standard. Conduct trainingHealthcare and safety infection control and fair fighting &safety. Dailyproduction by pieces and by kilogram summeryand Monthly linen and uniformsinventory. Must makesure all the machinesare runningsmoothly. Employeesare doing their jobs properly and that customers are satisfied. Ensures that every resident or patienthas an adequatesupplyof linens and towels. Staff Scheduling. Maintains an adequate stock ofchemical for the laundry Worked in Pullman Zamzam grandsuitMakkahKSA(Accor)Hotelas a laundry supervisor from 29/8/2009 to 28/8/2013. Ensures consistent workflow to minimize peaks and valleys in production. Check on production methods and procedures,issue necessary orders to correct shortcomings and take inventory and control supplies. Provide training to laundry employees and give regularly feedback about their Performance. Ensure thatlaundry employees are knowledgeableabouthotels servicesand Facilities. Prepare duty ro. Hotel Capacity ofGuestRooms is 1315 and 3 Big Restaurants with the 3000 GuestSitting ArrangementHaving one ofthe biggestLaundryin Makkah whichis every day 1100kg washing. There was mane power 75 people workedunder me.Implementand fallowup Hotelsafety instruction.Analyzed departmentbudgetto identify budgetneeds and reductions, Responsible for the proper handling ofguestand houselaundry and establish standards and procedures to ascertainquality ofwork performed. Regularly analyze procedures in order to elaborate on ways for improvement and institute safety measures. Followup with engineeringdepartmenton preventive maintenance andrepair orders. Ensures thatall the laundry equipment,machinery and premises are being maintained well. Ensuring and maintaining the productivity levelofemployees. Providing services thatare beyondfor customer satisfaction,steer, and fill
  • 4. in monthly attendance record. Investigate complaints and take corrective measures. Personallysupervisesthespottingand washingofall stained linen. Responsibleforcommunication with Housekeeper,Room serviceManager,&RestaurantManager Follow up BanquetManagerdailyspecials,weekly&monthlyrequirements . Staff Recruitment,Training,Evaluation,Vacationsplan Social Activity. Responsibleformonthend inventory. Worked in Serena Hotel Islamabad(TPS)Pakistan as a Laundry supervisor from 01/12/2005 to 26/8/2009. Hotel capacity ofguestRoom is 600 and 4 Big Restaurants and banquetHall for fungus ion.Supervises the day today operation ofthe laundryand Dry cleaning department. Ensure atall times thatthe laundryplantis keptin a clean and orderly fashion. Checks quality ofproposed laundryand dry cleaningwork to ensureoptimum quality ofwork. Ensure that washing formulas thatare setby the laundrymanager are followed accurately. Ensure thatHotel linen anduniformis processedefficiently and thatthere is an adequatesupply ofclean linen. Make necessarymaintenance order for laundry department. Maintains an adequate stockofchemical for the laundry. Provides daily production figure to the laundry manager. Maintain daily logbook for laundry. Prepares all laundryand valetguestcharges and sends them to the frontoffice accordingly. Handlesguestcomplains if any. Executing daily job to the staff. Making duty roster for the staff. Train newand existing staff. Assistlaundrymanager in administrativejob required. Worked in Serena Hotel Islamabad(Pakistan)as a Laundry man/laundry shop Attendantfrom 18/4/2002to 31/11/2005.
  • 5. Offer bestservices for the guestby controlling quality service. Successfully launchedthe Laundryshopopening. - Handle VIP & governmentGuestin shop. Ensure training for staffaccordingto Brand standards. Responsibleto run the guestdry cleaning section smoothly. - Ensure guestsatisfaction. Worked in Pearl ContinentalHotel Rawalpindi (PSL) (PAKISTAN) as a Laundry Man/Laundry Shop Attendantfrom 2/7/1995 to 16/4/2002. Coordinates washer man the items which needto be Dry-cleaned andmarked Marks all the guests laundry and Dry-cleanthem. Checking each bundleseparatelycounts the item and lists them on the appropriate list. Inform supervisor or laundry manager in case ofany discrepanciesbetween guest linen counts. Checks item for any kind ofdiscoloration,torn laundry or missing button etc during marking ofthe laundry. Separates items which are to be dry cleanedfrom those which need washing Followwritten requestfrom the guests and actaccordingly Maintains a stock ofall materials needed while markingand packing Responsible for compliance with hotels safety and hygiene policy Perform related dutiesand specialprojectas assigned Handlesall incoming and outgoingcalls. Ensure all the equipments used are being takencare properly. AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS Two AwardsfortheAssociatesoftheMonth Fiveyear completeAward fromSerenaHotel Islamabad. TwelveAppreciationAwards. FiveHonestyAwards. AccoreTrainingSupervisordissection maker.
  • 6. LAGUAGES READ WRITE SPEAK ENGLISH URDU HINDCO ARABIC References can be provided upon request