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64 Mitcham Road, East Ham, London, E6 3LU
Mobile: 07850376147 E-mail: mukeshrag@gmail.com
Personal Statement
A Senior Accountant with 20+ years of working experience in managing accounting & financial
activities in a fully computerized environment. Expertise in implementing management reporting
systems, financial analysis, MIS, budgets and cost controls. Proficient in using Peachtree accounting
soft wares, MYOB Account Edge and Tally and with excellent ability to operate any other accounting
packages. Seeks Senior Finance and Accounting role in any industry.
Professional Qualifications
 CIMA (Course undergoing in the UK) 2015
 Masters in Finance ( University of Kerala, India) Jan 1991
The subjects covered under the course:
Finance Management, Management Principles, Advanced Financial Accounting
Quantitative Methods and operation Research, Advanced Costing, Management Accounting
Taxation Law and practice.
 Bachelor in Finance (University of Kerala, India) Jun 1988
The subjects covered under the course
Business and Managerial Economics, Accountancy, Business Statistics
Business organization & Management, Advanced Accountancy, Auditing
Marketing and sales promotion, Banking Theory and Practice, Company Administration
Key Professional Skills
 Finalization of Books of Accounts.
 Effective liaison with Auditors-Banks-Suppliers
 Vast work exposure with Trading , Advertising and Real Estate Industries
 Effective Budgeting, Cost controlling and Fund monitoring skills
IT Skills
Excel: Advance level user of excel functions covering v-look ups, pivot tables, graphs and reporting
ERP System: 12 years of experience in working with Peachtree and 8 years of working experience in
MYOB Account Edge.
Developed expertise in budgeting, financial forecasting, monitoring cash flow and fund
utilization comply with its availability..
Asset Management: In Bareface Productions, Media City, Dubai. I prepared a Detailed
Schedule of Assets which shows the actual book value of each asset at any point of time,
after providing accurate depreciation based on the estimated life time of each assets enabled
the management to analyse the market value and book value at the time of disposal of
assets when it is necessary.
Financial Analysis: MBT Real Estate Abu Dhabi, UAE had a Staff Accommodation project
which provided Furnished Accommodation and Food for over 10,000 staff . I reported to the
management with the accurate figures of over expenses we had been paying to the Facility
Management for supervising the project and the management realized the fact and rectified
as we took over some of areas in the Facility management and we could manage to run
independently with minimum operating cost and thereby saved a huge amount from the
Work History
Kams & Co UK Ltd, Basildon ,UK 10 January 2015 Present
Responsibilities Include:
 Managing Accounts Payables and Receivables.
 Preparing Potential Revenue Loss reports and seeking explanations for Operation department.
 Control the PDC Account and Monitoring Direct Debit set up to make sure and overlook
availability funds in the bank for outgoing payments.
 Involve in the debt collection such as help follow up of overdue invoices of AR when necessary.
 Report monthly performance to the Management such as Gross sales , AR /AP status, working
capital and bank position.
 Involved mainly providing effective control in all accounting transactions such as Purchase Bills,
Sales Invoice, Bank Payments & Receipts, Journal Vouchers, and Payroll.
 Preparing Pay-roll calculation for the staff .
MBK- Real Estate , Abu Dhabi, UAE 01 Jan-2014- 30 Nov-2014
Chief Accountant
Responsibilities include:
 Preparing management report pack with notes explaining the deviation of actual against the
 Checking update of new and renewed Tenancy contracts on daily basis in the system.
 Managing Accounts Payables and Receivables.
 Preparing Potential Revenue Loss reports and seeking explanations for Operation department.
 Control the PDC Account and make sure the cheques are banked on the due date and
overlook availability funds in the bank for outgoing payments.
 Over all supervision of accounting procedure of Catering section in the project and check invoices
and statements are promptly sent to the clients
 Identify and report Profit or Loss for each Project within the company..
 Involve in the debt collection such as help follow up of overdue invoices of AR when necessary.
 Monitoring bank movement checking incoming and outgoing payments and weekly bank
 Report monthly performance to the Management such as Gross sales , AR /AP status, working
capital and bank position.
 Involved mainly providing effective control in all accounting transactions such as Purchase Bills,
Sales Invoice, Bank Payments & Receipts, Journal Vouchers, and Payroll.
 Oversaw complete accounting transactions independently up to finalization and liaison with
Al Musallah Star computer LLC ,Dubai,UAE 10 Nov-2011- 23 Dec 2013
Senior Accountant
Responsibilities include:
 Managing various bank accounts and carried out reconciliation on monthly basis.
 Undertaking monthly scrutiny of ledger account and evaluating the nature and purpose of each
transaction, against the budget assigned.
 Participate in the budget committee meetings and provide necessary input for drafting budget
schedules, deadlines and procedures for completing the annual budget.
 Controlling stock management, monitoring stock movement and placing order
 Coordination with sales people to improve turnover
 Updating Executive report packs with monthly accounting results for senior management
 Prepare cash flow for short and long term periods to make fund available for working capital all the
 Coordinate purchase bills posting and reconciled suppliers statement with the bills. Iniate
payments to them when bills are due.
 Providing effective control in all accounting transactions such as Purchase Bills, Sales Invoice,
Bank Payments & Receipts, Journal Vouchers, and Payroll.
 Improved proper filing system for bills paid and unpaid and invoice paid and unpaid keep in
separate for future record for audit purpose.
 Report weekly and monthly performance to the Management.
Bareface Productions Fz LLC, Media City, Dubai, UAE 10 Dec-2009- 31 Oct-2011
Senior Accountant
Responsibilities include:
 Managed various bank accounts and carried out reconciliation on monthly basis.
 Coordinate purchase bills posting and reconciled suppliers statement with the bills. Issued
payments to them as and when the bills are due for payment.
 Handled complete accounting transactions up to year-end closing and worked alongside with
Auditor for audit.
 Prepare Schedule for Assets , major expenses and employees ledger.
 Coordinate with the HR dept in arranging essential training programs.
 Preparation of management reports on project progression.
 Assisting the project planning process with relevant information
 Facilitates project manager in drafting project budgets.
 Reviewed accuracy of entries in the sales invoices, forwarded to clients and followed up for
 Undertaking financial analysis of business performance against the budget and target and
explaining deviations.
The Studio Middle East, Dubai 13 Jun-1993- 31 Oct-2009
Junior Accountant
Responsibilities include:
 Managing and controlling accounts up to finalization ensuring accuracy and completeness of
accounting records.
 Coordinating with internal and external auditors in completing audits.
 Preparing MIS reports for the managements review such as Cash Flow Statement, Budget, and
Variance Analysis including periodical finance statements such as balance sheet and P & L
 Maintenance of daily bank transaction reports and overseeing a balance in outgoing and incoming
 Monitor bank movements of incoming and outgoing payment and conduct bank reconciliation.
 Working out Project costing for quotations, project evaluation and control.
 Maintaining Fixed Assets register, tagging new asset purchases and keeping depreciation
 Project costing, preparing project budgets and controlling project completion.
 Undertaking project evaluation while making investment decisions.
Junior Accountant
Popular Auto Parts Dealer, Abu Dhabi 1 Apr-1992- --10 Jun-1993
Responsibilities include:
 Daily invoice posting both cash invoice at the counter and credit invoices.
 Record receipts from the clients and post into the corresponding ledgers.
 Maintain staff pay-roll account and salaries are paid end of each month.
 Sending Account statement end of every month and follow up for payments.
 Generate AR analysis report and submit with the Accounts manager.
 Maintenance of daily bank transaction reports and overseeing a balance in outgoing and incoming
 Posting purchase bills into the system and generate statement and cross check with suppliers
statement and issue payment when it is due.
 Prepare financial statements such as sales report, collection report and AP quarterly and submit
with Accounts Managers.
 Monitor the period of LCs of suppliers and instruct the back for extension if required.
 Managing Payables in accordance with the credit policy agreed with the supplier
 Checking bank movement and conduct month end bank reconciliation of each bank..

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  • 1. RAGHAVAN MUKESH 64 Mitcham Road, East Ham, London, E6 3LU Mobile: 07850376147 E-mail: mukeshrag@gmail.com Personal Statement A Senior Accountant with 20+ years of working experience in managing accounting & financial activities in a fully computerized environment. Expertise in implementing management reporting systems, financial analysis, MIS, budgets and cost controls. Proficient in using Peachtree accounting soft wares, MYOB Account Edge and Tally and with excellent ability to operate any other accounting packages. Seeks Senior Finance and Accounting role in any industry. Professional Qualifications CIMA (Course undergoing in the UK) 2015 Masters in Finance ( University of Kerala, India) Jan 1991 The subjects covered under the course: Finance Management, Management Principles, Advanced Financial Accounting Quantitative Methods and operation Research, Advanced Costing, Management Accounting Taxation Law and practice. Bachelor in Finance (University of Kerala, India) Jun 1988 The subjects covered under the course Business and Managerial Economics, Accountancy, Business Statistics Business organization & Management, Advanced Accountancy, Auditing Marketing and sales promotion, Banking Theory and Practice, Company Administration Key Professional Skills Finalization of Books of Accounts. Effective liaison with Auditors-Banks-Suppliers Vast work exposure with Trading , Advertising and Real Estate Industries Effective Budgeting, Cost controlling and Fund monitoring skills IT Skills Excel: Advance level user of excel functions covering v-look ups, pivot tables, graphs and reporting functions. ERP System: 12 years of experience in working with Peachtree and 8 years of working experience in MYOB Account Edge.
  • 2. Achievements Developed expertise in budgeting, financial forecasting, monitoring cash flow and fund utilization comply with its availability.. Asset Management: In Bareface Productions, Media City, Dubai. I prepared a Detailed Schedule of Assets which shows the actual book value of each asset at any point of time, after providing accurate depreciation based on the estimated life time of each assets enabled the management to analyse the market value and book value at the time of disposal of assets when it is necessary. Financial Analysis: MBT Real Estate Abu Dhabi, UAE had a Staff Accommodation project which provided Furnished Accommodation and Food for over 10,000 staff . I reported to the management with the accurate figures of over expenses we had been paying to the Facility Management for supervising the project and the management realized the fact and rectified as we took over some of areas in the Facility management and we could manage to run independently with minimum operating cost and thereby saved a huge amount from the project. Work History Kams & Co UK Ltd, Basildon ,UK 10 January 2015 Present Accountant Responsibilities Include: Managing Accounts Payables and Receivables. Preparing Potential Revenue Loss reports and seeking explanations for Operation department. Control the PDC Account and Monitoring Direct Debit set up to make sure and overlook availability funds in the bank for outgoing payments. Involve in the debt collection such as help follow up of overdue invoices of AR when necessary. Report monthly performance to the Management such as Gross sales , AR /AP status, working capital and bank position. Involved mainly providing effective control in all accounting transactions such as Purchase Bills, Sales Invoice, Bank Payments & Receipts, Journal Vouchers, and Payroll. Preparing Pay-roll calculation for the staff . MBK- Real Estate , Abu Dhabi, UAE 01 Jan-2014- 30 Nov-2014 Chief Accountant Responsibilities include: Preparing management report pack with notes explaining the deviation of actual against the budget. Checking update of new and renewed Tenancy contracts on daily basis in the system. Managing Accounts Payables and Receivables. Preparing Potential Revenue Loss reports and seeking explanations for Operation department. Control the PDC Account and make sure the cheques are banked on the due date and overlook availability funds in the bank for outgoing payments.
  • 3. Over all supervision of accounting procedure of Catering section in the project and check invoices and statements are promptly sent to the clients Identify and report Profit or Loss for each Project within the company.. Involve in the debt collection such as help follow up of overdue invoices of AR when necessary. Monitoring bank movement checking incoming and outgoing payments and weekly bank reconciliation. Report monthly performance to the Management such as Gross sales , AR /AP status, working capital and bank position. Involved mainly providing effective control in all accounting transactions such as Purchase Bills, Sales Invoice, Bank Payments & Receipts, Journal Vouchers, and Payroll. Oversaw complete accounting transactions independently up to finalization and liaison with Auditors. Al Musallah Star computer LLC ,Dubai,UAE 10 Nov-2011- 23 Dec 2013 Senior Accountant Responsibilities include: Managing various bank accounts and carried out reconciliation on monthly basis. Undertaking monthly scrutiny of ledger account and evaluating the nature and purpose of each transaction, against the budget assigned. Participate in the budget committee meetings and provide necessary input for drafting budget schedules, deadlines and procedures for completing the annual budget. Controlling stock management, monitoring stock movement and placing order Coordination with sales people to improve turnover Updating Executive report packs with monthly accounting results for senior management discussion Prepare cash flow for short and long term periods to make fund available for working capital all the time. Coordinate purchase bills posting and reconciled suppliers statement with the bills. Iniate payments to them when bills are due. Providing effective control in all accounting transactions such as Purchase Bills, Sales Invoice, Bank Payments & Receipts, Journal Vouchers, and Payroll. Improved proper filing system for bills paid and unpaid and invoice paid and unpaid keep in separate for future record for audit purpose. Report weekly and monthly performance to the Management. Bareface Productions Fz LLC, Media City, Dubai, UAE 10 Dec-2009- 31 Oct-2011 Senior Accountant Responsibilities include: . Managed various bank accounts and carried out reconciliation on monthly basis. Coordinate purchase bills posting and reconciled suppliers statement with the bills. Issued payments to them as and when the bills are due for payment. Handled complete accounting transactions up to year-end closing and worked alongside with Auditor for audit. Prepare Schedule for Assets , major expenses and employees ledger. Coordinate with the HR dept in arranging essential training programs. Preparation of management reports on project progression. Assisting the project planning process with relevant information Facilitates project manager in drafting project budgets. Reviewed accuracy of entries in the sales invoices, forwarded to clients and followed up for payments Undertaking financial analysis of business performance against the budget and target and explaining deviations.
  • 4. The Studio Middle East, Dubai 13 Jun-1993- 31 Oct-2009 Junior Accountant Responsibilities include: Managing and controlling accounts up to finalization ensuring accuracy and completeness of accounting records. Coordinating with internal and external auditors in completing audits. Preparing MIS reports for the managements review such as Cash Flow Statement, Budget, and Variance Analysis including periodical finance statements such as balance sheet and P & L account. Maintenance of daily bank transaction reports and overseeing a balance in outgoing and incoming funds. Monitor bank movements of incoming and outgoing payment and conduct bank reconciliation. Working out Project costing for quotations, project evaluation and control. Maintaining Fixed Assets register, tagging new asset purchases and keeping depreciation schedules Project costing, preparing project budgets and controlling project completion. Undertaking project evaluation while making investment decisions. Junior Accountant Popular Auto Parts Dealer, Abu Dhabi 1 Apr-1992- --10 Jun-1993 Responsibilities include: Daily invoice posting both cash invoice at the counter and credit invoices. Record receipts from the clients and post into the corresponding ledgers. Maintain staff pay-roll account and salaries are paid end of each month. Sending Account statement end of every month and follow up for payments. Generate AR analysis report and submit with the Accounts manager. Maintenance of daily bank transaction reports and overseeing a balance in outgoing and incoming funds. Posting purchase bills into the system and generate statement and cross check with suppliers statement and issue payment when it is due. Prepare financial statements such as sales report, collection report and AP quarterly and submit with Accounts Managers. Monitor the period of LCs of suppliers and instruct the back for extension if required. Managing Payables in accordance with the credit policy agreed with the supplier Checking bank movement and conduct month end bank reconciliation of each bank.. **