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Music Magazine Reviews

     By Kyle Parkinson
Contents Page
The title CONTENTS is broken up into three pieces. This is good as it is unique, creative and
stands out more. The connotation is that it is modern and made to look this way to be different and
better than the rest. The denotation is that it is broken down into three parts to represent the three
pages to the contents section.
 The image is quite                                                    The article is written in
 seductive, drawing you                                                calligraphy to give it a more
 in with the sexual nature                                             authentic look to it. This is
 of her legs and heels.
                                                                       good as more people will be
 This will help draw the
 readers in by influencing                                             encouraged to read on as it
 that there contents is                                                has a professional look to it.
 sexy so the rest of the                                               The connotation is that the
 magazine must follow in                                               magazine is trying to bring
 that style. The woman is                                              the olden style back into
 lying down making eye                                                 fashion and influencing the
 contact which also is                                                 reader to get into classic
 sexually suggestive and
                                                                       and old style clothes and
 intrigues the reader to
 carry on. The colour                                                  hairstyles. The denotation is
 scheme is black, whit                                                 that they are using an
 and grey which is an                                                  authentic look to become
 olden times look which                                                more professional and
 suggests that the                                                     serious to compete with
 magazine is retro and                                                 other rival magazine.
The NME masthead has been used on the contents page to                 The main colours are red,
    anchor both the front cover and the contents page. Bright, bold        black and white. The main
    and red helps it stand out.                                            image also follows the colour
                                                                           scheme being red, black and
All the band names
                                                                           white. This show the
written along the side
                                                                           magazine is a professional,
with page numbers
                                                                           organised and structured
next to them making it
                                                                           magazine which makes
clear for the reader to
                                                                           everything in order and in the
navigate. It is also
                                                                           same pattern. The
written in red with black
                                                                           subheadings are merged
page numbers with a
                                                                           with the background to
white back ground
                                                                           become more modern. The
which again shows the
                                                                           connotation would be that it
magazine is a
                                                                           is trying to blend in and fuse
professional, organised
                                                                           the magazine together
and structured
                                                                           showing and more smooth
magazine which makes
                                                                           and relaxed magazine. The
everything in order and
                                                                           denotation would be that
in the same pattern.
                                                                           NME are going for the
There is a subheading
                                                                           modern look to the
saying PLUS2. This
                                                                           magazine. The arrow shape
would instantly attract
                                                                           has been used to help link
the reader as they will
                                                                           topics back together.
like to think they are
getting extra and more      The bright yellow text stands out and it is very bold. This will
for there money.            guide the readers eye towards it. NME have purposely done
                            this to gain more subscriptions to the magazine.
The Q masthead has been used on the
                            contents page to anchor both the front
                            cover and the contents page. Bright, bold
The subheadings are                                                   The picture is quite peculiar
                            and red helps it stand out.
bold, white capital on a                                              as it isnt a typical spruced up
white background. This                                                artist. It is an artist in his true
is good as they are easy                                              form showing that his band is
and clear to see with no                                              real and honest. The
hassle on finding them.                                               connotation is that Q are
There is a red                                                        showing that the strokes
background behind the                                                 music is speaking the truth
features column and                                                   and singing real things about
only this column                                                      whats going on around them.
because it is making the                                              The denotation is that he
main features stand out                                               didnt want to be photo
more as they are more                                                 shopped and made vivid, he
important to the other                                                wanted to be kept the same.
sections. The rest of the                                             At the bottom of the page
list is written in white to                                           there is a small caption of an
make it stand out from                                                article further inside the
the picture more with                                                 magazine to give a little
ease of reading. There                                                snippet oh what your buying.
is a title 235                                                       This is good as it will let the
CONTENTS this is to                                                  customer know what they are
clearly show what you                                                 purchasing even more.
are reading and its for
issue 235.

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Music magazine reviews contents page

  • 1. Music Magazine Reviews By Kyle Parkinson
  • 3. The title CONTENTS is broken up into three pieces. This is good as it is unique, creative and stands out more. The connotation is that it is modern and made to look this way to be different and better than the rest. The denotation is that it is broken down into three parts to represent the three pages to the contents section. The image is quite The article is written in seductive, drawing you calligraphy to give it a more in with the sexual nature authentic look to it. This is of her legs and heels. good as more people will be This will help draw the readers in by influencing encouraged to read on as it that there contents is has a professional look to it. sexy so the rest of the The connotation is that the magazine must follow in magazine is trying to bring that style. The woman is the olden style back into lying down making eye fashion and influencing the contact which also is reader to get into classic sexually suggestive and and old style clothes and intrigues the reader to carry on. The colour hairstyles. The denotation is scheme is black, whit that they are using an and grey which is an authentic look to become olden times look which more professional and suggests that the serious to compete with magazine is retro and other rival magazine. classic.
  • 4. The NME masthead has been used on the contents page to The main colours are red, anchor both the front cover and the contents page. Bright, bold black and white. The main and red helps it stand out. image also follows the colour scheme being red, black and All the band names white. This show the written along the side magazine is a professional, with page numbers organised and structured next to them making it magazine which makes clear for the reader to everything in order and in the navigate. It is also same pattern. The written in red with black subheadings are merged page numbers with a with the background to white back ground become more modern. The which again shows the connotation would be that it magazine is a is trying to blend in and fuse professional, organised the magazine together and structured showing and more smooth magazine which makes and relaxed magazine. The everything in order and denotation would be that in the same pattern. NME are going for the There is a subheading modern look to the saying PLUS2. This magazine. The arrow shape would instantly attract has been used to help link the reader as they will topics back together. like to think they are getting extra and more The bright yellow text stands out and it is very bold. This will for there money. guide the readers eye towards it. NME have purposely done this to gain more subscriptions to the magazine.
  • 5. The Q masthead has been used on the contents page to anchor both the front cover and the contents page. Bright, bold The subheadings are The picture is quite peculiar and red helps it stand out. bold, white capital on a as it isnt a typical spruced up white background. This artist. It is an artist in his true is good as they are easy form showing that his band is and clear to see with no real and honest. The hassle on finding them. connotation is that Q are There is a red showing that the strokes background behind the music is speaking the truth features column and and singing real things about only this column whats going on around them. because it is making the The denotation is that he main features stand out didnt want to be photo more as they are more shopped and made vivid, he important to the other wanted to be kept the same. sections. The rest of the At the bottom of the page list is written in white to there is a small caption of an make it stand out from article further inside the the picture more with magazine to give a little ease of reading. There snippet oh what your buying. is a title 235 This is good as it will let the CONTENTS this is to customer know what they are clearly show what you purchasing even more. are reading and its for issue 235.