My media product is a magazine aimed at teenage fans of punk rock music. It uses conventions from existing magazines like Kerrang to attract this niche audience. The magazine represents the punk rock music genre and lifestyle through photos of bands dressed casually. As a magazine for a small, specialized audience, it would likely be distributed in supermarkets and newsagents. The content, design, and techniques used aim to attract and engage teenage punk rock fans. Through creating this magazine, I have improved my skills with Adobe Fireworks and learned how to effectively manipulate images through adjusting hue and saturation levels.
This document defines and describes several common types of malware and cyber threats. It explains that viruses, worms, and Trojan horses are programs that can infect computers without permission and open them up to attacks. It also discusses phishing scams, spyware, adware, wireless hacking, bluejacking which steals Bluetooth data, and social engineering which tricks users into revealing private information.
The storyboard outlines scenes for a horror film trailer about a possessed woman haunting a house. Scene 1 introduces the possessed woman. Scenes 2-4 show the couple setting up cameras around their home to capture paranormal activity, with strange events caught on film. Scenes 5-7 escalate the haunting, with the woman dragged along the floor and screaming heard. Scenes 8-9 depict the woman fully possessed and attacking. The storyboard builds tension and suggests an increasingly terrifying presence terrorizing the couple.
Kyle Parkinson describes his iterative process of designing the front cover of his magazine over four attempts. In each design, he keeps elements like the diagonal masthead and large central photo while making changes such as increasing the speech bubble size, adding the issue date and abbreviation, moving design elements, and changing the background style to further fill out the cover. In his final design, he also includes a piece of paper underneath the article list to make it stand out more.
The document discusses props needed for a trailer, including blood stained clothing created using food coloring, berries and ketchup to look bloody, as well as wires and ropes to have objects fly around and drag or tie up an actress portraying possession.
The document discusses camera shots and angles for a night-time filming project. It plans to use night vision or an attached torch for night shots, and natural light will allow clear daytime filming. Close ups will show actors' faces expressing fear and desperation, while extreme close ups of a possessed woman's eyes will show something else within her. Wide angle shots of a full room will provide context of the scene, and attaching the camera to a fan will create steadier "CCTV footage" to make the film look more realistic.
The author edited two images in their work. For the first image, they adjusted the hue and saturation to make the center picture match the other three images. For the second image, the author adjusted the hue and saturation, added a drop shadow above two band members to make them appear bigger and more powerful, used glow and auto levels to make the image brighter as it appeared dull, and used Gaussian blur to add a border to the shadow to indicate the size of the band members. The edits were used to make the work look more professional and stand out.
My media product is a magazine aimed at teenage fans of punk rock music. It uses conventions from existing magazines like Kerrang but puts its own unique spin on the design. The magazine represents its target audience of punk rock-loving teenagers through authentic photos of bands in their own clothing styles and a modern font. It would likely be distributed in supermarkets and newsagents where teenagers shop. The entire magazine is tailored to its niche audience, from the punk-inspired masthead to funny stories meant to make readers smile and encourage repeat purchases. Creating the magazine has improved my skills with Adobe Fireworks effects and photo editing tools like hue and saturation levels.
The author has chosen a colour palette for their magazine using mainly primary colours to make it stand out from other magazines. They selected a colour scheme that has a tabloid style to convey an informal tone and appeal to a young audience. The document discusses the author's choice of colour scheme for their magazine design.
This document lists 10 different typefaces and fonts, asking "Bueno?" after each one to inquire about the quality or suitability of each typeface. It includes both common fonts like Arial, Calibri, and Verdana as well as some less common and non-English language fonts such as Rockwell, Gulim, Batang, and Microsoft New Tai Lue.
The document lists various music-related terms that could represent the titles of magazines. The respondent provides their top 5 choices for magazine titles, explaining that "Unplugged" would represent a genuine magazine focusing on truth, "Colourful Rush" a cluttered magazine about loud fast music, "Frozen Loud" a consistent reliable magazine, "Beyond Noise" a magazine featuring loud rock bands, and "Outspoken" a magazine highlighting what bands are doing each week in music.
This 1-paragraph document describes that the horror trailer will feature one actor, Josh Wayman, who will play the character Tom Wells who is being tormented and possessed by a demon. Tom will be setting up cameras around his home to try and capture evidence of the demon haunting him on film.
The storyboard outlines 9 scenes for a horror film trailer. Scene 1 introduces the possessed main character Tom. Scenes 2-4 establish strange paranormal activity occurring in the character's house captured on video cameras, including doors opening and closing on their own and lights turning on and off. Scenes 5-6 depict the character reviewing disturbing footage and flashing satanic symbols. The climax in Scene 7 shows the character dragged downstairs by an unseen force. Scene 8 shows a montage of the character being possessed and injured. The trailer ends in Scene 9 with a bloody character attacking the camera.
The document lists various terms related to music and magazines, along with their Latin translations. It then provides an analysis of the terms, selecting "Unplugged", "Colourful Rush", "Frozen Loud", "Beyond Noise", and "Outspoken" as the top five choices for a music magazine name, based on their positive connotations of presenting genuine, impactful, consistent, loud rock music and news in an outspoken manner.
The document discusses conventions for a rock music magazine. It will focus on rock music as the writer enjoys that genre. The masthead of the magazine will always be white with a shattered look to stand out from other magazines. The cover image shows a band member making eye contact with the reader to involve them and show not everyone understands the band. The font and layout are cluttered to attract readers by appearing a "mash up" like the target audience.
The author edited two images in their work. For the first image, they adjusted the hue and saturation to make the center picture match the other three images. For the second image, the author adjusted the hue and saturation, added a drop shadow above two band members to make them appear bigger and more powerful, used glow and auto levels to make the image brighter as it appeared dull, and used Gaussian blur to add a border to the shadow to indicate the size of the band members. The edits were used to make the work look more professional and stand out.
My media product is a magazine aimed at teenage fans of punk rock music. It uses conventions from existing magazines like Kerrang but puts its own unique spin on the design. The magazine represents its target audience of punk rock-loving teenagers through authentic photos of bands in their own clothing styles and a modern font. It would likely be distributed in supermarkets and newsagents where teenagers shop. The entire magazine is tailored to its niche audience, from the punk-inspired masthead to funny stories meant to make readers smile and encourage repeat purchases. Creating the magazine has improved my skills with Adobe Fireworks effects and photo editing tools like hue and saturation levels.
The author has chosen a colour palette for their magazine using mainly primary colours to make it stand out from other magazines. They selected a colour scheme that has a tabloid style to convey an informal tone and appeal to a young audience. The document discusses the author's choice of colour scheme for their magazine design.
This document lists 10 different typefaces and fonts, asking "Bueno?" after each one to inquire about the quality or suitability of each typeface. It includes both common fonts like Arial, Calibri, and Verdana as well as some less common and non-English language fonts such as Rockwell, Gulim, Batang, and Microsoft New Tai Lue.
The document lists various music-related terms that could represent the titles of magazines. The respondent provides their top 5 choices for magazine titles, explaining that "Unplugged" would represent a genuine magazine focusing on truth, "Colourful Rush" a cluttered magazine about loud fast music, "Frozen Loud" a consistent reliable magazine, "Beyond Noise" a magazine featuring loud rock bands, and "Outspoken" a magazine highlighting what bands are doing each week in music.
This 1-paragraph document describes that the horror trailer will feature one actor, Josh Wayman, who will play the character Tom Wells who is being tormented and possessed by a demon. Tom will be setting up cameras around his home to try and capture evidence of the demon haunting him on film.
The storyboard outlines 9 scenes for a horror film trailer. Scene 1 introduces the possessed main character Tom. Scenes 2-4 establish strange paranormal activity occurring in the character's house captured on video cameras, including doors opening and closing on their own and lights turning on and off. Scenes 5-6 depict the character reviewing disturbing footage and flashing satanic symbols. The climax in Scene 7 shows the character dragged downstairs by an unseen force. Scene 8 shows a montage of the character being possessed and injured. The trailer ends in Scene 9 with a bloody character attacking the camera.
The document lists various terms related to music and magazines, along with their Latin translations. It then provides an analysis of the terms, selecting "Unplugged", "Colourful Rush", "Frozen Loud", "Beyond Noise", and "Outspoken" as the top five choices for a music magazine name, based on their positive connotations of presenting genuine, impactful, consistent, loud rock music and news in an outspoken manner.
The document discusses conventions for a rock music magazine. It will focus on rock music as the writer enjoys that genre. The masthead of the magazine will always be white with a shattered look to stand out from other magazines. The cover image shows a band member making eye contact with the reader to involve them and show not everyone understands the band. The font and layout are cluttered to attract readers by appearing a "mash up" like the target audience.
The document discusses props needed for a trailer, including blood stained clothing created using food coloring, berries and ketchup to appear bloody after a character is killed. Wires and ropes will also be used, with ropes to drag an actress across the floor and tie her to a bed during possession scenes. Other unspecified props are also mentioned.
This document provides a summary of a music magazine contents page layout:
The contents page uses a unique three-part title and creative visuals to draw in readers in a modern and distinctive way. Band names and page numbers are listed clearly in red and black for easy navigation. Bold subheadings and featured articles are highlighted in white and red to stand out from photos and guide the eye. The overall design aims to present the magazine as professional, well-organized, and structured while blending sections together smoothly for a modern look.
The document provides an analysis of the cover of a music magazine. It discusses several design elements of the cover and their intended purposes:
1) The central image of the lead singer is placed above the masthead to indicate its greater importance and that the magazine focuses on that band.
2) Competition ads, free posters, and article snippets are meant to encourage readers to purchase the magazine.
3) The color scheme, text styles, and images are coordinated to emphasize particular articles and keep the reader's attention.
The document discusses camera shots and angles for a night-time filming project. It plans to use night vision or an attached torch for night shots, and natural light will allow clear daytime filming. Close ups will show actors' fearful expressions, and extreme close ups of a possessed woman's eyes will reveal something is inside her. Wide angle shots of the full room will let viewers see all the action, and attaching the camera to a fan will create steadier "CCTV footage" to make the film look more realistic.
The document discusses camera shots and angles for a night-time filming project. It plans to use night vision or an attached torch for night shots, and natural light will allow clear daytime filming. Close ups will show actors' faces to convey fear and desperation, and extreme close ups of a possessed woman's eyes will show something else within her. Wide angle shots of a full room will let viewers see all the action, and attaching the camera to a fan will create steadier "CCTV footage" to look more realistic.
Kyle Parkinson designed four iterations of a contents page for a magazine. The first used a simple title and list approach. The second added a corresponding image and decreased text size to fit around the image. The third further decreased text size for readability. The fourth and final design added a drop shadow and glow to the title to distinguish it from other magazines.
This colour scheme was chosen to match the school colours of red and black as represented by the tie, though it does not match a logo since the sixth form does not have one. The red and black colour scheme will provide a professional look that is suitable for influencing the 16 to 18 year old students in the sixth form.
Kyle Parkinson describes three magazine template designs. The first two designs have traditional layouts with the masthead and strap line placed prominently at the top or side to attract attention. Both designs include a one-word puff to describe the image and a brief plug about the article. The third original design centers the masthead to distinguish itself and places the strap line underneath, while still including a puff and plug.