The Islamic EmpireAntonio Francisco MuñozAt the end of the 6th century, Muhammad announced that he was chosen by Allah (God) to preach Islam. Islam's followers are called Muslims and its holy book is the Quran. The principles of Islam include testifying that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet, praying 5 times a day, pilgrimage to Mecca at least once, fasting during Ramadan, and giving alms to the poor.
2 califat omeia damasc.etapes i expansió.al-andaluscsantan2Este documento describe la expansión del Islam y el establecimiento de Al-Andalus en la península ibérica. Explica que los musulmanes conquistaron la península en el siglo VIII aprovechando una guerra civil entre los visigodos, estableciendo su capital en Córdoba y gobernando la región como un emirato dependiente de Damasco. Más tarde, un miembro de la dinastía Omeya se independizó y estableció un emirato independiente en Al-Andalus con capital en Córdoba.
IslamDavid Galarza FernándezEste documento proporciona una introducción al Islam, incluyendo su origen, fundador Mahoma, y expansión. Brevemente describe los cinco pilares del Islam que son la profesión de fe, oración, ayuno, limosna y peregrinación a La Meca. Explica que el Islam se difundió rápidamente bajo los primeros califas y los imperios Omeya y Abasí, estableciendo un gran imperio que abarcaba desde la península arábiga hasta el norte de África y parte de Asia.
Monuments romansarritatanetThe document lists numerous important Roman monuments from across the Roman Empire, including theaters, aqueducts, baths, temples, bridges, walls, and amphitheaters built between the 1st century BC and 4th century AD. Some of the notable structures mentioned are the Colosseum and Pantheon in Rome, Pont du Gard aqueduct in France, theater of Orange in France, Hadrian's Wall in Britain, and the ruins of Pompeii.
Abraham iiarritatanetAbraham II was the son of Abraham I and succeeded him as king of the small kingdom of Anthropic in 2150. As king, he faced many challenges including food shortages, unrest among some citizens, and threats from neighboring territories. Abraham II was able to keep the kingdom stable through prudent economic policies, diplomacy with other leaders, and ensuring the basic needs of citizens were met.
Abraham iiarritatanetAbraham II was the son of Abraham I and succeeded him as king of the small kingdom of Anthropic in 2150. As king, he faced many challenges including food shortages, unrest among some citizens, and threats from neighboring territories. Abraham II was able to keep the kingdom stable through prudent economic policies, diplomacy with other leaders, and ensuring the basic needs of citizens were met.