è il primo servizio italiano creato da Reputation Manager per misurare la propria identità digitale. Iscriviti a e scopri il tuo My Reputation Score!
La gestione della propria reputazione online. L'importanza del Personal Brand...Cultura Digitale
Seminario breve "La gestione della propria reputazione online. L'importanza del Personal Branding" di Andrea Barchiesi, tenuto nella sezione di Job Matching dedicata ai seminari brevi e job storytelling del 24 ottobre 2013.
Rome and Carthage competed for influence in the Mediterranean, leading to three Punic Wars between the two powers. The First Punic War began as a local conflict in Sicily but resulted in Rome gaining control over Sicily and extracting money from Carthage. Hannibal later invaded Italy by crossing the Alps during the Second Punic War, defeating Roman armies at Cannae, but was unable to take Rome. Rome ultimately defeated Carthage at Zama. Nearly 50 years later, the Third Punic War ended with Rome destroying Carthage to eliminate it as a rival in the Mediterranean.
Cosa si aspettano gli italiani dal 2013? L'analisi delle opinioni on line curata da Reputation Manager nella sua rubrica "La Rete ti vede così" pubblicata su Espansione di Dicembre 2012
The first Americans crossed into North America from Asia over a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska approximately 30,000 years ago during the last ice age. As the climate warmed, ice sheets melted and sea levels rose, submerging the land bridge. These early peoples adapted to diverse environments across North America, developing distinct cultural practices and ways of life. Though living in different regions, most Native American societies shared beliefs about respecting nature, not owning land, using only what was needed, and importance of trade.
The document discusses events related to the Chinese Civil War and the Korean War. It describes how Chiang Kai-shek led the nationalist Chinese who were supported by the US but lost the civil war to the communists who gained support from peasants. After losing, the nationalists fled to Taiwan. It also discusses the division of Korea after World War 2 with North Korea occupied by the USSR and the South by the US, leading to the Korean War started by North Korea invading the South but being stopped by UN forces including the US. The war ended in a stalemate.
Management of the IT infrastructure begins at its Foundation. Better Understand how that is defined, implemented and leveraged beyond traditional IT management solutions but in an accreative way.
Tech challenges in a large scale agile projectHarald Soevik
1. The document discusses three major technical challenges faced in a large-scale Java project that adopted Scrum methodology: modularization, testing environments, and declaratively representing domain knowledge.
2. For modularization, the project struggled with creating an optimal structure that balanced complexity, coupling, and cohesion across modules. Testing multiple environments provided benefits but also challenges in maintenance and automation.
3. Representing domain knowledge declaratively aimed to separate knowledge from implementation, but specific issues are not discussed in the summary due to a missing portion of the original text.
Hoover believed the Depression would correct itself without much government intervention, in line with his philosophy of limited government and individual responsibility. As unemployment rose to unprecedented levels, he took some cautious steps like the Federal Home Loan Bank Act and Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide emergency relief. However, his use of force against the "Bonus Army" of veterans hurt his image right before the 1932 election, in which angry voters punished Republicans over the failing economy.
The document discusses several topics related to history and government policies:
- In the late 19th century, laissez-faire policies allowed harsh working conditions in the US, leading to the growth of labor unions.
- The 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution increased tensions in the early Cold War by strengthening fears of communist expansion.
- Enlightenment philosophers like Locke and Rousseau influenced the French Revolution with the idea of government as a social contract between rulers and citizens.
- The US annexed the Philippines after the Spanish-American War partly to gain a naval base in the Pacific.
The presentation focus on what technology are threaded and mature and applicable to improve reliability, efficiency and sustainability of any development
After invading Poland in 1939, Germany next invaded France. The Germans used a new rapid military tactic called "Blitzkrieg" or lightning war in Poland. The USSR and Germany signed a non-aggression pact agreeing not to attack each other. In 1940, over 400,000 British and French soldiers were evacuated from Dunkirk back to Britain. The Battle of Britain primarily involved aircraft. Besides Germany, the USSR also invaded Poland in 1939 according to the terms of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed by Germany and the USSR.
Myths have long existed to explain humanity's existence. The ancient Greeks worshipped gods like Zeus who had absolute power but admired humans. Zeus was known for seducing women and generating demigod descendants like Perseus. These half-human, half-divine beings were seen as inspirational. The gods, though powerful, were often indistinguishable from humans in form and personality. The brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades divided control of the skies, seas, and underworld after overthrowing their father Chronos. Each realm has been ruled by these gods ever since, with sailors praying to Poseidon and mortals meeting Hades in the underworld after death.
Modularization, testing and technical debt (in a large agile project)Harald Soevik
This document discusses lessons learned from a large agile project at Computas for a customer consolidating multiple government agencies. It covers challenges with coupling and modularization, the need for robust testing environments with service level agreements, and managing technical debt in an agile process. Prioritizing technical debt remediation work is important to avoid issues with estimates, duplicate code, bugs and developer morale over time. Transparency into technical debt is key along with shared responsibility for remediation.
European powers sought new trade routes to Asia in the 15th-16th centuries to bypass expensive Muslim and Italian middlemen and spread Christianity, leading them to develop new maritime technologies. The Portuguese established outposts along Africa's west coast and Vasco de Gama became the first European to reach India by sea, breaking Italian-Muslim trade monopolies. Christopher Columbus also sought a western route to Asia for Spain but landed in the Caribbean instead, while tensions grew between Spain and Portugal over their claims in the newly explored regions.
Imperialism and America discusses reasons for US imperialism in the late 19th century. Key reasons included the thirst for new markets to address overproduction and the belief in social Darwinism that nations should compete in the global free market. The US competed for influence especially in Asia, notably China and Korea. One influential text was Alfred Thayer Mahan's book on sea power. The US purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million and overthrew the Hawaiian government led by Sanford Dole to annex the islands, partly due to sugar plantation owners' desires.
The document provides multiple choice questions about ancient civilizations including the Minoans, Hittites, Phoenicians, Sumerians, and Babylonians. It asks which civilization worshipped bulls (Minoans), was located in modern-day Turkey (Hittites), was not located in Mesopotamia (Minoans), existed first (Sumerians), used early iron weapons (Hittites), was not a collection of city-states (Phoenicians), was known for seafaring (Phoenicians), was known for dye making (Phoenicians), and made a purple dye associated with royalty (Phoenicians).
President Taft belonged to the Republican party. He busted over a dozen trusts during his presidency, which made him popular among some groups. However, the Payne-Aldrich Tariff and actions taken by Richard Ballinger upset Progressives and contributed to a split between conservative and Progressive Republicans in 1910. This led to the Republicans losing control of the House of Representatives.
Alexander the Great was the King of Macedonia who conquered much of the known world in the 4th century BC. He defeated the Persians at battles like Issus and Gaugamela, becoming ruler of their vast empire. After conquering Egypt, he was given the title of Pharaoh. His empire eventually stretched as far as India before his death, after which it was divided among his generals.
The document summarizes the three Punic Wars between the Phoenician city-state of Carthage and the rising power of Rome between 264 BC to 146 BC. The first Punic War began as a local conflict in Sicily over trade in the Mediterranean and resulted in a Roman victory that gained them Sicily and payment from Carthage. The second Punic War saw Hannibal invade Italy from northern Africa through the Alps and ravage the Italian peninsula for 15 years before being defeated by Rome in North Africa. The third Punic War occurred 50 years later when Rome decided to destroy Carthage once and for all, burning the city and salting the fields.
Quiz Bowl Review For Interim Ii Acceleratedmmeddin
This document provides a quiz bowl review covering several algebra topics: solving equations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, functions and graphing linear equations, ratios, proportions, rates, direct variation, and more. It includes over 20 problems ranging from evaluating expressions and solving equations to writing expressions, ordering numbers, graphing linear functions, identifying patterns, and determining proportional relationships.
The document describes Greek mythology, focusing on Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. It explains that Zeus ruled the skies, Poseidon ruled the seas, and Hades ruled the underworld. It then discusses other mythical figures like Perseus, centaurs, satyrs, Aphrodite, the Minotaur defeated by Theseus, Hercules, Demeter, Achilles, and Hades' relationship with Persephone.
Presentazione per introdurre al mondo del lavoro sul web. Introduzione dei skill profiles di IWA Italia, e primi passi per il corretto utilizzo dei social network
Hoover believed the Depression would correct itself without much government intervention, in line with his philosophy of limited government and individual responsibility. As unemployment rose to unprecedented levels, he took some cautious steps like the Federal Home Loan Bank Act and Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide emergency relief. However, his use of force against the "Bonus Army" of veterans hurt his image right before the 1932 election, in which angry voters punished Republicans over the failing economy.
The document discusses several topics related to history and government policies:
- In the late 19th century, laissez-faire policies allowed harsh working conditions in the US, leading to the growth of labor unions.
- The 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution increased tensions in the early Cold War by strengthening fears of communist expansion.
- Enlightenment philosophers like Locke and Rousseau influenced the French Revolution with the idea of government as a social contract between rulers and citizens.
- The US annexed the Philippines after the Spanish-American War partly to gain a naval base in the Pacific.
The presentation focus on what technology are threaded and mature and applicable to improve reliability, efficiency and sustainability of any development
After invading Poland in 1939, Germany next invaded France. The Germans used a new rapid military tactic called "Blitzkrieg" or lightning war in Poland. The USSR and Germany signed a non-aggression pact agreeing not to attack each other. In 1940, over 400,000 British and French soldiers were evacuated from Dunkirk back to Britain. The Battle of Britain primarily involved aircraft. Besides Germany, the USSR also invaded Poland in 1939 according to the terms of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed by Germany and the USSR.
Myths have long existed to explain humanity's existence. The ancient Greeks worshipped gods like Zeus who had absolute power but admired humans. Zeus was known for seducing women and generating demigod descendants like Perseus. These half-human, half-divine beings were seen as inspirational. The gods, though powerful, were often indistinguishable from humans in form and personality. The brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades divided control of the skies, seas, and underworld after overthrowing their father Chronos. Each realm has been ruled by these gods ever since, with sailors praying to Poseidon and mortals meeting Hades in the underworld after death.
Modularization, testing and technical debt (in a large agile project)Harald Soevik
This document discusses lessons learned from a large agile project at Computas for a customer consolidating multiple government agencies. It covers challenges with coupling and modularization, the need for robust testing environments with service level agreements, and managing technical debt in an agile process. Prioritizing technical debt remediation work is important to avoid issues with estimates, duplicate code, bugs and developer morale over time. Transparency into technical debt is key along with shared responsibility for remediation.
European powers sought new trade routes to Asia in the 15th-16th centuries to bypass expensive Muslim and Italian middlemen and spread Christianity, leading them to develop new maritime technologies. The Portuguese established outposts along Africa's west coast and Vasco de Gama became the first European to reach India by sea, breaking Italian-Muslim trade monopolies. Christopher Columbus also sought a western route to Asia for Spain but landed in the Caribbean instead, while tensions grew between Spain and Portugal over their claims in the newly explored regions.
Imperialism and America discusses reasons for US imperialism in the late 19th century. Key reasons included the thirst for new markets to address overproduction and the belief in social Darwinism that nations should compete in the global free market. The US competed for influence especially in Asia, notably China and Korea. One influential text was Alfred Thayer Mahan's book on sea power. The US purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million and overthrew the Hawaiian government led by Sanford Dole to annex the islands, partly due to sugar plantation owners' desires.
The document provides multiple choice questions about ancient civilizations including the Minoans, Hittites, Phoenicians, Sumerians, and Babylonians. It asks which civilization worshipped bulls (Minoans), was located in modern-day Turkey (Hittites), was not located in Mesopotamia (Minoans), existed first (Sumerians), used early iron weapons (Hittites), was not a collection of city-states (Phoenicians), was known for seafaring (Phoenicians), was known for dye making (Phoenicians), and made a purple dye associated with royalty (Phoenicians).
President Taft belonged to the Republican party. He busted over a dozen trusts during his presidency, which made him popular among some groups. However, the Payne-Aldrich Tariff and actions taken by Richard Ballinger upset Progressives and contributed to a split between conservative and Progressive Republicans in 1910. This led to the Republicans losing control of the House of Representatives.
Alexander the Great was the King of Macedonia who conquered much of the known world in the 4th century BC. He defeated the Persians at battles like Issus and Gaugamela, becoming ruler of their vast empire. After conquering Egypt, he was given the title of Pharaoh. His empire eventually stretched as far as India before his death, after which it was divided among his generals.
The document summarizes the three Punic Wars between the Phoenician city-state of Carthage and the rising power of Rome between 264 BC to 146 BC. The first Punic War began as a local conflict in Sicily over trade in the Mediterranean and resulted in a Roman victory that gained them Sicily and payment from Carthage. The second Punic War saw Hannibal invade Italy from northern Africa through the Alps and ravage the Italian peninsula for 15 years before being defeated by Rome in North Africa. The third Punic War occurred 50 years later when Rome decided to destroy Carthage once and for all, burning the city and salting the fields.
Quiz Bowl Review For Interim Ii Acceleratedmmeddin
This document provides a quiz bowl review covering several algebra topics: solving equations, comparing and ordering rational numbers, functions and graphing linear equations, ratios, proportions, rates, direct variation, and more. It includes over 20 problems ranging from evaluating expressions and solving equations to writing expressions, ordering numbers, graphing linear functions, identifying patterns, and determining proportional relationships.
The document describes Greek mythology, focusing on Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. It explains that Zeus ruled the skies, Poseidon ruled the seas, and Hades ruled the underworld. It then discusses other mythical figures like Perseus, centaurs, satyrs, Aphrodite, the Minotaur defeated by Theseus, Hercules, Demeter, Achilles, and Hades' relationship with Persephone.
Presentazione per introdurre al mondo del lavoro sul web. Introduzione dei skill profiles di IWA Italia, e primi passi per il corretto utilizzo dei social network
Il potere delle immagini sui social media. Barison, Luciani, Omero OlimpioSerena Omero Olimpio
"Il potere delle immagini sui social media" è il frutto della ricerca condotta da Giorgio Barison, Luisa Luciani e Serena Omero Olimpio per il corso di Strumenti e Applicazioni del Web, tenuto dal prof. R. Polillo, corso di studi in Teoria e Tecnologia della Comunicazione, Università di Milano Bicocca, anno accademico 2014-2015.
"Il potere delle immagini nei social media" è la presentazione studio dedicata al rapporto tra immagini e social media al servizio dei brand e del marketing svolta da Giorgio Barison, Luisa Luciani e Serena Omero Olimpio all'interno del corso di Strumenti e Applicazioni del Web, tenuto dal Prof. Roberto Polillo, del Corso di laurea magistrale in Teoria e Tecnologia della Comunicazione, Università di Milano Bicocca, anno accademico 2014-2015.
"Il potere delle immagini nei social media" di G. Barison, L. Luciani, S. Ome...Luisa
"Il potere delle immagini nei social media" è la presentazione della ricerca fatta sul rapporto tra immagini e social media al servizio dei brand condotta da Giorgio Barison, Luisa Luciani e Serena Omero Olimpio per il corso di Strumenti e Applicazioni del Web, tenuto dal Prof. R. Polillo. Corso di studi in Teoria e Tecnologia della Comunicazione, Università di Milano Bicocca, anno accademico 2014-2015. Si ricorda che la licenza CC non si estende alle immagini e alle screen shots presenti nella presentazione, i cui diritti restano in capo ai rispettivi proprietari indicati ove possibile. Gli autori si scusano per eventuali omissioni e restano a disposizione per correggerle o modificarle.
Social SEO Ecommerce, per rendere umano ciò che è sempre più artificiale | SM...SMAU
Come avere la fiducia del consumatore e la sua fidelizzazione? Dobbiamo essere vicini alle persone. Dobbiamo pensare a costruirci una community fatta di carne e ossa, in cui chi vive il nostro Ecommerce è sigillo di umanità . Siamo in mezzo alle Intelligenze Artificiali che ci supportano nella gestione delle nostre property online ma che, di certo, ora non sanno ancora avvicinarsi alle persone come solo chi è umano sa fare.
Le persone vogliono sapere dalle persone se comprare o meno un prodotto o servizio, prima di acquistare si chiede sempre a chi ha già provato ""come ti sei trovata?"", è tempo di inserire nel nostro piano di comunicazione la presenza costante di umanità . Non basta avere un brand forte: serve avere persone forti che parlano del nostro Brand. Devono nascere i Social SEO Ecommerce.
Un processo per il personal branding in 3 passi:
1. Analizza la tua situazione attuale: qual è la tua visibilità e reputazione online?
2. Costruisci il tuo ecosistema digitale personale. Stabilisci alcuni confini tra sfera personale e sfera professionale. Definisci una Policy da seguire sui Social, segui le linee guida aziendali. Focalizzati inizialmente su pochi canali Social.
3. Ottimizza le tue attività di personal branding. Misura l'efficacia.
COMUNICAZIONE 2.0 e ufficio stampa online al VENEZIA CAMP 2013Netlife s.r.l.
Brand image, brand reputation, pr 2.0, comunicazione al pubblico, come l’impresa contemporanea gestisce l’informazione nel web 2.0. Valorizzare l’immagine aziendale, conoscere e verificare la reputazione del marchio/prodotto/servizio nelle conversazioni degli utenti, redigere correttamente l’informazione e diffonderla nei canali idonei.
La web reputation o reputazione online: i principi e gli obiettivi, gli strumenti e le strategie, i fattori d'influenza e i case history di successo e non.
Web Reputation Studi Legali. Osservavatorio Reputation Manager/Be MediaReputation Manager
L'osservatorio sulla web reputation dei più importati studi legali italiani e internazionali con sede in Italia, condotto in esclusiva da Reputation Manager e Be Media per Italia Oggi.
Web Reputation Avvocati. Osservavatorio Reputation Manager/Be MediaReputation Manager
L'osservatorio semestrale sul mondo legal curato da Reputation Manager e Be Media in esclusiva per Italia Oggi. Questo numero è dedicato all'analisi della Web Reputation degli avvocati dei principali studi italiani e degli studi internazionali con sede in Italia.
L'analisi presentata da Andrea Barchiesi, CEO di Reputation Manager, durante il convengo "Sanità in Italia. Falsi miti e vere eccellenze" organizzato dal Ministero della Salute
My Reputation®: il primo servizio italiano che misura la tua identità digitale
1. @Reputataiuvant
Il primo sito italiano per monitorare
la tua Identità Digitale
Andrea Barchiesi, CEO Reputation Manager @andbarch
Milano, 30 maggio 2013 - Social Case History Forum
2. @Reputataiuvant
Una nuova fase
Il mondo on line ha cambiato radicalmente lo scenario
competitivo delle aziende. Il Brand si sostanzia e diventa
anche digitale
Qual è il brand che avete ogni
giorno sotto gli occhi?
L’importanza del brand
Voi stessi. Voi siete un brand. Il più importante
2006 copertina del Time
Siamo oltre
questa FASE
4. @Reputataiuvant
Digital Identity Facts
«Il 49% dei recruiter valuta il candidato cercando
informazioni on line, e nel 27% dei casi lo elimina
a causa di queste» (Adecco)
«Il 60% degli europei condivide online dati
personali: 90%informazioni biografiche, 50%
informazioni sociali, 10% dati sensibili»
«Furto identità Web, 8 milioni di italiani a
rischio: 1 su 3 rilascia dati sensibili»
(Osservatorio TuttiMedia)
«14,3 milioni di persone ogni giorno possono
accedere alla tua identità digitale»
(navigatori online, dati Audiweb Settembre)
5. @Reputataiuvant
Come sei sul web?
Quanto la tua identità online rispecchia quella offline?
Come ti vedono gli altri?
Cosa pensano di te gli altri soggetti del web?
Sei un brand. Ti sei mai chiesto …
Come sono le tue relazioni?
Come’è la tua vita sociale sul web?
… come avere le
La tua identità digitale ti precede
6. @Reputataiuvant
Per dare risposta a queste domande, Reputation Manager ha sviluppato My-Reputation.It
Una piattaforma web gratuita che ti permette di controllare e gestire il tuo ecosistema
informativo online:
1. IdentitÃ
Valuta e tieni sotto controllo i contenuti
presenti in rete restituiti dai motori di
ricerca agli utenti che cercano informazioni
su di te
2. Profilo
Completa il profilo con i tuoi dati e crea la
tua pagina personale MyReputation per
avere un nuovo contenuto che migliori la
tua identità online
3. Social Network
Connetti i tuoi social network per far
crescere il tuo punteggio e scoprire il tuo
livello di social influence
Monitora la tua
identità digitale
in qualsiasi
attraverso il
11. @Reputataiuvant
Il mio salsista …….
compete per il
proprio brand
Perdere può
essere rischioso
Non sono io!
Non so ballare ..
12. @Reputataiuvant
Tramite la valutazione dell’Identità Digitale con il MyReputation Score, è possibile capire punti di forza e
debolezza della propria identità sul web. A questo punto è possibile intervenire per migliorare,
correggere, evidenziare aspetti poco visibili in rete.
L’ ingegneria reputazionale è una metodologia strutturata finalizzata alla tutela e alla costruzione
dell’identità digitale. E’ concepita e progettata per costruire e ottimizzare la reputazione on line dei
privati. L’obiettivo è quello di associare un’immagine online
positiva, coerente, completa e sempre aggiornata.
Utilità dello score
MY-Reputation Score è calcolato a partire dagli indici ottenuti nelle
aree Identità , Profilo e Social. Riflette quindi l’identità digitale nel
suo complesso: qualitativo, informativo e relazionale.
MyReputation diventa così il mezzo per valutare la propria
reputazione personale, professionale e sociale in Rete.
14. @Reputataiuvant
MyReputation Vip: il programma TV
Attraverso MyReputation calcoliamo l’identità digitale degli ospiti di Reputescion, il
programma condotto da Andrea Scanzi in onda su La3TV prodotto da Showlab.
16. @Reputataiuvant
I CV digitali degli ospiti in studio
MyReputation Vip: il programma TV
Guarda tutti i CV digitali degli ospiti di Reputescion:
Don Andrea Gallo
Carlo Freccero
18. Cosa posso fare per migliorare la
mia identità digitale?
La cura dell’identità digitale è la costruzione graduale di un complesso
mosaico: reputazione, relazioni, competenze, esperienza sono i tasselli
che concorrono a formare la tua immagine ed è importante che ogni
aspetto emerga in modo adeguato.
Noi ti aiutiamo a far sì che queste componenti siano calibrate nella tua
presenza on line per restituire a coloro che cercano o si imbattono nel
tuo nominativo una istantanea di chi sei, un quadro completo sulle tue
attività e la possibilità di raggiungerti attraverso molteplici canali.
..e io?
19. My Reputation, un servizio completo
per la costruzione e il monitoraggio della
propria identità desiderata sul web
Servizi Premium
Selezione delle informazioni personali,
sulla vita privata e professionale
Pieno controllo delle informazioni pubbliche
Rimozione dei contenuti immessi da terzi
dalle aree di maggior visibilitÃ
Integrazione dei contenuti disponibili con
notizie aggiornate sul profilo
Riduzione delle lesivitÃ
Ottimizzazione delle informazioni giÃ
presenti in termini di visibilità ed esaustivitÃ
Costruzione o ricostruzione totale
dell’identità digitale per incrementare
i contatti e le relazioni professionali.