The document provides a list of common words, programming terms, and style guide URLs for various languages. It contains terms related to counting, sizes, lengths, numbers of items, salaries, bonuses, indexing, addressing, statics, APIs, acronyms and more. It also lists common customer-related terms, sorting-related terms, and verbs like open/close, read/write, load/save, import/export. Style guide URLs are given for C, C++, C#, Swift, Java, JavaScript, and Python. References are made to Qiita and Google Docs articles on common terms.
The document discusses the CGFloat data type in Swift. CGFloat can represent both float and double values depending on the platform, unlike Float and Double which are distinct types. The document proposes a protocol and extensions to allow CGFloat to be used interchangeably with other number types like Int, Float, Double by providing initializer conversions. Generic functions are also implemented to allow arithmetic operations between different number types that conform to the protocol while maintaining the result as a CGFloat.
This document outlines the architecture of a software system. It includes layers for application business rules, domain logic, use cases, controllers, presenters and interfaces that allow external devices and users to interact with the system through various gateways and a user interface. Key components are the domain model, use cases, controllers and presenters that facilitate information flow between different system layers and interfaces.
21. MySQLはデータベース(ORACLEで云うスキーマ)に
CREATE USER ‘ogawa’@’localhost’ identified by ‘oga',
-> ‘super_ogawa’@’localhost’ identified by ‘oga';
GRANT SELECT ON test.* TO ‘ogawa'@'localhost';