This is Android 4.4 Kitkat's overview explanation, especially what Kitakat offers and what is changed from developer perspective.
Please note that this is written in Japanese.
This is Android 4.4 Kitkat's overview explanation, especially what Kitakat offers and what is changed from developer perspective.
Please note that this is written in Japanese.
コンテナ技術入門/Container tech intro
この資料は,2024年3月に開催される「高専テクノゼミ/実践教育プログラム vol.2」の技術LT「コンテナ技術入門」にて発表した際に使用したものです.
This document was used in a presentation at the technical LT "Introduction to Container Technology" of "Techno Seminar/Practical Education Program vol.2" to be held in March 2024.