The Network of Automotive Excellence (NoAE) is an inter-company initiative aiming to strengthen the competitiveness of the European automotive industry. NoAE organizes project initiatives and was founded in 2002 by automotive industry representatives with support from the European Commission. NoAE holds an annual Innovation Competition to source ideas from inventors, universities, research institutes, and small- and medium-sized enterprises in topics like reducing CO2 emissions and developing new materials. The 2011 Competition attracted over 400 registrations from 23 countries and selected 30 winning innovations.
The Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE) was formed in 2010 to support entrepreneurship at Aalto University, which was formed by merging three universities in Helsinki, Finland. ACE has 16 employees across various teams focused on entrepreneurship education, research, innovation services, startup support, and venture development. It aims to support commercialization of research and new business creation to create jobs and economic growth. In its first year, ACE supported several successful startups from Aalto including Rovio, which created the popular mobile game Angry Birds, and Remedy Entertainment, developer of the game Alan Wake.
TCI2012 Innovation through cooperation TCI Network
Werner Pamminger on "Innovation through cooperation - cooperative project management as the key-activity of cluster-management" presented at the 15th TCI Global Conference, Basque Country 2012.
Estonia - Your Product Innovation and Production PartnerMartin Koch
The document provides information on Estonia's metalworking and mechanical industry. It notes that the sector comprises 18% of Estonia's total industrial exports and provides about 18% of sales for the country's manufacturing industry. It highlights Estonia's dynamic engineering ecosystem supported by world-class investors and local supply chains. The sector offers opportunities in areas like contract manufacturing, engineering services, product development and testing. Estonia also has a skilled talent pool, progressive infrastructure, strategic location and low-risk business environment. Several examples of companies in the sector operating in Estonia are provided.
Requirements for generalization of the approach to EU industryOlgaRodrguezLargo
This presentation shows the vision of CarE-Service project of the different European scenarios trying to understand which are the actual drivers able to make the value chains of end of life components and materials in electric and hybrid vehicles (batteries, metals, techno-polymers) the most exploitable possible.
This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776851.
2.4 Finnish perspective on PSS design for sustainabilityUtttam Kumar
The document provides an overview of design for sustainability (DfS) approaches in Finland. It discusses key principles of sustainable design like merging environmental and social considerations into the design process. It also outlines DfS education and research at the University of Art and Design Helsinki (TaiK), including projects on eco-design, sustainable materials, and ICT/mobile solutions. The document highlights how Finland has begun to disconnect economic growth from material consumption and how the business sector is improving eco-efficiency.
Smart Retro Meetup Stockholm Jarmo Suominen, Aalto UniversityDemos Helsinki
Smart Retro, a smart city project by Demos Helsinki and its distinguished partners, was kicked off in a spirit of enthusiastic co-operation. Smart Retro aims for creating effective business models and tools, which can be used for refurbishing residential areas in smart and sustainable ways. This is one of the presentations held in Smart Retro Meetup.
The document summarizes information about the Oekoenergie-Cluster in Upper Austria, including that it is a network of 160 renewable energy and energy efficiency companies that has been managed by the O.O. Energiesparverband since 2000. The cluster focuses on biomass heating, solar heating, and energy efficient buildings, with partners in related fields like construction, energy advising, and solar/biomass technologies. Examples of cluster activities are provided like training programs, pilot projects, and the World Sustainable Energy Days conference.
The Energy Efficiency Cluster is an affiliation of experts, entrepreneurs and institutions in Croatia that aims to connect the scientific and economic sectors to increase knowledge about energy efficiency and renewable technologies, particularly for small hotels and farms in rural counties. The Cluster organizes workshops and seminars on energy efficiency, conducts research for joint projects, utilizes its website to inform the public about events and projects, and provides information on available funding. It is looking for project partners in sustainable building, tourism, training, and networking.
The document summarizes an upcoming launch meeting for a Sustainable Construction InterCluster Club on April 5th, 2011 in Brussels. The club aims to foster cooperation between European clusters in the sustainable construction sector. It will provide a forum for cluster managers to exchange information, promote their activities, and identify opportunities for collaborative projects. The launch meeting agenda includes presentations from participating clusters about their work and goals for the club, as well as from the European Commission and Construction Technology Platform on related EU initiatives and the strategic importance of sustainable construction in Europe.
The document introduces the TIS Techno Innovation Park in South Tyrol, Italy. The park focuses on knowledge and technology transfer, business incubation, and developing clusters and networks in key sectors like food and wellbeing, alpine technologies, energy and environment, and digital technologies. The park helps South Tyrolean companies achieve their goals and brings know-how and technology to local firms.
The European Institute for Industrial Leadership (EIIL) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2003 that researches and develops views on next generation industry leadership issues. It hosts workshops and conferences to help member companies attract, develop, and retain next generation leaders. The EIIL utilizes its experienced industry managers and researchers, as well as input from over 750 alumni managers, to focus on the impact of technological and societal changes on business models and leadership through interactive programs. Upcoming events include entrepreneurship summer schools and dissemination of research on the connected generation workforce.
Project AutoNet established a transnational network of leading automotive regions in Central Europe to boost innovation through knowledge transfer and cooperation. The project offered matchmaking opportunities and established a sustainable business network to promote the region as ideal for new automotive processes, materials and products. Key activities included exchanging best practices, creating a matchmaking database, and making policy recommendations to improve support for innovation in the automotive industry across participating regions.
The document discusses the establishment of the "Alliance Industry 4.0 in Baden-W端rttemberg" to connect sectors and technologies around industry 4.0 in the region. It was founded in March 2015 with over 50 organizations and institutes. The Alliance aims to transfer industry 4.0 technologies to small and medium enterprises to make them more competitive. It will conduct working groups, research projects, workshops and other initiatives to support companies and workforce training. The goal is for Baden-W端rttemberg to become a leading region for industry 4.0.
EU Commission, Ford, ACEA, AECC Confirm | Early Bird Ends Shortly | Real Driv...Automotive IQ
Do you want to learn the latest developments in EUs Real Driving Emissions regulations and the WLTP process? Then join leading experts at the 3rd International Conference Real Driving Emissions taking place at the Novotel Berlin am Tiergarten Hotel, Berlin from the 27 - 29 October 2015.
There are limited places available, so make sure you secure your conference ticket today! Save up to 400 with our early bird discount, if you book and pay by the 21 August 2015. Learn more here.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear expert presentations, take part in interactive workshops and meet with RDE experts from around the world at our:
3rd International Conference Real Driving Emissions
27 - 29 October 2015 | Novotel Berlin am Tiergarten, Germany
Download the agenda here:
EEIP is a platform that facilitates dialogue between industry and policymakers in Europe on energy efficiency and industrial processes. It aims to help industry contribute to EU climate and energy goals through open exchange. EEIP membership is free and open to all interested parties. It also offers partnership levels that provide benefits like visibility and involvement in governance. EEIP hosts events like conferences and roundtables to engage members and partners on efficient solutions and best practices. Its goal is to lead the discussion on industrial energy efficiency in Europe.
Lightweight materials play a key role in addressing challenges facing the automotive industry such as decarbonization, electrification, digitalization, resilience, and circularity. The AMULET project aims to develop new cross-sectoral value chains through 5 million in funding support for up to 26 SME innovation projects and 7 demonstration projects involving lightweight composites, metals, and polymers across automotive, energy, construction, and other industries.
This document discusses competence-driven innovation and identifies regional strengths. It focuses on the mechatronics industry in Lower Austria, which has over 1,650 companies and 40,000 employees. The document outlines core competencies of companies in this industry today, as well as potential new competencies and products/markets that could be developed through collaboration. It provides examples of collaboration opportunities between industry and research institutions and across regional industry clusters to foster cross-fertilization of ideas. The goal is to identify innovation opportunities based on building on existing competencies.
Burton Lee - Nanotechology in Europe - IEEE Silicon Valley - May 19 2010Burton Lee
The document discusses the state of nanotechnology in Europe. It describes how nanotechnology research is organized across different levels - the EU provides funding of 740M annually while Germany invests 290M annually and other countries have their own national initiatives. However, there are challenges in translating research results to commercial products more quickly compared to the US and Asia. Stakeholders have various concerns around developing policies regarding safety, ethics, and governance of nanotechnology.
This project aimed at building up the business model canvas of Porsche. In particular the focus is about the market introduction of the new Porsche mission e.
Clusters strategic development and cross-industrial collaboration for innovat...Ekonomikas ministrija
Clusters strategic development and cross-industrial collaboration for innovation in Austria experience of Upper Austria
Mr. Christoph Matthias Reiss-Schmidt, Business Upper Austria
2017.gada 24.maija,
Gsc2015 覺 03 蠍一-kic-europe_gcs2015_talk_v1Shougo Kim
1) KIC-Europe provides support for Korean startups and SMEs to internationalize and collaborate with Europe through various programs and services.
2) These include a startup demo day showcase in 4 European cities, an online pitching platform to connect startups and investors, and a tailored internationalization package to help startups establish operations in Europe.
3) KIC-Europe also offers mentoring services matching Korean startups with European mentors to provide advice on areas like finding partners, intellectual property, accounting, and research and development proposals.
Learning Systems Engineering Lessons from an Electric Vehicle Development v1.1Gerhard Swart
The document provides details about the development of the Joule Electric Vehicle (EV) by Optimal Energy, a South African startup company. It discusses how developing an EV from scratch requires a different approach than traditional automotive processes, which are optimized for incremental improvements. The document outlines some of the unique challenges of developing an EV, including pricing, mechanical architecture due to the battery placement, and electrical architecture given the central role of electronics. It also describes how Optimal Energy developed a tailored systems engineering process to guide the Joule EV's development from initial concepts to building prototypes while addressing these unique EV challenges.
Burton Lee - ME421 - Course Introduction Win 2011- Stanford - Jan 3 2011Burton Lee
This document provides an introduction and overview for the course "European Entrepreneurship & Innovation" being offered at Stanford in Winter Quarter 2011. The course will explore entrepreneurship ecosystems in various European regions through a series of guest speaker sessions. The first session on January 3rd will feature speakers from European incubators located in Silicon Valley. Other planned sessions will cover topics like venture capital in France, super angels across Europe, and startups in Spain. The goal is to compare entrepreneurship systems in Europe and Silicon Valley.
Innovations in Academic-Industry Collaboration in Taiwan and Hong KongLin Haiqiu
The document discusses innovations in academic-industry collaboration in Taiwan and Hong Kong. It outlines the speaker's presentation on understanding the knowledge-based economy and national innovation systems. Examples of innovation centers are provided, including ITRI in Taiwan which focuses on various technologies. The importance of collaboration between universities, government, businesses and technology institutes is discussed for creating new wealth from knowledge.
The document summarizes information about the Oekoenergie-Cluster in Upper Austria, including that it is a network of 160 renewable energy and energy efficiency companies that has been managed by the O.O. Energiesparverband since 2000. The cluster focuses on biomass heating, solar heating, and energy efficient buildings, with partners in related fields like construction, energy advising, and solar/biomass technologies. Examples of cluster activities are provided like training programs, pilot projects, and the World Sustainable Energy Days conference.
The Energy Efficiency Cluster is an affiliation of experts, entrepreneurs and institutions in Croatia that aims to connect the scientific and economic sectors to increase knowledge about energy efficiency and renewable technologies, particularly for small hotels and farms in rural counties. The Cluster organizes workshops and seminars on energy efficiency, conducts research for joint projects, utilizes its website to inform the public about events and projects, and provides information on available funding. It is looking for project partners in sustainable building, tourism, training, and networking.
The document summarizes an upcoming launch meeting for a Sustainable Construction InterCluster Club on April 5th, 2011 in Brussels. The club aims to foster cooperation between European clusters in the sustainable construction sector. It will provide a forum for cluster managers to exchange information, promote their activities, and identify opportunities for collaborative projects. The launch meeting agenda includes presentations from participating clusters about their work and goals for the club, as well as from the European Commission and Construction Technology Platform on related EU initiatives and the strategic importance of sustainable construction in Europe.
The document introduces the TIS Techno Innovation Park in South Tyrol, Italy. The park focuses on knowledge and technology transfer, business incubation, and developing clusters and networks in key sectors like food and wellbeing, alpine technologies, energy and environment, and digital technologies. The park helps South Tyrolean companies achieve their goals and brings know-how and technology to local firms.
The European Institute for Industrial Leadership (EIIL) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2003 that researches and develops views on next generation industry leadership issues. It hosts workshops and conferences to help member companies attract, develop, and retain next generation leaders. The EIIL utilizes its experienced industry managers and researchers, as well as input from over 750 alumni managers, to focus on the impact of technological and societal changes on business models and leadership through interactive programs. Upcoming events include entrepreneurship summer schools and dissemination of research on the connected generation workforce.
Project AutoNet established a transnational network of leading automotive regions in Central Europe to boost innovation through knowledge transfer and cooperation. The project offered matchmaking opportunities and established a sustainable business network to promote the region as ideal for new automotive processes, materials and products. Key activities included exchanging best practices, creating a matchmaking database, and making policy recommendations to improve support for innovation in the automotive industry across participating regions.
The document discusses the establishment of the "Alliance Industry 4.0 in Baden-W端rttemberg" to connect sectors and technologies around industry 4.0 in the region. It was founded in March 2015 with over 50 organizations and institutes. The Alliance aims to transfer industry 4.0 technologies to small and medium enterprises to make them more competitive. It will conduct working groups, research projects, workshops and other initiatives to support companies and workforce training. The goal is for Baden-W端rttemberg to become a leading region for industry 4.0.
EU Commission, Ford, ACEA, AECC Confirm | Early Bird Ends Shortly | Real Driv...Automotive IQ
Do you want to learn the latest developments in EUs Real Driving Emissions regulations and the WLTP process? Then join leading experts at the 3rd International Conference Real Driving Emissions taking place at the Novotel Berlin am Tiergarten Hotel, Berlin from the 27 - 29 October 2015.
There are limited places available, so make sure you secure your conference ticket today! Save up to 400 with our early bird discount, if you book and pay by the 21 August 2015. Learn more here.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear expert presentations, take part in interactive workshops and meet with RDE experts from around the world at our:
3rd International Conference Real Driving Emissions
27 - 29 October 2015 | Novotel Berlin am Tiergarten, Germany
Download the agenda here:
EEIP is a platform that facilitates dialogue between industry and policymakers in Europe on energy efficiency and industrial processes. It aims to help industry contribute to EU climate and energy goals through open exchange. EEIP membership is free and open to all interested parties. It also offers partnership levels that provide benefits like visibility and involvement in governance. EEIP hosts events like conferences and roundtables to engage members and partners on efficient solutions and best practices. Its goal is to lead the discussion on industrial energy efficiency in Europe.
Lightweight materials play a key role in addressing challenges facing the automotive industry such as decarbonization, electrification, digitalization, resilience, and circularity. The AMULET project aims to develop new cross-sectoral value chains through 5 million in funding support for up to 26 SME innovation projects and 7 demonstration projects involving lightweight composites, metals, and polymers across automotive, energy, construction, and other industries.
This document discusses competence-driven innovation and identifies regional strengths. It focuses on the mechatronics industry in Lower Austria, which has over 1,650 companies and 40,000 employees. The document outlines core competencies of companies in this industry today, as well as potential new competencies and products/markets that could be developed through collaboration. It provides examples of collaboration opportunities between industry and research institutions and across regional industry clusters to foster cross-fertilization of ideas. The goal is to identify innovation opportunities based on building on existing competencies.
Burton Lee - Nanotechology in Europe - IEEE Silicon Valley - May 19 2010Burton Lee
The document discusses the state of nanotechnology in Europe. It describes how nanotechnology research is organized across different levels - the EU provides funding of 740M annually while Germany invests 290M annually and other countries have their own national initiatives. However, there are challenges in translating research results to commercial products more quickly compared to the US and Asia. Stakeholders have various concerns around developing policies regarding safety, ethics, and governance of nanotechnology.
This project aimed at building up the business model canvas of Porsche. In particular the focus is about the market introduction of the new Porsche mission e.
Clusters strategic development and cross-industrial collaboration for innovat...Ekonomikas ministrija
Clusters strategic development and cross-industrial collaboration for innovation in Austria experience of Upper Austria
Mr. Christoph Matthias Reiss-Schmidt, Business Upper Austria
2017.gada 24.maija,
Gsc2015 覺 03 蠍一-kic-europe_gcs2015_talk_v1Shougo Kim
1) KIC-Europe provides support for Korean startups and SMEs to internationalize and collaborate with Europe through various programs and services.
2) These include a startup demo day showcase in 4 European cities, an online pitching platform to connect startups and investors, and a tailored internationalization package to help startups establish operations in Europe.
3) KIC-Europe also offers mentoring services matching Korean startups with European mentors to provide advice on areas like finding partners, intellectual property, accounting, and research and development proposals.
Learning Systems Engineering Lessons from an Electric Vehicle Development v1.1Gerhard Swart
The document provides details about the development of the Joule Electric Vehicle (EV) by Optimal Energy, a South African startup company. It discusses how developing an EV from scratch requires a different approach than traditional automotive processes, which are optimized for incremental improvements. The document outlines some of the unique challenges of developing an EV, including pricing, mechanical architecture due to the battery placement, and electrical architecture given the central role of electronics. It also describes how Optimal Energy developed a tailored systems engineering process to guide the Joule EV's development from initial concepts to building prototypes while addressing these unique EV challenges.
Burton Lee - ME421 - Course Introduction Win 2011- Stanford - Jan 3 2011Burton Lee
This document provides an introduction and overview for the course "European Entrepreneurship & Innovation" being offered at Stanford in Winter Quarter 2011. The course will explore entrepreneurship ecosystems in various European regions through a series of guest speaker sessions. The first session on January 3rd will feature speakers from European incubators located in Silicon Valley. Other planned sessions will cover topics like venture capital in France, super angels across Europe, and startups in Spain. The goal is to compare entrepreneurship systems in Europe and Silicon Valley.
Innovations in Academic-Industry Collaboration in Taiwan and Hong KongLin Haiqiu
The document discusses innovations in academic-industry collaboration in Taiwan and Hong Kong. It outlines the speaker's presentation on understanding the knowledge-based economy and national innovation systems. Examples of innovation centers are provided, including ITRI in Taiwan which focuses on various technologies. The importance of collaboration between universities, government, businesses and technology institutes is discussed for creating new wealth from knowledge.
1. The document discusses a project called Medi-Cube that aims to support business incubators in the Southeast Mediterranean region.
2. It involves analyzing the business environment of 16 incubators, developing an online platform for technology transfer and product innovation, and training network members on innovation management.
3. The objectives include facilitating new product development, monitoring technology and markets, improving incubator management practices, and disseminating best practices between participating regions in Italy and Greece.
The High Technology Network in Emilia-Romagna, Italy connects companies, research laboratories, and innovation centers to improve regional innovation capabilities. Established in 2005 by the Emilia-Romagna regional government, the network comprises over 80 research organizations across six thematic platforms. It coordinates regional research and technology transfer through tools like a research catalog, contract templates, reports on collaboration results, and a database of laboratory facilities to support private-public innovation partnerships.
- Fraunhofer is a leading applied research organization in Germany that works closely with industry and academia. It has over 60 institutes and 18,000 employees conducting contract research.
- Fraunhofer has a representative office in Seoul to collaborate with Korean partners on issues like renewable energy, electronics, and new materials. The document discusses opportunities to learn from each other's innovation systems.
- Both Germany and Korea invest heavily in research and development, though each country also faces challenges like rigid labor markets or maintaining competitiveness in global markets. The Fraunhofer model of applied research and technology transfer provides lessons for national innovation.
The document announces a call for proposals from the CIP to promote international cluster cooperation in the EU. It provides details on two funding strands, including Strand 1 which aims to foster European cluster cooperation and internationalization strategies outside Europe. Eligible consortiums must include at least one regional or national public authority, one cluster from the authority's country/region, and two clusters from other countries. The maximum funding is 80% of 600,000 and the deadlines for submitting concept notes and full applications are provided.
The document discusses the European Union's strategy to promote sustainable construction through the Lead Market Initiative. It aims to create a harmonized regulatory environment, ambitious standards, and use of public procurement to drive demand for innovative sustainable construction. Six key markets were identified for a pilot phase, including sustainable construction. The initiative seeks to address barriers like fragmented building regulations and boost the construction sector through various policy tools and measures related to standardization, labelling, certification, legislation, and public procurement.
The document outlines the agenda for the InterCluster Club on Sustainable Construction meeting on April 5th. The agenda includes introductions, presentations from various clusters and organizations on sustainable construction topics, discussion of a sustainable construction value chain and where different clusters fit within it, and planning next steps for the InterCluster Club. The objective is to enable cooperation between clusters and formation of consortia for European funding opportunities.
The document presents two budget proposals - a minimum option and a normal option - for the InterCluster Club. The minimum option has an income of 9,500 from membership fees from 10 clusters and expenses of 9,500 that include a part-time person and logistics costs. The normal option has a higher total income of 38,500 from membership fees from 30 clusters and partner contributions, and higher total expenses of 38,500 that include a full-time person, administration costs, and meeting expenses.
The document discusses the Sustainable Habitat Cluster in Portugal, which brings together companies, municipalities, universities, and other organizations involved in sustainable construction. It aims to develop partnerships for sustainable habitat products/technologies and promote innovation projects using cluster synergies. The cluster is managed by the Sustainable Construction Platform association and has established three anchor projects focused on materials, technologies, and sustainability assessment. The overall goal is for the cluster to drive innovation and competitiveness in sustainable construction through international networking and collaboration.
The document provides information about platform constructions and the high technology network in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. It discusses key economic and industrial figures for the region. It then describes the various technopoles and regional thematic platforms, focusing on the constructions platform which supports research and innovation in the construction sector, especially regarding energy efficiency and sustainability. It provides details on research institutions and companies involved in the constructions platform and discusses human resources and governance structure.
The document discusses the CLUSTER - BTP of Future, an organization certified by MESR and DATAR that brings together over 50 enterprises in the construction sector. It aims to develop SMEs in the region and teach best practices to new generations. Key areas of focus include energy efficiency, low-impact materials, construction processes and rehabilitation. The organization has 150 development projects since 2002 and involves 3 engineering schools, 1 architecture school, and 3 R&D centers. It seeks to create opportunities for competitiveness, employment, innovation exchange and territorial development in sustainable construction.
1. NoAE presentation
5th April 2011
NoAE ist 端berregionaler Automotive-Partner von
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 1
2. NoAE Portrait
The Network of Automotive Excellence ( is an inter
company initiative aiming at strengthening the competitiveness of the
European automotive industry.
The NoAE is organized on the basis
of project initiatives
The NoAE was founded in 2002 by executive level representatives
from the automotive industry and received support by the European
NoAE is member of Kompetenznetze Deutschland, an initiative of the
German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 2
3. What is the NoAE Innovation
Demands, search fields, requirements
Supply side Demand side
Inventor, founder Manufacturer
Universities System supplier
Research institutes Tier 2/3
-> Innovators NoAE Innovation -> Jury
Ideas & Innovations
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 3
4. The Start: Innovation Competition 2007
Innovation outside Automotive - NON-automotive
meets health A2T
Internet & Energy
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 4
5. Innovation Competition 2007
Over 150 Registrations/5 Countries
30 Champions
From Ideas to Projects
under the auspices of the Federal
German Minister of
Michael Glos
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 5
6. Innovation Competition 2008
Expansion to Austria and Switzerland
Definition of three Topiclusters:
Wellness and Health in the Car
Navigation and Infotainment
CO2, Lightweight-Construction &
new Materials
170 Registrations from 8 Countries
30 Champions from Germany and
Austria (3)
Michael Glos
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 6
7. Innovation Competition 2009
Expansion to Netherlands
Four Topic-Cluster:
Comfort und Function
Navigation and Infotainment
CO2, Leightweight-Construciton & new
Flexible Production
380 Registrations from 20 Countries
30 Champions from Germany, the
Neterhlands (4), Austria and Switzerland
zu Guttenberg
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 7
8. Innovation Competition 2010
Kick-off D端sseldorf, Germany
Padron Minister R. Br端derle
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 8
9. Topic cluster 3: Eco-Innovation New Approaches
in CO2 Reduction
A continuous reduction in fuel consumption and therefore less CO2
emissions are the central goals of the automobile industry. In topic
cluster 3, innovations are being sought after, which utilise all the
possible ways to reduce CO2. This includes the optimisation of the drive
train, the increase in efficiency of motors and the acceleration in
developing alternative fuels and powertrains. Overcoming driving
resistances through the reduction of the vehicle weight and the air
resistance, and helping the driver save fuel with assistance systems are
of central importance. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of all
consumers in the vehicle will be optimised.
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 9
10. 10 Languages at
Online-Registration in English and German
420 Registrations from 23 Countries
30 Champions from
Canada (1)
Israel (2)
USA (1)
the Netherlands (1)
Austria (4)
and Germany (20)
NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 10
11. 4. Projectday
17th March Duesseldorf
500 Particpants from 14 countries
12. Canada and the Netherlands
NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 12
13. Austria and USA
NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 13
14. Japan and China
Japan: China:
Die japanische Die chinesische
Delegation Delegation
im Foyer im Raum 2
NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 14
15. Israel und Spain
NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 15