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NoAE presentation
                                      5th April 2011

NoAE ist 端berregionaler Automotive-Partner von

 NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011          3. April 2011   Seite 1
NoAE Portrait

     The Network of Automotive Excellence (www.noae.com) is an inter
      company initiative aiming at strengthening the competitiveness of the
      European automotive industry.
     The NoAE is organized on the basis
      of project initiatives

     The NoAE was founded in 2002 by executive level representatives
      from the automotive industry and received support by the European

     NoAE is member of Kompetenznetze Deutschland, an initiative of the
      German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

 NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011    3. April 2011                 Seite 2
What is the NoAE Innovation
                                       Demands, search fields, requirements

               Supply side                                                     Demand side
            Inventor, founder                                                 Manufacturer
            Universities                                                      System supplier
            Research institutes                                               Tier 2/3
              -> Innovators                       NoAE Innovation                 -> Jury

                                                 Ideas & Innovations

  NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011                       3. April 2011                          Seite 3
The Start: Innovation Competition 2007
   Innovation outside Automotive - NON-automotive
meets health                        A2T

Internet &                  Energy

    NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011    3. April 2011   Seite 4
Innovation Competition 2007






   Over 150 Registrations/5 Countries
   30 Champions  www.noae.com
   From Ideas to Projects
   under the auspices of the Federal
    German Minister of
    Michael Glos

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011      3. April 2011   Seite 5
Innovation Competition 2008

   Expansion to Austria and Switzerland
   Definition of three Topiclusters:
      Wellness and Health in the Car

      Navigation and Infotainment

      CO2, Lightweight-Construction &
        new Materials
   170 Registrations from 8 Countries
   30 Champions from Germany and
    Austria (3)
    Michael Glos

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011    3. April 2011   Seite 6
Innovation Competition 2009

   Expansion to Netherlands
   Four Topic-Cluster:
        Comfort und Function
        Navigation and Infotainment
        CO2, Leightweight-Construciton & new
        Flexible Production
   380 Registrations from 20 Countries
   30 Champions from Germany, the
    Neterhlands (4), Austria and Switzerland
    zu Guttenberg

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011     3. April 2011   Seite 7
Innovation Competition 2010

 Kick-off D端sseldorf, Germany

 Padron Minister R. Br端derle

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011   3. April 2011   Seite 8
Topic cluster 3: Eco-Innovation  New Approaches
in CO2 Reduction

A continuous reduction in fuel consumption and therefore less CO2
emissions are the central goals of the automobile industry. In topic
cluster 3, innovations are being sought after, which utilise all the
possible ways to reduce CO2. This includes the optimisation of the drive
train, the increase in efficiency of motors and the acceleration in
developing alternative fuels and powertrains. Overcoming driving
resistances through the reduction of the vehicle weight and the air
resistance, and helping the driver save fuel with assistance systems are
of central importance. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of all
consumers in the vehicle will be optimised.

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011         3. April 2011                   Seite 9
   10 Languages at www.noae.com
                            Online-Registration in English and German
                            420 Registrations from 23 Countries
                            30 Champions from
                                    Canada (1)
                                    Israel (2)
                                    USA (1)
                                    the Netherlands (1)
                                    Austria (4)
                                    and Germany (20)

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011                    3. April 2011      Seite 10
4. Projectday
     17th March Duesseldorf
500 Particpants from 14 countries
Canada and the Netherlands

 NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 12
Austria and USA

 NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 13
Japan and China

Japan:                                                      China:
Die japanische                                              Die chinesische
Delegation                                                  Delegation
im Foyer                                                    im Raum 2

  NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011                     Seite 14
Israel und Spain

 NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 15
Switzerland, Czech Republik, Romania

 NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 16
Marketplace 1: Drive Train

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 17
Marketplace 2: Battery

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 18
Marketplace 3: Elektric

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 19
Marketplace 4: Heating & Cooling

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 20
Marketplace 5: Lightweight construction
 new materials

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 21
Marketplace 6: IT

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 22
Marketplace 7: Infrastructure

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 23
Marketplace 8: Production

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 24
Marketplace 9: Saftey

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 25
Marketplace 10: Business Models

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 26
Marketplace 11: Regions and Pilots

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 27
Marketplace 12: Integrated Mobility

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 28
Marketplace 13: Experts

NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011   Seite 29

                  ewf institute
                  Dipl.-Kfm. Herbert K旦pplinger
                  Becker-Gundahl-Str. 19
                  D 81479 M端nchen

                  Telefon + 49 89 7489 - 9669
                  Telefax + 49 89 7806 - 4422
                  Mobil + 49 170 52 77 666
                  E-Mail: h.koepplinger@ewf-insitute.com

NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011                     3. April 2011   Seite 30

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  • 1. NoAE presentation 5th April 2011 NoAE ist 端berregionaler Automotive-Partner von NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 1
  • 2. NoAE Portrait The Network of Automotive Excellence (www.noae.com) is an inter company initiative aiming at strengthening the competitiveness of the European automotive industry. The NoAE is organized on the basis of project initiatives The NoAE was founded in 2002 by executive level representatives from the automotive industry and received support by the European Commission. NoAE is member of Kompetenznetze Deutschland, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 2
  • 3. What is the NoAE Innovation Competition? Demands, search fields, requirements Supply side Demand side Inventor, founder Manufacturer Universities System supplier Research institutes Tier 2/3 SMEs -> Innovators NoAE Innovation -> Jury Competition Ideas & Innovations NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 3
  • 4. The Start: Innovation Competition 2007 Innovation outside Automotive - NON-automotive automotive meets health A2T Internet & Energy Communication NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 4
  • 5. Innovation Competition 2007 Cooperation: Carmakers R&D-partners Innovation-Experts Associations Mediapartner Over 150 Registrations/5 Countries 30 Champions www.noae.com From Ideas to Projects under the auspices of the Federal German Minister of Economics, Michael Glos NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 5
  • 6. Innovation Competition 2008 Expansion to Austria and Switzerland Definition of three Topiclusters: Wellness and Health in the Car Navigation and Infotainment CO2, Lightweight-Construction & new Materials 170 Registrations from 8 Countries 30 Champions from Germany and Austria (3) Padron Minister Michael Glos NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 6
  • 7. Innovation Competition 2009 Expansion to Netherlands Four Topic-Cluster: Comfort und Function Navigation and Infotainment CO2, Leightweight-Construciton & new Materials Flexible Production 380 Registrations from 20 Countries 30 Champions from Germany, the Neterhlands (4), Austria and Switzerland Padron Minister zu Guttenberg NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 7
  • 8. Innovation Competition 2010 Kick-off D端sseldorf, Germany Padron Minister R. Br端derle NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 8
  • 9. Topic cluster 3: Eco-Innovation New Approaches in CO2 Reduction A continuous reduction in fuel consumption and therefore less CO2 emissions are the central goals of the automobile industry. In topic cluster 3, innovations are being sought after, which utilise all the possible ways to reduce CO2. This includes the optimisation of the drive train, the increase in efficiency of motors and the acceleration in developing alternative fuels and powertrains. Overcoming driving resistances through the reduction of the vehicle weight and the air resistance, and helping the driver save fuel with assistance systems are of central importance. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of all consumers in the vehicle will be optimised. NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 9
  • 10. 10 Languages at www.noae.com Online-Registration in English and German 420 Registrations from 23 Countries 30 Champions from Canada (1) Israel (2) USA (1) the Netherlands (1) Austria (4) and Germany (20) NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 10
  • 11. 4. Projectday 17th March Duesseldorf 500 Particpants from 14 countries
  • 12. Canada and the Netherlands NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 12
  • 13. Austria and USA NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 13
  • 14. Japan and China Japan: China: Die japanische Die chinesische Delegation Delegation im Foyer im Raum 2 NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 14
  • 15. Israel und Spain NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 15
  • 16. Switzerland, Czech Republik, Romania NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 16
  • 17. Marketplace 1: Drive Train NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 17
  • 18. Marketplace 2: Battery NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 18
  • 19. Marketplace 3: Elektric NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 19
  • 20. Marketplace 4: Heating & Cooling NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 20
  • 21. Marketplace 5: Lightweight construction new materials NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 21
  • 22. Marketplace 6: IT NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 22
  • 23. Marketplace 7: Infrastructure NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 23
  • 24. Marketplace 8: Production NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 24
  • 25. Marketplace 9: Saftey NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 25
  • 26. Marketplace 10: Business Models NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 26
  • 27. Marketplace 11: Regions and Pilots NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 27
  • 28. Marketplace 12: Integrated Mobility NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 28
  • 29. Marketplace 13: Experts NoAE | Network of Automotive Excellence | 3. April 2011 Seite 29
  • 30. Contact ewf institute Dipl.-Kfm. Herbert K旦pplinger Becker-Gundahl-Str. 19 D 81479 M端nchen Telefon + 49 89 7489 - 9669 Telefax + 49 89 7806 - 4422 Mobil + 49 170 52 77 666 E-Mail: h.koepplinger@ewf-insitute.com www.noae.com NoAE | Innovation Competition 2011 3. April 2011 Seite 30