The document discusses language policies and practices in Reykjavik's preschool system, which serves over 5,700 children including over 1,100 with diverse linguistic backgrounds and 50 different languages spoken. It outlines the national and city-level policies emphasizing inclusion and support for active bilingualism. Resources provided to preschools include a Polish-speaking teacher, multilingual materials for parents, and programs cultivating respect for diverse mother tongues while helping children learn Icelandic. The goal is ensuring educational and social success for all children through cooperation between families, preschools, and the community.
Second Chance Projecte Romania. Marius Daniel StanescuDepartament de Justícia. Generalitat de Catalunya.Projecte europeu Grundtvig. Projecte Second Chance.
Jornada L'educació als centres penitenciaris, una segona oportunitat.
Presentació del projecte Grundtvig Second Chance de Romania.
Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada, 26 de març de 2015
Mother TongueMiguel ÁngelThe document outlines activities to improve reading and writing for students at a primary school in Seville, Spain. It includes daily reading time at school and home, visits to public libraries, open library hours, storytelling, making reading logs and tracking books read. It also details video stories, book fairs, older students reading to younger ones, classroom libraries, guest storytellers, and using the internet for reading activities. To improve writing, it recommends keeping diaries, writing blogs, crafting stories, and writing about personal topics like family and holidays.
Newsletter 5th issue spain Antonio García LópezThis document summarizes the fifth meeting of the Erasmus+ school-to-school project held in Rauma, Finland from January 26th to February 1st, 2019. Teachers and students from Denmark, Greece, Spain, and Sweden participated in activities focused on metacognitive strategies, mindfulness, recycling, and Finnish culture. The week included visiting sites in nature, the town center, making presentations, and socializing with host families. Students benefited from learning about sleep, nutrition, sport, and becoming responsible adults and citizens. The meeting concluded with a farewell party before visits to Helsinki and looking forward to the next meeting in Sweden.
How to make relevant encounters and meet audiences within the changing schoo...SannaValorantaSaltikPresentation in conference "Informal Approach to Formal Education: a Teacher as an Object and a Subject of Museum Education" at Moscow on October 25-27th 2018
Newsletter.The sixth meeting in MölndalAntonio García LópezThe sixth meeting of the Erasmus+ school partnership project took place in Mölndal, Sweden from May 19th to 24th. Students and teachers from Denmark, Greece, Spain and Finland participated in the exchange. Activities included students getting to know each other, presentations on their home countries, working on future career projects, orienteering in the forest, visiting a palace and museum, and holding a UN roleplay on climate change. Cultural experiences involved visiting Mölndal and Gothenburg and dining together in local restaurants. All found the experience to be great, with students wishing to stay longer.
Meetings'reports italyAg.Manteigas -coordenadora Erasmus+The document summarizes a meeting of teachers and students in Liege, Belgium for a collaborative education project focused on logical games. Key points:
- Teachers and students from multiple countries arrived and settled in to hotels, meeting partners from other schools.
- They visited local schools that use innovative teaching methods like Celestine Freinet, observing interactive lessons. Students stayed with host families.
- The group toured landmarks in Liege like city hall and the riverfront, learning about its history. They played Belgian logic games and planned future activities.
- Meetings were held to discuss the school systems, activities for upcoming periods, and the next meeting in Austria. The experience provided insights into different educational approaches.
DES Erasmus+ 2017 2019Petros GeorgiakakisThis document outlines the activities and tasks for an Erasmus+ project taking place between 2017-2019 involving partnerships between schools and kindergartens in multiple European countries. It involves over 20 specific activities organized into themes like science, maths, and language clubs. Key activities include teacher exchanges between countries, conducting experiments and games to teach children basic concepts, creating magazines for kids, and evaluating the projects outcomes. The goal is to promote collaboration and sharing of ideas between the partner institutions.
ERASMUS MASTER - Newsletter Denmark - Feb 2018cristosThe Greek team from the 4th gymnasium of Chania participated in a mobility experience in Denmark from February 2nd to 9th. Five students and two teachers stayed with Danish families and participated in project activities at the Kjellerupskole school. They were impressed by the modern facilities at the school and the hospitality of their Danish hosts. The mobility activities included LEGO building, filmmaking around achieving goals, and visits to a modern art museum and aquarium. The students felt they had opened a door from Greece to Denmark and emphasized making new friends as the most important part.
Spotlight on FAImran KhanThe Rare Disease Awareness Network is holding several upcoming events in February to raise awareness for rare diseases, including their First Annual Blood Drive on February 24th. They are also asking local businesses to offer 10% discounts on February 28th for Rare Disease Day to help spread information. The newsletter highlights an individual named Imran Khan who was diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia at age 18 and discusses his experiences raising awareness for the condition through social media and advocacy work.
Verkefni þemakassi; Málörvun barna í fjölbreyttum hóp. Halldóra Björg ...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
Re religion and human experienceRevision ResourceThis document summarizes and compares some key teachings about harmony and tolerance in Christianity and Islam. It provides several quotes from the Bible promoting love, mercy, forgiveness and laying down one's life for others. For Islam, it notes a hadith about desiring for others what one desires for oneself, and quotes from the Quran about fighting only in self-defense against aggressors and when attacked.
Report about seminar "CARAP for parents" of ECML in Graz María SastreMóðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
Chemistry Core Notes Edexcel.Revision ResourceThe document discusses several topics related to chemistry including:
1. How to test for the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere by using copper in a reaction that uses up oxygen.
2. The rock cycle and the three main types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks.
3. Electrolysis and how it can be used to produce chlorine from sodium chloride solution or aluminum from molten bauxite ore.
Móðurmál á liðnu skólaári horft til framtíðar Marina MendozaMóðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on sept. 2014.
Writing Better Tests - Applying Clean-Code TDD at 99designslachlandonaldThe document discusses best practices for writing tests, including that tests should prove designed behaviors, focus on testing single units of code or closely collaborating classes, and be readable with short, clearly named methods that clearly indicate what is being tested and the expected result. Tests should follow guidelines like having a single concept, being short and readable, testing behaviors rather than configurations, using a build-operate-check structure, and having one assertion per test.
Chemistry Additional Notes EdexcelRevision Resource1. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons to form electrically charged particles. Ionic compounds have high melting points and conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water.
2. Transition metal hydroxides are insoluble in water and form precipitates when a soluble transition metal compound is mixed with sodium hydroxide solution.
3. Spectroscopy studies the patterns of light emitted from heated samples to identify elements and discover new elements like rubidium and caesium.
An integral approach to learning: cross-cutting objectives (Elena Martínez Pé...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers: "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" that the Icelandic association Móðurmál organized on september 2014.
School-home cooperation and activating parent resources – theory and illustra...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
Biology Aditional Notes EdexcelRevision ResourceThis document provides information on several biology topics in three main sections:
1) It describes the structure of DNA, including that DNA is made of two strands coiled in a double helix shape held together by bases that pair together.
2) It explains protein synthesis, where genes on DNA code for amino acid sequences in proteins. The process involves transcription of DNA to mRNA and translation of mRNA using tRNAs and ribosomes.
3) It discusses several other concepts like enzymes, genetic modification, mitosis, meiosis, cloning, stem cells, respiration, diffusion, osmosis, active transport, and organ systems like circulation and digestion.
School-home cooperation and activating parent resources – methods and materia...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
salman pptMohammad Salman SiddiquiThis document discusses a study on the retail penetration of Amul Fresh products in parts of Delhi East. The objectives were to study consumer response to promotions, identify needs of area promoters, and explore consumer awareness of Amul curd and buttermilk against competitors. A survey was conducted with 150 respondents through convenient sampling. Findings showed most retailers were interested in sales but some not due to low margins. It was recommended Amul increase advertisements, offer free samples and attractive packaging, replace damaged products on time, and provide schemes to attract retailers and customers.
Promoting and supporting language development in multilingual and multicultu...cutrimschmid Here are some potential criteria for best practice in promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism in early childhood settings:
1. EYPs acknowledge and value the diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the children
2. Home languages and cultures are represented authentically through resources like books, songs, artifacts
3. EYPs collaborate with families to understand children's linguistic and cultural experiences
4. Activities intentionally integrate home languages and cultures in daily routines, celebrations, etc.
5. EYPs receive training to develop knowledge and skills for supporting multilingualism
6. Settings provide opportunities for children to learn key aspects of one another's languages and cultures
7. Environments include multilingual signs, labels, instructions
Analyzing the language project from kurutziaga ikastolaabgarbiKurutziaga Ikastola has developed a language project to promote Basque while also developing students' proficiency in other languages. Their goals are to use Basque as the main language of instruction and communication at the school, while also ensuring students learn Spanish, English, and optionally French. To achieve this, they implement immersive language projects for Basque and English, integrate content and language learning, and provide ongoing training for teachers. The school aims to prepare students for a multilingual society by developing strong competencies in multiple languages.
NEP and Role of School Library and LibrarianS. L. FaisalThe document summarizes key aspects of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) related to the role of school libraries and librarians. It discusses establishing school/public libraries as integral parts of the teaching and learning process. Libraries will be made available to communities after school hours and digital libraries will be prioritized. The NEP 2020 also emphasizes collection development focusing on multilingual resources, subjects, special needs, and experiential learning. It promotes connecting libraries with society by celebrating schools as community institutions and inviting community involvement. Professional development of librarians is also highlighted, with an expectation of 50 hours of training annually for librarians.
FINLAND-report.pptxSahRahFernandezFinland has a highly decentralized education system that provides free education from early childhood through university, including meals and transportation. The system is guided by a national curriculum but schools have autonomy. Education progresses from early childhood education, nine years of compulsory comprehensive school that provides academic and vocational tracks, and voluntary upper secondary education that prepares students for university or vocational training. Teachers have substantial independence and influence over curriculum and policy. The system emphasizes equity, learner-centered practices, and producing well-rounded, engaged citizens.
PPP May 19th for visting teachers and for Krashenbmb345This document discusses the importance of mother tongue development in international schools. It summarizes research showing that rejecting a student's home language can negatively impact their identity, self-esteem, and academic achievement. The document advocates for a three-program model that provides English immersion, mother tongue support to aid comprehension, and cultural awareness programs. It describes how the International School of Stuttgart implements this approach through mother tongue classes, collaboration between teachers, and efforts to integrate home languages into the curriculum and make them visible throughout the school. The goal is to help students make connections between their mother tongue and English to facilitate language learning and access the curriculum.
Spotlight on FAImran KhanThe Rare Disease Awareness Network is holding several upcoming events in February to raise awareness for rare diseases, including their First Annual Blood Drive on February 24th. They are also asking local businesses to offer 10% discounts on February 28th for Rare Disease Day to help spread information. The newsletter highlights an individual named Imran Khan who was diagnosed with Friedreich's Ataxia at age 18 and discusses his experiences raising awareness for the condition through social media and advocacy work.
Verkefni þemakassi; Málörvun barna í fjölbreyttum hóp. Halldóra Björg ...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
Re religion and human experienceRevision ResourceThis document summarizes and compares some key teachings about harmony and tolerance in Christianity and Islam. It provides several quotes from the Bible promoting love, mercy, forgiveness and laying down one's life for others. For Islam, it notes a hadith about desiring for others what one desires for oneself, and quotes from the Quran about fighting only in self-defense against aggressors and when attacked.
Report about seminar "CARAP for parents" of ECML in Graz María SastreMóðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
Chemistry Core Notes Edexcel.Revision ResourceThe document discusses several topics related to chemistry including:
1. How to test for the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere by using copper in a reaction that uses up oxygen.
2. The rock cycle and the three main types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks.
3. Electrolysis and how it can be used to produce chlorine from sodium chloride solution or aluminum from molten bauxite ore.
Móðurmál á liðnu skólaári horft til framtíðar Marina MendozaMóðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on sept. 2014.
Writing Better Tests - Applying Clean-Code TDD at 99designslachlandonaldThe document discusses best practices for writing tests, including that tests should prove designed behaviors, focus on testing single units of code or closely collaborating classes, and be readable with short, clearly named methods that clearly indicate what is being tested and the expected result. Tests should follow guidelines like having a single concept, being short and readable, testing behaviors rather than configurations, using a build-operate-check structure, and having one assertion per test.
Chemistry Additional Notes EdexcelRevision Resource1. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons to form electrically charged particles. Ionic compounds have high melting points and conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water.
2. Transition metal hydroxides are insoluble in water and form precipitates when a soluble transition metal compound is mixed with sodium hydroxide solution.
3. Spectroscopy studies the patterns of light emitted from heated samples to identify elements and discover new elements like rubidium and caesium.
An integral approach to learning: cross-cutting objectives (Elena Martínez Pé...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers: "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" that the Icelandic association Móðurmál organized on september 2014.
School-home cooperation and activating parent resources – theory and illustra...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
Biology Aditional Notes EdexcelRevision ResourceThis document provides information on several biology topics in three main sections:
1) It describes the structure of DNA, including that DNA is made of two strands coiled in a double helix shape held together by bases that pair together.
2) It explains protein synthesis, where genes on DNA code for amino acid sequences in proteins. The process involves transcription of DNA to mRNA and translation of mRNA using tRNAs and ribosomes.
3) It discusses several other concepts like enzymes, genetic modification, mitosis, meiosis, cloning, stem cells, respiration, diffusion, osmosis, active transport, and organ systems like circulation and digestion.
School-home cooperation and activating parent resources – methods and materia...Móðurmál - Samtök um tvittyngiPart of the course for teachers "MÁLÖRVUN BARNA Í FJÖLBREYTTUM HÓP á leikskóla- og grunnskólastigi" organized by Móðurmál on september 2014.
salman pptMohammad Salman SiddiquiThis document discusses a study on the retail penetration of Amul Fresh products in parts of Delhi East. The objectives were to study consumer response to promotions, identify needs of area promoters, and explore consumer awareness of Amul curd and buttermilk against competitors. A survey was conducted with 150 respondents through convenient sampling. Findings showed most retailers were interested in sales but some not due to low margins. It was recommended Amul increase advertisements, offer free samples and attractive packaging, replace damaged products on time, and provide schemes to attract retailers and customers.
Promoting and supporting language development in multilingual and multicultu...cutrimschmid Here are some potential criteria for best practice in promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism in early childhood settings:
1. EYPs acknowledge and value the diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the children
2. Home languages and cultures are represented authentically through resources like books, songs, artifacts
3. EYPs collaborate with families to understand children's linguistic and cultural experiences
4. Activities intentionally integrate home languages and cultures in daily routines, celebrations, etc.
5. EYPs receive training to develop knowledge and skills for supporting multilingualism
6. Settings provide opportunities for children to learn key aspects of one another's languages and cultures
7. Environments include multilingual signs, labels, instructions
Analyzing the language project from kurutziaga ikastolaabgarbiKurutziaga Ikastola has developed a language project to promote Basque while also developing students' proficiency in other languages. Their goals are to use Basque as the main language of instruction and communication at the school, while also ensuring students learn Spanish, English, and optionally French. To achieve this, they implement immersive language projects for Basque and English, integrate content and language learning, and provide ongoing training for teachers. The school aims to prepare students for a multilingual society by developing strong competencies in multiple languages.
NEP and Role of School Library and LibrarianS. L. FaisalThe document summarizes key aspects of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) related to the role of school libraries and librarians. It discusses establishing school/public libraries as integral parts of the teaching and learning process. Libraries will be made available to communities after school hours and digital libraries will be prioritized. The NEP 2020 also emphasizes collection development focusing on multilingual resources, subjects, special needs, and experiential learning. It promotes connecting libraries with society by celebrating schools as community institutions and inviting community involvement. Professional development of librarians is also highlighted, with an expectation of 50 hours of training annually for librarians.
FINLAND-report.pptxSahRahFernandezFinland has a highly decentralized education system that provides free education from early childhood through university, including meals and transportation. The system is guided by a national curriculum but schools have autonomy. Education progresses from early childhood education, nine years of compulsory comprehensive school that provides academic and vocational tracks, and voluntary upper secondary education that prepares students for university or vocational training. Teachers have substantial independence and influence over curriculum and policy. The system emphasizes equity, learner-centered practices, and producing well-rounded, engaged citizens.
PPP May 19th for visting teachers and for Krashenbmb345This document discusses the importance of mother tongue development in international schools. It summarizes research showing that rejecting a student's home language can negatively impact their identity, self-esteem, and academic achievement. The document advocates for a three-program model that provides English immersion, mother tongue support to aid comprehension, and cultural awareness programs. It describes how the International School of Stuttgart implements this approach through mother tongue classes, collaboration between teachers, and efforts to integrate home languages into the curriculum and make them visible throughout the school. The goal is to help students make connections between their mother tongue and English to facilitate language learning and access the curriculum.
Voluntariado en dinamarca yes europaYesEuropaPlazas del cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad de YesEuropa en Dinamarca:
MOTHER TONGUE by Group 11 BSEd SSt.minorjoanamarieThe document discusses Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) in the Philippines. It is the policy in the Philippines to use local mother tongues as the language of instruction from Kindergarten to Grade 3, and then introduce Filipino and English after Grade 3. MTB-MLE aims to develop students' mother tongue foundation first before adding other languages. It also aims to produce students who are multilingual, multiliterate, and multicultural. Several laws have been passed to institutionalize MTB-MLE, including using mother tongues as the medium of instruction for certain subjects in Grades 1-2.
5. international mindednessKhayyam Bayramov, LLMThe document discusses international mindedness at an International Baccalaureate school. It emphasizes that students should be centered in their own culture through studying their mother tongue and cultural heritage. All programs require studying at least two languages to foster cultural understanding and appreciation of other cultures as well as one's own. The school encourages speaking the mother tongue at home to strengthen language skills and cultural identity. It also explores links with the local community through activities like service projects and participating in cultural events to place the school's work in a global context.
15. subject programme english primary school version 1 180214NisEduThis document outlines the English language curriculum for primary schools in Kazakhstan. It aims to develop students' English communication skills and instill a positive attitude towards learning English. The curriculum is implemented according to the country's trilingual education policy of teaching Kazakh, Russian, and English from grade 1. A variety of teaching approaches are used, including task-based learning and total physical response. Students will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English through activities such as surveys, presentations, guided reading, and drafting writing. Assessment is criteria-based and includes ongoing classroom assessment and end-of-term internal summative assessments.
Curriculum guidelinesCristinaMartinRedondoThis document outlines guidelines for an infant curriculum and assessment criteria for a bilingual Spanish-English project. It describes the objectives of promoting both languages through an integrated curriculum. A working party was formed to develop guidelines, consulting infant schools in the project. The guidelines focus on developing children holistically through topics that also teach language, literacy, math and science skills. Assessment focuses on vocabulary, language accuracy and competencies. The importance of developing children's cognitive, physical, emotional, social and cultural abilities is emphasized.
Comenius prezentacja nr 1 angielskaPod TopolaThis document describes a partnership project between nursery schools in Poland, Turkey, and Finland called "Our Little, Great Motherland". The main goal is to promote European values like tolerance and cultural diversity by exploring each other's histories, traditions, and customs. Students will learn about their own and other cultures through classes, festivals, exhibitions, and meetings between partners. The project aims to develop students' sense of identity and openness while respecting local traditions. It provides benefits like language skills, cultural knowledge, and establishing friendships across Europe.
Multilingual Education: Supporting Language Diversity in Schools ( essay delves into the role of multilingual education in promoting and sustaining linguistic diversity
within educational institutions. In a world where language endangerment is a growing concern,
multilingual education presents an opportunity to integrate heritage and community languages into
mainstream schooling, thus preserving cultural identities and fostering inclusivity. By analyzing the
benefits of using local languages as mediums of instruction, this essay highlights the cognitive, social, and
economic advantages of multilingual education. The discussion extends to the challenges of
implementation, particularly the need for teacher training and resource allocation. Case studies from
various regions, including Ghana and Guatemala, illustrate successful strategies and best practices in
multilingual education, emphasizing the importance of context-specific approaches in diverse linguistic
Presentation pärnu, SwedenhyvinvointimetropoliaThis document summarizes a study on the challenges and possibilities of interaction in multicultural preschools in Sweden from the perspective of preschool teacher students. Interviews with students found they lacked knowledge of multicultural issues in their education program and focused on differences rather than collaboration with parents from other cultures. Students also noted a lack of field placements in multicultural preschools. The study concludes students are only at an initial awareness level of developing intercultural competence and recommends improvements to theoretical education and providing more multicultural experiences through field placements to help students gain skills and competencies in working with diverse populations.
Boekenpret TranscriptReadingSummitThe document summarizes the Dutch program "Boekenpret" which aims to improve language and reading skills for children ages 0-6. The program was developed in response to poor reading performance among Dutch children. It focuses on engaging parents, especially those from low socioeconomic or non-Dutch backgrounds, in reading activities with their young children. The program provides books, materials and guidance to parents on reading routines and language development. It also coordinates between libraries, preschools, healthcare centers and schools to encourage reading and prepare children for primary education.
Research PresentationLeah SnedegarThis document discusses effective early literacy instruction strategies for English language learners. It outlines key early literacy skills like alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness that ELL students need to acquire. Recommendations include supporting students' native language, providing balanced and meaningful literacy programs, and ensuring instruction is culturally appropriate. Classroom strategies presented focus on interactive storybook reading, games to identify letters, and connecting skills between a student's first and second language. Potential pitfalls for teachers to avoid are mismatched instruction, an imbalanced focus on skills, and a lack of ongoing professional development.
Multilingual Families: introduction to the projectJoel JosephsonMultilingual Families : Supporting multilingual families A linguistic treasure for Europe. Preserving the linguistic and multicultural diversity of Europe immigrants and bilingual families.
The “Multilingual Families” project is an important project that is targeted at preserving the languages and culture of the 47.3 million immigrants living in the European Union and the many families with parents with more than one language . These people represent a linguistic treasure house for Europe and one that must be preserved to enhance the linguistic and multi-cultural diversity of Europe.
To preserve this treasure in to the second generation, the children of immigrants and linguistically diverse parents, is vital as a continuing linguistic resource.
Children who are bilingual are also a strong beacon to their monolingual peers that bilingualism, or multilingualism is obtainable.
Class XII - 12 English Project . pptxAshutoshNeemvalThe document is a project report submitted by five students - Shivani, Nimish, Harshit, Pranjal, and Shilesh - to their English teacher, Ms. Shweta Gaba, on the topic of "Mother Language." The report discusses the importance of preserving one's mother tongue through research and a questionnaire. It analyzes the responses to determine that while most people are proud of their mother language, there is societal pressure to use English in professional settings, potentially endangering mother tongues. The group concludes more must be done to protect and celebrate the diversity of languages.
The what why...Relly AquinoThe document discusses mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE). It explains that MTB-MLE uses the student's mother tongue and additional languages in the classroom. Students first learn in their mother tongue to build a strong foundation before adding other languages. Research shows that using a child's mother tongue leads to better educational outcomes. The document outlines the components of MTB-MLE implementation in the Philippines, including teacher training, curriculum development, and advocacy efforts to promote MTB-MLE nationwide.
Learning in Two Languages PlanHector NunezThis document summarizes a learning plan for a bilingual education classroom. It discusses several key points:
1) The classroom uses a 90/10 bilingual model, with most instruction in Spanish but some English group time for reading and singing. This supports students with speech/language impairments in their first language of Spanish.
2) The plan aims to increase parent engagement through home visits, questionnaires, inviting parents to share skills and experiences in the classroom, and meetings to discuss the education system and benefits of bilingualism.
3) Techniques to promote students' language development include using visuals, gestures, total physical response, sheltered instruction with scaffolding, and thematic and hands-on lessons
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nation’s legal framework.
How to Unblock Payment in Odoo 18 AccountingCeline GeorgeIn this slide, we will explore the process of unblocking payments in the Odoo 18 Accounting module. Payment blocks may occur due to various reasons, such as exceeding credit limits or pending approvals. We'll walk through the steps to remove these blocks and ensure smooth payment processing.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ݺߣsCeline GeorgeIntegrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine GeorgeThis slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
Meeting the needs of modern students?, Selina McCoyEconomic and Social Research InstituteNAPD Annual Symposium
“Equity in our Schools: Does the system deliver for all young people?”
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel RegalaThis course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel Regala
Working with diverse languages and cultures in Reykjavik playschools (Friða B. Jónsdóttir)
1. One community many languages
Working with diverse languages and cultures in
Reykjavík‘s preschools
Fríða Bjarney Jónsdóttir
Project manager/consultant
Reykjavík City Department of Education and Youth
3. The Department of Preschool Education
* 64 Pre-schools
* 5700 children – staff number 1.500 +
approximately 100 staff working with
support for children with special needs
* Around 200 of those have another
backround than icelandic.
* 19 private preschools – 1150 children
* 220 child minders – 900 children
is in charge of:
4. Children with a diverse backround
* 1132 children with diverse
* Thereof c.a. 700 with
immigrant parents
* 80 different nationalities and
50 languages
* Most of the children, 264 have
polish as a mother tongue
* 99 children with filippino
* Ongoing project with a polish
speaking teacher to facilitate
language, act as a cultural
broker and work with parents
and teachers.
5. Law and policy for preschools in
* The Icelandic law for preschools:
* Preschools are for all children regardless of physical or mental ability,
culture or religion
* The preschool is the first school stage in the school system and is
intended for children under compulsory school age according to the act
on preschools no. 90/2008.
* Preschools are inclusive and education and care is based
on equality.
* The guidelines assume that each child should be cared for
according to its own needs and in close cooperation with
* National Curriculum Guide for preschool published 2011
* Each preschool is obliged to use the National Curriculum as a guiding
light but every preschool creates its own curriculum which
demonstrates the main goals of each preschool.
6. Policy for preschools in Reykjavík
* The City of Reykjavik’s Human Rights Policy
* Multicultural policy for Preschools in Reykjavík, first issued 2001, revised
and republished 2006
* Multicultural policy for multicultural education and leisure for children
age 2-16, issued 2014.
* Implemented into preschools, elementary schools and after school activities
from 2014-2017
* Reading and literacy policy, “Lesið í leik”
* published September 2013.
* Implemented 2013-2015.
7. Máltaka og læsi ungra
tví/fjöltyngdra barna
* Mál byrjar að þróast í frumbernsku og er náttúrulegt ferli
* Máltaka barns er þroskaferli samofið öllum öðrum þroskaþáttum
* Það á bæði við um máltöku móðurmáls og íslensku sem annars
* Mál þróast yfir í læsi (Bernskulæsi) leikskólaárin mikilvægur grunnur
* Að læra að lesa er ekki náttúrulegt ferli/ We where never born to read
* Til þess að barn þrói með sér tvítyngi/fjöltyngi þarf að vinna markvisst
með móðurmálið/in og íslensku (skólamálið)
* Sameiginleg ábyrgð okkar allra að stuðla að virku tvítyngi
8. Hvernig læra ung börn tungumál?
* Í samskiptum við aðra
* Þar sem samræður leiða til skilnings
* Í Raunverulegum aðstæðum t.d. útikennslu:
* þar sem tækifæri gefst til þess að eiga í samræðum um merkingu út frá
viðfangsefninu (frá hönd til hugar)
* Þegar hægt er að nýta öll skynfærin (lykta, snerta, bragða, hlusta og
* Þar sem þau upplifa að kunnátta þeirra og þekking sé mikilvæg (á
ekki síst við um tvítyngd börn sem eru með annað móðurmál)
* Með því að fá tækifæri til virkrar þátttöku í stað þess að vera
óvirk – Muna blikið í augum barna!!!!
9. Hvernig læra ung börn tungumál?
* Þar sem mikið er lesið fyrir þau og spjallað við þau
* Þar sem hinn fullorðni leggur sig eftir því að hlusta á börn og styður þau
við að koma merkingu sinni á framfæri
* Þar sem málörvun (og stuðningur við máltöku og læsi):
* Tengist því sem verið er að vinna í barnahópnum og þeim orðaforða sem
nauðsynlegur er í þeim aðstæðum
* Felur í sér að börn fá að byggja á reynslu sinni, þau eru undirbúin fyrir þátttöku
í verkefnum og fá stuðning við að vinna úr verkefnum
* Unnið er á dýptina með ákveðið þema eða viðfangsefni s.s. Eins og bækur
texta í ákveðinn tíma og í tengslum við ólík viðfangsefni
10. Language and Literacy Policy for
preschools (Lesið í leik)
* Presents an holistic approach to language and literacy learning
* Emergent literacy – circuit from birth to fully literate
* Highlights the importance of “Active bilingualism” sustaining mother
tongue while learning Icelandic as a second/third (additional) language.
“Proactive cooperation between family and preschool
enhances the opportunity to promote children’s
active bilingualism which is beneficial both for
individual and the society” (Lesið í leik pg. 4).
11. Policy for Multicultural /Intercultural
Education and Play (Heimurinn er hér).
* The policy adresses preschools, compulsory schools
and after school activities
* The guiding light of the policy stresses the
importance of:
Educational and Social Success for all
children and youth along with the
opportunity to become proud of their
identity, background and culture
12. Policy for Multicultural /Intercultural Education
and Play (Heimurinn er hér) cont.
• Three main goals of the
• Proactive and varied
teaching strategies -
Multicultural Education
• Icelandic as a second
language and active
• Working with families
13. Icelandic as a second language
and active bilingualism
* The Policy adresses the importance of quality in language learning and
literacy both in regard to Icelandic and the possibility to sustain mother
* All teachers and staff are responsible for building positive attitudes and
respect towards ALL MOTHER LANGUAGES
* „It is not the job of the special teaching teacher“
* All aspects of language learning should be taken into account
* Social and cognitive - Cummins BISC/CALP
* Language and literacy learning should be a part of the whole curriculum
both in preschool and elementary school
* This is the first policy that focuses on the whole learning of the child also in
regard to after school activities
* Stresses the importance of cooperation (families – Ngo‘s – Library -
14. Cooperation with parents
* Interview with parents before the child starts preschool, with a
interpreter if needed at home or in the preschool. The preschool
teacher and parents share information on:
* Issues regarding the child and families
* Issues regarding the preschool and the adjustment period
* importance of maintaining mother tongue, parents meeting and other things in 10 languages
* Preschools welcome parents to cooperate
* In the preschool a great emphasis is put on building good cooperation with
all parents with the welfare of the child and the group of children as
guidance. Parent cooperation is founded on the basis of equality whereas the
parents are specialists in issues regarding their children and preschool
teachers specialists in the educational environment of young children. The
strength of each preschool community is found in a diverse group of
parents but there are many ways to activate that force in cooperation of
preschools and families.
15. Linguistic development – A Joint
* Information for parents of children in 10 languages:
* Ages 0-3
* Ages 3-6
* Ages 6-10
* Ages 10-16
16. Resources for teachers and parents –
available in 10 languages
* Questions and answears for multilingual families
* Vocabulary lists
* Messages from preschool to parents
17. LAP
* Roma Chumak-Horbatch Language appropriate practices
* Thinging of language and linguistic activities as a research project
* Make children interested and curious for languages and literacy
Assimilative Supportive Inclusive
18. Creating room for languages
Gunhild Tomter Alstad (2014)
* Translanguaging
* Norwegian preschool teacher:
* „Many of them are very interested (in languages) and this has
developed to be more or less like a language play. They want to
know „what‘s that called“ all the time. The monolingual children are
interested in learning for example Somali. Amal (Somali girl) didn‘t
want to say anything in Somali, but now this has suddenly changed,
so now they think it‘s fun. Myn intention was to strengthen their self
image and pride of their own culture and identity and their status in
the group of children“. (Gunhild Tomter Alstad (2014).
20. Starting preschool – preserving
* Book of communication between preschool and family
* To make the adjustment period easier for children and parents
* Better access into Icelandic
* Build respect and knowledge for diverse mother languages
22. Examples of working with children and
families with linguistic and cultural treasures
* Identity texts (skráningar, leiðarbækur)
* Book bags
* Star of the week
* Families engaged in literacy project‘s
* Event book
* Polish speaking facilitator/bridge
* Icelandic courses for parents
* International day of heritage languages
23. The language we carry inside
24. Viðhorf og áhugi
#4: Private preschool get financial support from the city government - contract
TO COMPARE Reykjavík to other citys Kópavogur 20, Akureyri 14
We serve as a model for preschools and preschool works in the country
When we combined preschools most of them were two or three small preschools located on the same lot or very close to each other. One model we have preschool and elementary school that combined.