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MOZILA FIREFOXSPEED: Initial startup time  14 s Average startup time  3.8 sNavigation time  6.4 s SECURITY:  97%
SECURITY FEATURESFirefox uses a sandbox security. Use SSL / TLS to protect communications with web servers using strong cryptography when using the https protocol. It also provides support for smart cards for authentication. It has an antiphishing protection, antimalware and integration with antivirus.
VERSIONS:Version1.5 It was released on November 30, 2005. The original plan was to publish first 1.1 and then 1.5, but after the first alpha versions, the Mozilla Foundation gave version 1.1Version 2.0 Was released on October 24, 2006. This version includes updates to the tabbed browsing, an extension manager, the GUI, the restoration of the session, a spelling checker and an anti-phishing. version 3.0 Was published on June 17, 2008 by the Mozilla Corporation. The new version fixes some bugs, improves standard compliance, and implements new web APIs.Version 3.5  Shiretoko was launched on June 30, 2009. It is compatible with the tag as defined video, audio and HTML 5 specification, in which native support for free codecs Ogg Theora and Ogg VorbisVersion 3.6  was launched on January 21, 2010, which includes notable changes such as eliminating the XPCOM API.Version 4.0 Launched on March 22, 2011, Firefox is the current latest stable version.
INTERNET EXPLORERSPEED:Initial startup time   8.5 s Average startup time  2.2 sNavigation time  7.4 s SECURITY:  87%
SECURITY FEATURESInternet Explorer uses a zone-based security groups and sites on certain conditions, even if it's an Internet or Web-based intranet and a user on the whitelist. Security restrictions apply for each zone, all sites in an area subject to restrictions.Highlight the domainSmart Screen filterManager of complementsThe site scripting filterSecure connection
VERSIONS: Internet Explorer 1.0 Debuted in August 1995. Included with Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 and OEM versions of the operating system.Internet Explorer 2.0 Was released for Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5 and NT 4.0 in November 1995 (after a beta in October). Includes support for SSL encrypted connections, plus support for cookies, VRML, RSA, and Internet newsgroups.Internet Explorer 3.0 Was released in August 1996 and became the first widely used version of Internet Explorer. Developed the first version without the source code of Spyglass.Internet Explorer 4.0, Released in September of 1997 deepened the level of integration between the browser and the underlying operating system. Integration with Windows, however, was widely criticizedInternet Explorer 5.0 Presided over a huge increase in market share of Netscape Navigator, between 1999 and 2001, and offers many advanced features for its day.
Internet Explorer 6.0 Was油released油on油August 27, 2001,油shortly after油Windows油XP油was finished.油This version included DHTML  enhancements油and油partial support of  CSS level 1, DOM and SMIL(2.0).Internet Explorer 7 Was released on October 18, 2006. Included bug fixes, enhancements to its support of standards, configurable search box to use multiple engines, web feed reader, support for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and a filter Phishing (anti-phishing). For security, he split the integration with the Windows desktop.Internet Explorer 8 Was published on March 19, 2009. Development process began in August 2007. On March 5, 2008, was released a first public beta version (English only), set to an audience of developers and web designers. On January 26, 2009 was released its latest draft, with this so-called RC 1. IE8 is compatible with Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3.Internet explorer 9.0  Was published on March 14, 2011, and is available as a free update for Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2, in addition to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
GOOGLE CHROMESPEED:Initial startup time  8.1 s Average startup time  3.1 sNavigation time  7s SECURITY:  90%
SECURITY FEATURESGoogle Chrome have save browsing; a program  will show you a warning message before you visit a site that is suspected of containing malware or phishing. Too developed a sand boxing  and auto update that consist in  prevent malware from installing itself on your computer or using what happens in one browser tab to affect what happens in another and  To make sure that you are protected by the latest security updates, Chrome checks for updates regularly to make sure that it's always kept up-to-date
VERSIONS:VERSION 0.2:September 2 ,2008; include peel browser tabs,  incognito mode,油multi-tabbed, quick access油to common sites,油create shortcuts to web applications with Google Gears. VERSION 1: December 11 ,2008; export and import油bookmarks,油V8油engine upgrade油for more speeding油JavaScript.VERSION 2: May21, 2009VERSION 3: September 15, 2009; added support for HTML 5, audio and video, newpage油for quick access to油common sites, support for visual themes.VERSION 4: January 25, 2010; Crome Beta for Linux and  for Mac OS X
VERSION 5: May 25, 2010; stable version for Windows, Linux and Mac. New features in HTML5:油 App油Cache,油Socket油web, drag油and油drop油files.VERSION 6:  September 2, 2010; it has auto-complete forms, timing and synchronization, extensions form data,油and selection油of油items that you油want油to sync online.VERSION 7:  October 19, 2010VERSION 8: December 2, 2010; this version has fixed over 800 bugs油and stability improvements. The油PDF油reader油is油enabled油by default油part of油the油Chrome油sandbox security油without油the油need to install油third party software to油read PDF files.VERSION 9: February 3, 2011; the Chrome Web Store is open to all user, added油a link油to油the Web油Store油on the page油"New油Tab", and油added two油sample applications.VERSION 10: March 8, 2011VERSION 11:  March 22, 2011; launching a new logo Google卒s minimalist油Chrome.油GPU-enabled3D油acceleration油CSS,油allowing you to add油3D油effects油using油CSS.
SAFARISPEED:Initial startup time  10.6 s Average startup time  3.7 sNavigation time  7.8 sSECURITY:  82%
SECURITY FEATURESXSS AuditorCookie BlockingPrivate BrowsingPhishing ProtectionPop-Up BlockingMalware Protection
VERSIONS:SAFARI 1:  Was released on January 7, 2003. Initially only available as a separate download for Mac OS X v10.2, it was included with the Mac OS X v10.3 release on October 24, 2003 as the default browser, with Internet Explorer for Mac included only as an alternative browser.SAFARI 2: Was released on April 29, 2005 as the only web browser included with油Mac OS X v10.4油.油This version was touted by Apple as possessing a 1.8x speed boost over version 1.2.4, but did not yet include the Acid2 bug fixes.油SAFARI 3: Was released on June 11, 2007for油Mac OS X v10.5油, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.油During the announcement, he ran a benchmark based on the油iBench油browser test suite comparing the most popular Windows browsers,hence claiming that Safari was the fastest browser.
SAFARI 4 : On June 2, 2008, the WebKit development team announced SquirrelFish,油a new油JavaScript engine油that vastly improves Safari's speed at interpreting scripts.油The engine is one of the new features in Safari 4, released to developers on June 11, 2008.油A public beta of Safari 4 was released on February 24, 2009, with new features such as the Top Sites tool which displays the user's most visited sites on a 3D wall.油油Cover Flow油, a feature of Mac OS X and油iTunes油, was also implemented in Safari.油SAFARI 5 : Apple released Safari 5 on June 7, 2010, includes improved developer tools and supports more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies, focused on interoperability. Apple also re-added the progress bar behind the address bar in this release.油Safari 5.0.1 enabled the Extensions PrefPane by default, previously users had to enable it via the Debug menu.
OPERASPEED: Initial startup time  7.1 s Average startup time  4.4 sNavigation time  7.3 sSECURITY:  88%
SECURITY FEATURESCookie controlSecurity badgesFraud and Malware protectionPrivate tabs
VERSION:VERSION 2.0: Opera was first released publicly with version 2.0 in 1996,油which only ran on油Microsoft Windows.In an attempt to capitalize on the emerging market for Internet-connected handheld devices, a project to port Opera to mobile device platforms油was started in 1998.油VERSION 4.0: Opera 4.0, released in 2000,油included a new cross-platform core that facilitated creation of editions of Opera for multiple油operating systems油and油platforms.VERSION 5.0 Released in 2000VERSION 8.5 Released in 2005
VERSION 9.0: Was released in 2006, include fraud protection using technology from油GeoTrust, a油digital certificate油provider, and油PhishTank, an organization that tracks known油phishing油web sites.VERSION 10.10: Opera 10.10 with Futhark on Windows, including vector graphics library, Vega, which handles all of the browser's rendering. release in December 2009.VERSION 11: Was released on December 16, 2010, with featuring油extensions, tab stacking, visual mouse gestures, and changes to the address field.The new address field hides some of the whole URL, such as the油protocol and query strings, but this can be turned off.
MAXTHONDATE OF RELEASED: 2004SPEED:Initial startup time  7s Average startup time  6.4 sNavigation time  8s SECURITY:  75%
FLOCKSPEED:Initial startup time  20.2 s Average startup time  8 sNavigation time  8.3 s SECURITY: 79%
VERSIONS:Earlier versions of Flock used the Gecko HTML rendering engine by油Mozilla. Version 2.6.2, released in July 2010, was the last version based on Mozilla.Starting with version 3, Flock is based on油Chromium油and so uses the油WebKit油rendering engine.Flock is available as a free download, and supports油Microsoft Windows油and油Mac OS X油platforms (previously also油Linux).Flock 2.5 integrates social networking and media services including油MySpace, Facebook, YouTube,油Twitter,油Flickr,油Blogger,油Gmail,油Yahoo! Mail,etc.
AVANTSPEED:Initial startup time  25.7 s Average startup time  11 sNavigation time  6.4 s SECURITY:  47%
VERSION:Avant Browser 11 (build 130 released on January 26, 2011), include support for many toolbars that are compatible with IE, a facility for users to create their own scripted toolbar buttons, and a password and form-filling wizard. More radical is the addition of a native油bookmark system油in place of sharing IE's favorites. These bookmarks may be stored online - as can油feeds,油auto fills, and browser settings. This allows the user to synchronize any number of Avant installations on different computers.
DEEPNETSPEED:Initial startup time  11.6 s Average startup time  7.8 sNavigation time  6.3 s SECURITY:  48%
VERSION:The most recent version is 1.5.3 (BETA 3) which was Released October 19, 2006. Developed in Britain, Deepnet Explorer gained early recognition both for its use of anti-phishing油tools and the inclusion of a油peer-to-peer油facility for油file sharing, based on the油Gnutella油network.SECURITY:Developed multiple proxy servers and browsing tracks cleaner
PHASEOUTSPEED: Initial startup time  21.3 s Average startup time  10.7 sNavigation time  8.8 s SECURITY:  92%
VERSION:Phase Out has most of the essential features, but still lacks some of the nice bonus features such as a password manager, feeds, or parental controls. The interface seemed just a little too busy and sacrificed speed. Phase Out is interesting, but not very intuitive, and lacking in features. We recommend using Firefox with an add-on skin if you need to personalize your browser's look.PHASEOUT 5.0PHASEOUT 5.2PHASEOUT 5.3PHASEOUT 5.4
CAMINODATE OF RELEASED: February 14, 2006    (first on mozilla family)SPEED: Initial startup time  19.8 s Average startup time  11.7 sNavigation time  13.1 s SECURITY: 73%Comes with top-notch security features, including anti-phishing
VERSIONS CAMINO 0.1; Released on February 14, 2002CAMINO 0.2; Released on April 6, 2002CAMINO 0.4; Released on July 24, 2002 CAMINO 0.5; Released on September 9, 2002CAMINO 0.6; Released on November 5, 2002CAMINO 0.7; Released on March 6, 2003CAMINO 0.8; Released on June 25, 2004CAMINO 1.0; Released on February 14, 2006CAMINO 1.5; Released on June 5, 2007CAMINO 1.6; Released on April 17, 2008CAMINO 2.0; Released on Nobember 18, 2009CAMINO 2.0.7; Released on March 22, 2011
SEAMONKEYSPEED:Initial startup time  20,9 s Average startup time  15.7 sNavigation time  11,1 s SECURITY: 66%Comes with Cookie blocker, The site scripting filter and Secure connection
VERSIONS:SEAMONKEY 1.0 ALPHA; Released on September 15, 2005SEAMONKEY 1.0 STABLE; Released on January 30, 2006 SEAMONKEY 2.0 ALPHA 2; Released on December 10, 2008SEAMONKEY 2.0; Released on October 27, 2009SEAMONKEY 2.1 BETA 1; Released on October 20, 2010SEAMONKEY 2.1 BETA 2; Released on February 14, 2011
NETSURFSPEED:Initial startup time  21 s Average startup time  12.7 sNavigation time  9,5 s SECURITY: 70%
VERSIONS:NETSURF 1.0; Released on May 19, 2007NETSURF 2.0; Released on April, 2009 NETSURF 2.1; Released on May, 2009NETSURF 2.6; Released on September 21, 2010SPEED:Efficiency lies at the heart of the NetSurf engine, allowing it to outwit the heavyweights of the web browser world. The NetSurf team continue to squeeze more speed out of their code.

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  • 2. MOZILA FIREFOXSPEED: Initial startup time 14 s Average startup time 3.8 sNavigation time 6.4 s SECURITY: 97%
  • 3. SECURITY FEATURESFirefox uses a sandbox security. Use SSL / TLS to protect communications with web servers using strong cryptography when using the https protocol. It also provides support for smart cards for authentication. It has an antiphishing protection, antimalware and integration with antivirus.
  • 4. VERSIONS:Version1.5 It was released on November 30, 2005. The original plan was to publish first 1.1 and then 1.5, but after the first alpha versions, the Mozilla Foundation gave version 1.1Version 2.0 Was released on October 24, 2006. This version includes updates to the tabbed browsing, an extension manager, the GUI, the restoration of the session, a spelling checker and an anti-phishing. version 3.0 Was published on June 17, 2008 by the Mozilla Corporation. The new version fixes some bugs, improves standard compliance, and implements new web APIs.Version 3.5 Shiretoko was launched on June 30, 2009. It is compatible with the tag as defined video, audio and HTML 5 specification, in which native support for free codecs Ogg Theora and Ogg VorbisVersion 3.6 was launched on January 21, 2010, which includes notable changes such as eliminating the XPCOM API.Version 4.0 Launched on March 22, 2011, Firefox is the current latest stable version.
  • 6. INTERNET EXPLORERSPEED:Initial startup time 8.5 s Average startup time 2.2 sNavigation time 7.4 s SECURITY: 87%
  • 7. SECURITY FEATURESInternet Explorer uses a zone-based security groups and sites on certain conditions, even if it's an Internet or Web-based intranet and a user on the whitelist. Security restrictions apply for each zone, all sites in an area subject to restrictions.Highlight the domainSmart Screen filterManager of complementsThe site scripting filterSecure connection
  • 8. VERSIONS: Internet Explorer 1.0 Debuted in August 1995. Included with Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 and OEM versions of the operating system.Internet Explorer 2.0 Was released for Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5 and NT 4.0 in November 1995 (after a beta in October). Includes support for SSL encrypted connections, plus support for cookies, VRML, RSA, and Internet newsgroups.Internet Explorer 3.0 Was released in August 1996 and became the first widely used version of Internet Explorer. Developed the first version without the source code of Spyglass.Internet Explorer 4.0, Released in September of 1997 deepened the level of integration between the browser and the underlying operating system. Integration with Windows, however, was widely criticizedInternet Explorer 5.0 Presided over a huge increase in market share of Netscape Navigator, between 1999 and 2001, and offers many advanced features for its day.
  • 9. Internet Explorer 6.0 Was油released油on油August 27, 2001,油shortly after油Windows油XP油was finished.油This version included DHTML enhancements油and油partial support of CSS level 1, DOM and SMIL(2.0).Internet Explorer 7 Was released on October 18, 2006. Included bug fixes, enhancements to its support of standards, configurable search box to use multiple engines, web feed reader, support for Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) and a filter Phishing (anti-phishing). For security, he split the integration with the Windows desktop.Internet Explorer 8 Was published on March 19, 2009. Development process began in August 2007. On March 5, 2008, was released a first public beta version (English only), set to an audience of developers and web designers. On January 26, 2009 was released its latest draft, with this so-called RC 1. IE8 is compatible with Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3.Internet explorer 9.0 Was published on March 14, 2011, and is available as a free update for Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2, in addition to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • 11. GOOGLE CHROMESPEED:Initial startup time 8.1 s Average startup time 3.1 sNavigation time 7s SECURITY: 90%
  • 12. SECURITY FEATURESGoogle Chrome have save browsing; a program will show you a warning message before you visit a site that is suspected of containing malware or phishing. Too developed a sand boxing and auto update that consist in prevent malware from installing itself on your computer or using what happens in one browser tab to affect what happens in another and To make sure that you are protected by the latest security updates, Chrome checks for updates regularly to make sure that it's always kept up-to-date
  • 13. VERSIONS:VERSION 0.2:September 2 ,2008; include peel browser tabs, incognito mode,油multi-tabbed, quick access油to common sites,油create shortcuts to web applications with Google Gears. VERSION 1: December 11 ,2008; export and import油bookmarks,油V8油engine upgrade油for more speeding油JavaScript.VERSION 2: May21, 2009VERSION 3: September 15, 2009; added support for HTML 5, audio and video, newpage油for quick access to油common sites, support for visual themes.VERSION 4: January 25, 2010; Crome Beta for Linux and for Mac OS X
  • 14. VERSION 5: May 25, 2010; stable version for Windows, Linux and Mac. New features in HTML5:油 App油Cache,油Socket油web, drag油and油drop油files.VERSION 6: September 2, 2010; it has auto-complete forms, timing and synchronization, extensions form data,油and selection油of油items that you油want油to sync online.VERSION 7: October 19, 2010VERSION 8: December 2, 2010; this version has fixed over 800 bugs油and stability improvements. The油PDF油reader油is油enabled油by default油part of油the油Chrome油sandbox security油without油the油need to install油third party software to油read PDF files.VERSION 9: February 3, 2011; the Chrome Web Store is open to all user, added油a link油to油the Web油Store油on the page油"New油Tab", and油added two油sample applications.VERSION 10: March 8, 2011VERSION 11: March 22, 2011; launching a new logo Google卒s minimalist油Chrome.油GPU-enabled3D油acceleration油CSS,油allowing you to add油3D油effects油using油CSS.
  • 16. SAFARISPEED:Initial startup time 10.6 s Average startup time 3.7 sNavigation time 7.8 sSECURITY: 82%
  • 17. SECURITY FEATURESXSS AuditorCookie BlockingPrivate BrowsingPhishing ProtectionPop-Up BlockingMalware Protection
  • 18. VERSIONS:SAFARI 1: Was released on January 7, 2003. Initially only available as a separate download for Mac OS X v10.2, it was included with the Mac OS X v10.3 release on October 24, 2003 as the default browser, with Internet Explorer for Mac included only as an alternative browser.SAFARI 2: Was released on April 29, 2005 as the only web browser included with油Mac OS X v10.4油.油This version was touted by Apple as possessing a 1.8x speed boost over version 1.2.4, but did not yet include the Acid2 bug fixes.油SAFARI 3: Was released on June 11, 2007for油Mac OS X v10.5油, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.油During the announcement, he ran a benchmark based on the油iBench油browser test suite comparing the most popular Windows browsers,hence claiming that Safari was the fastest browser.
  • 19. SAFARI 4 : On June 2, 2008, the WebKit development team announced SquirrelFish,油a new油JavaScript engine油that vastly improves Safari's speed at interpreting scripts.油The engine is one of the new features in Safari 4, released to developers on June 11, 2008.油A public beta of Safari 4 was released on February 24, 2009, with new features such as the Top Sites tool which displays the user's most visited sites on a 3D wall.油油Cover Flow油, a feature of Mac OS X and油iTunes油, was also implemented in Safari.油SAFARI 5 : Apple released Safari 5 on June 7, 2010, includes improved developer tools and supports more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies, focused on interoperability. Apple also re-added the progress bar behind the address bar in this release.油Safari 5.0.1 enabled the Extensions PrefPane by default, previously users had to enable it via the Debug menu.
  • 21. OPERASPEED: Initial startup time 7.1 s Average startup time 4.4 sNavigation time 7.3 sSECURITY: 88%
  • 22. SECURITY FEATURESCookie controlSecurity badgesFraud and Malware protectionPrivate tabs
  • 23. VERSION:VERSION 2.0: Opera was first released publicly with version 2.0 in 1996,油which only ran on油Microsoft Windows.In an attempt to capitalize on the emerging market for Internet-connected handheld devices, a project to port Opera to mobile device platforms油was started in 1998.油VERSION 4.0: Opera 4.0, released in 2000,油included a new cross-platform core that facilitated creation of editions of Opera for multiple油operating systems油and油platforms.VERSION 5.0 Released in 2000VERSION 8.5 Released in 2005
  • 24. VERSION 9.0: Was released in 2006, include fraud protection using technology from油GeoTrust, a油digital certificate油provider, and油PhishTank, an organization that tracks known油phishing油web sites.VERSION 10.10: Opera 10.10 with Futhark on Windows, including vector graphics library, Vega, which handles all of the browser's rendering. release in December 2009.VERSION 11: Was released on December 16, 2010, with featuring油extensions, tab stacking, visual mouse gestures, and changes to the address field.The new address field hides some of the whole URL, such as the油protocol and query strings, but this can be turned off.
  • 26. MAXTHONDATE OF RELEASED: 2004SPEED:Initial startup time 7s Average startup time 6.4 sNavigation time 8s SECURITY: 75%
  • 29. FLOCKSPEED:Initial startup time 20.2 s Average startup time 8 sNavigation time 8.3 s SECURITY: 79%
  • 30. VERSIONS:Earlier versions of Flock used the Gecko HTML rendering engine by油Mozilla. Version 2.6.2, released in July 2010, was the last version based on Mozilla.Starting with version 3, Flock is based on油Chromium油and so uses the油WebKit油rendering engine.Flock is available as a free download, and supports油Microsoft Windows油and油Mac OS X油platforms (previously also油Linux).Flock 2.5 integrates social networking and media services including油MySpace, Facebook, YouTube,油Twitter,油Flickr,油Blogger,油Gmail,油Yahoo! Mail,etc.
  • 32. AVANTSPEED:Initial startup time 25.7 s Average startup time 11 sNavigation time 6.4 s SECURITY: 47%
  • 33. VERSION:Avant Browser 11 (build 130 released on January 26, 2011), include support for many toolbars that are compatible with IE, a facility for users to create their own scripted toolbar buttons, and a password and form-filling wizard. More radical is the addition of a native油bookmark system油in place of sharing IE's favorites. These bookmarks may be stored online - as can油feeds,油auto fills, and browser settings. This allows the user to synchronize any number of Avant installations on different computers.
  • 35. DEEPNETSPEED:Initial startup time 11.6 s Average startup time 7.8 sNavigation time 6.3 s SECURITY: 48%
  • 36. VERSION:The most recent version is 1.5.3 (BETA 3) which was Released October 19, 2006. Developed in Britain, Deepnet Explorer gained early recognition both for its use of anti-phishing油tools and the inclusion of a油peer-to-peer油facility for油file sharing, based on the油Gnutella油network.SECURITY:Developed multiple proxy servers and browsing tracks cleaner
  • 38. PHASEOUTSPEED: Initial startup time 21.3 s Average startup time 10.7 sNavigation time 8.8 s SECURITY: 92%
  • 39. VERSION:Phase Out has most of the essential features, but still lacks some of the nice bonus features such as a password manager, feeds, or parental controls. The interface seemed just a little too busy and sacrificed speed. Phase Out is interesting, but not very intuitive, and lacking in features. We recommend using Firefox with an add-on skin if you need to personalize your browser's look.PHASEOUT 5.0PHASEOUT 5.2PHASEOUT 5.3PHASEOUT 5.4
  • 41. CAMINODATE OF RELEASED: February 14, 2006 (first on mozilla family)SPEED: Initial startup time 19.8 s Average startup time 11.7 sNavigation time 13.1 s SECURITY: 73%Comes with top-notch security features, including anti-phishing
  • 42. VERSIONS CAMINO 0.1; Released on February 14, 2002CAMINO 0.2; Released on April 6, 2002CAMINO 0.4; Released on July 24, 2002 CAMINO 0.5; Released on September 9, 2002CAMINO 0.6; Released on November 5, 2002CAMINO 0.7; Released on March 6, 2003CAMINO 0.8; Released on June 25, 2004CAMINO 1.0; Released on February 14, 2006CAMINO 1.5; Released on June 5, 2007CAMINO 1.6; Released on April 17, 2008CAMINO 2.0; Released on Nobember 18, 2009CAMINO 2.0.7; Released on March 22, 2011
  • 44. SEAMONKEYSPEED:Initial startup time 20,9 s Average startup time 15.7 sNavigation time 11,1 s SECURITY: 66%Comes with Cookie blocker, The site scripting filter and Secure connection
  • 45. VERSIONS:SEAMONKEY 1.0 ALPHA; Released on September 15, 2005SEAMONKEY 1.0 STABLE; Released on January 30, 2006 SEAMONKEY 2.0 ALPHA 2; Released on December 10, 2008SEAMONKEY 2.0; Released on October 27, 2009SEAMONKEY 2.1 BETA 1; Released on October 20, 2010SEAMONKEY 2.1 BETA 2; Released on February 14, 2011
  • 47. NETSURFSPEED:Initial startup time 21 s Average startup time 12.7 sNavigation time 9,5 s SECURITY: 70%
  • 48. VERSIONS:NETSURF 1.0; Released on May 19, 2007NETSURF 2.0; Released on April, 2009 NETSURF 2.1; Released on May, 2009NETSURF 2.6; Released on September 21, 2010SPEED:Efficiency lies at the heart of the NetSurf engine, allowing it to outwit the heavyweights of the web browser world. The NetSurf team continue to squeeze more speed out of their code.