A math exam has gone missing from a classroom at Escola Sant Pau. Three students - Suspect A, Suspect B, and Suspect C - are suspects as they often arrive at school early. Their stories check out as true, but the bus schedule must be used to determine which suspect could have arrived in time to take the exams before 9am. Footprints found at the scene also provide a clue to identify the guilty party.
2. s un sistema de numeraci坦 que no utilitza xifres
com el nostre sistema de numeraci坦. Utilitza 7
lletres maj炭scules a les quals sels ha assignat un
valor num竪ric:
3. Regles per escriure i identificar
nombres romans:
1. Els s鱈mbols I, X, C i M no poden repetir-se
m辿s de tres cops seguits.
Ex: III = 3 IIII= 4 XXX= 30 XXXX=40
2. Els s鱈mbols V, L i D no es poden repetir.
Ex: VV= X LL= C DD= M
4. 3.Si a la dreta duna xifra romana sescriu una
altra igual o menor, el valor daquesta es
suma a lanterior.
Ex: II = 1 +1= 2 VI = 5 + 1 = 6
4. Si a lesquerra duna xifra romana sescriu una
altra menor, el valor daquesta es resta de la
Ex: IV = 5 1 = 4 IX = 10 - 1 = 9
5. Si entre dues xifres qualsevol nexisteix una altra
menor, aquesta restar el seu valor a la
5. II = + = 2
VI = + = 6
XV = + = 15
XVI = + + = 16
VII = + + = 7
XII = + + = 12
XVII = + + + = 17
XX = + = 20
XVIII = + + + + = 18
XXX = + + = 30
LXII = + + + = 62
LXXVI = + + + + = 76