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These Fusty Names Are History
Historical Institutions Update Their Brands
The Chester County (Pa.) Historical Societys History on Tap program has speakers discuss
historic topics at local bars and restaurants. Credit Ed Huberty
In conducting a series of focus groups with mothers of young children and history buffs recently,
the Ohio Historical Society received high marks for its programs and services. But the
organization also learned another important piece of feedback: Its name was off-putting.
They said, We really dont feel ourselves reflected in the Ohio Historical Society, that it has a
connotation of being sort of exclusive  not a place that we would feel welcome,  Burt Logan,
the director, said. That caused us to step back and think there was a disconnect between our
image and the audiences that were trying to reach.
As a result, the society now calls itself the Ohio History Connection. The organization is one of
several historical institutions around the country that are rebranding themselves to appeal to a
more contemporary audience and compete in a competitive cultural marketplace.
The Colorado Historical Society is now History Colorado. The Chicago Historical Society is
now the Chicago History Museum. The Fairfield Historical Society in Connecticut is now the
Fairfield Museum and History Center. The Lancaster County Historical Society in Pennsylvania
is now LancasterHistory.org.
Left, an early daguerreotype portrait of Frederick Douglass. Right, a portrait of the explorer
Samuel J. Entriken. Both are part of the Chester County societys collection. Credit Chester
County Historical Society, West Chester, Pa.
Its kind of a transform-or-die model, said Michael A. Jehle, the executive director of the
Fairfield Museum and History Center. You need to demonstrate relevancy. You need to
demonstrate your role in the cultural needs of your constituents. If youre a historical society that
tells the same creaky story, people are not going to pay much attention.
Established in 1904, the Fairfield Historical Society changed its name in 2007 as part of a larger
re-envisioning of the organization. This has included new programming. This year, for
example, the museum celebrated 10 musicians from the region  including the Talking Heads,
Keith Richards and Donna Summer  with the exhibition, Fairfields Rockin Top Ten.
History doesnt have to be colonial, Mr. Jehle said.
Already the institution has seen results. Annual attendance has increased to about 20,000, from
about 2,000 in 2004. And where the museums educational programming used to reach fewer
than 1,000 students each year, it is now drawing close to 6,000.
The Chicago History Museum redesigned its lobby, with a 1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
lowrider. Credit Taylor Glascock for The New York Times
The Chicago History Museum, founded in 1856, changed both its name and its physical
presentation in 2006, jamming its front window with pieces from the collection so passers-by
have a sense of whats inside. It also redesigned its lobby, featuring as a centerpiece a 1978
Chevrolet Monte Carlo lowrider, because Gary T. Johnson, president of the museum, said, it
was built by a group of friends with a Hispanic background, which is relevant to todays
Chicago. It doesnt hark back to another era in history, he added, but it talks about a
changing city. (The museums video about the car has received more than one million hits on
In a way we could say that the oldest cultural institution has become the youngest, Mr.
Johnson said. The feeling was that, in todays world, the word society is a barrier, because to
some people it sends the message that you have a club that maybe theyre not invited to join,
whereas everyone understands that a museum is open to the public and a welcoming place.
History museums need to learn from science museums, Mr. Johnson added, adopting a family
strategy. When the museum featured an exhibition of railroad photographs, for example, it
included places where children could play with toy trains, climb into a caboose, don conductor
caps and swing lanterns.
Families can move through the museum together, he said, and everyone will feel theres
something for them.
The Fairfield Museum and History Center in Connecticut celebrated 10 musicians from the
region. Credit Chad Anderson.
LancasterHistory.org said it had been in major refashioning mode since about 2009 and
changed its name partly to accommodate the consolidation of other local history institutions
under its tent. In 2012, for example, the organization took on the Heritage Centers decorative
arts collection. (The Heritage Center then closed.) It really has to do with shrinking
philanthropic resources during a tough economic time, said Thomas R. Ryan, the president and
chief executive of LancasterHistory.org. Historic house museums have really struggled
We also wanted a name that spoke to a newer, younger demographic, he added. We took the
name of our web address and thought it makes sense just to use that. If people have that, they
know how to contact us and its worked.
In June, the Chester County Historical Society in Pennsylvania announced a grant-funded project
to examine the marketing of its name as well as the names of its buildings and other spaces. For
years, we have been hearing  mostly anecdotally  that our name hindered our ability to reach
new audiences, Robert Lukens, the president, said.
The society would simply like to get the word out to a greater variety of people about all the
historical stuff it has, like one of the youngest images of Frederick Douglass that he gave to
Susan B. Anthony and a rifle that was used on Robert Pearys expedition to the Arctic in his
quest for the North Pole.
We need to change the image of our organization, Mr. Lukens said. We want to make sure
that the excitement that our programs and our collection bring to people is accurately reflected in
what we call ourselves.
In addition to trying to bolster its annual attendance of 32,000  the society would like to break
40,000 in two years  the organization is experimenting with programs like History on Tap,
where speakers discuss historic topics at local bars and restaurants. The website promoted a
recent one at Molly Maguires Irish Restaurant and Pub, noting that the event would provide a
brief history of the Irish in Phoenixville starting from the first immigrants in the 1810s to boxing
in the 1950s.
Its just about reaching more people, and adapting to what our audiences prefer, Mr. Lukens
said. Give people their history in ways that they want it, not ways that we think they want.
A version of this article appears in print on October 26, 2014, on page F9 of the New York
edition with the headline: These Fusty Names Are History. Order Reprints| Today's

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NYT Historical Societies

  • 1. Arts These Fusty Names Are History Historical Institutions Update Their Brands By ROBIN POGREBINOCT. 23, 2014 The Chester County (Pa.) Historical Societys History on Tap program has speakers discuss historic topics at local bars and restaurants. Credit Ed Huberty In conducting a series of focus groups with mothers of young children and history buffs recently, the Ohio Historical Society received high marks for its programs and services. But the organization also learned another important piece of feedback: Its name was off-putting. They said, We really dont feel ourselves reflected in the Ohio Historical Society, that it has a connotation of being sort of exclusive not a place that we would feel welcome, Burt Logan, the director, said. That caused us to step back and think there was a disconnect between our image and the audiences that were trying to reach.
  • 2. As a result, the society now calls itself the Ohio History Connection. The organization is one of several historical institutions around the country that are rebranding themselves to appeal to a more contemporary audience and compete in a competitive cultural marketplace. The Colorado Historical Society is now History Colorado. The Chicago Historical Society is now the Chicago History Museum. The Fairfield Historical Society in Connecticut is now the Fairfield Museum and History Center. The Lancaster County Historical Society in Pennsylvania is now LancasterHistory.org. Left, an early daguerreotype portrait of Frederick Douglass. Right, a portrait of the explorer Samuel J. Entriken. Both are part of the Chester County societys collection. Credit Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, Pa. Its kind of a transform-or-die model, said Michael A. Jehle, the executive director of the Fairfield Museum and History Center. You need to demonstrate relevancy. You need to demonstrate your role in the cultural needs of your constituents. If youre a historical society that tells the same creaky story, people are not going to pay much attention. Established in 1904, the Fairfield Historical Society changed its name in 2007 as part of a larger re-envisioning of the organization. This has included new programming. This year, for example, the museum celebrated 10 musicians from the region including the Talking Heads, Keith Richards and Donna Summer with the exhibition, Fairfields Rockin Top Ten. History doesnt have to be colonial, Mr. Jehle said.
  • 3. Already the institution has seen results. Annual attendance has increased to about 20,000, from about 2,000 in 2004. And where the museums educational programming used to reach fewer than 1,000 students each year, it is now drawing close to 6,000. The Chicago History Museum redesigned its lobby, with a 1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo lowrider. Credit Taylor Glascock for The New York Times The Chicago History Museum, founded in 1856, changed both its name and its physical presentation in 2006, jamming its front window with pieces from the collection so passers-by have a sense of whats inside. It also redesigned its lobby, featuring as a centerpiece a 1978 Chevrolet Monte Carlo lowrider, because Gary T. Johnson, president of the museum, said, it was built by a group of friends with a Hispanic background, which is relevant to todays Chicago. It doesnt hark back to another era in history, he added, but it talks about a changing city. (The museums video about the car has received more than one million hits on YouTube.) In a way we could say that the oldest cultural institution has become the youngest, Mr. Johnson said. The feeling was that, in todays world, the word society is a barrier, because to some people it sends the message that you have a club that maybe theyre not invited to join, whereas everyone understands that a museum is open to the public and a welcoming place. History museums need to learn from science museums, Mr. Johnson added, adopting a family strategy. When the museum featured an exhibition of railroad photographs, for example, it included places where children could play with toy trains, climb into a caboose, don conductor caps and swing lanterns.
  • 4. Families can move through the museum together, he said, and everyone will feel theres something for them. The Fairfield Museum and History Center in Connecticut celebrated 10 musicians from the region. Credit Chad Anderson. LancasterHistory.org said it had been in major refashioning mode since about 2009 and changed its name partly to accommodate the consolidation of other local history institutions under its tent. In 2012, for example, the organization took on the Heritage Centers decorative arts collection. (The Heritage Center then closed.) It really has to do with shrinking philanthropic resources during a tough economic time, said Thomas R. Ryan, the president and chief executive of LancasterHistory.org. Historic house museums have really struggled tremendously. We also wanted a name that spoke to a newer, younger demographic, he added. We took the name of our web address and thought it makes sense just to use that. If people have that, they know how to contact us and its worked. In June, the Chester County Historical Society in Pennsylvania announced a grant-funded project to examine the marketing of its name as well as the names of its buildings and other spaces. For years, we have been hearing mostly anecdotally that our name hindered our ability to reach new audiences, Robert Lukens, the president, said. The society would simply like to get the word out to a greater variety of people about all the historical stuff it has, like one of the youngest images of Frederick Douglass that he gave to
  • 5. Susan B. Anthony and a rifle that was used on Robert Pearys expedition to the Arctic in his quest for the North Pole. We need to change the image of our organization, Mr. Lukens said. We want to make sure that the excitement that our programs and our collection bring to people is accurately reflected in what we call ourselves. In addition to trying to bolster its annual attendance of 32,000 the society would like to break 40,000 in two years the organization is experimenting with programs like History on Tap, where speakers discuss historic topics at local bars and restaurants. The website promoted a recent one at Molly Maguires Irish Restaurant and Pub, noting that the event would provide a brief history of the Irish in Phoenixville starting from the first immigrants in the 1810s to boxing in the 1950s. Its just about reaching more people, and adapting to what our audiences prefer, Mr. Lukens said. Give people their history in ways that they want it, not ways that we think they want. A version of this article appears in print on October 26, 2014, on page F9 of the New York edition with the headline: These Fusty Names Are History. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe