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Allison Fucci
48 Babylon Avenue, West Islip NY, 11795
(631) 332-8580
Employment Experience:
August 2015-Present CCC-Speech Language Pathologist
City Sounds of New York: Speech-Language Development Center, Inc.
 Established treatment plans and conducted weekly therapy sessions for preschool
students for Extended School Year services (ESY)
 Continued establishing treatment plans, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and
conducting in weekly therapy sessions by providing speech-language services to
preschool aged children in preschool and home settings
 Scheduled and completed speech-language evaluations (i.e., CELF-5, GFTA-2, etc.)
on school-aged children for Department of Education: NYC weekly throughout school
 Nominated by the CEO of City Sounds of New York to be one of the first Clinical
Fellow Mentors for company and provided advice based on professional experience
while answering questions pertaining to clinical fellowship policy and procedures to new
hire speech-language pathologists
 Requested to present by CEO of City Sounds of New York on multiple occasions to
local Speech-Language Pathology graduate programs to discuss agency opportunities for
CFs as well as roles/responsibilities of a agency contracted SLP
October 2014-July 2015 Clinical Fellow: Speech Language Pathologist
City Sounds of New York: Speech-Language Development Center, Inc.
 Received transmittals/contracts through CSNY agency from Department of Education
of NYC and independently scheduled caseload
 Established treatment plans and participated in weekly therapy with a caseload of
approximately 40 children ranging in age from preschool/CPSE (3-5) and middle
school/CSE (11-14)
 Collaborated and discussed student's progress with parents, teachers, SEITs, special
education coordinators, and principals in order to provide a holistic and comprehensive
treatment plan
 Participated and coordinated Annual Review meetings to discuss middle school
student's Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and established corresponding goals while
maintaining Common Core State Standards/Curriculum
Clinical Practica:
January 2014-May 2014 Student Clinician
North Shore LIJ: Southside Hospital:
 Caseload included treating a variety of patients at the outpatient facility;
Impairments ranged from dysphagia, motor speech (apraxia and dysarthria), voice
dysfunction, cognitive-linguistic function (recall, reasoning, attention, etc.), receptive
language and expressive language
 Exposed to Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES): VitalStim,
Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies (MBS), Outpatient swallow evaluations, and
Outpatient speech and language evaluations
 Conducted bedside swallow and speech evaluations daily on Acute floors, Intensive
Care Unit, Brain Injury Unit, and Emergency Room as needed
 Completed in-service presentation for the rehabilitation department entitled
"Tracheostomies: Influence on Speech and Swallow Function"
Allison Fucci
August 2013-December 2013 Student Teacher
Bayview Elementary School:
 Caseload included (40+ clients): Childhood Apraxia of Speech, ADD/ADHD, Cleft
Palate, Autism, Learning Disabled, Fluency, Mild-Moderate articulation difficulties
/processes, Mild-moderate language/syntax difficulties, and culturally diverse/ESL
 Exposed to Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, iPad usage
within therapy, CommonCore Learning Standards, Individualized Education Plans,
Response to Intervention and overall collaboration with teachers for in-class therapy
January 2013-May 2013 Graduate Clinician
In-House Placement II: Adelphi University :
 Provided social/pragmatic therapy to a group of teenage clients diagnosed with
Autism Spectrum Disorder; Therapy focused on problem solving for deficits in
language and/or pragmatic breakdowns in social situations
 Provided feeding therapy to a pediatric group with sensory- based feeding
difficulties; Therapy focused on clients overall tolerance of a variety of food and
objects ranging textures using the S.O.S (sequential, oral, sensory) technique
August 2012-December 2012 Graduate Clinician
In-House Placement I: Adelphi University:
 Provided therapy for an individual Aphasia client with Apraxia, Family Support
Group and Aphasia Therapy Group
 Treatment focused on articulation/intelligibility therapy, teaching word retrieval and
problem solving strategies, and rehearsing common conversational topics
August 2011-December 2011 Undergraduate Clinician
In-House Placement: State University of New York at Cortland
 Provided therapy to an individual geriatric client whose diagnosis included apraxia of
speech, frontotemporal dementia, and Brocas Aphasia
 Therapy targeted word retrieval strategies while using iPad for AAC purposes
 Wrote lesson plans, SOAP notes, diagnostic treatment plan, progress report and home
therapy program
License and Certifications:
May 2016-Present PROMPT for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonic Targets:
Level 1 Trained (Effective: 5/15/2016)
July 2015-Present New York State License in Speech-Language Pathology
ASHA Certificate in Clinical Competence (CCC) in Speech-Language Pathology
May 2014-Present Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities
Initial Certificate (Effective: 6/11/14)
Professional Memberships:
July 2015-Present Member of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
August 2013-Present Member of New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA)
Member of Long Island Speech-Language-Hearing Association (LISHA)
August 2012-May 2014 Adelphi University
Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
August 2008-May 2012 State University of New York at Cortland
Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Minor in Social Gerontology

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Official Resume CCC FUCCI

  • 1. Allison Fucci 48 Babylon Avenue, West Islip NY, 11795 (631) 332-8580 allison_fucci@yahoo.com Employment Experience: August 2015-Present CCC-Speech Language Pathologist City Sounds of New York: Speech-Language Development Center, Inc. Established treatment plans and conducted weekly therapy sessions for preschool students for Extended School Year services (ESY) Continued establishing treatment plans, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and conducting in weekly therapy sessions by providing speech-language services to preschool aged children in preschool and home settings Scheduled and completed speech-language evaluations (i.e., CELF-5, GFTA-2, etc.) on school-aged children for Department of Education: NYC weekly throughout school year Nominated by the CEO of City Sounds of New York to be one of the first Clinical Fellow Mentors for company and provided advice based on professional experience while answering questions pertaining to clinical fellowship policy and procedures to new hire speech-language pathologists Requested to present by CEO of City Sounds of New York on multiple occasions to local Speech-Language Pathology graduate programs to discuss agency opportunities for CFs as well as roles/responsibilities of a agency contracted SLP October 2014-July 2015 Clinical Fellow: Speech Language Pathologist City Sounds of New York: Speech-Language Development Center, Inc. Received transmittals/contracts through CSNY agency from Department of Education of NYC and independently scheduled caseload Established treatment plans and participated in weekly therapy with a caseload of approximately 40 children ranging in age from preschool/CPSE (3-5) and middle school/CSE (11-14) Collaborated and discussed student's progress with parents, teachers, SEITs, special education coordinators, and principals in order to provide a holistic and comprehensive treatment plan Participated and coordinated Annual Review meetings to discuss middle school student's Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and established corresponding goals while maintaining Common Core State Standards/Curriculum Clinical Practica: January 2014-May 2014 Student Clinician North Shore LIJ: Southside Hospital: Caseload included treating a variety of patients at the outpatient facility; Impairments ranged from dysphagia, motor speech (apraxia and dysarthria), voice dysfunction, cognitive-linguistic function (recall, reasoning, attention, etc.), receptive language and expressive language Exposed to Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES): VitalStim, Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies (MBS), Outpatient swallow evaluations, and Outpatient speech and language evaluations Conducted bedside swallow and speech evaluations daily on Acute floors, Intensive Care Unit, Brain Injury Unit, and Emergency Room as needed Completed in-service presentation for the rehabilitation department entitled "Tracheostomies: Influence on Speech and Swallow Function"
  • 2. Allison Fucci August 2013-December 2013 Student Teacher Bayview Elementary School: Caseload included (40+ clients): Childhood Apraxia of Speech, ADD/ADHD, Cleft Palate, Autism, Learning Disabled, Fluency, Mild-Moderate articulation difficulties /processes, Mild-moderate language/syntax difficulties, and culturally diverse/ESL Exposed to Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, iPad usage within therapy, CommonCore Learning Standards, Individualized Education Plans, Response to Intervention and overall collaboration with teachers for in-class therapy sessions January 2013-May 2013 Graduate Clinician In-House Placement II: Adelphi University : Provided social/pragmatic therapy to a group of teenage clients diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder; Therapy focused on problem solving for deficits in language and/or pragmatic breakdowns in social situations Provided feeding therapy to a pediatric group with sensory- based feeding difficulties; Therapy focused on clients overall tolerance of a variety of food and objects ranging textures using the S.O.S (sequential, oral, sensory) technique August 2012-December 2012 Graduate Clinician In-House Placement I: Adelphi University: Provided therapy for an individual Aphasia client with Apraxia, Family Support Group and Aphasia Therapy Group Treatment focused on articulation/intelligibility therapy, teaching word retrieval and problem solving strategies, and rehearsing common conversational topics August 2011-December 2011 Undergraduate Clinician In-House Placement: State University of New York at Cortland Provided therapy to an individual geriatric client whose diagnosis included apraxia of speech, frontotemporal dementia, and Brocas Aphasia Therapy targeted word retrieval strategies while using iPad for AAC purposes Wrote lesson plans, SOAP notes, diagnostic treatment plan, progress report and home therapy program License and Certifications: May 2016-Present PROMPT for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonic Targets: Level 1 Trained (Effective: 5/15/2016) July 2015-Present New York State License in Speech-Language Pathology ASHA Certificate in Clinical Competence (CCC) in Speech-Language Pathology May 2014-Present Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities Initial Certificate (Effective: 6/11/14) Professional Memberships: July 2015-Present Member of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) August 2013-Present Member of New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NYSSLHA) Member of Long Island Speech-Language-Hearing Association (LISHA) Education: August 2012-May 2014 Adelphi University Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology August 2008-May 2012 State University of New York at Cortland Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences Minor in Social Gerontology