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13536 Point Pleasant Drive
Chantilly, Virginia 20151 Susan Elaine Dixon (C) (703) 380-3140
(E) susiedixon91@gmail.com
Recent graduate with M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology seeking clinical fellowship position with adult rehabilitation focus. Clinical
experience in inpatient and outpatient acute rehabilitation settings with adult neurogenic populations. Organized and enthusiastic
clinician passionate about patient-centered care and interprofessional collaboration and teamwork.
James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia
The Graduate School C M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology May 2016
University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
Curry School of Education C B.S.Ed. in Speech Pathology & Audiology; B.S. in Psychology May 2014
Graduated with High Honors; Deans List all semesters attending
Inova Mount Vernon Hospital Outpatient / Bridge Program SLP Extern Alexandria, Virginia January 2016 C April 2016
? Forty hour per week clinical externship (under direct supervision) supporting outpatient rehabilitation for adults (ages 18 through
90) with deficits related to stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other neurological conditions.
? Performed evaluations of neurogenic speech, language, and cognitive deficits using appropriate standardized, formal, and
informal testing procedures. Significant evaluation exposure to: APT2, HVLT-R, MIST, RIPA-2, WAB
? Performed evaluations of swallowing disorders via bedside evaluation and assistance with MBSS.
? Developed and executed appropriate speech therapy plan of care for all patients on caseload.
? Collaborated with interdisciplinary team (SLP, PT, OT, Neuropsychologist) during weekly rounds.
? Documented daily notes, progress summaries, evaluation, and discharge paperwork in MediLinks EMR software.
? Notable experiences: evaluation and treatment for patients with wide variety of aphasia types, establishment of appropriate multi-
modal communication systems utilizing iPad AAC applications for multiple patients, memory and expression group treatment for
two to six patients at a time.
UVA HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital Inpatient SLP Extern Charlottesville, Virginia August 2015 C December 2015
? Thirty-two hour per week clinical externship (under direct supervision) supporting inpatient rehabilitation for adults (ages 20
through 95) admitted for stroke, seizure, traumatic brain injury, altered mental status, or other acute illness/injury.
? Performed evaluations of neurogenic speech, language, and cognitive deficits using appropriate standardized, formal, and
informal testing procedures. Significant evaluation exposure to: BDAE-3, CLQT, Cognistat, GOAT, RCBA-2, SCATBI
? Performed evaluations of swallowing disorders via bedside evaluation and assistance with FEES.
? Developed and executed appropriate speech therapy plan of care for all patients on caseload.
? Collaborated with interdisciplinary team (SLP, PT, OT, RT, Neuropsychologist, Physician) during weekly rounds.
? Documented daily notes, evaluations, and FIM scores in Ace-It EMR software.
? Notable experiences: treatment of swallowing function with IOPI, assistance with LSVT treatment for Parkinson's patient,
treatment for two patients (including one oral cancer patient) involving trials and use of Passy Muir speaking valve.
James Madison University Summer Autism Clinic Student Clinician Harrisonburg, Virginia June 2015 C July 2015
? 12 hour per week clinical experience working with interprofessional team (SLP, OT, and ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis)
student clinicians and supervisors) to develop and execute intensive plans of care for children (ages 3 through 7) with autism
spectrum disorders.
? Performed evaluations and developed/executed plans of care using the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement
Program (VBMAPP).
? Planned and executed group and individual activities for 12 children with ASD attending clinic for 3 hours a day, 4 days a week.
JMU Speech-Language-Hearing Applied Laboratory Clinician Harrisonburg, Virginia September 2014 C April 2015
? Responsible for developing and executing plan of care for one 12 year old with Down syndrome attending clinic 1 hour per week,
focusing on expressive and receptive language as well as articulation and cognition.
? Clinical experience one day a week with supervisor at Stone Spring Elementary School, evaluating and developing/executing
plans of care for children with expressive/receptive language impairments and articulation/phonological disorders.
13536 Point Pleasant Drive
Chantilly, Virginia 20151 Susan Elaine Dixon (C) (703) 380-3140
(E) susiedixon91@gmail.com
James Madison University Interprofessional Education Project Participant Harrisonburg, Virginia January 2015 C May 2016
? Completed weekly online modules with readings, quizzes, and discussion boards concerning topics in interprofessional practice
and education.
? Participated in the JMU Be the Change IPEC (Interprofessional Education Collaboration) Workshop in January 2015 with
members of graduate programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Clinical Psychology, and Nursing.
? Participated in online collaborative medically based case studies with small interdisciplinary team.
Curry School of Education Communication Disorders Study Abroad USA, Belgium, and Holland May 2013 C May 2014
? Worked with group of twelve on two projects:
? Predicting stuttering severity ratings by timing and tallying dysfluencies using Praat software.
? Recruited and interviewed participants, investigated existing research on stuttering diagnosis and severity, analyzed
stuttering samples using Praat software, and presented the study at the Communication in Exchange Seminar at Radboud
University in Nijmegen, Netherlands in June 2013.
? Received first place recognition in student poster competition at the Speech-Language Hearing Association of Virginia
(SHAV) conference in March 2014.
? Published in Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders (CICSD), Volume 43, Spring 2016.
? Augmentative and alternative communication for story retelling: A comparison of visual scene displays and traditional grids.
? Recruited and interviewed participants, investigated existing research, created proposals, gathered data, and presented
study at the Communication in Exchange Seminar at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands in June 2013.
Childhood Language Disorders Lab at UVA Research Assistant Charlottesville, Virginia January 2012 C May 2014
? Adviser / Lab Director: LaVae Hoffman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
? Transcribed and coded language samples for various projects using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT)
? Collected and scored data for norming process of the Test of Narrative Language, Second Edition (TNL-2).
Basic Life Support Certification through the American Heart Association June 2016
LSVT LOUD Certification through LSVT Global Inc. May 2016
NSSLHA Member Charlottesville, Virginia and Harrisonburg, Virginia January 2012 C May 2016
Camp Kesem at UVA Volunteer and Counselor Virginia and Florida September 2010 C August 2015
? Worked with group of U.Va. students to plan and run non-profit summer camp for children ages 6 to 17 whose parents have or
had cancer.
? Served as alumni ambassador and camp advisor to Camp Kesem at the University of Miami in August 2015.
? Outreach and Camper Care Coordinator 2012-2014; Fundraising Coordinator 2011-2012; 3 year Camp Kesem National
Leadership Summit participant.
James Madison University Graduate Assistant Harrisonburg, Virginia August 2014 C May 2015
? Graduate Assistantship in Nursing Department awarded through Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
? Aided in administrative and organizational tasks, test proctoring and grading, and answering departmental phone calls.
Fairfax County Public Schools Extended School Year Instructional Assistant Chantilly, Virginia June 2014 C August 2014
? Assisted classroom teacher in lesson preparation in first and second grade mixed special education classroom.
? Worked one-on-one with a nonverbal child with severe developmental delays.

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  • 1. 13536 Point Pleasant Drive Chantilly, Virginia 20151 Susan Elaine Dixon (C) (703) 380-3140 (E) susiedixon91@gmail.com 1 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Recent graduate with M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology seeking clinical fellowship position with adult rehabilitation focus. Clinical experience in inpatient and outpatient acute rehabilitation settings with adult neurogenic populations. Organized and enthusiastic clinician passionate about patient-centered care and interprofessional collaboration and teamwork. EDUCATION AND TRAINING James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia The Graduate School C M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology May 2016 University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia Curry School of Education C B.S.Ed. in Speech Pathology & Audiology; B.S. in Psychology May 2014 Graduated with High Honors; Deans List all semesters attending CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Inova Mount Vernon Hospital Outpatient / Bridge Program SLP Extern Alexandria, Virginia January 2016 C April 2016 ? Forty hour per week clinical externship (under direct supervision) supporting outpatient rehabilitation for adults (ages 18 through 90) with deficits related to stroke, traumatic brain injury, and other neurological conditions. ? Performed evaluations of neurogenic speech, language, and cognitive deficits using appropriate standardized, formal, and informal testing procedures. Significant evaluation exposure to: APT2, HVLT-R, MIST, RIPA-2, WAB ? Performed evaluations of swallowing disorders via bedside evaluation and assistance with MBSS. ? Developed and executed appropriate speech therapy plan of care for all patients on caseload. ? Collaborated with interdisciplinary team (SLP, PT, OT, Neuropsychologist) during weekly rounds. ? Documented daily notes, progress summaries, evaluation, and discharge paperwork in MediLinks EMR software. ? Notable experiences: evaluation and treatment for patients with wide variety of aphasia types, establishment of appropriate multi- modal communication systems utilizing iPad AAC applications for multiple patients, memory and expression group treatment for two to six patients at a time. UVA HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital Inpatient SLP Extern Charlottesville, Virginia August 2015 C December 2015 ? Thirty-two hour per week clinical externship (under direct supervision) supporting inpatient rehabilitation for adults (ages 20 through 95) admitted for stroke, seizure, traumatic brain injury, altered mental status, or other acute illness/injury. ? Performed evaluations of neurogenic speech, language, and cognitive deficits using appropriate standardized, formal, and informal testing procedures. Significant evaluation exposure to: BDAE-3, CLQT, Cognistat, GOAT, RCBA-2, SCATBI ? Performed evaluations of swallowing disorders via bedside evaluation and assistance with FEES. ? Developed and executed appropriate speech therapy plan of care for all patients on caseload. ? Collaborated with interdisciplinary team (SLP, PT, OT, RT, Neuropsychologist, Physician) during weekly rounds. ? Documented daily notes, evaluations, and FIM scores in Ace-It EMR software. ? Notable experiences: treatment of swallowing function with IOPI, assistance with LSVT treatment for Parkinson's patient, treatment for two patients (including one oral cancer patient) involving trials and use of Passy Muir speaking valve. James Madison University Summer Autism Clinic Student Clinician Harrisonburg, Virginia June 2015 C July 2015 ? 12 hour per week clinical experience working with interprofessional team (SLP, OT, and ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) student clinicians and supervisors) to develop and execute intensive plans of care for children (ages 3 through 7) with autism spectrum disorders. ? Performed evaluations and developed/executed plans of care using the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VBMAPP). ? Planned and executed group and individual activities for 12 children with ASD attending clinic for 3 hours a day, 4 days a week. JMU Speech-Language-Hearing Applied Laboratory Clinician Harrisonburg, Virginia September 2014 C April 2015 ? Responsible for developing and executing plan of care for one 12 year old with Down syndrome attending clinic 1 hour per week, focusing on expressive and receptive language as well as articulation and cognition. ? Clinical experience one day a week with supervisor at Stone Spring Elementary School, evaluating and developing/executing plans of care for children with expressive/receptive language impairments and articulation/phonological disorders.
  • 2. 13536 Point Pleasant Drive Chantilly, Virginia 20151 Susan Elaine Dixon (C) (703) 380-3140 (E) susiedixon91@gmail.com 2 RELEVANT EXPERIENCES James Madison University Interprofessional Education Project Participant Harrisonburg, Virginia January 2015 C May 2016 ? Completed weekly online modules with readings, quizzes, and discussion boards concerning topics in interprofessional practice and education. ? Participated in the JMU Be the Change IPEC (Interprofessional Education Collaboration) Workshop in January 2015 with members of graduate programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Clinical Psychology, and Nursing. ? Participated in online collaborative medically based case studies with small interdisciplinary team. Curry School of Education Communication Disorders Study Abroad USA, Belgium, and Holland May 2013 C May 2014 ? Worked with group of twelve on two projects: ? Predicting stuttering severity ratings by timing and tallying dysfluencies using Praat software. ? Recruited and interviewed participants, investigated existing research on stuttering diagnosis and severity, analyzed stuttering samples using Praat software, and presented the study at the Communication in Exchange Seminar at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands in June 2013. ? Received first place recognition in student poster competition at the Speech-Language Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) conference in March 2014. ? Published in Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders (CICSD), Volume 43, Spring 2016. ? Augmentative and alternative communication for story retelling: A comparison of visual scene displays and traditional grids. ? Recruited and interviewed participants, investigated existing research, created proposals, gathered data, and presented study at the Communication in Exchange Seminar at Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands in June 2013. Childhood Language Disorders Lab at UVA Research Assistant Charlottesville, Virginia January 2012 C May 2014 ? Adviser / Lab Director: LaVae Hoffman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP ? Transcribed and coded language samples for various projects using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software. ? Collected and scored data for norming process of the Test of Narrative Language, Second Edition (TNL-2). RELEVANT CERTIFICATIONS Basic Life Support Certification through the American Heart Association June 2016 LSVT LOUD Certification through LSVT Global Inc. May 2016 OTHER EXPERIENCES AND AFFILIATIONS NSSLHA Member Charlottesville, Virginia and Harrisonburg, Virginia January 2012 C May 2016 Camp Kesem at UVA Volunteer and Counselor Virginia and Florida September 2010 C August 2015 ? Worked with group of U.Va. students to plan and run non-profit summer camp for children ages 6 to 17 whose parents have or had cancer. ? Served as alumni ambassador and camp advisor to Camp Kesem at the University of Miami in August 2015. ? Outreach and Camper Care Coordinator 2012-2014; Fundraising Coordinator 2011-2012; 3 year Camp Kesem National Leadership Summit participant. James Madison University Graduate Assistant Harrisonburg, Virginia August 2014 C May 2015 ? Graduate Assistantship in Nursing Department awarded through Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. ? Aided in administrative and organizational tasks, test proctoring and grading, and answering departmental phone calls. Fairfax County Public Schools Extended School Year Instructional Assistant Chantilly, Virginia June 2014 C August 2014 ? Assisted classroom teacher in lesson preparation in first and second grade mixed special education classroom. ? Worked one-on-one with a nonverbal child with severe developmental delays.