This document discusses finding the line of best fit for scatter plot data using a graphing calculator. It explains that a line of best fit shows the relationship between two sets of data using linear regression. The calculator computes the equation of the line of best fit in the form y=ax+b and provides the correlation coefficient r, which indicates the strength and direction of the relationship. It includes an example of finding the line of best fit and correlation coefficient for calories and fat content data from fast food meals.
Pertinencia y Equidad en la Calidad de la Educaci¨®nPriska Borgen
Pertinencia y equidad son dimensiones esenciales de los sistemas educativos y deben ser comprendidos como valores primordiales en los procesos de evaluaci¨®n de la calidad. Entre tanto, los est¨¢ndares t¨¦cnicos y cient¨ªficos son los m¨¢s frecuentemente valorados en los procesos evaluativos protagonizados por los expertos disciplinarios. Calidad, en esta perspectiva que privilegia las dimensiones t¨¦cnicas, significa el cumplimiento de los est¨¢ndares acordados por expertos y agencias de evaluaci¨®n y acreditaci¨®n
This document provides information about an upcoming conference on Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions that will take place on December 10-11, 2015 in Toronto. The two-day conference will feature presentations from regulators, financial institutions, and legal and consulting firms on topics such as anti-money laundering regulations, privacy laws, cybersecurity, and meeting corporate governance obligations. Participants can also attend pre-conference workshops on the fundamentals of the Canadian regulatory framework and building privacy into business processes. The event aims to help financial institutions of all sizes meet evolving regulatory requirements and exceed compliance expectations.
Margarita Quihuis and Mark Nelson co-direct the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab, which researches how to use technology to increase positive engagement between groups. They develop methods to measure engagement levels across differences and design interventions using behavior change and persuasive technology. Their goal is to create a profitable peace industry by showing how reducing conflicts benefits all sides. They provide examples like apps that increase civic participation and sharing economies that reduce costs while supporting local communities and diplomacy.
Este documento descreve uma variante do exerc¨ªcio 4x3+1, no qual duas equipes de quatro jogadores, amarelos e azuis, competem para ultrapassar a linha final em um espa?o reduzido, com a equipe que perde a bola deixando um jogador acima da linha para defender com tr¨ºs jogadores, enquanto a equipe com a bola tem sempre uma linha de passe segura atr¨¢s.
M¨¦xico tiene una gran oportunidad para mejorar su comercio exterior y log¨ªstica mediante reformas que simplifiquen tr¨¢mites aduaneros, combatan la pirater¨ªa y el contrabando de manera efectiva, mejoren la infraestructura de puertos y transporte, y promuevan la competitividad de las PYMES. Estas medidas podr¨ªan aumentar las exportaciones e importaciones en hasta un 21% y 13.3% respectivamente.
Horacio Carmona tiene experiencia en an¨¢lisis y programaci¨®n en Foxpro, Visual Fox y Visual Basic .Net, as¨ª como conocimientos de SQL Server 2005 y UML. Actualmente es socio de SFA S.A. y busca nuevas oportunidades de trabajo o progreso profesional y econ¨®mico.
This document discusses the author's heritage from Argentina and Peru. It provides details about the author being born in Peru in 1998 after their parents moved from Argentina to Lima in 1996. Images and brief descriptions are included about places in both countries, highlighting cities like Rosario, Buenos Aires, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and landscapes such as the Amazon Rainforest and Patagonia.
This document discusses GIS map APIs and provides examples of how to programmatically use map APIs. It introduces GIS concepts and common map APIs from companies like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. It also provides code examples for basic map functions like geocoding an address, displaying a map, adding markers and info windows, and handling click events.
El documento habla sobre una visita de la Virgen Peregrina a la casa del autor. El autor agradece a Dios por la visita y decide seguir el camino de la Virgen Peregrina, quien necesita visitar m¨¢s lugares para cumplir su misi¨®n divina. El autor desea paz, fuerza y alegr¨ªa para todos.
Este documento presenta una lecci¨®n sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial utilizando el enfoque de la did¨¢ctica cr¨ªtica. La lecci¨®n analiza las causas y desarrollo de la guerra e involucra a los estudiantes en debates y trabajo en equipo. La lecci¨®n se divide en tres partes: 1) introducci¨®n del tema y exploraci¨®n, 2) desarrollo a trav¨¦s de exposiciones y discusi¨®n de grupos, y 3) cierre con recapitulaci¨®n y evaluaci¨®n del aprendizaje. El objetivo es que los estudiantes desarroll
Exploratory Session Based Testing¡With A Twist Star East 2009aandelkovic
The document discusses Maquet Critical Care AB's introduction and use of session-based testing (SBTM) to better manage exploratory testing in their FDA-regulated medical device development environment. They created an in-house SBT tool to facilitate SBTM and provide metrics on testing activities. Using SBTM and the tool increased visibility into exploratory testing and engaged more employees in the process. Future goals include enhancing the tool and training more employees on SBTM.
Educaci¨®n sanitaria bucodental en la escuelaaquifepa
Educaci¨®n Sanitaria Bucodental en la escuela: charla sobre salud bucodental y taller de cepillado dental
PEACE: A Look at Taiwanese Culture through PoetryAiden Yeh
1) EFL students in Taiwan worked on collaborative poetry projects to promote awareness of language, identity, and socio-cultural issues in Taiwan.
2) Students analyzed Gwendolyn Brooks' poem "We Real Cool" and explored its linguistic and cultural meanings. This helped broaden their understanding of Taiwanese culture.
3) Students then created their own projects responding to the poem, including analyses of themes like social class differences and political divisions in Taiwan and calls for greater understanding between groups.
Tutorials--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph FormMedia4math
This document outlines 54 tutorials that provide examples of constructing tables and graphs for exponential functions of various bases (2, 10, e) and characteristics of the coefficients a and b. Each tutorial works through an example of an exponential function of the form y = a*b^x, varying the values of a and b to illustrate different patterns in the table and graph.
A PK elearning rendszer oktat¨®i tapasztalatainak elemz¨¦seT¨®th Attila
A PK eLearning rendszer haszn¨¢lat¨¢t ez¨²ttal egy ¨²j aspektusb¨®l, oktat¨®i oldalr¨®l igyeksz¨¹nk felt¨¦rk¨¦pezni. K¨¦rd?¨ªves vizsg¨¢lattal gy?jt?tt¨¹k ?ssze a rendszerben akt¨ªv ¨¦s a rendszert nem haszn¨¢l¨® oktat¨®k v¨¦lem¨¦ny¨¦t. (...)
Horacio Carmona tiene experiencia en an¨¢lisis y programaci¨®n en Foxpro, Visual Fox y Visual Basic .Net, as¨ª como conocimientos de SQL Server 2005 y UML. Actualmente es socio de SFA S.A. y busca nuevas oportunidades de trabajo o progreso profesional y econ¨®mico.
This document discusses the author's heritage from Argentina and Peru. It provides details about the author being born in Peru in 1998 after their parents moved from Argentina to Lima in 1996. Images and brief descriptions are included about places in both countries, highlighting cities like Rosario, Buenos Aires, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and landscapes such as the Amazon Rainforest and Patagonia.
This document discusses GIS map APIs and provides examples of how to programmatically use map APIs. It introduces GIS concepts and common map APIs from companies like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. It also provides code examples for basic map functions like geocoding an address, displaying a map, adding markers and info windows, and handling click events.
El documento habla sobre una visita de la Virgen Peregrina a la casa del autor. El autor agradece a Dios por la visita y decide seguir el camino de la Virgen Peregrina, quien necesita visitar m¨¢s lugares para cumplir su misi¨®n divina. El autor desea paz, fuerza y alegr¨ªa para todos.
Este documento presenta una lecci¨®n sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial utilizando el enfoque de la did¨¢ctica cr¨ªtica. La lecci¨®n analiza las causas y desarrollo de la guerra e involucra a los estudiantes en debates y trabajo en equipo. La lecci¨®n se divide en tres partes: 1) introducci¨®n del tema y exploraci¨®n, 2) desarrollo a trav¨¦s de exposiciones y discusi¨®n de grupos, y 3) cierre con recapitulaci¨®n y evaluaci¨®n del aprendizaje. El objetivo es que los estudiantes desarroll
Exploratory Session Based Testing¡With A Twist Star East 2009aandelkovic
The document discusses Maquet Critical Care AB's introduction and use of session-based testing (SBTM) to better manage exploratory testing in their FDA-regulated medical device development environment. They created an in-house SBT tool to facilitate SBTM and provide metrics on testing activities. Using SBTM and the tool increased visibility into exploratory testing and engaged more employees in the process. Future goals include enhancing the tool and training more employees on SBTM.
Educaci¨®n sanitaria bucodental en la escuelaaquifepa
Educaci¨®n Sanitaria Bucodental en la escuela: charla sobre salud bucodental y taller de cepillado dental
PEACE: A Look at Taiwanese Culture through PoetryAiden Yeh
1) EFL students in Taiwan worked on collaborative poetry projects to promote awareness of language, identity, and socio-cultural issues in Taiwan.
2) Students analyzed Gwendolyn Brooks' poem "We Real Cool" and explored its linguistic and cultural meanings. This helped broaden their understanding of Taiwanese culture.
3) Students then created their own projects responding to the poem, including analyses of themes like social class differences and political divisions in Taiwan and calls for greater understanding between groups.
Tutorials--Exponential Functions in Tabular and Graph FormMedia4math
This document outlines 54 tutorials that provide examples of constructing tables and graphs for exponential functions of various bases (2, 10, e) and characteristics of the coefficients a and b. Each tutorial works through an example of an exponential function of the form y = a*b^x, varying the values of a and b to illustrate different patterns in the table and graph.
A PK elearning rendszer oktat¨®i tapasztalatainak elemz¨¦seT¨®th Attila
A PK eLearning rendszer haszn¨¢lat¨¢t ez¨²ttal egy ¨²j aspektusb¨®l, oktat¨®i oldalr¨®l igyeksz¨¹nk felt¨¦rk¨¦pezni. K¨¦rd?¨ªves vizsg¨¢lattal gy?jt?tt¨¹k ?ssze a rendszerben akt¨ªv ¨¦s a rendszert nem haszn¨¢l¨® oktat¨®k v¨¦lem¨¦ny¨¦t. (...)
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1. On-line k¨¦rd?¨ªvek k¨¦sz¨ªt¨¦se Egy freeware keretrendszer bemutat¨¢sa, m¨®dszertani ¨¦s technikai ¨²tmutat¨®, gyakorlati tapasztalatok. T¨®th Attila adjunktus, ELTE T?FK IMK IOC