Early societies in India and Greece were organized around extended families that formed into larger clans and lineages. These gradually developed into early political units known as janapadas in India and city-states in Greece. In India, the large agricultural regions governed by kings were known as mahajanapadas, with different systems of rule developing based on their location, including ganasanghas in Himalayan valleys and monarchies in the Gangetic plain. Magadha was the first empire to emerge in India. Kautilya's Arthashastra provided a framework for the concept of the state. The Mauryan Empire established by Chandragupta Maurya extended this system across a wide area from the Gangetic plain
The document discusses the history and culture of Tamil Nadu. [1] It states that Tamil culture is one of the oldest and is based on the ancient Tamil literature. [2] Poetry and music were an important part of Tamil culture. [3] Tamil Nadu had close ties with other parts of India and countries across the world through trade and cultural exchanges.
The document discusses various aspects of electricity generation and distribution. It mentions that reliable electricity supply requires overcoming challenges in technical, economic and social spheres. It lists issues like equipment failure, natural disasters that can disrupt power supply. The document also refers to the need to address environmental and social impacts of power generation. It states that as human civilization advanced over time, the demand for electricity from individuals has also increased.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan kelompok tentang pembuatan website bagi pengguna untuk berbagi foto, video, dan teks komedi. Website tersebut akan memiliki fitur login, upload konten, kategori berdasarkan tren terbaru dan postingan baru, serta pencarian konten. Database website akan menyimpan data login, konten yang diunggah, komentar dan suka, pencarian, desain tampilan, editing file, filter upload, dan memisahkan konten berdasarkan kategori.
This document discusses several environmental issues:
- Global warming is causing rising world temperatures due to increased carbon dioxide levels. Air pollution from industry, vehicles and chemicals is making city air difficult to breathe. The ozone layer is being damaged, allowing more harmful radiation.
- Water pollution occurs when large amounts of harmful substances are released into water bodies without treatment, endangering people, wildlife and habitats. It is a major global cause of deaths and diseases.
- Deforestation is reducing forests and causing floods, lack of oxygen, species loss and soil erosion. The Amazon has lost over 170,000 square kilometers of rainforest.
Креативность не является чем-то уникальным, доступным лишь единицам. Каждый человек способен творить.
Креативность можно и нужно развивать. Применение креативных методик для создания нового подобно применению математических правил для решения задач. Попробуйте, и всё получится. Честное слово!
Материал готовился для внутренней презентации в IWILL Agency.
Дизайнеры: Дарья Коршунова и Наталья Еременко. Вычитка и типографика: Вероника Пугачевская.
This resume summarizes Devanand Pandey's work experience and qualifications. He has over 1.5 years of experience in quality engineering roles, currently working as Quality Assurance at Lumax DK Auto Industries Ltd since April 2016. Previously, he worked as Quality Engineer at Kafila Forge Ltd/Auto Parts from June 2014 to March 2016. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and has received vocational training in steering systems and railways. His roles have involved inspection, auditing, analysis, process monitoring and ensuring quality standards.
This document provides a summary of the experience and qualifications of JEGATHEESAN .V. He has over 16 years of experience implementing and supporting QAD Enterprise Resource Planning software. Some key points:
- Successfully completed 7 QAD implementations globally for clients in various industries.
- Technical skills include Progress, UNIX, and QAD Mfg/Pro. Expertise in migrating applications between QAD editions.
- Roles include project manager, business analyst, and technical consultant for QAD implementations.
- Developed an in-house user access management product integrated with QAD.
People in the world’s most populated continent are living longer, but not necessarily healthier, lives with overburdened, provider-led healthcare systems. As life expectancy across Asia-Pacific continues to rise, the region now carries a huge global burden of non-communicable diseases such as cancer and mental illnesses. As a result, governments in the Asia-Pacific region will need to consider policies and initiatives that prioritise improvements in care for people with a wide range of chronic conditions—but they must maintain vigilance against infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
These are among the findings of a new study by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU): The shifting landscape of healthcare in Asia-Pacific: A look at Australia, China, India, Japan and South Korea, sponsored by Janssen. Through in-depth desk research and interviews with healthcare experts, the study examines the disease-burden challenges facing healthcare systems in these countries.
For more information, please visit: http://www.economistinsights.com/healthcare/analysis/shifting-landscape-healthcare-asia-pacific
l 肌肉與骨骼一樣重要:肌肉是基礎新陳代謝與維持身體支架的重要部分,好的蛋白質合成肌肉最快,早午餐吃尤勝晚上吃。
l 足夠的負重運動:運動量多的人比較不會失智,每天走路一個小時或8000步以上是最起碼的要求。
l 七八十歲不能太瘦:維持BMI在18.5與35之間,死亡風險最低。65歲以上人稍微胖一點反而比較好。
l 高齡者勿過度控制血糖與血壓:不要過度控制讓血壓太低,以免腦部缺氧,血壓比一般高一點反而可以改善大腦的血流量,避免心智衰退。
l 高齡者勿讓血脂(膽固醇)維持在很低的數字:血脂過低反而是營養不良的表現,影響
l 冰凍人、幹細胞組織工程、複製人,醫療工程最新發展分享
Dokumen tersebut merupakan laporan kelompok tentang pembuatan website bagi pengguna untuk berbagi foto, video, dan teks komedi. Website tersebut akan memiliki fitur login, upload konten, kategori berdasarkan tren terbaru dan postingan baru, serta pencarian konten. Database website akan menyimpan data login, konten yang diunggah, komentar dan suka, pencarian, desain tampilan, editing file, filter upload, dan memisahkan konten berdasarkan kategori.
This document discusses several environmental issues:
- Global warming is causing rising world temperatures due to increased carbon dioxide levels. Air pollution from industry, vehicles and chemicals is making city air difficult to breathe. The ozone layer is being damaged, allowing more harmful radiation.
- Water pollution occurs when large amounts of harmful substances are released into water bodies without treatment, endangering people, wildlife and habitats. It is a major global cause of deaths and diseases.
- Deforestation is reducing forests and causing floods, lack of oxygen, species loss and soil erosion. The Amazon has lost over 170,000 square kilometers of rainforest.
Креативность не является чем-то уникальным, доступным лишь единицам. Каждый человек способен творить.
Креативность можно и нужно развивать. Применение креативных методик для создания нового подобно применению математических правил для решения задач. Попробуйте, и всё получится. Честное слово!
Материал готовился для внутренней презентации в IWILL Agency.
Дизайнеры: Дарья Коршунова и Наталья Еременко. Вычитка и типографика: Вероника Пугачевская.
This resume summarizes Devanand Pandey's work experience and qualifications. He has over 1.5 years of experience in quality engineering roles, currently working as Quality Assurance at Lumax DK Auto Industries Ltd since April 2016. Previously, he worked as Quality Engineer at Kafila Forge Ltd/Auto Parts from June 2014 to March 2016. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and has received vocational training in steering systems and railways. His roles have involved inspection, auditing, analysis, process monitoring and ensuring quality standards.
This document provides a summary of the experience and qualifications of JEGATHEESAN .V. He has over 16 years of experience implementing and supporting QAD Enterprise Resource Planning software. Some key points:
- Successfully completed 7 QAD implementations globally for clients in various industries.
- Technical skills include Progress, UNIX, and QAD Mfg/Pro. Expertise in migrating applications between QAD editions.
- Roles include project manager, business analyst, and technical consultant for QAD implementations.
- Developed an in-house user access management product integrated with QAD.
People in the world’s most populated continent are living longer, but not necessarily healthier, lives with overburdened, provider-led healthcare systems. As life expectancy across Asia-Pacific continues to rise, the region now carries a huge global burden of non-communicable diseases such as cancer and mental illnesses. As a result, governments in the Asia-Pacific region will need to consider policies and initiatives that prioritise improvements in care for people with a wide range of chronic conditions—but they must maintain vigilance against infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
These are among the findings of a new study by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU): The shifting landscape of healthcare in Asia-Pacific: A look at Australia, China, India, Japan and South Korea, sponsored by Janssen. Through in-depth desk research and interviews with healthcare experts, the study examines the disease-burden challenges facing healthcare systems in these countries.
For more information, please visit: http://www.economistinsights.com/healthcare/analysis/shifting-landscape-healthcare-asia-pacific
l 肌肉與骨骼一樣重要:肌肉是基礎新陳代謝與維持身體支架的重要部分,好的蛋白質合成肌肉最快,早午餐吃尤勝晚上吃。
l 足夠的負重運動:運動量多的人比較不會失智,每天走路一個小時或8000步以上是最起碼的要求。
l 七八十歲不能太瘦:維持BMI在18.5與35之間,死亡風險最低。65歲以上人稍微胖一點反而比較好。
l 高齡者勿過度控制血糖與血壓:不要過度控制讓血壓太低,以免腦部缺氧,血壓比一般高一點反而可以改善大腦的血流量,避免心智衰退。
l 高齡者勿讓血脂(膽固醇)維持在很低的數字:血脂過低反而是營養不良的表現,影響
l 冰凍人、幹細胞組織工程、複製人,醫療工程最新發展分享
Healthcare situations, burdens and solutions for Asia-Pacific. Report by EIU, sponsored by Janssen.
For more information, please visit: http://www.economistinsights.com/healthcare/analysis/shifting-landscape-healthcare-asia-pacific
4. 1.Russell CA and M Elia on behalf of BAPEN and collaborators. Nutrition screening survey in the UK and Republic of Ireland in 2011. 2.Meijers JM, Schols JM, van Bokhorst-de van der
Schueren MA, et al. Br J Nutr.2009 Feb ;101(3):417-23. 3.Charlton KE, Nichols C, Bowden S, et al. J Nutr Health Aging. 2010 Oct;14(8):622-8. 4.Agarwal E, Ferguson M,Banks M, et al.
Clin Nutr.2012Feb;31(1):41-7. 5.Waitzberg DL, Caiaffa WT, Correia MI. Nurition.2001 Jul-ug;17(7-8):573-80. 6.Barreto Penié J,Cuban Group for the Study of Hospital Malnutrition.
Nutrition.2005 Apr;21(4):487-97. 7.Liang X, Jiang ZM, Nolan MT, et al. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2009;18(1):54-62. 8.Zhang L, Wang X, Huang Yl,et al.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr.2013;22(2):206-13
17. 结果中获益 研究设计与调查结果
Meta分析表明,使用 ONS (2-26 weeks) 的老年住院患者(OR 0.75)与
未使用 ONS老年住院患者相比,压力溃疡(PU)的发生率显著降低1
4组研究(参与者平均年龄> 65 岁)得出的Meta分析结果 表明,ONS 使
指导或饮食指导与ONS相结合。饮食指导/ONS 组在8项生活质量指标
1. Stratton RJ, et al. Ageing Res Rev. 2005;4:422-450. 2. Cawood AL, Elia M, Stratton RJ. Ageing Res Rev. 2012;11:278-296.
3. Norman K, et al. Clin Nutr. 2008;27:48-56. 4. Milne AC, et al Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009:CD003288.
口服营养补充 (ONS) 的使用能够对健康产生
18. 与其他常见药,ONS的成本效用是什么?
Abbott Laboratories Ltd. Data on file. 2014. AN-PHE Study: A Comparison of the Cost-effectiveness of Low-cost
Non-reimbursed Health Technologies and Commonly used drugs.
23. ONS可节省存在营养风险的外科住院病人的费用
? 通过缩短住院时间降低医疗保健资源消耗和费用
Elia M, Stratton RJ, Russell C, Green CJ, Pang F. The cost of disease-related malnutrition in the UK and economic considerations
for the use of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) in adults.2005. Redditch, BAPEN.
Study N Mean(SD) N Mean(SD) SMD(fixed)
95% Cl
SMD(fixed) 95%
MacFie et al 2000 25 4783.12(1859.00) 27 6032.50(3224.90) 14.28 -0.46[-1.01,0.09]
Rana et al 1992 20 3759.60(2818.50) 20 4885.40(3795.60) 11.15 -0.33[-0.95,0.29]
Keele et al 1997 43 4045.30(2808.00) 43 4942.10(3781.50) 24.10 -0.27[-0.69,0.16]
Beattie et al 2000 49 7016.20(3770.90) 52 7846.50(5713.50) 28.44 -0.17[-0.56,0.22]
Smedley et al 2004 44 5024.04(2811.00) 35 5284.70(2473.70) 22.03 -0.10[-0.54,0.35]
Total(95% Cl) 181 177 100.00 -0.24[-0.45,-0.03]
Total costs/patient
Total costs/patient
(GBP) Control
0 0.5 1-0.5-1
Favours ONS Favours control
25. ONS可节省存在营养风险病人的费用
? 在其他组病人同样证实口服营养补充剂可节省费用,通过缩短住院时间、减
1. Nuijten M, Freyer K, Green CJ. Cost-effectiveness of food for special medical purposes relative to standard care in patients undergoing abdominal surgery.
Value in Health 2008; 11:A632.
2. Arnaud-Battandier F et al. Use of oral supplements in malnourished elderly patients living in the community: a pharmaco-economic study. Clin Nutr 2004;
病人分组 国家 每个病人节省的费用
腹部外科手术住院病人1 荷兰 252欧元
社区营养不良老年病人2 法国 195欧元
26. COPD患者应用ONS可节省治疗费用
住院天数(天) 治疗费用(美元) 30天内再住院率
Thornton Snider J,et al.Effect of hospital use of oral nutritional supplementation on length of
stay, hospital cost, and 30-day readmissions among Medicare patients with COPD.Chest.2014
Oct 30.doi:10.1378/chest.14-1368.
#10: 住院患者营养不良会带来一系列的不良结局。研究表明:
住院跌倒: An Australian study included patients (n=49) who experienced a fall while admitted to a private Australian hospital. Patients who experienced falls while hospitalized had a high prevalence of malnutrition. 4
重症发病率和死亡率: . the UK, USA, Brazil and India的研究, 营养不良患者显示有更高的致命的并发症和死亡率.5-8
#23: 使用ONS作为营养干预,应用于营养不良或营养不良风险,可带来临床获益。以下是一些高质量的临床研究的总结:
降低压力性溃疡的发生率:.4项在 Switzerland, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands RCT研究. 与常规饮食的患者相比,给予OND或肠内管饲的患者发生压力性溃疡风险降低26%
握力提高. 在UK, Sweden, Germany的研究,与对照组相比,使用ONS组患者明显改善握力 (p=0.014).
改善生活质量:在Germany RTC研究.3个月的出院后营养干预, ,营养不良患者随机分为介绍营养咨询并给予ONS的患者在8项生活质量指标上得分均高,相比之下饮食指导组仅在3项生活质量指标上获得较高分数3higher on all 8 QOL scales, compared to improved score for only 3 scales with dietary counseling alone.3
降低死亡风险: Milne和同事对老年人营养研究进行Meta分析4,在营养不良老年人的分组分析中,给予口能量和蛋白质补充能够使死亡率风险降低20%
(RR 0.79; 95% CI 0.24 to 0.80; P = 0.007). 这些营养研究覆盖全球多个研究点。